
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The manipulation of interactions between light and matter plays a crucial role in the evolution of organisms and a better life for humans. As a result of natural selection, precise light-regulatory systems of biology have been engineered that provide many powerful and promising bioinspired strategies. As the \"king of disguise\", cephalopods, which can perfectly control the propagation of light and thus achieve excellent surrounding-matching via their delicate skin structure, have made themselves an exciting source of inspiration for developing optical and thermal regulation nanomaterials. This review presents cutting-edge advancements in cephalopod-inspired optical and thermal regulation nanomaterials, highlighting the key milestones and breakthroughs achieved thus far. We begin with the underlying mechanisms of the adaptive color-changing ability of cephalopods, as well as their special hierarchical skin structure. Then, different types of bioinspired nanomaterials and devices are comprehensively summarized. Furthermore, some advanced and emerging applications of these nanomaterials and devices, including camouflage, thermal management, pixelation, medical health, sensing and wireless communication, are addressed. Finally, some remaining but significant challenges and potential directions for future work are discussed. We anticipate that this comprehensive review will promote the further development of cephalopod-inspired nanomaterials for optical and thermal regulation and trigger ideas for bioinspired design of nanomaterials in multidisciplinary applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The eyes of squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish are a textbook example for evolutionary convergence, due to their striking similarity to those of vertebrates. For this reason, studies on cephalopod photoreception and vision are of importance for a broader audience. Previous studies showed that genes such as pax6, or certain opsin-encoding genes, are evolutionarily highly conserved and play similar roles during ontogenesis in remotely related bilaterians. In this study, genes that encode photosensitive proteins and Reflectins are identified and characterized. The expression patterns of rhodopsin, xenopsin, retinochrome, and two reflectin genes have been visualized in developing embryos of the pygmy squid Xipholeptos notoides by in situ hybridization experiments. Rhodopsin is not only expressed in the retina of X. notoides but also in the olfactory organ and the dorsal parolfactory vesicles, the latter a cephalopod apomorphy. Both reflectin genes are expressed in the eyes and in the olfactory organ. These findings corroborate previous studies that found opsin genes in the transcriptomes of the eyes and several extraocular tissues of various cephalopods. Expression of rhodopsin, xenopsin, retinochrome, and the two reflectin genes in the olfactory organ is a finding that has not been described so far. In other organisms, it has been shown that Retinochrome and Rhodopsin proteins are obligatorily associated with each other as both molecules rely on each other for Retinal isomerisation. In addition, we demonstrate that retinochrome is expressed in the retina of X. notoides and in the olfactory organ. This study shows numerous new expression patterns for Opsin-encoding genes in organs that have not been associated with photoreception before, suggesting that either Opsins may not only be involved in photoreception or organs such as the olfactory organ are involved in photoreception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cephalopod eye lens is unique because it has evolved as a compound structure with two physiologically distinct segments. However, the detailed ultrastructure of this lens and precise optical role of each segment are far from clear. To help elucidate structure-function relationships in the cephalopod lens, we conducted multiple structural investigations on squid. Synchrotron x-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy disclose that an extensive network of structural features that resemble cell membrane complexes form a substantial component of both anterior and posterior lens segments. Optically, the segments are distinct, however, and Talbot interferometry indicates that the posterior segment possesses a noticeably higher refractive index gradient. We propose that the hitherto unrecognised network of membrane structures in the cephalopod lens has evolved to act as an essential conduit for the internal passage of ions and other metabolic agents through what is otherwise a highly dense structure owing to a very high protein concentration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Squid species, as a burgeoning global food source, has garnered significant concerns due to expanding fisheries and little regulation. Elucidating the dynamics of squid fisheries and their biophysical coupling mechanisms is crucial for predicting spatiotemporal variations in squid fisheries and their sustainable management. Mesoscale eddies are discrete rotating oceanographic features that dominate local environmental variations and have been shown to modulate top predators. However, given controls of both predators and environmental factors, it remains unknown how eddies impact mid-trophic level species such as squids. Using satellite-based global squid fishery datasets, we showed an inverse latitudinal pattern of eddy-induced squid fisheries, where fishing activities are aggregated in (repelled from) cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddy cores in tropical waters and anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddy cores in temperate waters, and this pattern can be significantly enhanced with increasing eddy amplitude. Regarding solely the satellite-based global squid fisheries, eddy-induced environmental variations may generate a trade-off between food intake and energy expenditure, causing these oceanic squids to prefer cool cyclonic eddies in hot but food-limited waters, and warm anticyclonic eddies in nutritious but heat-limited waters. Given that eddy activity is projected to continuously enhance under global warming, our finding of eddy-driven bottom-up control for squid fisheries highlights an increasingly important hotspot for squid stock predictions and ecosystem-based ocean management in a changing climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global climate change profoundly impacts the East China Sea ecosystem and poses a major challenge to fishery management in this region. In addition, closely related species with low catches are often not distinguished in fishery production and relevant data are commonly merged in statistics and fishing logbooks, making it challenging to accurately predict their habitat distribution range. Here, merged fisheries-independent data of the closely related squid Loliolus beka (Sasaki, 1929) and Loliolus uyii (Wakiya and Ishikawa, 1921) were used to explore the construction and prediction performance of species distribution models. Data in 2018 to 2019 from the southern Yellow and East China Seas were used to identify the seasonal-spatial distribution characteristics of both species, revealing a boundary line at 29.00° N for L. uyii during the autumn, with the highest average individual weight occurring during the summer, with both larvae and juveniles occurring during the autumn. Thus, the life history of L. uyii can be divided into winter-spring nursery and summer-autumn spawning periods. L. beka showed a preference for inshore areas (15-60 m) during the summer and offshore areas (32.00-78.00 m) during the winter. High-value areas of both species included inshore areas of the southern Yellow and mid-East China Seas during the autumn, enlarging during the spring to include central areas of the survey region, before significantly decreasing during the summer. Therefore, this study provides both a novel perspective for modeling biological habitat distribution with limited data and a scientific basis for the adjustment of fishery resource management and conservation measures in the context of climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On 1 January 2013, research using cephalopod molluscs, from hatchlings to adults, became regulated within Directive 2010/63/EU. There are significant difficulties in captive breeding in the great majority of currently utilised species. Thus, scientific research relies upon the use of wild-caught animals. Furthermore, live cephalopods are shared and transported between different stakeholders and laboratories across Europe and other continents. Despite existing European and national legislation, codes, guidelines and reports from independent organisations, a set of recommendations specifically addressing the requirements for the capture and transport of animals belonging to this taxon are missing. In addition, although training and development of competence for all people involved in the supply chain are essential and aim to ensure that animals do not suffer from pain, distress or lasting harm, the requirements for those capturing and transporting wild cephalopods have not been considered. This Working Group reviewed the current literature to recognise scientific evidence and the best practice, and compiled a set of recommendations to provide guidance on the \'techniques\' to be used for the capture and transport of live cephalopods for their use in scientific procedures. In addition, we propose to (a) develop standardised approaches able to assess recommended methods and objectively quantify the impact of these processes on animals\' health, welfare and stress response, and (b) design a training programme for people attaining the necessary competence for capture and transportation of live cephalopods, as required by Directive 2010/63/EU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Assessing the historical dynamics of key food web components is crucial to understand how climate change impacts the structure of Arctic marine ecosystems. Most retrospective stable isotopic studies to date assessed potential ecosystem shifts in the Arctic using vertebrate top predators and filter-feeding invertebrates as proxies. However, due to long life histories and specific ecologies, ecosystem shifts are not always detectable when using these taxa. Moreover, there are currently no retrospective stable isotopic studies on various other ecological and taxonomic groups of Arctic biota. To test whether climate-driven shifts in marine ecosystems are reflected in the ecology of short-living mesopredators, ontogenetic changes in stable isotope signatures in chitinous hard body structures were analysed in two abundant squids (Gonatus fabricii and Todarodes sagittatus) from the low latitude Arctic and adjacent waters, collected between 1844 and 2023.
    RESULTS: We detected a temporal increase in diet and habitat-use generalism (= opportunistic choice rather than specialization), trophic position and niche width in G. fabricii from the low latitude Arctic waters. These shifts in trophic ecology matched with the Atlantification of the Arctic ecosystems, which includes increased generalization of food webs and higher primary production, and the influx of boreal species from the North Atlantic as a result of climate change. The Atlantification is especially marked since the late 1990s/early 2000s. The temporal patterns we found in G. fabricii\'s trophic ecology were largely unreported in previous Arctic retrospective isotopic ecology studies. Accordingly, T. sagittatus that occur nowadays in the high latitude North Atlantic have a more generalist diet than in the XIXth century.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that abundant opportunistic mesopredators with short life cycles (such as squids) are good candidates for retrospective ecology studies in the marine ecosystems, and to identify ecosystem shifts driven by climate change. Enhanced generalization of Arctic food webs is reflected in increased diet generalism and niche width in squids, while increased abundance of boreal piscivorous fishes is reflected in squids\' increased trophic position. These findings support opportunism and adaptability in squids, which renders them as potential winners of short-term shifts in Arctic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Palaeontologists have long sought to explain the diversification of individual clades to whole biotas at global scales. Advances in our understanding of the spatial distribution of the fossil record through geological time, however, has demonstrated that global trends in biodiversity were a mosaic of regionally heterogeneous diversification processes. Drivers of diversification must presumably have also displayed regional variation to produce the spatial disparities observed in past taxonomic richness. Here, we analyse the fossil record of ammonoids, pelagic shelled cephalopods, through the Late Cretaceous, characterised by some palaeontologists as an interval of biotic decline prior to their total extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. We regionally subdivide this record to eliminate the impacts of spatial sampling biases and infer regional origination and extinction rates corrected for temporal sampling biases using Bayesian methods. We then model these rates using biotic and abiotic drivers commonly inferred to influence diversification. Ammonoid diversification dynamics and responses to this common set of diversity drivers were regionally heterogeneous, do not support ecological decline, and demonstrate that their global diversification signal is influenced by spatial disparities in sampling effort. These results call into question the feasibility of seeking drivers of diversity at global scales in the fossil record.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used computer simulations of growth, mating and death of cephalopods and fishes to explore the effect of different life-history strategies on the relative prevalence of alternative male mating strategies. Specifically, we investigated the consequences of single or multiple matings per lifetime, mating strategy switching, cannibalism, resource stochasticity, and altruism towards relatives. We found that a combination of single (semelparous) matings, cannibalism and an absence of mating strategy changes in one lifetime led to a more strictly partitioned parameter space, with a reduced region where the two mating strategies co-exist in similar numbers. Explicitly including Hamilton\'s rule in simulations of the social system of a Cichlid led to an increase of dominant males, at the expense of both sneakers and dwarf males (\"super-sneakers\"). Our predictions provide general bounds on the viable ratios of alternative male mating strategies with different life-histories, and under possibly rapidly changing ecological situations.





