Central odontogenic fibroma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma (SOC) was first described by Koutlas et al. in 2008. Despite its inclusion in the World Health Organization (WHO) as a distinct entity, it is a tumour that remains poorly defined in the literature, with only 10 reported cases to date. The mandibular premolar and molar region is more commonly affected compared to the maxilla. In the maxilla, the anterior and the molar regions are most commonly affected. This article describes a case report of a Sclerosing Odontogenic Carcinoma in a 50 year old male patient in the mandibular region. The radiograph showed a well-defined radiolucency extending from the left ramus of the mandible to the right lower molar region. SOC is low grade with mild atypia and frequent mitosis and diffused infiltrative and perineural spread.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is a rarely benign tumor with an incidence of only 0.1% among all odontogenic tumors, which commonly involve the mandible.
    UNASSIGNED: A 9-year-old child reported with asymptomatic bony expansion of the mandible, showing an unilocular radiolucency on an orthopantomogram. The tumor was managed surgically by enucleation, and the surgical stent was placed, which was later modified as a removable functional space maintainer. The patient was followed up for 24 months with the complete healing of periapical radiolucency and the eruption of displaced permanent tooth to the proper position.
    UNASSIGNED: This case report discusses the importance of the dentist in assessing and diagnosing COF, especially in the pediatric age group.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The benign tumor central odontogenic fibroma (COF) accounts for less than 1% of all the existing odontogenic tumors. The mandibular or maxillary cortical plate is seen to show asymptotic diversification. It has been characterized as a benign jaw neoplasm. Radiographically, it primarily manifests as a multilocular radiolucency. Histologically, it comprises fibroblasts and mature collagen fibers. The popular choice for the management of COFs is enucleation, followed by the extraction of associated teeth. COFs have maintained a track record of showing rare chances of recurrence following surgery. COF was detected in a 38-year-old female who had edema in the lower right front tooth region. The lesion was surgically removed, and a histopathological examination was performed. Many case reports of COF have been stated in the literature. This indicates that cases of COF are not a rare appearance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overlapping clinicopathological features of non-calcifying Langerhans cell rich variant of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (NCLC-CEOT) and the amyloid rich variant of the central odontogenic fibroma (AR-COF) have been recognized recently. It is still under debate whether these two diseases are indeed one unique disease entity or belong to CEOT and COF, respectively. To clarify this issue, we have performed a literature review to compare the similarities and differences in clinicopathological features among NCLC-CEOT, AR-COF, classic CEOT, and classic COF. We aimed to investigate whether NCLC-CEOT and AR-COF might be the same and one distinctive disease entity, or a variant (or variants) of either CEOT or COF; or whether COF, NCLC-CEOT/AR-COF, and CEOT represented a histopathological spectrum of one disease. Our results indicate that NCLC-CEOT and AR-COF cases share many similar clinicopathological features. Thus, we suggest that they are the same disease entity. Due to nearly no reported recurrence of NCLC-CEOT/AR-COF cases, the conservative surgical treatment is appropriate. The NCLC-CEOT/AR-COF cases show some overlapping clinicopathological features with COF rather than the CEOT cases. However, differences in the clinicopathological features are still recognized among the NCLC-CEOT/AR-COF, COF, and CEOT cases. Future research, particularly molecular biological studies, may further elucidate their relationships and assist proper classification of the NCLC-CEOT/AR-COF cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glandular tumors of jaw bones present, most often, histopathologic features of salivary gland and, rarely, of cutaneous glandular neoplasms. They are thought to originate from odontogenic epithelium. An unusual maxillary tumor presenting as a radiolucency in the periapical area of the right permanent lateral incisor of a 74-year-old male is presented causing root resorption. Preparations revealed occasionally branching tubular cords and ductal structures characterized, mostly, by a bilayer composed of luminal cuboidal to low columnar cytokeratin (CK) 7, Ber-EP4 and occasionally CK8/18 positive cells, and abluminal, CK5/6 positive, basal/basaloid cells revealing nuclear reactivity for p63/p40. Smooth muscle actin and calponin were negative, save for a single focus of calponin positive cells, confirming absence of myoepithelial support or epithelial mesenchymal transition. CK19 exhibited staining of both layers, the luminal being more intense. Eosinophilic secretory material and, occasionally, a luminal pellicle were decorated with CK8/18 and polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). CD1a identified only rare Langerhans\' cells and Ki67 decorated 1-2% of abluminal cell nuclei. Small solid nests of epithelial cells were also present. Infrequently, an apparent transition of a nest into a tubular structure was appreciated. The partially inflamed stroma featured multiple hyalinized acellular deposits consistent with amyloid, as confirmed by bright orange Congo red reactivity with apple-green birefringence, which reacted with odontogenic ameloblast-associated (ODAM) protein antibody but not with antibodies for amelotin and secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein proline-glutamine rich 1. Based on the above, the diagnosis of tubuloductal/syringoid variant of central odontogenic fibroma with ODAM amyloid is favored.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central odontogenic fibroma is an uncommon, benign, slow-growing intraosseous mesenchymal odontogenic tumour. It presents a diagnostic dilemma to the clinician and the pathologist because its clinical and radiological features resemble other odontogenic and/or non-odontogenic tumours, and the differential diagnosis is based on histological examination. In this report, we describe our experience with a case of a 23-year-old female patient with central odontogenic fibroma of the mandible that was diagnosed as \'simple type\'. Highlighting a subtype that was dropped from the last World Health Organization classification of head and neck tumours is important to accumulate more information about this lesion and to show its different features. Despite its rarity, central odontogenic fibroma should be included in the differential diagnosis of intrabony tumours of the jaws. These findings can better educate oral and maxillofacial surgeons about the unusual nature of this lesion, help establish a correct diagnosis and give the appropriate therapeutic management.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central odontogenic fibroma is a rare benign odontogenic tumor that relies on clinical-radiographic-histological correlation to reach its diagnosis, especially its rare variants. Of these rare types is the coexistence of giant cell granuloma-like lesion, with the characteristic odontogenic epithelial rests. The presented case is a 33 years old female complaining of asymptomatic mandibular bony swelling. Radiographically, the lesion is unilocular radiolucent, without root resorption. Histological examination revealed the presence of multinucleated giant cells within the diagnosed central odontogenic fibroma. Immunohistochemical staining highlighted the presence of both components.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To integrate the available data published on central odontogenic fibroma (COF) into a comprehensive analysis of its clinical/radiologic/histological features.
    METHODS: An electronic search was undertaken in September 2017. Eligibility criteria included publications reporting cases of COF having enough clinical, radiological and histological information to confirm the diagnosis. Demographic data, lesion site and size, treatment approach, and recurrence were analysed. The cases included in the analysis presented follow-up time. Concerning recurrence analysis, tumour location, cortical bone perforation, lesion locularity, radiopacities, lesions associated with a tooth, tooth displacement, histological type and treatment used were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Eighty-three publications reporting 173 COFs were included. Lesions were slightly more prevalent in men than women (M: F - 1.13: 1); mean age was 31.6 years, with the highest prevalence in the second decade of life. Lesions were more prevalent in the posterior mandible. The difference in recurrence rate (when information about recurrence was provided) presented a statistically significant result for COF for location, cortical bone perforation and locularity of the lesion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our paper highlights that patients with COF who present a lesion located in the maxilla with multilocular aspects and cortical bone perforation tend to show a higher recurrence rate.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is a rare tumor of odontogenic origin with a diverse histopathology found in both the mandible and the maxilla. It can often be difficult to diagnose; therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the clinical, radiographic, and histopathological analyses of COF and co-relate them in a manner to make definitive diagnosis easier for the treating physician. Herein, we report and discuss the first known case of central odontogenic fibroma in Pakistan: a 16-year-old boy presenting as a hard bony painless swelling of the left mandibular region. It appeared as a large, well-defined unilocular radiolucency on the orthopantomogram, making it indistinguishable from other radiolucent tumors of the mandible. Histologically, the lesion consisted of nests of odontogenic epithelium in between the fibroblastic stroma, confirming a definitive diagnosis of COF. It was treated by conservative surgical excision followed by curettage and no postoperative complications were reported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is a rare, benign, slow-growing intraosseous odontogenic tumor, and accounts for 0.1% of all odontogenic tumors. It is often confused with other entities, such as keratocysts, ameloblastomas, and odontogenic myxomas. Complete enucleation followed by curettage is the treatment of choice for COF to ensure the lowest possible chance of recurrence.
    UNASSIGNED: We report the case of a young Caucasian woman with COF that went undiagnosed for several years despite repeated radiologic examinations. Finally, a massive tumor was surgically removed and the wound was curetted. The specimen was histologically confirmed to be a COF. The patient remains under regular follow-up, and thus far there have been no clinical or radiologic signs of recurrence.
    UNASSIGNED: This rare case of COF, which was documented over a period of 20 years, has helped us to describe the features of this tumor. It also confirms that adequate surgical treatment can lead to impressive bone regeneration in healthy individuals, as evident from the radiologic findings acquired before, during, and after enucleation of the COF in our patient. Our findings also confirm the view that COF has a favorable prognosis regardless of its final size.
    UNASSIGNED: Early diagnosis is key to successful treatment of COF. The slow but steady increase in the size of a COF with no accompanying symptoms has not been reported previously. To our knowledge, this is the only documented case of a COF that has been under continuous radiologic observation for over 20 years.






