Cellular quiescence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: The LEO1 (Left open reading frame 1) protein is a conserved subunit of the PAF1C complex (RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 complex). PAF1C has well-established mechanistic functions in elongation of transcription and RNA processing. We previously showed, in fission yeast, that LEO1 controls histone H3K9 methylation levels by affecting the turnover of histone H3 in chromatin, and that it is essential for the proper regulation of gene expression during cellular quiescence. Human fibroblasts enter a reversible quiescence state upon serum deprivation in the growth media. Here we investigate the function of LEO1 in human fibroblasts. (2) Methods: We knocked out the LEO1 gene using CRISPR/Cas9 methodology in human fibroblasts and verified that the LEO1 protein was undetectable by Western blot. We characterized the phenotype of the ΔLEO1 knockout cells with FACS analysis and cell growth assays. We used RNA-sequencing using spike-in controls to measure gene expression and spike-in controlled ChIP-sequencing experiments to measure the histone modification H3K9me2 genome-wide. (3) Results: Gene expression levels are altered in quiescent cells, however factors controlling chromatin and gene expression changes in quiescent human cells are largely unknown. The ΔLEO1 knockout fibroblasts are viable but have reduced metabolic activity compared to wild-type cells. ΔLEO1 cells showed a slower entry into quiescence and a different morphology compared to wild-type cells. Gene expression was generally reduced in quiescent wild-type cells. The downregulated genes included genes involved in cell proliferation. A small number of genes were upregulated in quiescent wild-type cells including several genes involved in ERK1/ERK2 and Wnt signaling. In quiescent ΔLEO1 cells, many genes were mis-regulated compared to wild-type cells. This included genes involved in Calcium ion transport and cell morphogenesis. Finally, spike-in controlled ChIP-sequencing experiments demonstrated that the histone modification H3K9me2 levels are globally increased in quiescent ΔLEO1 cells. (4) Conclusions: Thus, LEO1 is important for proper entry into cellular quiescence, control of H3K9me2 levels, and gene expression in human fibroblasts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular quiescence is an important physiological state both in unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Quiescent cells are halted for proliferation and stop the cell cycle at the G0 stage. Using fission yeast as a model organism, we have previously found that several subunits of a conserved chromatin remodeling complex, Ino80C (INOsitol requiring nucleosome remodeling factor), are required for survival in quiescence. Here, we demonstrate that Ino80C has a key function in the regulation of gene expression in G0 cells. We show that null mutants for two Ino80C subunits, Iec1 and Ies2, a putative subunit Arp42, a null mutant for the histone variant H2A.Z, and a null mutant for the Inositol kinase Asp1 have very similar phenotypes in quiescence. These mutants show reduced transcription genome-wide and specifically fail to activate 149 quiescence genes, of which many are localized to the subtelomeric regions. Using spike in normalized ChIP-seq experiments, we show that there is a global reduction of H2A.Z levels in quiescent wild-type cells but not in iec1∆ cells and that a subtelomeric chromosome boundary element is strongly affected by Ino80C. Based on these observations, we propose a model in which Ino80C is evicting H2A.Z from chromatin in quiescent cells, thereby inactivating the subtelomeric boundary element, leading to a reorganization of the chromosome structure and activation of genes required to survive in quiescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutrient availability governs growth and quiescence, and many animals arrest development when starved. Using C. elegans L1 arrest as a model, we show that gene expression changes deep into starvation. Surprisingly, relative expression of germline-enriched genes increases for days. We conditionally degrade the large subunit of RNA polymerase II using the auxin-inducible degron system and analyze absolute expression levels. We find that somatic transcription is required for survival, but the germline maintains transcriptional quiescence. Thousands of genes are continuously transcribed in the soma, though their absolute abundance declines, such that relative expression of germline transcripts increases given extreme transcript stability. Aberrantly activating transcription in starved germ cells compromises reproduction, demonstrating important physiological function of transcriptional quiescence. This work reveals alternative somatic and germline gene-regulatory strategies during starvation, with the soma maintaining a robust transcriptional response to support survival and the germline maintaining transcriptional quiescence to support future reproductive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quiescent cancer cells are rare nondiving cells with the unique ability to evade chemotherapies and resume cell division after treatment. Despite the associated risk of cancer recurrence, how cells can reversibly switch between rapid proliferation and quiescence remains a long-standing open question. By developing a unique methodology for the cell sorting-free separation of metabolic profiles in cell subpopulations in vitro, we unraveled metabolic characteristics of quiescent cells that are largely invariant to basal differences in cell types and quiescence-inducing stimuli. Consistent with our metabolome-based analysis, we show that impairing mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation (FAO) can induce apoptosis in quiescence-induced cells and hamper their return to proliferation. Our findings suggest that in addition to mediating energy and redox balance, FAO can play a role in preventing the buildup of toxic intermediates during transitioning to quiescence. Uncovering metabolic strategies to enter, maintain, and exit quiescence can reveal fundamental principles in cell plasticity and new potential therapeutic targets beyond cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a hypothesis of a mechanism linking cellular aging to cellular quiescence in chronologically aging budding yeast. Our hypothesis posits that this mechanism integrates four different processes, all of which are initiated after yeast cells cultured in a medium initially containing glucose consume it. Quiescent cells that develop in these cultures can be separated into the high- and low-density sub-populations of different buoyant densities. Process 1 of the proposed mechanism consists of a cell-cycle arrest in the G1 phase and leads to the formation of high-density quiescent cells. Process 2 results in converting high-density quiescent cells into low-density quiescent cells. Processes 3 and 4 cause a fast or slow decline in the quiescence of low- or high-density quiescent cells, respectively. Here, we tested our hypothesis by assessing how four different geroprotectors influence the four processes that could link cellular aging to cellular quiescence. We found that these geroprotectors differently affect processes 1 and 2 and decelerate processes 3 and 4. We also found that a rise in trehalose within quiescent yeast contributes to chronological aging and quiescence maintenance. These data collectively provide conclusive evidence for a mechanistic link between cellular aging and cellular quiescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cancer, dormancy refers to a clinical state in which microscopic residual disease becomes non-proliferative and is largely refractory to chemotherapy. Dormancy was first described in breast cancer where disease can remain undetected for decades, ultimately leading to relapse and clinical presentation of the original malignancy. A long latency period can be explained by withdrawal from cell proliferation (cellular dormancy), or a balance between proliferation and cell death that retains low levels of residual disease (tumor mass dormancy). Research into cellular dormancy has revealed features that define this state. They include arrest of cell proliferation, altered cellular metabolism, and unique cell dependencies and interactions with the microenvironment. These characteristics can be shared by dormant cells derived from disparate primary disease sites, suggesting common features exist between them.High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) disseminates to locations throughout the abdominal cavity by means of cellular aggregates called spheroids. These growth-arrested and therapy-resistant cells are a strong contributor to disease relapse. In this review, we discuss the similarities and differences between ovarian cancer cells in spheroids and dormant properties reported for other cancer disease sites. This reveals that elements of dormancy, such as cell cycle control mechanisms and changes to metabolism, may be similar across most forms of cellular dormancy. However, HGSOC-specific aspects of spheroid biology, including the extracellular matrix organization and microenvironment, are obligatorily disease site specific. Collectively, our critical review of current literature highlights places where HGSOC cell dormancy may offer a more tractable experimental approach to understand broad principles of cellular dormancy in cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The balance between cell quiescence and proliferation is fundamental to tissue physiology and homeostasis. Recent studies have shown that quiescence is not a passive and homogeneous state but actively maintained and heterogeneous. These cellular characteristics associated with quiescence were observed primarily in cultured cells under a static medium. However, cells in vivo face different microenvironmental conditions, particularly, under interstitial fluid flows distributed through extracellular matrices. Interstitial fluid flow exerts shear stress on cells and matrix strain, and results in continuous replacement of extracellular factors. In this study, we analyzed individual cells under varying fluid flow rates in microfluidic devices. We found quiescence characteristics previously identified under conventional static medium, including serum signal-dependant quiescence entry and exit and time-dependant quiescence deepening, are also present under continuous fluid flow. Furthermore, increasing the flow rate drives cells to shallower quiescence and become more likely to reenter the cell cycle upon growth stimulation. This effect is due to flow-induced physical and biochemical cues. Specifically, increasing shear stress or extracellular factor replacement individually, without altering other parameters, results in shallow quiescence. We show our experimental results can be quantitatively explained by a mathematical model connecting extracellular fluid flow to an Rb-E2f bistable switch that regulates the quiescence-to-proliferation transition. Our findings uncover a previously unappreciated mechanism that likely underlies the heterogeneous responses of quiescent cells for tissue repair and regeneration in different physiological tissue microenvironments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the main methods to generate the HIV reservoir is during the transition of infected activated effector CD4 T cells to a memory phenotype. The QUECEL (Quiescent Effector Cell Latency) protocol mimics this process efficiently and allows for production of large numbers of latently infected CD4+ T cells. After polarization and expansion, CD4+ T cells are infected with a single round reporter virus which expressed GFP/CD8a. The infected cells are purified and coerced into quiescence using a defined cocktail of cytokines including TGF-β, IL-10, and IL-8, producing a homogeneous population of latently infected cells. Since homogeneous populations of latently infected cells can be recovered, the QUECEL model has an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, and has been extremely consistent and reproducible in numerous experiments performed during the last 5 years. The ease, efficiency, and accurate mimicking of physiological conditions make the QUECEL model a robust and reproducible tool to study the molecular mechanisms underlying HIV latency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After budding yeast cells cultured in a nutrient-rich liquid medium with 0.2% glucose (under caloric restriction conditions) or 2% glucose (under non-caloric restriction conditions), ferment glucose to ethanol and then consume ethanol, they enter the stationary phase. The process of their chronological aging begins. At that point, the yeast culture starts to accumulate quiescent and non-quiescent cells. Here, we purified the high- and low-density populations of quiescent and non-quiescent cells from the yeast cultures limited in calorie supply or not. We then employed mass spectrometry-based quantitative lipidomics to assess the aging-associated changes in high- and low-density cells\' lipidomes. We found that caloric restriction, a geroprotective dietary intervention, alters the concentrations of many lipid classes through most of the chronological lifespan of the high- and low-density populations of quiescent and non-quiescent cells. Specifically, caloric restriction decreased triacylglycerol, increased free fatty acid, elevated phospholipid and amplified cardiolipin concentrations. Based on these findings, we propose a hypothetical model for a caloric restriction-dependent reorganization of lipid metabolism in budding yeast\'s quiescent and non-quiescent cells. We also discovered that caloric restriction creates lipidomic patterns of these cells that differ from those established by two other robust geroprotectors, namely the tor1Δ mutation and lithocholic acid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During development, quiescent airway basal stem cells are derived from proliferative primordial progenitors through the cell-cycle slowdown. In contrast, basal cells contribute to adult tissue regeneration by shifting from slow cycling to proliferating and subsequently back to slow cycling. Although sustained proliferation results in tumorigenesis, the molecular mechanisms regulating these transitions remain unknown. Using temporal single-cell transcriptomics of developing murine airway progenitors and genetic validation experiments, we found that TGF-β signaling decelerated cell cycle by inhibiting Id2 and contributed to slow-cycling basal cell specification during development. In adult tissue regeneration, reduced TGF-β signaling restored Id2 expression and initiated regeneration. Id2 overexpression and Tgfbr2 knockout enhanced epithelial proliferation; however, persistent Id2 expression drove basal cell hyperplasia that resembled a precancerous state. Together, the TGF-β-Id2 axis commonly regulates the proliferation transitions in basal cells during development and regeneration, and its fine-tuning is critical for normal regeneration while avoiding basal cell hyperplasia.





