Cellular agriculture

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The demand for fish protein continues to increase and currently accounts for 17% of total animal protein consumption by humans. About 90% of marine fish stocks are fished at or above maximum sustainable levels, with aquaculture propagating as one of the fastest growing food sectors to address some of this demand. Cell-cultivated seafood production is an alternative approach to produce nutritionally-complete seafood products to meet the growing demand. This cellular aquaculture approach offers a sustainable, climate resilient and ethical biotechnological approach as an alternative to conventional fishing and fish farming. Additional benefits include reduced antibiotic use and the absence of mercury. Cell-cultivated seafood also provides options for the fortification of fish meat with healthier compositions, such as omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial nutrients through scaffold, media or cell approaches. This review addresses the biomaterials, production processes, tissue engineering approaches, processing, quality, safety, regulatory, and social aspects of cell-cultivated seafood, encompassing where we are today, as well as the road ahead. The goal is to provide a roadmap for the science and technology required to bring cellular aquaculture forward as a mainstream food source.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the current environmental impact of large-scale animal production and societal concerns about the welfare of farm animals, researchers are questioning whether we can cultivate animal cells for the purpose of food production. This review focuses on a pivotal aspect of the cellular agriculture domain: cells. We summarised information on the various cell types from farm animals currently used for the development of cultured meat, including mesenchymal stromal cells, myoblasts, and pluripotent stem cells. The review delves into the advantages and limitations of each cell type and considers factors like the selection of the appropriate cell source, as well as cell culture conditions that influence cell performance. As current research in cultured meat seeks to create muscle fibers to mimic the texture and nutritional profile of meat, we focused on the myogenic differentiation capacity of the cells. The most commonly used cell type for this purpose are myoblasts or satellite cells, but given their limited proliferation capacity, efforts are underway to formulate myogenic differentiation protocols for mesenchymal stromal cells and pluripotent stem cells. The multipotent character of the latter cell types might enable the creation of other tissues found in meat, such as adipose and connective tissues. This review can help guiding the selection of a cell type or culture conditions in the context of cultured meat development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular agriculture, an emerging technology, aims to produce animal-based products such as meat through scalable tissue culture methods. Traditional techniques rely on chemically undefined media using fetal bovine serum (FBS) or chemically defined media utilizing specific growth factors. To be a viable alternative to conventional meat production, cellular agriculture requires cost-effective materials with established supply chains for growth media. Here, we investigate hydrolysates from Kikuyu grass, Alfalfa grass, and cattle rearing pellets. We identified conditions that promote C2C12 myoblast cell growth in media containing 0.1% and 0% serum. These effects are more pronounced in combination with existing growth promoters such as insulin, transferrin, and selenium. Overall, the rearing pellet hydrolysates were most effective in promoting growth particularly when in combination with the growth promoters. Our findings suggest that leveraging these materials, along with known growth factors, can facilitate the development of improved, scalable, and commercially viable media for cellular agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular agriculture, an alternative and innovative approach to sustainable food production, has gained momentum in recent years. However, there is limited research into the production of cultivated seafood. Here, we investigated the ability of fish mackerel cells (Scomber scombrus) to adhere to plant, algal and fungal-based biomaterial scaffolds, aiming to optimize the cultivation of fish cells for use in cellular agriculture. A mackerel cell line was utilized, and metabolic assays and confocal imaging were utilized to track cell adhesion, growth, and differentiation on the different biomaterials. The mackerel cells adhered and grew on gelatin (positive control), zein, and soy proteins, as well as on alginate, chitosan, and cellulose polysaccharides. The highest adhesion and growth were on the zein and chitosan substrates, apart from the gelatin control. These findings provide a blueprint to enhance scaffold selection and design, contributing to the broader field of cellular agriculture through the development of scalable and eco-conscious solutions for meeting the growing global demand for seafood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vast majority of the food we eat comes from land-based agriculture, but recent technological advances in agriculture and food technology offer the prospect of producing food using substantially less or even virtually no land. For example, indoor vertical farming can achieve very high yields of certain crops with a very small area footprint, and some foods can be synthesized from inorganic precursors in industrial facilities. Animal-based foods require substantial land per unit of protein or per calorie and switching to alternatives could reduce demand for some types of agricultural land. Plant-based meat substitutes and those produced through fermentation are widely available and becoming more sophisticated while in the future cellular agricultural may become technically and economical viable at scale. We review the state of play of these potentially disruptive technologies and explore how they may interact with other factors, both endogenous and exogenous to the food system, to affect future demand for land.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultured meat is one of the research areas currently in the spotlight in the agricultural and livestock industry, and refers to cells obtained from livestock that are proliferated and differentiated and processed into edible meat. These cell-cultured meats are mainly studied at the lab-scale by culturing them in flasks, and for commercial use, they are produced using scaffolds that mimic cell supports. Scaffolds are broadly divided into fiber scaffolds, hydrogels, and micro-carrier beads, and these are classified according to processing methods and materials. In particular, a scaffold is essential for mass production, which allows it to have appearance, texture, and flavor characteristics similar to meat. Because cultured meat is cultured in a state where oxygen is blocked, it may be lighter in color or produce less flavor substances than edible meat, but these can be compensated for by adding natural substances to the scaffolds or improving fat adhesion. In addition, it has the advantage of being able to express the texture characteristics of the scaffolds that make up the meat in various ways depending on the materials and manufacturing methods of the scaffolds. As a result, to increase consumers\' preference for cultured meat and its similarity to edible meat, it is believed that manufacturing scaffolds taking into account the characteristics of edible meat will serve as an important factor. Therefore, continued research and interest in scaffolds is believed to be necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the structure of factors that influence consumer intentions to both try and to consume cultured proteins, and their intentions to substitute vegan, vegetarian and omnivore diets with these alternative protein sources. Comprehensive survey data (N = 3862) was collected from three Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, and Norway) and analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. Theoretically, this article draws from behavioural models of environmental psychology, identity theory, and attitude theory. Results indicate that beliefs about the necessity of an industry producing cultured proteins and impacts of cultured proteins on the global economy are significant predictors of consumer intentions. Moreover, participants who exhibited high levels of general and food innovativeness were more likely to express positive intentions to consume cultured proteins. Social norms influenced consumer intentions: Individuals surrounded by positive attitudes and intentions toward cultured proteins within their social networks were more inclined to want to consume these products. The predictor variables in the final model accounted for between 39% and 66% of the variance in the different cultured proteins related intentions. Understanding consumer intentions better can inform targeted communication strategies aimed at promoting the advantages of cultured proteins and facilitating its adoption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our agri-food system today should provide enough healthy food of good quality for the growing human population. However, it should also preserve natural resources and better protect livestock. In this context, some FoodTech companies are developing a disruptive approach: cell culture for in vitro food production of \"meat\" but this technology is still at the research and development stage. This article will highlight its development, the technologies used and the stakeholders involved (Part 1), its potential environmental impacts (Part 2) but also regulatory, social and ethical issues (Part 3). This article aims to shed light throughout the manuscript on two major controversies related to \"cultured meat\". The first controversy is related to its ethical aspects, which includes different points: its potential to reduce animal suffering and therefore to improve animal welfare, the future values of our society, and a trend towards food artificialisation. The second controversy includes environmental, health and nutritional issues, in relation to the characteristics and quality of \"cultured meat\" with an important question: should we call it meat? These two controversies act in interaction in association with related societal, legal and consequently political issues. Answers to the various questions depend on the different visions of the World by stakeholders, consumers and citizens. Some of them argue for a moderate or a strong reduction in livestock farming, or even the abolition of livestock farming perceived as an exploitation of farm animals. Others just want a reduction of the current much criticised intensive/industrial model. Compared with other potential sustainable solutions to be implemented such as reduction of food losses and waste, new food consumption habits with less proteins of animal sources, sustainable intensification, development of agroecological livestock production, or the development of the market for other meat substitutes (proteins from plants, mycoproteins, algae, insects, etc.), \"cultured meat\" has an uncertain future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultivated meat (CM) has transitioned from a futuristic concept to a present reality, with select products approved for consumption and sale in Singapore, Israel, and the USA. This evolution has emphasized scalable, cost-effective, and sustainable production, as well as navigation of regulatory pathways. As CM develops, a crucial challenge lies in delivering products that are highly appealing to consumers. Central to this will be refining CM palatability, a term encompassing food\'s taste, aroma, texture, tenderness, juiciness, and color. We explore the scientific and engineering approaches to producing palatable CM, including cell-line selection, cell differentiation, and post-processing techniques. This includes a discussion of the structural and compositional properties of meat that are intrinsically coupled to palatability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) typically consume less than the recommended daily amount of protein. Alternative protein (AP) sources could help combat malnutrition, but this requires careful consideration of elements needed to further establish AP products in LMIC. Key considerations include technological, nutritional, safety, social, and economic challenges. This perspective analyzes these considerations in achieving dietary diversity in LMIC, using a combination of traditional and novel protein sources with high nutritional value, namely, soy, mycoprotein, and cultivated meat. Technological approaches to modulate the technofunctionality and bitter off-tastes of plant-sourced proteins facilitate processing and ensure consumer acceptance. Economic considerations for inputs, infrastructure for production, and transportation represent key elements to scale up AP. Dietary diversification is indispensable and LMIC cannot rely on plant proteins alone to provide adequate protein intake sustainably. Investments in infrastructure and innovation are urgently needed to offer diverse sources of protein in LMIC.





