Cell–Cell communication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in single-cell transcriptomics provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore complex biological processes. However, computational methods for analyzing single-cell transcriptomics still have room for improvement especially in dimension reduction, cell clustering, and cell-cell communication inference. Herein, we propose a versatile method, named DcjComm, for comprehensive analysis of single-cell transcriptomics. DcjComm detects functional modules to explore expression patterns and performs dimension reduction and clustering to discover cellular identities by the non-negative matrix factorization-based joint learning model. DcjComm then infers cell-cell communication by integrating ligand-receptor pairs, transcription factors, and target genes. DcjComm demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Monocyte recruitment in the lamina propria and inflammatory phenotype driven by the mucosal microenvironment is critical for the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. However, the stimuli responsible remain largely unknown. Recent works have focused on stromal cells, the main steady-state cellular component in tissue, as they produce pro-inflammatory chemokines that contribute to the treatment-resistant nature of IBD.
    METHODS: We studied the regulation of these processes by examining the communication patterns between stromal and myeloid cells in ileal Crohn\'s disease (CD) using a complete single-cell whole tissue sequencing analysis pipeline and in vitro experimentation in mesenchymal cells.
    RESULTS: We report expansion of S4 stromal cells and monocyte-like inflammatory macrophages in the inflamed mucosa and describe interactions that may establish sustained local inflammation. These include expression of CCL2 by S1 fibroblasts to recruit and retain monocytes and macrophages in the mucosa, where they receive signals for proliferation, survival, and differentiation to inflammatory macrophages from S4 stromal cells through molecules such as MIF, IFNγ, and FN1. The overexpression of CCL2 in ileal CD and its stromal origin was further demonstrated in vitro by cultured mesenchymal cells and intestinal organoids in the context of an inflammatory milieu.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings outline an extensive cross-talk between stromal and myeloid cells, which may contribute to the onset and progression of inflammation in ileal Crohn\'s disease. Understanding the mechanisms underlying monocyte recruitment and polarization, as well as the role of stromal cells in sustaining inflammation, can provide new avenues for developing targeted therapies to treat IBD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To investigate the impact of the tumor microenvironment (TME) on the responsiveness to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer (OV).
    METHODS: We integrated single cell RNA-seq datasets of OV containing chemo-response information, and characterize their clusters based on different TME sections. We focus on analyzing cell-cell communication to elaborate on the mechanisms by which different components of the TME directly influence the chemo-response of tumor cells.
    RESULTS: scRNA-seq datasets were annotated according to specific markers for different cell types. Differential analysis of malignant epithelial cells revealed that chemoresistance was associated with the TME. Notably, distinct TME components exhibited varying effects on chemoresistance. Enriched SPP1+ tumor-associated macrophages in chemo-resistant patients could promote chemoresistance through SPP1 binding to CD44 on tumor cells. Additionally, the overexpression of THBS2 in stromal cells could promote chemoresistance through binding with CD47 on tumor cells. In contrast, GZMA in the lymphocytes could downregulate the expression of PARD3 through direct interaction with PARD3, thereby attenuating chemoresistance in tumor cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that the non-tumor cell components of the TME (e.g. SPP1+ TAMs, stromal cells and lymphocytes) can directly impact the chemo-response of OV and targeting the TME was potentially crucial in chemotherapy of OV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibroblast heterogeneity remains undefined in eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), an allergic inflammatory disorder complicated by fibrosis. We utilized publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data (GSE201153) of EoE esophageal biopsies to identify fibroblast sub-populations, related transcriptomes, disease status-specific pathways and cell-cell interactions. IL13-treated fibroblast cultures were used to model active disease. At least 2 fibroblast populations were identified, F_A and F_B. Several genes including ACTA2 were more enriched in F_A. F_B percentage was greater than F_A and epithelial-mesenchymal transition upregulated in F_B vs. F_A in active and remission EoE. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition was also upregulated in F_B in active vs. remission EoE and TNF-α signaling via NFKB was downregulated in F_A. IL-13 treatment upregulated ECM-related genes more profoundly in ACTA2- fibroblasts than ACTA2+ myofibroblasts. After proliferating epithelial cells, F_B and F_A contributed most to cell-cell communication networks. ECM-Receptor interaction strength was stronger than secreted or cell-cell contact signaling in active vs. remission EoE and significant ligand-receptor pairs were driven mostly by F_B. This unbiased analysis identifies at least 2 fibroblast sub-populations in EoE in vivo, distinguished in part by ACTA2. Fibroblasts play a critical role in cell-cell interactions in EoE, most profoundly via ECM-receptor signaling via the F_B sub-group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the catalytic breakdown of nutrients to signaling, interactions between metabolites and proteins play an essential role in cellular function. An important case is cell-cell communication, where metabolites, secreted into the microenvironment, initiate signaling cascades by binding to intra- or extracellular receptors of neighboring cells. Protein-protein cell-cell communication interactions are routinely predicted from transcriptomic data. However, inferring metabolite-mediated intercellular signaling remains challenging, partially due to the limited size of intercellular prior knowledge resources focused on metabolites. Here, we leverage knowledge-graph infrastructure to integrate generalistic metabolite-protein with curated metabolite-receptor resources to create MetalinksDB. MetalinksDB is an order of magnitude larger than existing metabolite-receptor resources and can be tailored to specific biological contexts, such as diseases, pathways, or tissue/cellular locations. We demonstrate MetalinksDB\'s utility in identifying deregulated processes in renal cancer using multi-omics bulk data. Furthermore, we infer metabolite-driven intercellular signaling in acute kidney injury using spatial transcriptomics data. MetalinksDB is a comprehensive and customizable database of intercellular metabolite-protein interactions, accessible via a web interface (https://metalinks.omnipathdb.org/) and programmatically as a knowledge graph (https://github.com/biocypher/metalinks). We anticipate that by enabling diverse analyses tailored to specific biological contexts, MetalinksDB will facilitate the discovery of disease-relevant metabolite-mediated intercellular signaling processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multicellular cyanobacteria, like Nostoc punctiforme, rely on septal junctions for cell-cell communication, which is crucial for coordinating various physiological processes including differentiation of N2-fixing heterocysts, spore-like akinetes, and hormogonia-short, motile filaments important for dispersal. In this study, we functionally characterize a protein, encoded by gene Npun_F4142, which in a random mutagenesis approach, initially showed a motility-related function. The reconstructed Npun_F4142 knockout mutant exhibits further distinct phenotypic traits, including altered hormogonia formation with significant reduced motility, inability to differentiate heterocysts and filament fragmentation. For that reason, we named the protein FraI (fragmentation phenotype). The mutant displays severely impaired cell-cell communication, due to almost complete absence of the nanopore array in the septal cell wall, which is an essential part of the septal junctions. Despite lack of communication, hormogonia in the ΔfraI mutant maintain motility and phototactic behavior, even though less pronounced than the wild type (WT). This suggests an alternative mechanism for coordinated movement beyond septal junctions. Our study underscores the significance of FraI in nanopore formation and cell differentiation, and provides additional evidence for the importance of septal junction formation and communication in various differentiation traits of cyanobacteria. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory networks governing multicellular cyanobacterial behavior, with implications for broader insights into microbial multicellularity.
    OBJECTIVE: The filament-forming cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme serves as a valuable model for studying cell differentiation, including the formation of nitrogen-fixing heterocysts and hormogonia. Hormogonia filaments play a crucial role in dispersal and plant colonization, providing a nitrogen source through atmospheric nitrogen fixation, thus holding promise for fertilizer-free agriculture. The coordination among the hormogonia cells enabling uniform movement toward the positive signal remains poorly understood. This study investigates the role of septal junction-mediated communication in hormogonia differentiation and motility, by studying a ΔfraI mutant with significantly impaired communication. Surprisingly, impaired communication does not abolish synchronized filament movement, suggesting an alternative coordination mechanism. These findings deepen our understanding of cyanobacterial biology and have broader implications for multicellular behavior in prokaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disruptions in energy homeostasis can lead to diseases like obesity and diabetes, affecting millions of people each year. Tanycytes, the adult stem cells in the hypothalamus, play crucial roles in assisting hypothalamic neurons in maintaining energy balance. Although tanycytes have been extensively studied in rodents, our understanding of human tanycytes remains limited. In this study, we utilized single-cell transcriptomics data to explore the heterogeneity of human embryonic tanycytes, investigate their gene regulatory networks, analyze their intercellular communication, and examine their developmental trajectory. Our analysis revealed the presence of two clusters of β tanycytes and three clusters of α tanycytes in our dataset. Surprisingly, human embryonic tanycytes displayed significant similarities to mouse tanycytes in terms of marker gene expression and transcription factor activities. Trajectory analysis indicated that α tanycytes were the first to be generated, giving rise to β tanycytes in a dorsal-ventral direction along the third ventricle. Furthermore, our CellChat analyses demonstrated that tanycytes generated earlier along the developmental lineages exhibited increased intercellular communication compared to those generated later. In summary, we have thoroughly characterized the heterogeneity of human embryonic tanycytes from various angles. We are confident that our findings will serve as a foundation for future research on human tanycytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant leaves consist of three layers, including epidermis, mesophyll and vascular tissues. Their development is meticulously orchestrated. Stomata are the specified structures on the epidermis for uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) while release of water vapour and oxygen (O2), and thus play essential roles in regulation of plant photosynthesis and water use efficiency. To function efficiently, stomatal formation must coordinate with the development of other epidermal cell types, such as pavement cell and trichome, and tissues of other layers, such as mesophyll and leaf vein. This review summarizes the regulation of stomatal development in three dimensions (3D). In the epidermis, specific stomatal transcription factors determine cell fate transitions and also activate a ligand-receptor- MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE (MAPK) signaling for ensuring proper stomatal density and patterning. This forms the core regulation network of stomatal development, which integrates various environmental cues and phytohormone signals to modulate stomatal production. Under the epidermis, mesophyll, endodermis of hypocotyl and inflorescence stem, and veins in grasses secrete mobile signals to influence stomatal formation in the epidermis. In addition, long-distance signals which may include phytohormones, RNAs, peptides and proteins originated from other plant organs modulate stomatal development, enabling plants to systematically adapt to the ever changing environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some infectious agents have the potential to cause specific modifications in the cellular microenvironment that could be propitious to the carcinogenesis process. Currently, there are specific viruses and bacteria, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and Helicobacter pylori, that are well established as risk factors for neoplasia. Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections are one of the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infections worldwide, and recent European data confirmed a continuous rise across Europe. The infection is often asymptomatic in both sexes, requiring a screening program for early detection. Notwithstanding, not all countries in Europe have it. Chlamydia trachomatis can cause chronic and persistent infections, resulting in inflammation, and there are plausible biological mechanisms that link the genital infection with tumorigenesis. Herein, we aimed to understand the epidemiological and biological plausibility of CT genital infections causing endometrial, ovarian, and cervical tumors. Also, we covered some of the best suitable in vitro techniques that could be used to study this potential association. In addition, we defend the point of view of a personalized medicine strategy to treat those patients through the discovery of some biomarkers that could allow it. This review supports the need for the development of further fundamental studies in this area, in order to investigate and establish the role of chlamydial genital infections in oncogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migrasomes, newly identified extracellular organelles produced by migrating cells, are observed widely across both in vivo and in vitro studies. These organelles, rich in signaling and bioactive molecules, are pivotal in a range of physiological functions. This opinion summarizes current understanding of migrasomes, highlighting their importance as a versatile mechanism for cell-cell communication. Furthermore, it examines their roles in health and disease and potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications, and addresses the emerging challenges and open questions in this developing field.





