
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a plethora of research attempting to contrast high- and low-velocity pitchers to identify traits to target for increasing velocity. However, pitch velocity exists on a continuum. Therefore, our purpose is to display the analytical discrepancies between creating velocity subgroups and leaving velocity as a continuous variable by examining the influence of ball velocity on elbow valgus torque. Motion capture data for 1315 actively competing pitchers were retrospectively extracted from a private database. We compared three analytic methods: (1) linear regression of valgus torque on ball velocity, (2) t-test between low- and high-velocity groups formed by a median split, and (3) t-test between very low- and very high-velocity groups formed by upper and lower velocity quartiles. Linear regression indicates ball velocity influenced valgus torque (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.280). Median splitting reduced the predictability of ball velocity on valgus torque (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.180). Conversely, extreme group splitting artificially inflated the effect size (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.347). We recommend sports biomechanics researchers not discretise a continuous variable to form subgroups for analysis because (1) it distorts the relationship between the variables of interest and (2) a regression equation can be used to estimate the dependent variable at any value of the independent variable, not just the group means.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People prefer prototypical stimuli over atypical stimuli. The dominant explanation for this prototype preference effect is that prototypical stimuli are processed more fluently. However, a more recent account proposes that prototypes are more strongly associated with their category\'s valence, leading to a reversed prototype preference effect for negative categories. One critical but untested assumption of this category-valence account is that no prototype preference should emerge for entirely neutral categories. We tested this prediction by conditioning categories of dot patterns positively, negatively, or neutrally. In line with previous findings on the category-valence account, prototype preference reversed for negatively conditioned categories. However, prototype preference was similarly strong for positive and neutral categories. These findings imply that prototype preferences do not only reflect a transfer of category valence to exemplars. Instead, the results suggest that prototype preference is a multi-process phenomenon arising from the activated category valence and a fluency-based process. We discuss further implications for theories on fluency and prototype preference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The temporal bisection procedure has been used to assess theories of time perception. A problem with the procedure for measuring the perceived midpoint of two durations is that the spacing of probe durations affects the length of the bisection point. Linear spacing results in longer bisection points closer to the arithmetic mean of the durations than logarithmic spacing. In three experiments, the influence of probe duration distribution was avoided by presenting a single probe duration of either the arithmetic or geometric mean of the trained durations. It was found that the number of participants that categorised the arithmetic mean as long was significantly larger than those that categorised it as short. The number of participants that categorised the geometric mean as either short or long did not significantly differ. This was true for trained durations of 0.4 s vs. 1.6 s (Experiments 1-3), 0.2 s vs. 3.2 s (Experiment 2) and 0.4 s vs. 6.4 s (Experiment 3). In Experiment 4, the probe trial distribution effect was replicated with logarithmic and linearly distributed probe durations, demonstrating that bisection occurs close to the arithmetic mean with linearly spaced probe durations. The results provide evidence against bisection at the arithmetic mean when probe spacing bias is avoided and, instead, the results are consistent with logarithmic encoding of time, or a comparison rule based on relative rather than absolute differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cancer Consultation and Support Centres (CCSCs) in Japan have been established at designated cancer hospitals nationwide and these centres provide information and consultation support for cancer care. The purpose of this study is to analyse the status and content of consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic using consultation record data from the Cancer Consultation Support Centre (CCSC) database from January 2020 to March 2021.
    METHODS: First, we examined the number and percentage of cases involving and not involving COVID-19 and compared the items of the entry forms between the groups. The comparison between the two groups suggests that the traditional consultation items used before the COVID-19 pandemic did not adequately cover the consultation content during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we categorised the content of consultation records related to COVID-19.
    RESULTS: As a result, the content was consolidated into 16 categories, which were appropriately captured from five different aspects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using the resulting categories, we were able to create a complementary consultation entry form that could be operational during the COVID epidemic and consult consultants for the support they needed.
    BACKGROUND: Not applicable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spring Viraemia of Carp (SVC) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility to be listed, Annex IV for its categorisation according to disease prevention and control rules as in Article 9 and Article 8 for listing animal species related to SVC. The assessment was performed following the ad hoc method for data collection and assessment previously developed by the AHAW panel and already published. The outcome reported is the median of the probability ranges provided by the experts, which indicates whether each criterion is fulfilled (lower bound ≥ 66%) or not (upper bound ≤ 33%), or whether there is uncertainty about fulfilment. Reasoning points are reported for criteria with an uncertain outcome. According to the assessment performed here, it is uncertain whether SVC can be considered eligible to be listed for Union intervention according to Article 5 of the AHL (45-90% probability). According to the criteria in Annex IV, for the purpose of categorisation related to the level of prevention and control as in Article 9 of the AHL, the AHAW Panel concluded that SVC does not meet the criteria in Section 1 (Category A; 5-33% probability of meeting the criteria) and it is uncertain whether it meets the criteria in Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Categories B, C, D and E; 33-66%, 10-66%, 45-90% and 45-90% probability of meeting the criteria, respectively). The animal species to be listed for SVC according to Article 8 criteria are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection with salmonid alphavirus (SAV) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility to be listed, Annex IV for its categorisation according to disease prevention and control rules as laid out in Article 9 and Article 8 for listing animal species related to infection with SAV. The assessment was performed following the ad hoc method on data collection and assessment developed by AHAW Panel and already published. The outcome reported is the median of the probability ranges provided by the experts, which indicates whether each criterion is fulfilled (lower bound ≥ 66%) or not (upper bound ≤ 33%), or whether there is uncertainty about fulfilment. Reasoning points are reported for criteria with an uncertain outcome. According to the assessment, it was uncertain whether infection with salmonid alphavirus can be considered eligible to be listed for Union intervention according to Article 5 of the AHL (50-80% probability). According to the criteria in Annex IV, for the purpose of categorisation related to the level of prevention and control as in Article 9 of the AHL, the AHAW Panel concluded that infection with salmonid alphavirus does not meet the criteria in Section 1 (Category A; 5-10% probability of meeting the criteria) and it is uncertain whether it meets the criteria in Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Categories B, C, D and E; 50-90%, probability of meeting the criteria). The animal species to be listed for infection with SAV according to Article 8 criteria are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility to be listed, Annex IV for its categorisation according to disease prevention and control rules as laid out in Article 9 and Article 8 for listing animal species related to BKD. The assessment was performed following the ad hoc method on data collection and assessment developed by AHAW Panel and already published. The outcome reported is the median of the probability ranges provided by the experts, which indicates whether each criterion is fulfilled (lower bound ≥ 66%) or not (upper bound ≤ 33%), or whether there is uncertainty about fulfilment. Reasoning points are reported for criteria with an uncertain outcome. According to this assessment, BKD can be considered eligible to be listed for Union intervention according to Article 5 of the AHL (66-90% probability). According to the criteria in Annex IV, for the purpose of categorisation related to the level of prevention and control as in Article 9 of the AHL, the AHAW Panel concluded that BKD does not meet the criteria in Sections 1, 2 and 3 (Categories A, B and C; 1-5%, 33-66% and 33-66% probability of meeting the criteria, respectively) but meets the criteria in Sections 4 and 5 (Categories D and E; 66-90% and 66-90% probability of meeting the criteria, respectively). The animal species to be listed for BKD according to Article 8 criteria are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular, the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility to be listed, Annex IV for its categorisation according to disease prevention and control rules as laid down in Article 9 and Article 8 for listing animal species related to infection with G. salaris. The assessment was performed following the ad hoc method for data collection and assessment previously developed by AHAW panel and already published. The outcome reported is the median of the probability ranges provided by the experts, which indicates whether each criterion is fulfilled (lower bound ≥ 66%) or not (upper bound ≤ 33%), or whether there is uncertainty about fulfilment. Reasoning points are reported for criteria with an uncertain outcome. According to the assessment here performed, it is uncertain whether infection with G. salaris can be considered eligible to be listed for Union intervention according to Article 5 of the AHL (33-70% probability). According to the criteria in Annex IV, for the purpose of categorisation related to the level of prevention and control as in Article 9 of the AHL, the AHAW Panel concluded that Infection with G. salaris does not meet the criteria in Section 1 and 3 (Category A and C; 1-5% and 10-33% probability of fulfilling the criteria, respectively) and it is uncertain whether it meets the criteria in Sections 2, 4 and 5 (Categories B, D and E; 33-80%, 33-66% and 33-80% probability of meeting the criteria, respectively). The animal species to be listed for infection with G. salaris according to Article 8 criteria are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Category variability or diversity is an important factor influencing generalisation. However, expectations of category variability may not only depend on the variability of encountered category members, but may also be shaped by prior experiences with similar categories. In this study, we investigated whether we could influence category generalisation by inducing different category representations in an A/Non-A categorisation task: Participants either learned about a homogeneous category Non-A or a diverse category Non-A during a priming phase. To better understand the transfer process, we varied the nature of the learning phase from implicit transfer to explicit instructions that actively requested participants to use their prior experiences. We found that while with a homogeneous Non-A representation, generalisation of the A and Non-A categories was equal, the generalisation of category Non-A widened after a priming phase with a diverse representation. In a second experiment, we found that the widening of generalisation of category Non-A occurred when the exemplars in this category were themselves diverse (feature-diverse condition) but not when the category contained distinct exemplars (exemplar-diverse condition). These results suggests that categorisation is influenced by previous categorisation experiences possibly altering the representation of a category. Furthermore, the study gives a hint what kind of heterogeneity is needed to observe the commonly reported broader generalisation of diverse categories. The finding has implications not only to understand the influence of prior experiences on category learning, but any cognitive process that hinges on generalisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basic-level advantage is one of the best-known effects in human categorisation. Traditional accounts argue that basic-level categories present a maximally informative or entry level into a taxonomic organisation of concepts in semantic memory. However, these explanations are not fully compatible with most recent views on the structure of the conceptual system such as linguistic-simulation accounts, which emphasise the dual role of sensorimotor (i.e., perception-action experience of the world) and linguistic distributional information (i.e., statistical distribution of words in language) in conceptual processing. In four preregistered word→picture categorisation studies, we examined whether novel measures of sensorimotor and linguistic distance contribute to the basic level-advantage in categorical decision-making. Results showed that overlap in sensorimotor experience between category concept and member concept (e.g., animal→dog) predicted RT and accuracy at least as well as a traditional division into discrete subordinate, basic, and superordinate taxonomic levels. Furthermore, linguistic distributional information contributed to capturing effects of graded category structure where typicality ratings did not. Finally, when image label production frequency was taken into account (i.e., how often people actually produced specific labels for images), linguistic distributional information predicted RT and accuracy above and beyond sensorimotor information. These findings add to our understanding of how sensorimotor-linguistic theories of the conceptual system can explain categorisation behaviour.





