Cascade model

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Cultural factors were shown to be particularly relevant for the development and expression of posttraumatic stress. Recently, the concept of cultural scripts of trauma has been introduced, which proposes that trauma sequelae elements may be sequentially linked and specifically associated with cultural factors. Furthermore, a cascade model is proposed, including trauma exposure, demographic characteristics, cultural affiliation, and trauma-related value orientations as influencing factors of posttraumatic development. The purpose of this Network Project is to investigate cultural psychological factors that contribute to the expression of posttraumatic stress.Methods: The present Network Project implements a mixed methods approach and will be conducted in 5 different study sites, including Switzerland, Israel, Georgia, China, and East Africa. In sub-study I, the cultural scripts of traumatic stress inventories (CSTIs) will be developed. These scales provide a pool of trauma sequelae elements for each cultural group. For this purpose, focus groups with trauma survivors and trauma experts will be conducted and analysed using qualitative research methods. Sub-study II implements a validation analysis of the CSTIs and the empirical investigation of a cultural cascade model. This quantitative approach will include a larger sample of individuals who experienced traumatic life events.Discussion: This contribution is timely and enriches the knowledge of trauma and culture. Future publications of this Network Project will address trauma sequelae from a cultural perspective and provide diagnostic and psychotherapeutic implications.
    This paper presents a Network Project that investigates cultural factors in posttraumatic sequelae.The Network Project encompasses an innovative research design with both qualitative and quantitative methods.New developments in the field of cultural clinical psychology are introduced, including cultural scripts of trauma and a cascade model of cultural factors in posttraumatic symptom expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is widely acknowledged that biodiversity change is affecting human well-being by altering the supply of Nature\'s Contributions to People (NCP). Nevertheless, the role of individual species in this relationship remains obscure. In this article, we present a framework that combines the cascade model from ecosystem services research with network theory from community ecology. This allows us to quantitatively link NCP demanded by people to the networks of interacting species that underpin them. We show that this \"network cascade\" framework can reveal the number, identity and importance of the individual species that drive NCP and of the environmental conditions that support them. This information is highly valuable in demonstrating the importance of biodiversity in supporting human well-being and can help inform the management of biodiversity in social-ecological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The input-output transformation of individual neurons is a key building block of neural circuit dynamics. While previous models of this transformation vary widely in their complexity, they all describe the underlying functional architecture as unitary, such that each synaptic input makes a single contribution to the neuronal response. Here, we show that the input-output transformation of CA1 pyramidal cells is instead best captured by two distinct functional architectures operating in parallel. We used statistically principled methods to fit flexible, yet interpretable, models of the transformation of input spikes into the somatic \"output\" voltage and to automatically select among alternative functional architectures. With dendritic Na+ channels blocked, responses are accurately captured by a single static and global nonlinearity. In contrast, dendritic Na+-dependent integration requires a functional architecture with multiple dynamic nonlinearities and clustered connectivity. These two architectures incorporate distinct morphological and biophysical properties of the neuron and its synaptic organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diameter of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) lesion is one of the important indicators to evaluate the severity of CSCR and the efficacy of corresponding treatment schemes. Traditional manual measurement by ophthalmologists is usually based on a single or a small number of optical coherence tomography (OCT) B-scan images. This measurement scheme may not be convincing, vulnerable to subjective factors and lower efficiency. To alleviate the above situation, this paper proposes an intelligent key boundary point location method for all B-scan images of a single patient to assist in the rapid and accurate diameter measurement of the CSCR lesion area. Firstly, an initial location module (ILM) based on the multi-task learning paradigm is appropriately adjusted and introduced into the key boundary point location task, which preliminarily realizes the rapid location of key boundary points. Secondly, to further ameliorate the ILM, a gradient based correction module (GBCM) is designed, followed by the construction of the cascade model (ILM-GBCM) which improves the location accuracy of key boundary points as a whole. Extensive experiments based on five different convolutional neural network (CNN) backbones are carried out, revealing the feasibility of ILM in this task and the effectiveness of ILM-GBCM. On 912 testing images, the maximum correction ratio reaches 83.66%, and the minimum location time at the image level is as low as 0.1754 s, which not only confirms the necessity of correction operation, but also greatly reduce the time cost of ophthalmologists\' manual measurement operation in clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motivated by the need for robust models of the Covid-19 epidemic that adequately reflect the extreme heterogeneity of humans and society, this paper presents a novel framework that treats a population of N individuals as an inhomogeneous random social network (IRSN). The nodes of the network represent individuals of different types and the edges represent significant social relationships. An epidemic is pictured as a contagion process that develops day by day, triggered by a seed infection introduced into the population on day 0. Individuals\' social behaviour and health status are assumed to vary randomly within each type, with probability distributions that vary with their type. A formulation and analysis is given for a SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infective-removed) network contagion model, considered as an agent based model, which focusses on the number of people of each type in each compartment each day. The main result is an analytical formula valid in the large N limit for the stochastic state of the system on day t in terms of the initial conditions. The formula involves only one-dimensional integration. The model can be implemented numerically for any number of types by a deterministic algorithm that efficiently incorporates the discrete Fourier transform. While the paper focusses on fundamental properties rather than far ranging applications, a concluding discussion addresses a number of domains, notably public awareness, infectious disease research and public health policy, where the IRSN framework may provide unique insights.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of ecosystem service (ES) assessment with life cycle assessment (LCA) is important for developing decision support tools for environmental sustainability. A prequel study has proposed a 4-step methodology that integrates the ES cascade framework within the cause-effect chain of life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) to characterize the physical and monetary impacts on ES provisioning due to human interventions. We here follow the suggested steps in the abovementioned study, to demonstrate the first application of the integrated ES-LCIA methodology and the added value for LCA studies, using a case study of rice farming in the United States, China, and India. Four ES are considered, namely carbon sequestration, water provisioning, air quality regulation, and water quality regulation. The analysis found a net negative impact for rice farming systems in all three rice producing countries, meaning the detrimental impacts of rice farming on ES being greater than the induced benefits on ES. Compared to the price of rice sold in the market, the negative impacts represent around 2%, 6%, and 4% of the cost of 1 kg of rice from China, India, and the United States, respectively. From this case study, research gaps were identified in order to develop a fully operationalized ES-LCIA integration. With such a framework and guidance in place, practitioners can more comprehensively assess the impacts of life cycle activities on relevant ES provisioning, in both physical and monetary terms. This may in turn affect stakeholders\' availability to receive such benefits from ecosystems in the long run.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gangliosidoses are caused by monogenic defects of a specific hydrolase or an ancillary sphingolipid activator protein essential for a specific step in the catabolism of gangliosides. Such defects in lysosomal function cause a primary accumulation of multiple undegradable gangliosides and glycosphingolipids. In reality, however, predominantly small gangliosides also accumulate in many lysosomal diseases as secondary storage material without any known defect in their catabolic pathway. In recent reconstitution experiments, we identified primary storage materials like sphingomyelin, cholesterol, lysosphingolipids, and chondroitin sulfate as strong inhibitors of sphingolipid activator proteins (like GM2 activator protein, saposin A and B), essential for the catabolism of many gangliosides and glycosphingolipids, as well as inhibitors of specific catabolic steps in lysosomal ganglioside catabolism and cholesterol turnover. In particular, they trigger a secondary accumulation of ganglioside GM2, glucosylceramide and cholesterol in Niemann-Pick disease type A and B, and of GM2 and glucosylceramide in Niemann-Pick disease type C. Chondroitin sulfate effectively inhibits GM2 catabolism in mucopolysaccharidoses like Hurler, Hunter, Sanfilippo, and Sly syndrome and causes a secondary neuronal ganglioside GM2 accumulation, triggering neurodegeneration. Secondary ganglioside and lipid accumulation is furthermore known in many more lysosomal storage diseases, so far without known molecular basis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assessment of ecosystem services (ES) is covered in a fragmented manner by environmental decision support tools that provide information about the potential environmental impacts of supply chains and their products, such as the well-known Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Within the flagship project of the Life Cycle Initiative (hosted by UN Environment), aiming at global guidance for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) indicators, a dedicated subtask force was constituted to consolidate the evaluation of ES in LCA. As one of the outcomes of this subtask force, this paper describes the progress towards consensus building in the LCA domain concerning the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems and their associated services for human well-being. To this end, the traditional LCIA structure, which represents the cause-effect chain from stressor to impacts and damages, is re-casted and expanded using the lens of the ES \'cascade model\'. This links changes in ecosystem structure and function to changes in human well-being, while LCIA links the effect of changes on ecosystems due to human impacts (e.g. land use change, eutrophication, freshwater depletion) to the increase or decrease in the quality and/or quantity of supplied ES. The proposed cascade modelling framework complements traditional LCIA with information about the externalities associated with the supply and demand of ES, for which the overall cost-benefit result might be either negative (i.e. detrimental impact on the ES provision) or positive (i.e. increase of ES provision). In so doing, the framework introduces into traditional LCIA the notion of \"benefit\" (in the form of ES supply flows and ecosystems\' capacity to generate services) which balances the quantified environmental intervention flows and related impacts (in the form of ES demands) that are typically considered in LCA. Recommendations are eventually provided to further address current gaps in the analysis of ES within the LCA methodology.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is overwhelming evidence to support the promotion of physical activity in adults in terms of benefits to well-being, physical and mental health. Physical activity guidelines suggest that adults should accumulate at least 150 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. In Ireland, the majority of adults do not achieve these guidelines, with costs to health and economy. \'Move for Life\' (MFL) employs behavioural change techniques delivered by an instructor and peer mentor, using a train-the-trainer (cascade) model. This study will conduct a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of the MFL intervention for modifying physical activity behaviours in inactive adults aged 45 years and older.
    UNASSIGNED: The trial is set in eight Local Sports Partnership (LSP) hubs that have structured physical activity programmes. The hubs are the units of randomisation (clusters), and individuals are the units of analysis (participants). Eligible participants will contact one of the hubs, with each hub running four physical activity programmes. Each programme requires between 12-15 inactive adults, resulting in 48-60 participants per hub. Allowing for 20% dropout rate, an additional 96 people will be recruited giving a maximum sample of 576. The hub will be randomised: true control, usual programme or MFL intervention. The true control group will be given information about physical activity but will not be included in a programme for the duration of the trial; the intervention will involve the instructor training one (or more) of the participants to be a peer mentor using an educational toolkit; and usual care groups will have physical activity classes delivered as normal. Baseline data will collect physical activity measures and follow-up measurements will be obtained at 3 and 6 months. All participants will be asked to wear a device for measuring activity on the thigh (activPAL) for 7 days before commencing the programme and at 3 and 6 months. The primary objective of the study is to investigate if it is feasible to deliver the intervention and collect data on moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on all participants, thereby providing valuable information to guide sample size calculation for a future, more definitive trial.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a complex behaviour and occurs most commonly during adolescence. This developmental period is characterized by the drive to establish an equilibrium between personal autonomy and connectedness with primary caregivers. When an adolescent self-injures, caregivers often experience confusion about how to react. Reports of feeling guilt, fear, and shame are common in the wake of learning about a child\'s self-injury. This cascade of negative feelings and self-appraisals may lead to hypervigilance and increased caregiver efforts to control the child\'s behaviour. The adolescent may experience this as an intrusion, leading to worse family functioning and increased risk of NSSI. This cascade is not well acknowledged or articulated in current literature. This article remedies this gap by presenting the NSSI Family Distress Cascade.






