
  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Among couples consulting for infertility, there is a male component, either alone or associated with a female aetiology in around one in 2 cases.
    METHODS: Bibliographic search in PubMed using the keywords \"male infertility\", \"diagnosis\", \"management\" and \"evaluation\" limited to clinical articles in English and French prior to 1/01/2023.
    RESULTS: The AFU recommends: (1) a complete medical history including: family history, patient history affecting fertility, lifestyle habits (toxicity), treatments, symptoms, sexual dysfunctions; (2) a physical examination including: BMI, signs of hypogonadism, secondary sexual characteristics, scrotal examination (volume and consistency of testes, vas deferens, epididymal or testicular nodules, presence of varicocele); (3) two spermograms, if abnormal on the first; (4) a systematic scrotal ultrasound,± an endorectal ultrasound depending on the clinic; (5) a hormonal work-up (testosterone, FSH; if testosterone is low: LH assay to differentiate between central or peripheral hypogonadism); (6) karyotype if sperm concentration≤10 million/mL; (7) evaluation of Y chromosome microdeletions if concentration≤1 million/mL; (8) evaluation of the CFTR gene in cases of suspected bilateral or unilateral agenesis of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles. The role and usefulness of direct and indirect tests to assess the effects of oxidative stress on sperm DNA will also be explained.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review complements and updates the AFU/SALF 2021 recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultivated sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] from the family Convolvulaceae is a hexaploid species with 2n = 6x = 90 and has been controversial regarding its nature as an autopolyploid arising within a species or an allopolyploid forming between species. Here, we developed oligonucleotide-based painting probes for two chromosomes of I. nil, a model diploid Ipomoea species. Using these probes, we revealed the pairing behavior of homoeologous chromosomes in I. batatas and its two possible polyploid ancestral species, tetraploid I. tabascana (2n = 4x = 60) and hexaploid I. trifida (2n = 6x = 90). Chromosome painting analysis revealed a high percentage of quadrivalent formation in zygotene-pachytene cells of I. tabascana, which supported that I. tabascana was an autotetraploid likely derived by doubling of structurally similar and homologous genomes rather than a hybrid between I. batatas and I. trifida (2x). A high frequency of hexavalent/bivalent and tetravalent pairing was observed in I. trifida (6x) and I. batatas. However, the percentage of hexavalent pairing in I. trifida (6x) was far higher than that in I. batatas. Thus, the present results tend to support that I. trifida (6x) is an autohexaploid, while I. batatas is more likely to be a segmental allohexaploid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A constitutional karyotype is often assayed for the couple before ICSI management. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of chromosomal abnormality in an infertile population, the impact on the care of couples and its cost.
    A single-center retrospective study was carried out at the Fertility Center of the University Hospital of Nancy, including all infertile couples who underwent a karyotype analysis from June 2009 to December 2016.
    1252 couples were included. 7.9% had at least one abnormal karyotype. A change in care affected 22% of these couples, i.e. 1.7% of the total population. 9% of couples with karyotype abnormality underwent PGD. In the male population, the percentage of abnormal spermograms is significantly higher in the group with karyotype abnormality compared to the control group (85.7% vs. 46.5%, P<0.001).
    The constitutional karyotype, due to its high economic and human cost, and limited interest, is a screening method for chromosomal abnormalities that has no place systematically before performing IVF. The future lies in the restriction of the indications for prescribing the karyotype as well as in the realization of PGS in targeted situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaf-cutting ants are considered the most important herbivores in terrestrial environments throughout the Neotropics. Amoimyrmex Cristiano, Cardoso, & Sandoval, 2020 is the sister clade of the remaining leaf-cutting ants from the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. Amoimyrmex striatus was the only species cytogenetically studied within the genus and shares the same chromosomal number as Atta, bearing 22 chromosomes, whereas Acromyrmex bears 38 chromosomes, with the exception of the social parasite Acromyrmex ameliae (2n = 36). Our objective here was to cytogenetically analyze the species of Amoimyrmex bruchi and Amoimyrmex silvestrii, as well as to describe the karyotype of these sister species, using an integrative approach using classical and molecular cytogenetics. We aimed to characterize the cytogenetic markers that contribute to the systematics and taxonomy of the genus. Our results showed that the karyotypes of these two species are very similar, with an identical chromosome number (2n = 22), chromosome morphology (2K = 20m + 2sm), and location of 18S rDNA and telomeric repeat TTAGG on the chromosomes. However, the microsatellite probe GA(15) showed variation across the species and populations studied. We suggest that both species diverged relatively recently and are unmistakably sisters because of the many shared characteristics, including the highly conserved karyotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sweet potato is one of the most important crops worldwide; however, basic research in this crop is limited. In this study, we aimed to construct a detailed karyotype of six species of Ipomoea (hexaploid Ipomoea batatas and five related species, namely, one tetraploid, I. tabascana and four diploids, I. splendor-sylvae, I. trifida, I. tenuissima, and I. × leucantha) and understand the relationship among these species. Two satellite repeats (viz., Itf_1 and Itf_2) were identified from the diploid I. trifida genome sequence using RepeatExplorer on Galaxy. Together with the ribosomal DNA (rDNA), although without distinguishable chromosomes, a detailed karyotype was constructed for the six species. Our results showed a similar karyotype between I. tenuissima and I. × leucantha, indicating their close relationship. The signal distribution pattern of Itf_1, 45S rDNA combination, detected only in I. trifida, I. tabascana, and I. batatas, implied their close relationships. The chromosomes carrying 5S rDNA could be conserved among the six species as they always carried the Itf_2 signals, which generated a similar signal distribution pattern. The results enabled a detailed comparative cytogenetic analysis, providing valuable information to understand the relationship among these species and help assemble the genome sequence of the six species of Ipomoea.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Turner syndrome is a chromosomal aberration linked to the complete or partial absence of an X chromosome. Its prevalence is 1/2500 female newborns. We report a case in the department of internal medicine and endocrinology of the hospital of MALI. This was a 14-year old girl who consulted for stunting and puberty. She presented clinically a dysmorphic syndrome, TANNER stage1 secondary sexual characteristics, weight and height at -3 DS and a bone age estimated to 9½ years old on the X-ray of the hand. The hormonal assessment showed an elevation of FSH and LH and the genetic study showed an iso chromosome Xq. This result was part of a Turner syndrome with Xq iso chromosome.
    Le syndrome de Turner est une aberration chromosomique liée à l\'absence complète ou partielle d\'un chromosome X. Sa prévalence est de 1/2500 nouveaux nés de sexe féminin. Nous rapportons un cas dans le service de médecine interne et d\'endocrinologie de l\'hôpital du MALI. Il s\'agissait d\'une fille de 14 ans, qui a consulté pour retard de croissance et de puberté. Elle présentait cliniquement un syndrome dysmorphique, les caractères sexuels secondaires au stade1 de TANNER, le poids et la taille à −3 DS et un âge osseux estimé à 9 ans et demi à la radiographie de la main. Le bilan hormonal montrait une élévation de la FSH et la LH et l\'étude génétique montrait un iso chromosome Xq. Ce résultat entrait dans le cadre d\'un syndrome de Turner avec iso chromosome Xq.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trisomy 21 remains relevant today. As patients\' life expectancy increases, medical monitoring shows the importance of screening for associated complications such as epilepsy and sleep apnoea. For caregivers, it constitutes a care model for intellectually disabled people notably with regard to anxiety, poor expression of pain and family suffering. Scientific advances raise hope of progress in therapeutic practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cucumis anguria is a potential genetic resource for improving crops of the genus Cucumis, owing to its broad-spectrum resistance. However, few cytogenetic studies on C. anguria have been reported because of its small metaphase chromosomes and the scarcity of distinguished chromosomal landmarks. In this study, 14 single-copy genes from cucumber and rDNAs were used as probes for FISH to identify the individual chromosomes of C. anguria. The distinctive signal distribution patterns of the probes allowed us to distinguish each chromosome of C. anguria (A01-A12). Further, detailed chromosome characteristics were obtained through pachytene chromosome FISH. The lengths of pachytene chromosomes varied from 54.80 to 143.41 μm. The proportion of heterochromatin regions varied from 13.56% to 63.86%. Finally, the chromosomal homeologous relationship between C. anguria and cucumber (C1-C7) was analyzed. The results showed that A06 + A09, A03 + A12, A02 + A04, and A01 + A11 were homeologs of C1, C2, C3, and C6, respectively. Furthemore, chromosomes A08, A10, and A05 were homeologs of C4, C5, and C7, respectively. Chromosome identification and homeologous relationship analysis between C. anguria and cucumber lay the foundation for further research of genome structure evolution in species of Cucumis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the karyotype, clinical manifestations and natural and therapeutic outcome of Turner syndrome (TS) in China.
    METHODS: A total of 124 TS patients with definite diagnosis were included. Karyotype, main clinical signs, sexual development and therapeutic outcome were analyzed.
    RESULTS: TS karyotype was classified in 4 types: monosomy (32.7%), mosaic (15.9%), variant (23.9%) and mosaic with variant (27.4%). All patients showed short stature, with mean adult height<145cm. Sixteen percent of adolescent patients showed spontaneous breast development and 8% spontaneous menstruation. The rate of spontaneous sexual development was lowest in the monosomy karyotype. Common signs included cubitus valgus and wide breast space in about 50% of patients, epicanthus and skin nevus in 30% and webbed neck and shield chest in 10-20%. More than 10% of patients had associated heart, kidney or thyroid abnormalities. The rate of kidney malformation was highest in the monosomy karyotype. Growth hormone (GH) therapy can accelerate growth, with 7.6cm and 6.7cm increase in height in the first and second years of therapy respectively, slowing to 5.7cm and 4.1cm in the third and fourth years. Treated patients who reached nearly adult height were 10.2cm taller than untreated patients. Therapeutic effect correlated with GH therapy duration.
    CONCLUSIONS: TS patients showed a variety of karyotypes, related to the diversity of clinical manifestations and outcomes. Sexual development and adult height were poorer in monosomy karyotypes than in other types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





