
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Palliative care is essential to global health services as it improves the quality of life of patients, their families and caregivers. The ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care (University of Navarra) was created a decade ago to promote a positive attitude towards patients with advanced illness in society and medicine. To do so, and over the past 15 years, ATLANTES has mapped palliative care data worldwide using public health, macro and comparative perspectives in different atlases. These have enabled data to be contextualised and good examples to be identified concisely and graphically. Atlases have been widely employed as advocacy tools within international institutions and ministries of health. While the aim and the perspective have remained unalterable over time, the methods and design have evolved throughout the publications from sober cartography and static infographics to big interactive data visualisation web tools. By embracing technology, ATLANTES has developed an open-access web mapping tool reuniting information from regional atlases, favouring global access to data. In 2022, matching the increasingly recognised need for robust monitoring of palliative care worldwide, ATLANTES became a WHO Collaborating Centre for the Global Monitoring of Palliative Care Development. This attempt to bridge the gap and ensure equitable care information in countries with limited palliative care access has resulted today in more accessible, self-explanatory, and visually appealing palliative care data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper explores Google Maps\' COVID-19 layer, a special feature launched by the cartographic platform in September 2020, and shut down two years later. Through the reading of promotional corporate blogposts and interfacial analysis of the layer, it critiques the layers\' mediation of the pandemic, caught between public health needs and Google\'s overarching ethos. The analysis underscores three central claims: that interfacial choices endemic to the layer impose certainty and reduce necessary user hesitancy; promote data commodification regardless of its pandemic need; and stake unnecessary exceptionalism to the pandemic-spcecific information rather than integrating it into the maps\' existing hybridity. The paper ends with design recommendation for a better COVID layer, centered around bottom-up community practices, higher degree of personalisation, and increased friction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Facial dark spots remain a significant challenge for the cosmetic industry, in terms of providing effective treatment. Using Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography (LC-OCT), we investigated the internal structural features of photo-aging spot areas and evaluated the efficacy of a skin-brightening cosmetic product.
    METHODS: Twenty-six Asian female volunteers, aged between 29 and 65 years, applied a cosmetic product on their entire face twice a day for 2 months. LC-OCT was used to evaluate the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) undulation and the volume density of melanin in the epidermis at D0 and D56. Skin brightening and redness were also assessed by photography (SkinCam).
    RESULTS: Using LC-OCT technology, various microscopic dark spot morphologies, spanning from minimally deformed DEJ to complex DEJ patterns, were identified. Dark spots characterized by slight deformities in the DEJ were predominantly observed in the youngest age group, while older volunteers displayed a wavier pattern. Furthermore, a total of 44 spots were monitored to evaluate the brightening product efficacy. A statistically significant reduction in melanin volumetric density of 7.3% in the spots and 12.3% in their surrounding area was observed after 56 days of product application. In line with these results, an analysis of color parameters using SkinCam reveals a significant increase in brightening and decrease in redness in both pigmented spots and the surrounding skin following application.
    CONCLUSIONS: LC-OCT proves to be a valuable tool for in-depth dark spots characterization and assessment of skin brightening products, enabling various applications in the field of dermatological sciences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this document is to introduce the datasets and the methods for accessing them, derived from the article \"Social, commercial, and economic diversity. Poverty and expectations among street vendors in Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia.\" These datasets aim to provide insights into the conditions and characteristics of street vending in Colombia. The data collection process involved both mapping and personal surveys conducted on 190 street vendors. Additionally, practical recommendations are provided for tailoring the implementation of each survey instrument based on the specific attributes of the study\'s target demographic. The collected data holds the potential for comparative and longitudinal analyses, not only within different Colombian cities but also in cities worldwide facing similar circumstances to those of intermediate cities like Florencia. These datasets offer a valuable resource for understanding the dynamics of street vending and its implications, fostering more comprehensive research and informed policymaking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The H5 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses bearing the clade HA gene have been pervasive among domestic poultry and wild birds worldwide since 2014, presenting substantial risks to human and animal health. Continued circulation of clade viruses has resulted in the emergence of eight subclades ( and multiple distinct antigenic groups. However, the key antigenic substitutions responsible for the antigenic change of these viruses remain unknown. In this study, we analyzed the HA gene sequences of 5713 clade viruses obtained from a public database and found that 23 amino acid residues were highly variable among these strains. We then generated a series of single-amino-acid mutants based on the H5-Re8 (a vaccine seed virus) background and tested their reactivity with a panel of eight monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Six mutants bearing amino acid substitutions at positions 120, 126, 141, 156, 185, or 189 (H5 numbering) led to reduced or lost reactivity to these mAbs. Further antigenic cartography analysis revealed that the amino acid residues at positions 126, 156, and 189 acted as immunodominant epitopes of H5 viruses. Collectively, our findings offer valuable guidance for the surveillance and early detection of emerging antigenic variants.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In the Centre-Val de Loire region, the demography of specialty care is characterized by a strong deficit and many territorial inequalities that lead to significant difficulties in accessing care. The study has being conducted at the level of the Professional Territorial Health Communities (CPTS) which structuring the region, which is the ideal framework for implementing public health actions resulting from this study.
    The aim of this study was to objectify these difficulties and their geography, based on the calculation of the comparative consumption index (CCI), in order to measure the differences between expected consumption and observed consumption, and to quantify the number of “missing” doctors to meet the needs of the population.
    The study shows a deficit in care-seeking for specialty care, in particular an incompatibility between care needs and care offers in the living environment, as well as strong territorial inequalities, with marked differences between private consumption and hospital consumption. The region experiences a deficit of 25% of liberal medical specialists in order to meet the needs of its population.
    Accessibility to care is not only defined by the proximity of doctors, and their density; the proximity of areas of activity being a factor associated with better access to health care. This study also makes it possible to identify priority areas of action, specialty by specialty, to strengthen access to specialty care, and propose a fairer distribution of the care offer, in particular through interns’ internships, and the coordinated and territorial organization of specialist doctors.
    En région Centre-Val de Loire, l’offre de soins de second recours se caractérise par une démographie déficitaire et par de fortes inégalités territoriales, entraînant d’importantes difficultés d’accès aux soins. L’étude a été menée à l’échelle des communautés professionnelles territoriales de santé (CPTS) maillant la région, cadre idéal pour concrétiser des actions de santé publique.
    Le but de cette étude était d’objectiver ces difficultés et leur géographie, sur la base du calcul de l’indice comparatif de consommation (ICC), afin de mesurer les écarts entre la consommation attendue et la consommation observée, et de quantifier le nombre de médecins nécessaires pour répondre aux besoins de la population, et qui sont donc actuellement « manquants ».
    On observe un sous-recours aux soins de spécialité, notamment une inadéquation entre les besoins et l’offre de soins sur les lieux de vie, ainsi que de fortes inégalités territoriales, avec des différences marquées entre le recours libéral et le recours aux actes et consultations externes en secteur hospitalier. La région connaîtrait un déficit de 25 % de médecins spécialistes libéraux pour répondre aux besoins de sa population.
    L’accessibilité aux soins ne se résume pas à la proximité des soignants ni à leur densité, la proximité de zones d’activité étant un facteur associé à un meilleur recours aux soins. Cette étude permet d’identifier des zones d’action prioritaire par spécialité, pour renforcer l’accès au second recours et construire une plus juste répartition de l’offre, notamment par le déploiement de stages d’internes et l’organisation coordonnée et territoriale des médecins spécialistes hors médecine générale.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Land cover changes threaten biodiversity and alter the geographic distribution of forests worldwide. Studies on this topic are important to establish conservation strategies and public policies. However, different studies may propose different spatial representations due to differences when identifying, classifying, and/or mapping the same vegetation formation, as observed for the Cocais Forest region. This palm-dominated ecosystem predominates the Brazilian mid-north region in an ecotone region with 3 of the 6 Brazilian biomes. In this study, we conducted a literature review of studies that delineated and mapped the Cocais Forest, aiming to compare different mapped regions and to establish a new distribution map integrating these spatial data. We found seven sources that revealed spatial divergences in identifying the spatial distribution of Cocais Forest, including its characteristics in terms of size and shape, which could affect the conservation, socioeconomic, and cultural policies and studies carried out on this emblematic vegetation formation and influence area. The delineation proposed by de Sousa Nascimento and Lima (Revista de Políticas Públicas 189-192, 2016) encompassed the largest area. In addition, there was a lack of consensus regarding the nomenclature for this ecosystem, and few works offered a detailed description of the mapping process. Despite the different spatial distributions found for the Cocais Forest, we succeeded in establishing a common area by overlapping individual maps, resulting in the identification of a core region exclusive located in the State of Maranhão.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neurofunctional basis of the noradrenergic (NA) system and its associated disorders is still very incomplete because in vivo imaging tools in humans have been missing up to now. Here, for the first time, we use [11C]yohimbine in a large sample of subjects (46 healthy volunteers, 23 females, 23 males; aged 20-50) to perform direct quantification of regional alpha 2 adrenergic receptors\' (α2-ARs) availability in the living human brain. The global map shows the highest [11C]yohimbine binding in the hippocampus, the occipital lobe, the cingulate gyrus, and the frontal lobe. Moderate binding was found in the parietal lobe, thalamus, parahippocampus, insula, and temporal lobe. Low levels of binding were found in the basal ganglia, the amygdala, the cerebellum, and the raphe nucleus. Parcellation of the brain into anatomical subregions revealed important variations in [11C]yohimbine binding within most structures. Strong heterogeneity was found in the occipital lobe, the frontal lobe, and the basal ganglia, with substantial gender effects. Mapping the distribution of α2-ARs in the living human brain may prove useful not only for understanding the role of the NA system in many brain functions, but also for understanding neurodegenerative diseases in which altered NA transmission with specific loss of α2-ARs is suspected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we propose an advanced scripting approach using Python and R for satellite image processing and modelling terrain in Côte d\'Ivoire, West Africa. Data include Landsat 9 OLI/TIRS C2 L1 and the SRTM digital elevation model (DEM). The EarthPy library of Python and \'raster\' and \'terra\' packages of R are used as tools for data processing. The methodology includes computing vegetation indices to derive information on vegetation coverage and terrain modelling. Four vegetation indices were computed and visualised using R: the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI2), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2 (ARVI2). The SAVI index is demonstrated to be more suitable and better adjusted to the vegetation analysis, which is beneficial for agricultural monitoring in Côte d\'Ivoire. The terrain analysis is performed using Python and includes slope, aspect, hillshade and relief modelling with changed parameters for the sun azimuth and angle. The vegetation pattern in Côte d\'Ivoire is heterogeneous, which reflects the complexity of the terrain structure. Therefore, the terrain and vegetation data modelling is aimed at the analysis of the relationship between the regional topography and environmental setting in the study area. The upscaled mapping is performed as regional environmental analysis of the Yamoussoukro surroundings and local topographic modelling of the Kossou Lake. The algorithms of the data processing include image resampling, band composition, statistical analysis and map algebra used for calculation of the vegetation indices in Côte d\'Ivoire. This study demonstrates the effective application of the advanced programming algorithms in Python and R for satellite image processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rabies epidemic situation in the Tver Region has been studied. Animals of different species that had confirmed clinical rabies were statistically analyzed. It was established that the features of the course of epizootics in the Tver region correspond to the regularities characteristic of rabies of the natural-focal type. As a result of sequencing of the rabies virus N gene and phylogenetic analysis, the isolates studied were assigned to the central phylogenetic group. With the help of the geoinformatic system, nosological maps of the Tver region were obtained and the spatial- temporal features of the course of the epizootic process of rabies infection were studied.
    Рассмотрена современная эпизоотическая ситуация по бешенству в Тверской области. Проанализирован видовой и количественный состав животных с лабораторно подтвержденным заболеванием. Установлено, что особенности течения эпизоотий на территории Тверской области соответствуют закономерностям, характерным для бешенства природно-очагового типа. В результате секвенирования гена N вируса бешенства и филогенетического анализа исследуемые изоляты были отнесены к Центральной филогенетической группе. При помощи геоинформационной системы были получены нозологические карты Тверской области и проведено исследование пространственно-временных особенностей течения эпизоотического процесса рабической инфекции.





