Carbonaceous aerosol

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbonaceous aerosol, including organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), has significant influence on human health, air quality and climate change. Accurate measurement of carbonaceous aerosol is essential to reduce the uncertainty of radiative forcing estimation and source apportionment. The accurate separation of OC and EC is controversial due to the charring of OC. Therefore, the development of reference materials (RM) for the validation of OC/EC separation is an important basis for further study. Previous RMs were mainly based on ambient air sampling, which could not provide traceability of OC and EC concentration. To develop traceable RMs with known OC/EC contents, our study applied an improved aerosol generation and mixing technique, providing uniform deposition of particles on quartz filters. To generate OC aerosol with similar pyrolytic property of ambient aerosol, both water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and water insoluble organic carbon (WIOC) were used, and amorphous carbon was selected for EC surrogate. The RMs were analyzed using different protocols. The homogeneity within the filter was validated, reaching below 2%. The long-term stability of RMs has been validated with RSD ranged from 1.7%-3.2%. Good correlation was observed between nominal concentration of RMs with measured concentration by two protocols, while the difference of EC concentration was within 20%. The results indicated that the newly developed RMs were acceptable for the calibration of OC and EC, which could improve the accuracy of carbonaceous aerosol measurement. Moreover, the laboratory-generated EC-RMs could be suitable for the calibration of equivalent BC concentration by Aethalometers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cross-country assessment of aerosol loading was made over several South Asian megacities using multiple high-resolution remote-sensing database to assess how aerosols vary within the city and its suburbs. Parameters sensitive to aerosol optical and microphysical properties were processed over city-core and its surrounding, separated by a buffer. Cities across the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP; AOD:0.52-0.72) along with Mumbai (0.47) and Bangalore (0.46) denote comparatively high aerosol loading against non-IGP cities. City-core specific AOD was invariably high compared to surrounding, however with varying gradient having robust geographical signature. Exceptions to this general trend were in Kathmandu (ΔAOD: 0.07) and Dhaka (ΔAOD: 0.01) while strong positive AOD gradient was noted in Bangalore (+0.11), Colombo (+0.08) and in Mumbai (+0.07). While all mainland cities exhibited robust intraannual variability, distinction between city-core and its surrounding AOD exhibited varying seasonality. City-specific geometric coefficient of variation indicated insignificant association with mean AOD as opposed to European and American cities. Both pixel-based and city-specific analysis revealed a strong increasing trend in AOD with highest magnitude in Varanasi and Bangalore. Aerosol sub-types based on aerosols\' sensitivity to UV-absorption and particle size denotes higher relative abundance of carbonaceous smoke aerosols within city-core, without having significant distinction for mineral dusts and urban aerosols.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Carbonaceous aerosol is an important component of atmospheric fine particulates (PM2.5) that has an important effect on global climate change, atmospheric visibility, regional air quality, and human health. In order to investigate the long-term change characteristics of carbonaceous aerosols under the background of emission reduction, the concentrations of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) in PM2.5 samples, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Chengdu from 2018 to 2021 and the corresponding meteorological factors were obtained through real-time online monitoring. The results showed that the average ρ(OC) and ρ(EC) during the monitoring period were (10.9 ±5.7) μg·m-3 and (2.6 ±1.9) μg·m-3, accounting for 25.2% and 6.0% of PM2.5, respectively, and the average ρ(SOC) was (5.7 ±3.3) μg·m-3, accounting for 52.9% of OC. The concentrations of OC, EC, and PM2.5 showed a downward trend from 2018 to 2020 [PM2.5: The concentration of average annual decrease was -7.1 μg·(m3·a) -1, with an average annual decrease of -14.6 %·a-1; OC: -1.7 μg·(m3·a)-1, -14.2 %·a-1; EC: -0.1 μg·(m3·a)-1, -4.4 %·a-1], and the concentrations of each pollutant in 2021 rebounded in different ranges compared with those in 2020. The concentrations of PM2.5 and OC were as follows: winter > spring > autumn > summer, and the concentrations of EC were as follows: winter > autumn > spring > summer. The proportions of OC and EC were higher in summer and autumn than in other seasons, with the average proportions of 26.8% and 6.9%, respectively. With the aggravation of the pollution level, OC, EC, and SOC concentrations gradually increased, but the proportions in PM2.5 showed a gradual downtrend, indicating that the control factor of PM2.5 pollution in Chengdu was not the carbon component. Source apportionment results showed that carbonaceous aerosols in Chengdu were mainly affected by motor vehicles, industrial sources, biomass combustion sources, and VOCs secondary reaction. From 2019 to 2021, EC was affected by the characteristic components of motor vehicles and decreased yearly. OC and EC were affected by VOCs more in spring and autumn than in other seasons. VOCs emission management should be increased in spring and autumn to reduce the impact of secondary reaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) comprises a diverse array of carbonaceous species, and the impact of carbonaceous aerosols (CA) extends to both long-term and short-term effects on human health and the environment. Understanding the distinctive composition of CA is crucial for gaining insights into the origins of airborne particulate matter. Due to their diverse physicochemical properties and intricate heterogeneous reactions, CA often exhibits temporal and spatial variations. Ground-based and highly time-resolved apportionment methods play a vital role in discerning CA emissions. This study utilized high-time resolution data of total carbon (TC) and black carbon (BC) for CA apportionment in northern Taiwan. The advanced numerical model (TC-BC(λ)), coupled with continuous measurement data, facilitated CA allocation based on optical absorption characteristics, organic or elemental carbon composition, and the distinction between primary and secondary origins. Primary carbonaceous aerosols dominated the monitoring site, accounting for 67.5 % compared to the 32.5 % contribution from secondary forms of CA. The summer season exhibited a maximum increase in secondary organic aerosols (SOA) at 41.5 %. Diurnal variations for primary emissions, such as BCc and primary organic aerosols (POA), showed marked peaks for BCff and POAnon-abs during morning rush hours. In contrast, BCbb and POABrC displayed bimodal peaks with increased concentrations during evening hours. Conversely, SOA exhibited significantly different diurnal trends, with SOABrC peaking late at night due to aqueous phased reactions and a noontime peak of SOAnon-abs observed due to photo-oxidation processes. Furthermore, the study employed backward trajectory analysis and concentration-weighted trajectories (CWTs) to examine the long-range transport of CA, identifying potential sources, origins, and transport patterns of CA components to the receptor site in Taiwan during different seasons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbonaceous aerosols play an important role in radiative forcing in the remote and climate-sensitive Tibetan Plateau (TP). However, the sources of carbonaceous aerosols to the TP remain poorly defined, in part due to the lack of regionally relevant data about the sources of carbonaceous aerosols. To address this knowledge gap, we present the first comprehensive analysis of the δ13C signatures of carbonaceous aerosol endmembers local to the TP, encompassing total carbon, water-insoluble particle carbon, and elemental carbon originating from fossil fuel combustion, biomass combustion, and topsoil. The δ13C signatures of these local carbonaceous endmembers differ from components collected in other regions of the world. For instance, fossil fuel-derived aerosols from the TP were 13C-depleted relative to fossil fuel-derived aerosols reported in other regions, while biomass fuel-derived aerosols from the TP were 13C-enriched relative to biomass fuel-derived aerosols reported in other regions. The δ13C values of fine-particle topsoil in the TP were related to regional variations in vegetation type. These findings enhance our understanding of the unique features of carbonaceous aerosols in the TP and aid in accurate source apportionment and environmental assessments of carbonaceous aerosols in this climate-sensitive region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to fully understand the carbon emission from different fuels in rural villages of China, especially in the typical atmospheric pollution areas. The characteristics of carbonaceous aerosols and carbon dioxide (CO2) with its stable carbon isotope (δ13C) were investigated in six households, which two households used coal, two households used wood as well as two households used biogas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), from two rural villages in Fenwei Plain from March to April 2021. It showed that the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emitted from biogas and LPG couldn\'t be as lower as expected in this area. However, the clean fuels could relatively reduce the emissions of organic carbon (OC) and element carbon (EC) in PM2.5 compare to the solid fuels. The pyrolyzed carbon (OP) accounted more total carbon (TC) in coal than the other fuels use households, indicating that more water-soluble OC existed, and it still had the highest secondary organic carbon (SOC) than the other fuels. Meantime, the coal combustions in the two villages had the highest CO2 concentration of 527.6 ppm and 1120.6 ppm, respectively, while the clean fuels could effectively reduce it. The average δ13C values (-26.9‰) was much lighter than almost all the outdoor monitoring and similar to the δ13C values for coal combustion and vehicle emission, showing that they might be the main contributors of the regional atmospheric aerosol in this area. During the sandstorm, the indoor PM2.5 mass and CO2 were increasing obviously. The indoor cancer risk of PAHs for adults and children were greater than 1 × 10-6, exert a potential carcinogenic risk to human of solid fuels combustion in rural northern China. It is important to continue concern the solid fuel combustion and its health impact in rural areas.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Carbonaceous aerosol, as an important component of atmospheric aerosol, has a significant impact on atmospheric environmental quality, human health, and global climate change. To investigate the characteristics and sources of carbonaceous aerosol in atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Huaxi District of Guiyang, an in-situ observational study was conducted during different seasons in 2020, and the carbonaceous components of PM2.5 were measured using a thermal-optical carbon analyzer (DRI Model 2015). The results of the study showed that the average concentrations of PM2.5, total carbonaceous aerosol (TCA), organic carbon (OC), secondary organic carbon (SOC), and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations during the observation period were (39.7±22.3), (14.1±7.2), (7.6±3.9), (4.4±2.6), and (2.0±1.0) μg·m-3, respectively, and the mean value of OC/EC was (3.9±0.8). ρ(PM2.5), ρ(TCA), ρ(OC), ρ(SOC), and ρ(EC) showed a seasonal variation pattern with the highest in winter [(52.6±28.6), (17.0±9.6), (9.1±5.2), (6.1±3.9), and (2.4±1.2) μg·m-3, respectively] and the lowest in summer [(25.1±7.1), (11.6±3.6), (6.3±1.9), (3.7±1.2), and (1.6±0.6) μg·m-3, respectively]. The seasonal variation in OC/EC showed summer (4.2±0.8) > winter (3.8±0.9) > autumn (3.8±0.5) > spring (3.7±0.9), indicating the presence of SOC generation in all seasons in Huaxi District. SOC showed a significant correlation with OC (R2 =0.9), and the SOC concentration tended to increase with the increase in atmospheric oxidation. OC showed a good correlation with EC in all seasons, with the highest in autumn (R2 =0.9) and lower correlations in the other three seasons (R2 ranged from 0.74 to 0.75), indicating a common source. According to OC/EC ratio range, it was preliminarily determined that carbonaceous aerosol came from vehicle exhaust emissions, coal burning emissions, and biomass combustion emissions. In order to further quantify the contribution of major emission sources to carbonaceous aerosol, the results of this study using PMF to analyze the sources of carbonaceous aerosol showed that the main sources of carbonaceous aerosol in Huaxi District of Guiyang were coal combustion sources (29.3%), motor vehicle emission sources (21.5%), and biomass combustion sources (49.2%).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbonaceous aerosols (CA) have a high impact on air quality and climate. However, the composition and spatial variability of CA in the marine boundary layer (MBL) remain understudied, especially in the remote regions. Here, atmospheric organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) measurements using DRI Model 2001 Thermal/Optical Carbon Analyzer in the MBL were performed during the Chinese Antarctic (2019-2020) and Arctic (2021) research expedition, spanning about 160 latitudes. Due to varying intensities of atmospheric transport from the continents, a significant latitudinal gradient in OC and EC was observed. OC exhibited the highest concentration over the coastal East Asia (CEA), with a mean of 4324 ng m-3 (358-18027 ng m-3), followed by the Arctic Ocean (AO). Similar OC levels were detected over the Southern Ocean (SO) and the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS). Similarly, the highest EC was also observed over CEA, with a mean of 867 ng m-3 (71-3410 ng m-3), followed by AO and SO, while the lowest EC appeared over the AIS, with a mean of 30 ng m-3 (2-70 ng m-3). The lower Char-EC/Soot-EC ratios over AO and CEA compared to SO and AIS indicated that fossil fuel combustion contributed more to EC over AO and CEA, while biomass burning played a more significant role in EC levels over SO and AIS. The high OC/EC ratio over AIS was associated with an extremely low EC level and the formation of secondary OC over AIS. SBDART model results suggested that EC had a net warming effect on the atmospheric column, with the highest direct radiative effects (DRE) over AO (5.50 ± 0.15 W m-2, corresponding a heating rate of 0.15 K day-1) and the lowest DRE over SO (1.35 ± 0.04 W m-2, corresponding a heating rate of 0.04 K day-1).






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Carbonaceous aerosols are an important component of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the atmosphere, having great impacts on air quality, human health, and the climate. In this study, PM2.5 samples were collected from November 2017 to October 2018 in a background site of Guangxi Province to investigate the potential impacts of biomass burning, an essential source of carbonaceous aerosols, on carbonaceous aerosols. Further, the composition of carbonaceous aerosols, sugar compounds, and the light absorption coefficient (babs) of water-soluble brown carbon (BrC) were also conducted. Considering the effect of the degradation of atmospheric levoglucosan (LG), the concentration of the corrected LG was quantified using the aging of air masses (AAM) index. Then, the contribution of biomass burning (BB) to organic carbon (OC) [BB-OC] was quantified using the corrected LG-derived molecular tracer method combined with the Bayesian mixing model. Here, we further explored the potential sources of water-soluble BrC using correlation analysis. In this research, the mean AAM index was 0.40±0.28 during the study period, indicating that the atmospheric LG had undergone a photochemical degradation process. The characteristic ratio combined with the Bayesian mixing model indicated that the crop straw (i.e., corn, rice, and sugarcane straw) was the dominant biomass fuel type in the Guangxi Region, contributing 22%, 23%, and 18% of OC without the correction of LG and 16%, 21%, and 17% with the corrected LG concentration, respectively. The neglection of LG degradation led to the underestimation of BB-OC, in which the BB-OC values with and without correction were 49.0% and 21.1%, respectively. Here, the annual mean babs of water-soluble BrC was (8.7±10.7) Mm-1, and its main sources were BB, fossil fuel combustion, and vegetation emission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multipollutant approach is a breakthrough in up-to-date environmental quality and health risk estimation. Both mercury and carbonaceous air particulate are hazardous neurotoxicants. Here, the ability of carbonaceous air particulate simulants, i.e. carbon dots obtained by heating of organics, and nanodiamonds, to influence Hg2+-induced neurotoxicity was monitored using biological system, i.e. presynaptic rat cortex nerve terminals. Using HgCl2 and classical reducing/chelating agents, an adequate synaptic parameter, i.e. the extracellular level of key excitatory neurotransmitter L-[14C]glutamate, was selected for further analysis. HgCl2 starting from 5 µM caused an acute and concentration-dependent increase in the extracellular L-[14C]glutamate level in nerve terminals. Combined application of Hg2+ and carbon dots from heating of citric acid/urea showed that this simulant was able to mitigate in an acute manner excitotoxic Hg2+-induced increase in the extracellular L-[14C]glutamate level in nerve terminals by 37%. These carbon dots and Hg2+ acted as a complex in nerve terminals that was confirmed with fluorimetric data on Hg2+-induced changes in their spectroscopic features. Nanodiamonds and carbon dots from β-alanine were not able to mitigate a Hg2+-induced increase in the extracellular L-[14C]glutamate level in nerve terminals. Developed approach can be applicable for monitoring capability of different particles/compounds to have Hg2+-chelating signs in the biological systems. Therefore, among testing simulants, the only carbon dots from citric acid/urea were able to mitigate acute Hg2+-induced neurotoxicity in nerve terminals, thereby showing a variety of effects of carbonaceous airborne particulate in situ and its potential to interfere and modulate Hg2+-associated health hazard.





