
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using the GMM framework, this paper examines the nexus between capital and profitability in the presence of economic freedom using annual data of US banks ranging from 2002 to 2022. consistent with both the financial stability and regulatory hypotheses, the present study\'s empirical findings reveal that economic freedom exerts a positive moderating influence on the relationship between bank capital ratio and profitability. The findings are heterogeneous across banks\' specific characteristics and market conditions. Furthermore, the results are robust to alternative proxies of profitability. The study\'s finding is beneficial for policymakers and regulators as liberalization is not always adversely impact the economy; rather, it\'s a double-edged sword, and they must maintain that delicate balance. The conclusions of this study have meaningful implications for senior bankers and policymakers when formulating strategies for preserving bank value. Specifically, it highlights the importance of considering the interactive role of economic freedom in their decision-making process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study uses capital theory to investigate survivors\' investments in their bodies and the resources they accumulate during their rehabilitation trajectory, and how these factors impact their perception of recovery from their impairments.
    METHODS: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 20 patients of working age and their relatives, with audio recordings transcribed verbatim. Data analysis utilized an abductive approach informed by Bourdieu\'s capital theory.
    RESULTS: During the initial phases of rehabilitation (acute and subacute), survivors invest in their physical bodies and acquire physical capital. However, they encounter a range of complex barriers when attempting to convert this capital into the resources necessary for re-entering the workforce or pursuing education. These difficulties are linked to the lack of specialized community services in the later phases of their rehabilitation trajectory.
    CONCLUSIONS: Present-day Danish healthcare rehabilitation focuses on restoring physical function and recovering physical capital. However, comprehensive rehabilitation to enhance mental and cognitive abilities and increase levels of emotional capital, which is crucial for working-age individuals, is inadequately addressed within community services. This results in unequal treatment and care, contradicting the stated goal of equality in the Danish healthcare system.
    UNASSIGNED: This study incorporated the perspectives of 20 individuals who have survived severe traumatic brain injury, as well as their relatives, to gain insights into their experiences throughout the rehabilitation process, the resources they have accumulated and how these factors contribute to their sense of recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In its business-as-usual scenario, the 1972 Club-of-Rome report-The Limits to Growth-describes the collapse of the world economy around the year 2030, either because of the scarcity of natural resources or because of pollution. Mainstream economists, the high priests of secular societies, condemned it fiercely. Their gospel of perpetual economic growth, during which technological progress would solve all problems, promises a bright future for all mankind. On the other hand, engineers, natural scientists, and mathematicians realized that the breakdown scenario is due to the inclusion of the First and the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Club-of-Rome\'s world model. According to these laws, nothing happens in the world without energy conversion and entropy production. In 1865, Rudolph Clausius, the discoverer of entropy, published the laws as the constitution of the universe. Entropy is the physical measure of disorder. Without a proper understanding of energy and entropy in the economy, all efforts to achieve sustainability will fail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevailing economic paradigm, characterized by free market thinking and individualistic cultural narratives, has deeply influenced contemporary society in recent decades, including health in the United States. This paradigm, far from being natural, is iteratively intertwined with politics, social group stratification, and norms, together shaping what is known as political economy. The consequences are starkly evident in health, with millions of lives prematurely lost annually in the United States. Drawing on economic re-thinking happening in fields like climate and law, we argue for a new \"common sense\" towards a health-focused political economy. Central to this proposed shift is action in 3 interconnected areas: capital, care, and culture. Re-orienting capital to prioritize longer-term investments, such as in public options for health care and baby bonds, can promote health and affirmatively include historically marginalized groups. Recognizing that caregiving is economically valuable and necessary for health, approaches like local cadres of community health workers across the United States would be part of building robust caregiving infrastructures. Advancing momentum in these directions, in turn, will require displacing dominant cultural narratives. As the health arena pursues change in the face of real obstacles, recent efforts reinvigorating industrial policy and addressing concentrated market power can serve as inspiration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the cointegration and causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth using data from 16 Asian and Pacific countries from 1970 to 2010. The expanded production function is used in this investigation; this function considers not only labor but also financial resources. This study investigates whether or not a rise in energy demand is associated with a healthy economy. Human capital, in addition to material and labor resources, is taken into account by this operation. One of the first studies to adopt a multivariate method and add human capital was undertaken on the energy-growth nexus. Using the panel unit root and cointegration tests, this study confirms the existence of a long-run cointegrating connection between these variables. These studies recognize the presence of cross-sectional interdependence, according to specific reports. The significance of considering the interconnection of various countries is confirmed by comparing estimates from panel heterogeneous fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) models with those from unceasingly efficient and fully modified models. Nonetheless, the bootstrap panel Granger causality test findings demonstrate that economic growth is a causal factor in rising energy consumption in the region, indicating that the relationship is not constant across countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Diverging death risks are associated with a wide range of social factors, including not only education and income but also other economic and non-economic resources. The aim of this study was to assess the association of mortality risks with four types of resources: economic, social, cultural and person capital.
    UNASSIGNED: We used data of 2,952 participants from the Disparities in the Netherlands survey and annual mortality data from Statistics Netherlands for the period 2014 to 2021. Economic capital was measured through education, income, occupation, home equity, and liquid assets. Social capital was measured by the strength of social ties, the size of the core discussion network, and access to people in resourceful positions; cultural capital by lifestyle, digital skills, and mastery of English, and person capital by self-rated health, impediments to climbing stairs, self-confidence, self-image, people\'s appearance, and body mass index. To accommodate the fact that each capital was derived from several indicators, we used Partial Least Squares (PLS) Cox Regression.
    UNASSIGNED: In multiple regression, higher economic, cultural, and person capital were associated with lower mortality (hazard ratio, 0.77; 95% confidence interval [CI, 0.65 to 0.90], 0.77 [0.64-0.93] and 0.80; [0.70-0.92]), adjusted for all capital measures and sex.
    UNASSIGNED: The finding that more economic, cultural and person capital is associated with lower mortality provides empirical support for an approach that uses a broad spectrum of capital measures - hitherto rarely included simultaneously in epidemiological research - in order to understand diverging death risks. By integrating sociological concepts, cohort data, and epidemiological research methods, our study highlights the need for further research on the interplay between different forms of resources in shaping health inequalities. In designing public health interventions, we advocate the adoption of a multidimensional capital-based framework for tackling social disparities in mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of research in evaluating and applying Bourdieu\'s theories has seen growing interests in studying how the formation and effect of cultural capital vary in different contexts and fields. While existing studies have increasingly focussed on evaluating the role of cultural capital in creating educational inequalities in the Chinese context, little is known about how activities and taste are valued in the Chinese labour market. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 73 recruiters in elite professional firms in China, this article presents a study on how recruiters interpret physically exertive extracurricular activities (ECAs) for graduate hiring. It shows that these ECAs were valorised for assessing individual qualities and competences in job interviews, while other cultural activities, leisure or tastes carried little value. The notion of the body appeared central to this valorisation, conferring symbolic value onto physical exertive ECAs. The value of these activities was twofold, serving to convey candidates\' possession of physical and embodied capital, which resonated to the normative dimension of elite professional firms. Recruiters thus used these activities to seek new professional bodies consumable for demanding professional work and resonating with the normative discourses of professionalism. This study provides more nuanced understandings of cultural capital in a non-Western context and the role of ECAs in elite hiring. It also contributes to the development of physical and embodied capital by integrating perspective that links the body with labour process and professional control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to assess the role of sustainable livelihood capital, the mediation of investments and farming purposes, and the moderation of climatic and non-climatic factors in the adaptation process, particularly in the aspects of Crop, Farm, Irrigation, and Economic Management. Moreover, guided by the VIABLE (Values and Investments for Agent-Based Interaction and Learning in Environmental Systems) framework, we analyze stakeholders\' actions, priorities, and goals in the climate change adaptation process. A structured questionnaire was designed based on a five-point Likert scale covering the concepts of livelihood capital, climate change adaptation, investment priorities, farming constraints, and farmers\' decision-making factors. Field data were collected from 800 farmers during December 2021 to February 2022 in the irrigated agricultural regions in the Indus Plain of the Punjab and Sindh provinces, Pakistan. We employed the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling approach to the VIABLE framework (VIABLE-SEM) to analyze the collected data. The results confirm livelihood capital as the most significant determinant (beta = 0.57, effect size = 0.503) for farmers\' adaptation strategies in the Indus plain. Other variables, such as the principal purpose of farming, available investment options, natural and human constraints, appear less important. We identified 13 significant viability pathways that show investment priorities, farming purposes, and constraints faced by the farmers in climate change adaptation. The study also found that non-climatic factors negatively influence (beta = -0.156) the relationship between capital and adaptation, while climatic factors positively influence (beta = 0.050) this relationship. Interestingly, the presence of these influencing factors increases the adaptive capacity of farmers. These findings have important implications for policymakers and researchers in designing and implementing effective climate change adaptation strategies in the agricultural sector of Pakistan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To Bourdieu, interaction with culture has symbolic power and drives the manifestation of social stratification. Many have adapted his theory and methodology, developing new models of cultural engagement. Here, to further integrate these theoretical and methodological approaches, Bourdieu\'s tools were used to operationalise and interpret a Latent Class Analysis of cultural engagement in the Understanding Society dataset. Six classes of increasing engagement were established, and were increasingly correlated with youth, capital and social advantage. However, some qualitative differences in engagement were also seen. The classes also varied by which characteristics correlated with membership. For example, economic capital was associated with sports engagement, while advantaged social position was associated with broad-scale engagement. Overall, this analysis combined Bourdieusian theory with contemporary methodology in the largest representative UK dataset and highlights the broader relevance of cultural engagement patterns in indicating (and possibly generating) status, identity, capital and social position.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Generativity has been increasingly recognized as an important component of healthy aging. Although the desire to be generative is influenced by societal and cultural expectations, the relative influence of its driving factors by retirement status, a significant life-course transition, is underexplored. This study examined how later-life generativity is driven by the interplay between retirement status and financial, human and social capital. An online survey targeting Hong Kong adults aged 45+ was conducted. Linear regression models were stratified by retirement status (working and retired) to examine the effects of financial (income, assets, and financial satisfaction), human (education and health-related measures), and social capitals (productive and social engagement) on generativity. Among those working, higher generativity was associated with financial, human, and social capitals that facilitated material provision. Among those retired, human and social capitals that supported the transmission of knowledge and experience were more important for generativity. For both groups, support from close social networks was the strongest predictor. Different cultural demands, dictated by retirement status, play a crucial role in determining how older adults feel like they can contribute to subsequent generations. These findings can inform policies and programs that seek to support healthy transitions into retirement.





