
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The manipulation of interactions between light and matter plays a crucial role in the evolution of organisms and a better life for humans. As a result of natural selection, precise light-regulatory systems of biology have been engineered that provide many powerful and promising bioinspired strategies. As the \"king of disguise\", cephalopods, which can perfectly control the propagation of light and thus achieve excellent surrounding-matching via their delicate skin structure, have made themselves an exciting source of inspiration for developing optical and thermal regulation nanomaterials. This review presents cutting-edge advancements in cephalopod-inspired optical and thermal regulation nanomaterials, highlighting the key milestones and breakthroughs achieved thus far. We begin with the underlying mechanisms of the adaptive color-changing ability of cephalopods, as well as their special hierarchical skin structure. Then, different types of bioinspired nanomaterials and devices are comprehensively summarized. Furthermore, some advanced and emerging applications of these nanomaterials and devices, including camouflage, thermal management, pixelation, medical health, sensing and wireless communication, are addressed. Finally, some remaining but significant challenges and potential directions for future work are discussed. We anticipate that this comprehensive review will promote the further development of cephalopod-inspired nanomaterials for optical and thermal regulation and trigger ideas for bioinspired design of nanomaterials in multidisciplinary applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many animals rely on visual camouflage to avoid detection and increase their chances of survival. Edge disruption is commonly seen in the natural world, with animals evolving high-contrast markings that are incongruent with their real body outline in order to avoid recognition. While many studies have investigated how camouflage properties influence viewer performance and eye movement in predation search tasks, researchers in the field have yet to consider how camouflage may directly modulate visual attention and object processing. To examine how disruptive coloration modulates attention, we use a visual object recognition model to quantify object saliency. We determine if object saliency is predictive of human behavioural performance and subjective certainty, as well as neural signatures of attention and decision-making. We show that increasing edge disruption not only reduces detection and identification performance but is also associated with a dampening of neurophysiological signatures of attentional filtering. Increased self-reported certainty regarding decisions corresponds with neurophysiological signatures of evidence accumulation and decision-making. In summary, we have demonstrated a potential mechanism by which edge disruption increases the evolutionary fitness of animals by reducing the brain\'s ability to distinguish signal from noise, and hence to detect and identify the camouflaged animal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flexible electrochromic devices (FECDs) are widely explored for diverse applications including wearable electronics, camouflage, and smart windows. However, the manufacturing process of patterned FECDs remains complex, costly, and non-customizable. To address this challenge, a strategy is proposed to prepare integrated FECDs via multi-material direct writing 3D printing. By designing novel viologen/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel inks and systematically evaluating the printability of various inks, seamless interface integration can be achieved, enabling streamlined manufacturing of patterned FECDs with continuous production capabilities. The resultant 3D-printed FECDs exhibit excellent electrochromic and mechanical properties, including high optical contrast (up to 54% at 360 nm), nice cycling stability (less than 5% electroactivity reduction after 10 000 s), and mechanical stability (less than 19% optimal contrast decrease after 5000 cycles of bending). The potential applications of these 3D-printed hydrogel-based FECDs are further demonstrated in wearable electronics, camouflage, and smart windows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"escape and radiate\" hypothesis predicts that once species have evolved aposematism, defended species can utilize more visually diverse visual backgrounds as they \"escape\" the need to be well camouflaged. This enables species to explore new ecological niches, resulting in increased diversification rates. To test this hypothesis \"escape\" component, we examined whether the background habitats of 12 nudibranch mollusk species differed among species depending on the presence and strength of chemical defenses. We obtained a rich array of color pattern statistics using quantitative color pattern analysis to analyze backgrounds viewed through the eyes of a potential predator (triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus). Color pattern analysis was done at viewing distances simulating an escalating predation sequence. We identified 4 latent factors comprising 17 noncorrelated color pattern parameters, which captured the among-species variability associated with differences in chemical defenses. We found that chemically defended species, indeed, were found on visually distinct backgrounds with increased color and luminance contrast, independent of viewing distance. However, we found no evidence for increased among-species background diversity coinciding with the presence and strength of chemical defenses. Our results agree with the \"escape and radiate\" hypothesis, suggesting that potent chemical defenses in Dorid nudibranchs coincide with spatiochromatic differences of visual background habitats perceived by potential predators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid body colouration changes in some animals, such as chameleons and octopuses, serve dual functions: camouflage and intraspecific communication. It has been hypothesized that these colouration changes originally evolved to provide camouflage and subsequently were co-opted as social signals; however, experimental model systems that are suitable for studying such evolutionary processes are limited. Here, we investigated the relationship between rapid colouration changes of the blackened markings and aggressive behaviours in male Oryzias celebensis, an Indonesian medaka fish, under triadic relationships (two males and one female) or three males conditions with two different environmental backgrounds. In an algae-covered tank, mimicking the common laboratory rearing conditions, males with blackened markings exhibited more frequent attacks towards different conspecific individuals compared with non-blackened males and females. The blackened males were seldom attacked by non-blackened males and females. By contrast, neither aggressive behaviours nor black colouration changes were observed in the transparent background condition with a brighter environment. These indicated that the blackened markings in O. celebensis serve as a social signal depending on the environmental backgrounds. Considering that such colouration changes for camouflage are widely conserved among teleost fishes, the traits are likely to be co-opted for displaying social signals in O. celebensis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Masquerade is a form of camouflage in which animals use their body size, shape, and coloration to resemble inanimate objects in their environment to deceive predators. However, there is a lack of experimental evidence to show that animals actively choose objects that match these body parameters. To explore how the Hainan four-eyed turtle, Sacalia insulensis, masquerades using suitable stones, we used indoor video surveillance technology to study the preferences of juvenile S. insulensis for stones of different sizes, shapes, and colors. The results indicated that under normal conditions, during the day, juvenile S. insulensis preferred larger oval or round stones, while at night, they preferred oval stones that were closer to their own size, with no significant preference for stone color during either time. When disturbed (by a researcher swinging their arm back and forth above the experimental setup every hour to mimic a predator), the turtles showed a preference for brown stones that were closer to their size and oval in shape. These findings suggest that juvenile S. insulensis prefer stones that resemble their carapace size and shape to masquerade when undisturbed, and that this preference is reinforced when they masquerade to reduce the risk of predation. The preference for stones that resemble their carapace color is significant only when there is a disturbance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that vertebrates can selectively choose objects that resemble their own morphology for masquerading to reduce predation risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioinspired structural color represents a burgeoning field that draws upon principles, strategies, and concepts derived from biological systems to inspire the design of novel technologies or products featuring reversible color changing mechanisms, with significant potential applications for camouflage, sensors, anticounterfeiting, etc. This mini-review focuses specifically on the research progress of bioinspired structural color in the realm of camouflage. Firstly, it discusses fundamental mechanisms of coloration in biological systems, encompassing pigmentation, structural coloration, fluorescence, and bioluminescence. Subsequently, it delineates three modulation strategies-namely, photonic crystals, film interference, and plasmonic modulation-that contribute to the development of bioinspired structural color materials or devices. Moreover, the review critically assesses the integration of bioinspired structural color materials with environmental contexts, with a particular emphasis on their application in camouflage. Finally, the paper outlines persisting challenges and suggests future development trends in the camouflage field via bioinspired structural color.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish species of the genus Amphiprion (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) seek protection from predators among the tentacles of sea anemones as their natural habitat, where they live essentially unharmed from stinging by the host\'s nematocysts. The skin mucus of these anemonefish has been suggested as a protective mechanism that prevents the discharge of the nematocysts upon contact. Whereas some anemonefish species seem to produce their own protective mucous coating, others may acquire mucus (or biomolecules within) from the sea anemone during an acclimation period. In controlled experiments, we show that Amphiprion ocellaris acclimated successfully to their natural host anemone species Stichodactyla gigantea, and also to Stichodactyla haddoni, and in some cases Heteractis crispa, neither of which are natural host species. No symbiosis was observed for three other anemone species tested, Entacmaea quadricolor, Macrodactyla doreensis, and Heteractis malu. We explored the skin mucous protein profile from naive and experienced A. ocellaris during their acclimation to natural and unnatural host anemones. We confidently report the presence of metabolic and structural proteins in the skin mucus of all samples, likely involved in immunological defense, molecular transport, stress response, and signal transduction. For those anemonefish that established symbiosis, there was a clear increase in ribosomal-type proteins. We additionally provide evidence for the presence of anemone proteins only in the skin mucus of individuals that established symbiosis. Our results support previous speculation of the role of skin mucous-associated proteins in anemonefish-anemone symbiosis. Further exploration of these mucosal proteins could reveal the mechanism of anemonefish acclimation to host anemones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There are intrinsic conflicts between signalling to mutualists and concealing (camouflaging) from antagonists. Like animals, plants also use camouflage as a defence against herbivores. However, this can potentially reduce their attractiveness to pollinators.
    METHODS: Using Fritillaria delavayi, an alpine camouflaged plant with inter-population floral colour divergence, we tested the influence of floral trait differences on reproduction. We conducted pollination experiments, measured floral morphological characteristics, estimated floral colours perceived by pollinators, analysed floral scent and investigated reproductive success in five populations.
    RESULTS: We found that the reproduction of F. delavayi depends on pollinators. Under natural conditions, a flower-camouflaged population had 100 % fruit set and similar seed set to three out of four yellow-flowered populations. Bumblebees are important pollinators in the visually conspicuous yellow-flowered populations, whereas flies are the only pollinator in the flower-camouflaged population, visiting flowers more frequently than bumblebees. The camouflaged flowers cannot be discriminated from the rock background as perceived by pollinators, but may be located by flies through olfactory cues.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our results demonstrate that the flower-camouflaged population has different reproductive traits from the visually conspicuous yellow-flowered populations. A pollinator shift from bumblebees to flies, combined with high visitation frequency, compensates for the attractiveness disadvantage in camouflaged plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coleoid cephalopods (cuttlefish, octopus, and squid) are a group of soft-bodied mollusks that exhibit a wealth of complex behaviors, including dynamic camouflage, object mimicry, skin-based visual communication, and dynamic body patterns during sleep. Many of these behaviors are visually driven and engage the animals\' color changing skin, a pixelated display that is directly controlled by neurons projecting from the brain. Thus, cephalopod skin provides a direct readout of neural activity in the brain. During camouflage, cephalopods recreate on their skin an approximation of what they see, providing a window into perceptual processes in the brain. Additionally, cephalopods communicate their internal state during social encounters using innate skin patterns, and create waves of pigmentation on their skin during periods of arousal. Thus, by leveraging the visual displays of cephalopods, we can gain insight into how the external world is represented in the brain and how this representation is transformed into a recapitulation of the world on the skin. Here, we describe the rich skin behaviors of the coleoid cephalopods, what is known about cephalopod neuroanatomy, and how advancements in gene editing, machine learning, optical imaging, and electrophysiological tools may provide an opportunity to explore the neural bases of these fascinating behaviors.





