Cambridge Structural Database

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arsenic, ubiquitous in various industrial processes and consumer products, presents both essential functions and considerable toxicity risks, driving extensive research into safer applications. Our investigation, drawing from 7182 arsenic-containing molecules in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), outlines their diverse bonding patterns. Notably, 51% of these molecules exhibit cyclic connections, while 49% display acyclic ones. Arsenic forms eight distinct bonding types with other elements, with significant interactions observed, particularly with phenyl rings, O3 and F6 moieties. Top interactions involve carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, sulfur, and arsenic itself. We meticulously evaluated average bond lengths under three conditions: without an R-factor cut-off, with R-factor ≤0.075, and with R-factor ≤0.05, supporting the credibility of our results. Comparative analysis with existing literature data enriches our understanding of arsenic\'s bonding behaviour. Our findings illuminate the structural attributes, molecular coordination, geometry, and bond lengths of arsenic with 68 diverse atoms, enriching our comprehension of arsenic chemistry. These revelations not only offer a pathway for crafting innovative and safer arsenic-based compounds but also foster the evolution of arsenic detoxification mechanisms, tackling pivotal health and environmental challenges linked to arsenic exposure across different contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although COF-300 is often used as an example to study the synthesis and structure of (3D) covalent organic frameworks (COFs), knowledge of the underlying synthetic processes is still fragmented. Here, an optimized synthetic procedure based on a combination of linker protection and modulation was applied. Using this approach, the influence of time and temperature on the synthesis of COF-300 was studied. Synthesis times that were too short produced materials with limited crystallinity and porosity, lacking the typical pore flexibility associated with COF-300. On the other hand, synthesis times that were too long could be characterized by loss of crystallinity and pore order by degradation of the tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane (TAM) linker used. The presence of the degradation product was confirmed by visual inspection, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). As TAM is by far the most popular linker for the synthesis of 3D COFs, this degradation process might be one of the reasons why the development of 3D COFs is still lagging compared with 2D COFs. However, COF crystals obtained via an optimized procedure could be structurally probed using 3D electron diffraction (3DED). The 3DED analysis resulted in a full structure determination of COF-300 at atomic resolution with satisfying data parameters. Comparison of our 3DED-derived structural model with previously reported single-crystal X-ray diffraction data for this material, as well as parameters derived from the Cambridge Structural Database, demonstrates the high accuracy of the 3DED method for structure determination. This validation might accelerate the exploitation of 3DED as a structure determination technique for COFs and other porous materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper uses deep learning to present a proof-of-concept for data-driven chemistry in single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Previous discussions within SMM research have proposed links between molecular structures (crystal structures) and single-molecule magnetic properties; however, these have only interpreted the results. Therefore, this study introduces a data-driven approach to predict the properties of SMM structures using deep learning. The deep-learning model learns the structural features of the SMM molecules by extracting the single-molecule magnetic properties from the 3D coordinates presented in this paper. The model accurately determined whether a molecule was a single-molecule magnet, with an accuracy rate of approximately 70% in predicting the SMM properties. The deep-learning model found SMMs from 20 000 metal complexes extracted from the Cambridge Structural Database. Using deep-learning models for predicting SMM properties and guiding the design of novel molecules is promising.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyses of the Cambridge Structural Database and theoretical calculations (PBE0-D3/def2-TZVP level, atoms-in-molecules, natural bond orbital studies) prove the formation of net attractive noncovalent interactions between group 5 elements and electron-rich atoms (neutral or anionic). These kinds of bonding are markedly different from coordination bonds formed by the same elements and possess the distinctive features of σ-hole interactions. The term erythronium bond is proposed to denote these bonds. X-ray structures of vanadate-dependent bromoperoxidases show that these interactions are present also in biological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hydrogen bonds of free and coordinated amino acids with water molecule were studied by analyzing data in the crystal structures from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and by quantum chemical calculations. The CSD data indicate bifurcated NH/O hydrogen bonds and O1/HO hydrogen bonds of coordinated oxygen. The O/HO hydrogen bonds of free zwitterions and non-coordinated carbonyl oxygen (O2/HO) in metal complexes form primarily linear, non-bifurcated hydrogen bonds. Calculated M06L-GD3/def2-TZVPP interaction energies for free zwitterions (glycine, cysteine, phenylalanine and, serine) and water molecule are in the range from -5.1 to -9.6 kcal/mol for NH/O and from -6.9 to -7.6 kcal/mol for O/HO interactions. Coordinated amino acids in neutral octahedral cobalt(III) complexes have NH/O interaction energies ca. -7.4 kcal/mol, independent of the amino acid. The singly and doubly charged complexes have stronger NH/O interactions; the strongest has energy of -16.9 kcal/mol. In the case of O1/HO hydrogen bond, the interaction energy decreases upon coordination; interactions are quite weak for neutral complexes (-2.2 to -2.6 kcal/mol). For O2/HO hydrogen bonds, all amino acids except serine show slightly stronger interaction in singly negative complexes (-6.3 to -8.0 kcal/mol), while interactions are weaker for neutral complexes (-2.8 to -4.4 kcal/mol), comparing to zwitterions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is a collection of over one million experimental three-dimensional structures obtained through crystallographic analyses. These structures are determined by crystallographers worldwide and undergo curation and enhancement by scientists at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) prior to their addition to the database. Though the CSD is substantial and contains widespread chemical diversity across organic and metal-organic compounds, it is estimated that a significant proportion of crystal structures determined are not published or shared through the peer-reviewed journal mechanism. To help overcome this, scientists can publish structures directly through the database as CSD Communications and these structural datasets are made publicly available alongside structures associated with scientific articles. CSD Communications contribute to the collective crystallographic knowledge as nearly two thirds are novel structures that are not otherwise available in the scientific literature. The primary benefits of sharing data through CSD Communications include the long-term preservation of scientific data, the strengthening of a widely data-mined world repository (the CSD), and the opportunity for scientists to receive recognition for their work through a formal and citable data publication. All CSD Communications are assigned unique digital object identifiers (DOIs). Contributions as CSD Communications currently comprise about 3.89% of the total CSD entries. Each individual CSD Communication is free to view and retrieve from the CCDC website.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bifurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions between organosulfur molecules, which are key components of organic optical and electronic materials, were investigated by using a combined method of the Cambridge Structural Database search and quantum chemical calculation. Due to the geometric constraints, the binding energy of one bifurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction is in general smaller than the sum of the binding energies of two free monofurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions. The bifurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions are still of the dispersion-dominated noncovalent interactions. However, in contrast to the linear monofurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction, the contribution of the electrostatic energy to the total attractive interaction energy increases significantly and the dispersion component of the total attractive interaction energy decreases significantly for the bifurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction. Another important finding of this study is that the low-cost spin-component scaled zeroth-order symmetry-adapted perturbation theory performs perfectly in the study of the bifurcated σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions. This work will provide valuable information for the design and synthesis of novel organic optical and electronic materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For [C(O)NH](N)2P(O)-based structures, the magnitude of the differences in the N-H...O, H...O=P and H...O=C angles has been evaluated when the N-H bond lengths, determined by X-ray diffraction, were compared to the neutron normalized values and the maximum percentage difference was obtained, i.e. about 3% for the angle even if the N-H bond lengths have a difference of about 30% (0.7 Å for the X-ray and 1.03 Å for the neutron-normalized value). The symmetries of the crystals are discussed with respect to the symmetry of the molecules, as well as to the symmetry of hydrogen-bonded motifs, and the role of the most directional hydrogen bond in raising the probability of obtaining centrosymmetric crystal structures is investigated. The work was performed by considering nine new X-ray crystal structures and 204 analogous structures retrieved from the Cambridge Structural Database.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Typical ranges of thermal expansion coefficients are established for organic molecular crystals in the Cambridge Structural Database. The CSD Python API is used to extract 6201 crystal structures determined close to room temperature and at least one lower temperature down to 90 K. The data set is dominated by structure families with only two temperature points and is subject to various sources of error, including incorrect temperature reporting and missing flags for variable-pressure studies. For structure families comprising four or more temperature points in the range 90-300 K, a linear relationship between unit-cell volume and temperature is shown to be a reasonable approximation. For a selected subset of 210 structures showing an optimal linear fit, the volumetric expansion coefficient at 298 K has mean 173 p.p.m. K-1 and standard deviation 47 p.p.m.  K-1. The full set of 6201 structures shows a similar distribution, which is fitted by a normal distribution with mean 161 p.p.m. K-1 and standard deviation 51 p.p.m. K-1, with excess population in the tails mainly comprising unreliable entries. The distribution of principal expansion coefficients, extracted under the assumption of a linear relationship between length and temperature, shows a positive skew and can be approximated by two half normal distributions centred on 33 p.p.m. K-1 with standard deviations 40 p.p.m. K-1 (lower side) and 56 p.p.m. K-1 (upper side). The distribution for the full structure set is comparable to that of the test subset, and the overall frequency of biaxial and uniaxial negative thermal expansion is estimated to be < 5% and ∼30%, respectively. A measure of the expansion anisotropy shows a positively skewed distribution, similar to the principal expansion coefficients themselves, and ranges based on suggested half normal distributions are shown to highlight literature cases of exceptional thermal expansion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crystal structures of rubescin D (1, C26H30O5) and monadelphin A (2, C30H36O11), bioactive molecules of the vilasinin and gedunin classes of limonoids, respectively, are reported for the first time and the synthons affecting their crystal packings are analyzed on the basis of their occurrences in molecules in the Cambridge Structural Database that share the same moieties. Rubescin D, 1, crystallizes in the space group P21 and its molecular structure consists of three six-membered rings A, C and D having, respectively, envelope, twist-boat and half-chair conformations, and three five-membered rings with half-chair (B and E) and planar conformations (F). Many synthons found in the crystal packing of 1 are in agreement with expectations derived from molecules displaying the same moieties. However, the secondary alcohol-ketone O-H...O=C synthon, which has a low occurrence (2.9%), contributes much to the layered packing, while the furan-ketone Csp2-H...O=C and secondary alcohol-epoxide O-H...OC2 synthons usually found in these compounds (occurrences of 20.6 and 17.6%, respectively) are missing. The packing of 1 is close to that of ceramicine B (3), but is completely different from that of TS3 (4), suggesting that the absence of the epoxide group in 3 would have favoured the furan-secondary alcohol Csp2-H...OH synthon and that the missing hydroxy group in 4, a strong hydrogen-bond donor, would have favoured the involvement of water molecules in the crystal packing. The molecular structure of monadelphin A, 2, consists of four six-membered fused rings (A, B, C and D) and one five-membered ring (E); they have twist-boat (A and C), chair (B), screw-boat (D) and planar (E) conformations. The molecule crystallizes in the space group P212121 with the contribution of many synthons usually found in compounds having the same moieties. However, the secondary alcohol-acetate O-H...OOC and secondary alcohol-ketone O-H...O=C synthons (occurrences of 16.7% each in these compounds) are missing. The furan-acetate Csp2-H...OOC synthon not observed in these compounds greatly contributes to the layered packing of 2. The layered packing is very close to those of 7-oxogedunin (5) and 6-dehydro-7-deacetoxy-7-oxogedunin (6), which both crystallize in the space group P21.





