Cadaver study

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over the last decades, arthroscopic surgery has become increasingly relevant as its minimally invasive approach offers many benefits. To investigate the risks of orthoscopic surgery at the elbow, this study aimed to investigate the development of temperatures in elbow joints while performing radiofrequency ablation in arthroscopic surgery.
    METHODS: We performed standard arthroscopic surgeries with posterolateral, transtricipital and anterolateral approaches on seven cadaveric elbows and performed ablation on predefined locations with or without irrigation. Two temperature probes were positioned into the olecranon fossa and between the ulnar nerve and the medial joint capsule. The temperature data were recorded using a real-time data logger. A bipolar radiofrequency ablation (bRFA) device was used at the medial and lateral recess and in the fossa olecrani over a defined period. Data was then analyzed using Matlab.
    RESULTS: Using bRFA without irrigation results in rapidly increasing temperature within the joint. A significant temperature increase was found within only 5 s without irrigation (p = 0.0052) in the fossa olecrani. We did not observe critical temperatures above 41 °C close to the ulnar nerve within 30 s under constant irrigation (p = 0.0747).
    CONCLUSIONS: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can be safely used in elbow arthroscopy with irrigation. The continuous use without irrigation should be limited to 3 s. Despite the anatomical proximity of the ulnar nerve and capsule, we were able to show that a possible rise in temperature most likely does not affect the ulnar nerve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Chevron osteotomy offers near-excellent clinical results and adequate stability at lower shift percentages, among the techniques used to correct hallux valgus deformity. This cadaveric study aimed to compare the Chevron osteotomy with the reverse offset-L osteotomy, which may provide a greater surface area and a more stable geometry to withstand higher cantilever forces at higher shift percentages.
    METHODS: Metatarsal bones obtained from 20 human cadavers with similar bone quality were divided into two groups: Chevron osteotomy was applied to the 1st group and reverse offset-L osteotomy was applied to the 2nd group. The load-to-failure, displacement in the y-axis, and total displacement values of both groups were compared statistically. Furthermore, bone densities were compared between the groups with computed tomography imaging.
    RESULTS: When outliers in both groups were excluded, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of reverse offset-L (143 ± 42 vs. 204 ± 51.2 N, p = 0.02) in terms of failure load. The groups were similar in terms of displacement on the y-axis and total displacement values. Bone densities were similar.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reverse offset-L osteotomy has been shown to withstand greater loads before failure compared to the standard Chevron osteotomy. This significant difference in load-to-failure may enable reverse offset-L to provide reliable stability in osteotomies performed in advanced HV cases requiring higher shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cancer is commonly associated with pain. For patients with advanced cancer and intractable pain, ablative neurosurgical procedures can significantly improve pain and transition patients out of inpatient settings. These procedures are normally invasive, and this poses an important risk in this population. Cingulotomy has been reported to improve pain perception and contribute substantially to the quality of life of cancer patients with refractory pain.
    METHODS: One fresh human cadaver specimen was used for the setup. The cingulate gyrus was targeted using intraoperative magnetic resonance images, and osseous aberrations were corrected after coregistration with the preoperative head computed tomography. After accounting for sinuses, membrane folds, and calcifications, a total of 737 elements were available for thermal ultrasound ablation. On high-power sonications, the total energy delivered reached a peak temperature of 57°C (15,050 J, 350 W, 45 seconds) in the right cingulate and 52°C (13,000 J, 405 W, 46 seconds) in the left cingulate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the limitations of using a cadaver model (temperature, vascularization), cingulotomy appears to be feasible using high-intensity focused ultrasound.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study \"Spaces of the Face for Filler Procedures: Identification of subSMAS Spaces Based on Anatomical Study\" explores the anatomy of facial spaces crucial for safe and effective filler injections. By delineating the subSMAS (sub-superficial musculoaponeurotic system) spaces, this research highlights how these virtual compartments, bordered by fat, muscles, fascia, and ligaments, facilitate independent muscle movement and reduce the risk of damaging critical structures. The thicker and more robust skin of East Asians necessitates deeper filler injections, emphasizing the significance of accurately identifying these spaces. A cadaver study with dyed gelatin validated the existence and characteristics of these subSMAS spaces, confirming their safety for filler procedures. Key spaces, such as the subgalea-frontalis, interfascial and temporalis, and prezygomatic spaces, were examined, illustrating safe zones for injections. The findings underscore the importance of anatomical knowledge for enhancing facial aesthetics while minimizing complications. This study serves as a guide for clinicians to perform precise and safe filler injections, providing a foundation for further research on the dynamic interactions of these spaces and long-term outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The orbital floor is frequently involved in head trauma. Current evidence on the use of reconstruction materials for orbital floor repair is inconclusive. Accordingly, this study aimed to compare the impact of polydioxanone (PDS) foil thickness on reconstruction of the orbital geometry after isolated orbital floor fractures.
    METHODS: Standardized isolated orbital floor fractures were symmetrically created in 11 cadaver heads that provided 22 orbits. PDS foils with thicknesses of 0.25-0.5 mm were inserted. Computed tomography (CT) scans of the native, fractured, and reconstructed orbits were obtained, and orbital volume, orbital height, and foil bending were measured.
    RESULTS: Orbital volume and height significantly (p < 0.01) increased after the creation of isolated orbital floor fractures and significantly (p = 0.001) decreased with overcorrection of the orbital geometry after orbital floor reconstruction with PDS 0.25 mm or PDS 0.5 mm. The orbital geometry reconstruction rate did not differ significantly with respect to foil thickness. However, compared to PDS 0.5 mm, the use of PDS 0.25 mm resulted in quantitatively higher reconstructive accuracy and a restored orbital volume that did not significantly differ from the initial volume.
    CONCLUSIONS: Orbital floors subjected to isolated fractures were successfully reconstructed using PDS regardless of foil thickness, with overcorrection of the orbital geometry. Due to its lower flexural stiffness, PDS 0.25 mm appeared to provide more accurate orbital geometry reconstruction than PDS 0.5 mm, although no significant difference in reconstructive accuracy between PDS 0.25 mm and PDS 0.5 mm was observed in this cadaveric study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pressure distribution in the ankle joint is known to be dependent on various factors, including hindfoot alignment. We seek to evaluate how hindfoot alignment affects contact pressures in the ankle joint in the setting of supination external rotation (SER) type ankle fractures.
    UNASSIGNED: SER fractures were created in 10 human cadaver lower extremity specimens, simulating progressive stages of injury: without fracture (step 0), SER fracture and intact deltoid ligament (step 1), superficial deltoid ligament disruption (step 2), and deep deltoid ligament disruption (step 3). At each step, varus and valgus alignment was simulated by displacing the calcaneal tuberosity 7 mm medial or lateral. Each limb was axially loaded following each osteotomy at a static load of 350 N. The center of force (COF), contact area (CA), and peak contact pressure (PP) under load were measured, and radiographs of the ankle mortise were taken to analyze the medial clear space (MCS) and talar tilt (TT).
    UNASSIGNED: The COF (5.3 mm, P = .030) and the CA (-188.4 mm2, P = .015) changed in step 3 in the valgus hindfoot alignment compared to baseline parameters, indicating the importance of deep deltoid ligament integrity in maintaining normal ankle joint contact stress in the valgus hindfoot. These changes were not seen in the setting of varus alignment (COF: 2.3 mm, P = .059; CA -121 mm2, P = .133). PP were found to not change significantly in either varus or valgus (varus: -4.9 N, P = .132; valgus: -4 N, P = .464).The MCS demonstrated widening in step 3 compared to step 2 (0.7 mm, P = .020) in both varus and valgus hindfoot. The TT increased significantly in step 3 in the valgus hindfoot (2.8 degrees, P = .020) compared to step 0.
    UNASSIGNED: SER-IV fractures with valgus hindfoot alignment showed significant changes in pressure distribution and radiographic parameters when compared to SER-IV fractures with varus hindfoot alignment.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on this cadaver modeling study, patients with SERIV fracture with varus hindfoot alignment and complete deltoid ligament lesion may not need fracture fixation, whereas those with valgus hindfoot alignment likely need fracture fixation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several studies have indicated that Camitz transfer for severe carpal tunnel does not adequately restore thumb opposition. The aim of this study was to determine whether modification of the distal insertion of the transferred palmaris longus tendon could provide more effective opposition. We used 12 fresh-frozen upper extremity specimens. For spatial analysis, we used a three-dimensional motion-tracking device. At 0 N and 5 N of traction force, the pronation angle was significantly larger for the modified procedure than for the conventional procedure. There was no significant difference in the palmar abduction angle between the two groups. The modified palmaris longus tendon insertion on the ulnar side of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint provides more effective thumb pronation than conventional Camitz opponensplasty in a cadaver model.    .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distraction is a new treatment for trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study was to test the efficiency of magnetic distraction using a new internal distractor in cadavers. The distractor consists of two magnets embedded inside titanium capsules that are implanted on either side of the trapeziometacarpal joint with the same poles facing each other, so that the force between the magnets distracts the joint. Intra-articular forces were recorded pre-implantation, immediately after implantation and again 10 minutes later. We also studied the changes in the forces before and after the procedure in different thumb positions. Our findings show that the trapeziometacarpal joint could be offloaded in all the studied trapeziometacarpal positions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Cadaver dissection plays an important role in learning anatomy. A surgeon must have a thorough knowledge of anatomy of the operating region to perform safe surgery. Skill laboratories give opportunities to surgeons to practice on cadavers before venturing onto real patients. The most common method of cadaver preservation is through formalin fixation. In the process of fixation, formalin destroys the tissue characteristics and also has issues such as smell, eye irritation, hardening of tissue, and risk of carcinogenesis. The Thiel embalming technique and its modifications were developed to address those issues. Our primary objective was to find the benefits of soft embalmed cadavers over formalin-fixed bodies and, secondly, to find out microbial flora in soft embalmed cadavers. Study design This is a basic study. Methods Four cadavers were prepared for the soft embalming purpose for our workshop for surgeons on spine fixation. Due to unavailability, we replaced 4-chloro-3-methylphenol 1% with phenol 1%. The bodies were preserved in refrigerators at 4°C before being used for the workshop purpose. The delegates and faculties were given a questionnaire to assess their experience of the cadavers in terms of odor, irritation, tissue characteristics, joint mobility, and imaging characteristics. The results were calculated using statistical analysis. Swabs were taken from a few of the cadavers for culture to find the organisms. Results There were 14 questions in the questionnaire, and the data collected were divided into two groups, faculties, and delegates. JASP software was used to analyze the data. The questions addressed various aspects of cadavers such as color, odor, tissue pliability, joint flexibility, imaging characteristics, mucosal irritation, and earlier experience in working with cadavers. Cronbach α was used to find the correlation between the various characteristics analyzed. The authors intend to name the domains being measured: surgical suitability (scores of items 8 to 12), imaging suitability (scores of items 5 and 6), and smell score (scores of items 5 and 6). It can be a guide to constructing and refining a better quantitative scale to measure the \"quality of soft-embalmed cadavers for surgical training.\" Conclusions Skill laboratories give opportunities to young surgeons and trainees to learn and improve their skills before applying them to real patients. This was our first attempt to develop soft embalmed cadavers at our center and our state. We used the parent solution with some variations as per the availability of chemicals at our place and found that the features of the preserved cadavers were good and well-suited to address our purpose. Therefore, with some variations in the parent formulations, centers situated in remote and less developed places can formulate their own solution to develop soft embalmed cadavers and establish cadaver skill laboratories. This will benefit the local surgeons and trainees. The authors tried to develop a few domains through statistical analysis, which can be used to assess and compare the quality of cadavers prepared at various centers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we developed and validated a robotic testbench to investigate the biomechanical compatibility of three total knee arthroplasty (TKA) configurations under different loading conditions, including varus-valgus and internal-external loading across defined flexion angles. The testbench captured force-torque data, position, and quaternion information of the knee joint. A cadaver study was conducted, encompassing a native knee joint assessment and successive TKA testing, featuring femoral component rotations at -5°, 0°, and +5° relative to the transepicondylar axis of the femur. The native knee showed enhanced stability in varus-valgus loading, with the +5° external rotation TKA displaying the smallest deviation, indicating biomechanical compatibility. The robotic testbench consistently demonstrated high precision across all loading conditions. The findings demonstrated that the TKA configuration with a +5° external rotation displayed the minimal mean deviation under internal-external loading, indicating superior joint stability. These results contribute meaningful understanding regarding the influence of different TKA configurations on knee joint biomechanics, potentially influencing surgical planning and implant positioning. We are making the collected dataset available for further biomechanical model development and plan to explore the 6 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) robotic platform for additional biomechanical analysis. This study highlights the versatility and usefulness of the robotic testbench as an instrumental tool for expanding our understanding of knee joint biomechanics.





