• 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: We studied the D3-type cyclin function during gynoecium development in Arabidopsis and how they are related to the hormone cytokinin and the transcription factor SPATULA. Growth throughout the life of plants is sustained by cell division and differentiation processes in meristematic tissues. In Arabidopsis, gynoecium development implies a multiphasic process where the tissues required for pollination, fertilization, and seed development form. The Carpel Margin Meristem (CMM) is a mass of undifferentiated cells that gives rise to the gynoecium internal tissues, such as septum, ovules, placenta, funiculus, transmitting tract, style, and stigma. Different genetic and hormonal factors, including cytokinin, control the CMM function. Cytokinin regulates the cell cycle transitions through the activation of cell cycle regulators as cyclin genes. D3-type cyclins are expressed in proliferative tissues, favoring the mitotic cell cycle over the endoreduplication. Though the role of cytokinin in CMM and gynoecium development is highly studied, its specific role in regulating the cell cycle in this tissue remains unclear. Additionally, despite extensive research on the relationship between CYCD3 genes and cytokinin, the regulatory mechanism that connects them remains elusive. Here, we found that D3-type cyclins are expressed in proliferative medial and lateral tissues. Conversely, the depletion of the three CYCD3 genes showed that they are not essential for gynoecium development. However, the addition of exogenous cytokinin showed that they could control the division/differentiation balance in gynoecium internal tissues and outgrowths. Finally, we found that SPATULA can be a mechanistic link between cytokinin and the D3-type cyclins. The data suggest that the role of D3-type cyclins in gynoecium development is related to the cytokinin response, and they might be activated by the transcription factor SPATULA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization plays a crucial role in plant breeding and genetic improvement. Although the phenomenon of polyploidization affecting the area and number of plant epidermal pavement cells is well described, the underlying mechanism behind this phenomenon is still largely unknown. In this study, we found that the leaves of autotetraploid birch (Betula pendula) stopped cell division earlier and had a larger cell area. In addition, compared to diploids, tetraploids have a smaller stomatal density and fewer stomatal numbers. Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis revealed no significant difference in global DNA methylation levels between diploids and tetraploids. A total of 9154 differential methylation regions (DMRs) were identified between diploids and tetraploids, with CHH-type DMRs accounting for 91.73% of all types of DMRs. Further research has found that there are a total of 2105 differentially methylated genes (DMEGs) with CHH-type DMRs in birch. The GO functional enrichment results of DMEGs showed that differentially methylated genes were mainly involved in terms such as cellular process and metabolic process. The analysis of differentially methylated genes and differentially expressed genes suggests that hyper-methylation in the promoter region may inhibit the gene expression level of BpCYCD3;2 in tetraploids. To investigate the function of BpCYCD3;2 in birch, we obtained overexpression and repressed expression lines of BpCYCD3;2 through genetic transformation. The morphogenesis of both BpCYCD3;2-OE and BpCYCD3;2-RE lines was not affected. However, low expression of BpCYCD3;2 can lead to inhibition of cell division in leaves, and this inhibition of cell proliferation can be compensated for by an increase in cell size. Additionally, we found that the number and density of stomata in the BpCYCD3;2-RE lines were significantly reduced, consistent with the tetraploid. These data indicate that changes in cell division ability and stomatal changes in tetraploid birch can be partially attributed to low expression of the BpCYCD3;2 gene, which may be related to hyper-methylation in its promoter region. These results will provide new insights into the mechanism by which polyploidization affects plant development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    D-type cyclin (cyclin D, CYCD), combined with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), participates in the regulation of cell cycle G1/S transition and plays an important role in cell division and proliferation. CYCD could affect the growth and development of herbaceous plants, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, by regulating the cell cycle process. However, its research in wood plants (e.g., poplar) is poor. Phylogenetic analysis showed that in Populus trichocarpa, CYCD3 genes expanded to six members, namely PtCYCD3;1-6. P. tomentosa CYCD3 genes were amplified based on the CDS region of P. trichocarpa CYCD3 genes. PtoCYCD3;3 showed the highest expression in the shoot tip, and the higher expression in young leaves among all members. Therefore, this gene was selected for further study. The overexpression of PtoCYCD3;3 in plants demonstrated obvious morphological changes during the observation period. The leaves became enlarged and wrinkled, the stems thickened and elongated, and multiple branches were formed by the plants. Anatomical study showed that in addition to promoting the differentiation of cambium tissues and the expansion of stem vessel cells, PtoCYCD3;3 facilitated the division of leaf adaxial epidermal cells and palisade tissue cells. Yeast two-hybrid experiment exhibited that 12 PtoCDK proteins could interact with PtoCYCD3;3, of which the strongest interaction strength was PtoCDKE;2, whereas the weakest was PtoCDKG;3. Molecular docking experiments further verified the force strength of PtoCDKE;2 and PtoCDKG;3 with PtoCYCD3;3. In summary, these results indicated that the overexpression of PtoCYCD3;3 significantly promoted the vegetative growth of Populus, and PtoCYCD3;3 may interact with different types of CDK proteins to regulate cell cycle processes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokinin and nitric oxide (NO) have been characterized as signaling molecules to trigger cell division in tissue culture. Here, we show that the hypocotyl and root explants of Arabidopsis NO-deficient mutant nos1/noa1 exhibit severe defects in callus induction and shoot regeneration in response to cytokinin. Accordingly, depletion of NO caused by a NO scavenger leads to a severe inhibitory effect on callus induction. Moreover, cytokinin-induced NO production is impaired in nos1/noa1 in which cytokinin-triggered activation of cell cycle gene CYCD3;1 is inhibited, indicating that NO may act downstream of cytokinin in the control of cell proliferation through CYCD3;1. This hypothesis is further confirmed by the genetic evidence that constitutive expression of CYCD3;1 complements the defects of nos1/noa1 mutant in meristematic activity in shoot, root, and floral tissues as well as in cytokinin-induced callus initiation and shoot regeneration. Furthermore, we show that NO deficiency caused by loss of NOS1/NOA1 impairs cellular development such as the duration of the mitotic phase and timing of the transition to endocycles in nos1/noa1 mutant leaves, which can be reverted by constitutive expression of CYCD3;1. Taken together, these results demonstrate that NO mediates transcriptional activation of CYCD3;1 in regulating the mitotic cycles in response to cytokinins.





