• 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examine whether math anxiety is related to altered response monitoring in an arithmetic task. Response-locked event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were evaluated in 23 highly (HMA) and 23 low math-anxious (LMA) individuals while they performed an arithmetic verification task. We focused on two widely studied ERPs elicited during error processing: error-related negativity (ERN) and error positivity (Pe). Correct-related negativity (CRN), an ERP elicited after a correct response, was also studied. The expected ERN following errors was found, but groups did not differ in its amplitude. Importantly, LMA individuals showed less negative CRN and more positive Pe amplitudes than their more anxious peers, suggesting more certainty regarding response accuracy and better adaptive behavioral adjustment after committing errors in an arithmetic task in the LMA group. The worse control over response performance and less awareness of correct responses in the HMA group might reduce their ability to \'learn from errors\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromium Nitride (CrN) coatings have widespread utilization across numerous industrial applications, primarily attributed to their excellent properties. Among the different methods for CrN coating synthesis, direct current magnetron sputtering (DCMS) has been the dominant technique applied. Nonetheless, with the expanded applications of CrN coatings, the need for enhanced mechanical performance is concurrently escalating. High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS), an innovative coating deposition approach developed over the past three decades, is gaining recognition for its capability of yielding coatings with superior mechanical attributes, thereby drawing significant research interest. Considering that the mechanical performance of a coating is fundamentally governed by its microstructural properties, a comprehensive review of CrN coatings fabricated through both techniques is presented. This review of recent literature aims to embark on an insightful comparison between DCMS and HiPIMS, followed by an examination of the microstructure of CrN coatings fabricated via both techniques. Furthermore, the exploration of the underlying factors contributing to the disparities in mechanical properties observed in CrN coatings is revealed. An assessment of the advantages and potential shortcomings of HiPIMS is discussed, offering insight into CrN coating fabrication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hard coatings can be applied onto microstructured molds to influence wear, form filling and demolding behaviors in microinjection molding. As an alternative to this conventional manufacturing procedure, \"direct processing\" of physical-vapor-deposited (PVD) hard coatings was investigated in this study, by fabricating submicron features directly into the coatings for a subsequent replication via molding. Different diamondlike carbon (DLC) and chromium nitride (CrN) PVD coatings were investigated regarding their suitability for focused ion beam (FIB) milling and microinjection molding using microscope imaging and areal roughness measurements. Each coating type was deposited onto high-gloss polished mold inserts. A specific test pattern containing different submicron features was then FIB-milled into the coatings using varied FIB parameters. The milling results were found to be influenced by the coating morphology and grain microstructure. Using injection-compression molding, the submicron structures were molded onto polycarbonate (PC) and cyclic olefin polymer (COP). The molding results revealed contrasting molding performances for the studied coatings and polymers. For CrN and PC, a sufficient replication fidelity based on AFM measurements was achieved. In contrast, only an insufficient molding result could be obtained for the DLC. No abrasive wear or coating delamination could be found after molding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that measurement parameters can significantly influence the elemental composition determined by atom probe tomography (APT). Especially results obtained by laser-assisted APT show a strong effect of the laser pulse energy on the apparent elemental composition. Within this study laser-assisted APT experiments were performed on Cr0.51N0.49 and thermally more stable (Cr0.47Al0.53)0.49N0.51, comparing two different base temperatures (i.e. 15 and 60 K), laser wavelengths (i.e. 532 and 355 nm) and systematically modified laser pulse energies. Absolute chemical compositions from laser-assisted APT were compared to data obtained from ion beam analysis. The deduced elemental composition of CrN exhibited a strong increase of the Cr content when the laser pulse energy was increased for both laser wavelengths. For low laser pulse energies Cr, CrN, N and N2 ions were identified, while the amount of detected Cr ions increased and the amount of N ions strongly decreased at higher laser pulse energies. Further, increased detection of more complex Cr-containing ions such as Cr2N at the expense of CrN was observed at higher pulse energies. At the highest pulse energy levels used within this work, the resulting Cr content was > 80 at%, dominated by the amount of detected elemental Cr ions. The change of the mass spectrum of the detected ions with increasing laser pulse energy provides evidence that high laser pulse energies initiate the decomposition of CrN during the APT measurement, consistent with the known thermal decomposition path into Cr2N and subsequently into Cr and gaseous N. In contrast, variation of the laser pulse energy for the thermally more stable CrAlN resulted only in a slight increase of Cr and a decrease of the resulting concentrations of Al and N with increasing laser pulse energy and no change in the type of detected ions. In conclusion, within the present study, the decomposition of a coating material with low thermal stability induced by laser-assisted APT was reported for the first time, emphasizing the importance of the selection of suitable measurement parameters for metastable materials, which are prone to thermal decomposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims at assessing the potential association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and colorectal neoplasms (CRN). PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Embase were searched for cohort studies. 14 cohort studies with a total population of 38,761,773 were included for meta-analysis after selection. The results showed that NAFLD is related to an increased risk of CRN (OR = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.14-1.32; I2 = 70.7%, p < 0.001). In the subgroup analysis, NAFLD were found to be the independent risk factor of colorectal adenoma (CRA) (OR = 1.29; 95% CI = 1.15-1.45; I2 = 66.4%) and colorectal cancer (CRC) (OR = 1.13; 95% CI = 1.12-1.15; I2 = 69.4%). There is no close correlation between smoking status of NAFLD patients and CRN. Interestingly, bioinformatics analysis revealed that there were overlap of dysregulated gene sets among NAFLD, CRC, and two recently identified regulated cell death types, ferroptosis and cuproptosis, respectively. Our meta- and bioinformatics analysis shows that NAFLD increases the risk of CRN. Ferroptosis and cuproptosis may be the critical links between NAFLD and CRN, respectively. These findings here support that NAFLD is necessary to be considered as an emerging risk factor for CRN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oomycetes form a distinct phylogenetic lineage of fungus-like eukaryotic microorganisms, of which several hundred organisms are considered among the most devastating plant pathogens-especially members of the genus Phytophthora. Phytophthora spp. have a large repertoire of effectors that aid in eliciting a susceptible response in host plants. What is of increasing interest is the involvement of Phytophthora effectors in regulating programed cell death (PCD)-in particular, the hypersensitive response. There have been numerous functional characterization studies, which demonstrate Phytophthora effectors either inducing or suppressing host cell death, which may play a crucial role in Phytophthora\'s ability to regulate their hemi-biotrophic lifestyle. Despite several advances in techniques used to identify and characterize Phytophthora effectors, knowledge is still lacking for some important species, including Phytophthora cinnamomi. This review discusses what the term PCD means and the gap in knowledge between pathogenic and developmental forms of PCD in plants. We also discuss the role cell death plays in the virulence of Phytophthora spp. and the effectors that have so far been identified as playing a role in cell death manipulation. Finally, we touch on the different techniques available to study effector functions, such as cell death induction/suppression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Subsyndromal\" obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms (OCDSs) are common and cause impaired psychosocial functioning. OCDSs are better captured by dimensional models of psychopathology, as opposed to categorical diagnoses. However, such dimensional approaches require a deep understanding of the underlying neurocognitive drivers and impulsive and compulsive traits (ie, neurocognitive phenotypes) across symptoms. This study investigated inhibitory control and self-monitoring across impulsivity, compulsivity, and their interaction in individuals (n = 40) experiencing mild-moderate OCDSs.
    EEG recording concurrent with the stop-signal task was used to elicit event-related potentials (ERPs) indexing inhibitory control (ie, N2 and P3) and self-monitoring (ie, error-related negativity and correct-related negativity (CRN): negativity following erroneous or correct responses, respectively).
    During unsuccessful stopping, individuals high in both impulsivity and compulsivity displayed enhanced N2 amplitude, indicative of conflict between the urge to respond and need to stop (F(3, 33) = 1.48, P < .05, 95% Cl [-0.01, 0.001]). Individuals high in compulsivity and low in impulsivity showed reduced P3 amplitude, consistent with impairments in monitoring failed inhibitory control (F(3, 24) = 2.033, P < .05, 95% CI [-0.002, 0.045]). Following successful stopping, high compulsivity (independent of impulsivity) was associated with lower CRN amplitude, reflecting hypo-monitoring of correct responses (F(4, 32) = 4.76, P < .05, 95% CI [0.01, 0.02]), and with greater OCDS severity (F(3, 36) = 3.32, P < .05, 95% CI [0.03, 0.19]).
    The current findings provide evidence for differential, ERP-indexed inhibitory control and self-monitoring profiles across impulsive and compulsive phenotypes in OCDSs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive control is flexibly adapted to task requirements in healthy individuals. Medio-frontal negativities in the event-related potential of the electroencephalogram can serve as indicators of cognitive control. With increasing conflict frequency, stimulus-locked control, as indexed by the N2, is increased and response-locked control, as indexed by the correct-related negativity, is reduced. On the behavioral level, this shift is associated with improved conflict resolution as evident in reduced response times and error rates in incompatible trials and a reduced response time congruency effect. Cognitive control adaptation might be implemented through experience-based task sets specifying advantageous processing strategies. Here, we investigated whether the cognitive control task set will be sustained when coupled with a contextual cue, even when the initial task requirements are no longer present. A flanker task with two conflict frequency conditions (25% incompatible and 75% incompatible trials) was presented. In the training phase, the conflict frequency conditions were paired with a distinct context cue (i.e., background color). In the test phase, the previously associated cues were again presented, but conflict frequency was identical in both conditions (50% incompatible trials). Although typical cognitive control adaptation was observed in the training phase on the behavioral and event-related potentials level, this pattern was not sustained in the test phase. Thus, the present study provides further evidence that cognitive control is flexibly adapted to task requirements even in the presence of misleading cues.





