• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we describe a Drosophila genome engineering technique that can scarlessly modify genomic sequences near any mapped attP attachment site previously integrated by transposon mobilization or gene targeting. This technique combines two highly efficient and robust procedures: phiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific integration and homing endonuclease-mediated resolution of local duplications. In this technique, a donor fragment containing the desired mutation(s) is first integrated into a selected attP site near the target locus by phiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific integration, which creates local duplications consisting of the mutant-containing donor fragment and the wild-type target locus. Next, homing endonuclease-induced double-stranded DNA breaks trigger recombination between the duplications and resolve the target locus to generate scarless mutant alleles. In every step, the desired flies can be easily identified by patterns of dominant markers, so no large-scale screens are needed. This technique is highly efficient and can be used to generate scarless point mutations, insertions, and deletions. The availability of large libraries of mapped attP site-containing transposon/CRISPR insertions in Drosophila allows the modification of more than half of the euchromatic Drosophila genome at a high efficiency. As more and more attP-containing insertions are generated and mapped, this technique will be able to modify larger portions of the Drosophila genome. The principles of this technique are applicable to other organisms where modifications to the genome are feasible. © 2023 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Verifying attP-containing insertions Support Protocol: Extracting genomic DNA Basic Protocol 2: Generating the donor plasmid Basic Protocol 3: Injecting the donor plasmid and establishing transformant stocks Basic Protocol 4: Verifying the transformants Basic Protocol 5: Generating the final scarless alleles Basic Protocol 6: Verifying the final alleles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We previously reported a CRISPR-mediated knock-in strategy into introns of Drosophila genes, generating an attP-FRT-SA-T2A-GAL4-polyA-3XP3-EGFP-FRT-attP transgenic library for multiple uses (Lee et al., 2018a). The method relied on double stranded DNA (dsDNA) homology donors with ~1 kb homology arms. Here, we describe three new simpler ways to edit genes in flies. We create single stranded DNA (ssDNA) donors using PCR and add 100 nt of homology on each side of an integration cassette, followed by enzymatic removal of one strand. Using this method, we generated GFP-tagged proteins that mark organelles in S2 cells. We then describe two dsDNA methods using cheap synthesized donors flanked by 100 nt homology arms and gRNA target sites cloned into a plasmid. Upon injection, donor DNA (1 to 5 kb) is released from the plasmid by Cas9. The cassette integrates efficiently and precisely in vivo. The approach is fast, cheap, and scalable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We generated a library of ~1000 Drosophila stocks in which we inserted a construct in the intron of genes allowing expression of GAL4 under control of endogenous promoters while arresting transcription with a polyadenylation signal 3\' of the GAL4. This allows numerous applications. First, ~90% of insertions in essential genes cause a severe loss-of-function phenotype, an effective way to mutagenize genes. Interestingly, 12/14 chromosomes engineered through CRISPR do not carry second-site lethal mutations. Second, 26/36 (70%) of lethal insertions tested are rescued with a single UAS-cDNA construct. Third, loss-of-function phenotypes associated with many GAL4 insertions can be reverted by excision with UAS-flippase. Fourth, GAL4 driven UAS-GFP/RFP reports tissue and cell-type specificity of gene expression with high sensitivity. We report the expression of hundreds of genes not previously reported. Finally, inserted cassettes can be replaced with GFP or any DNA. These stocks comprise a powerful resource for assessing gene function.





