CR4 (CD11c/CD18)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The involvement of complement in the regulation of antibody responses has been known for long. By now several additional B cell functions - including cytokine production and antigen presentation - have also been shown to be regulated by complement proteins. Most of these important activities are mediated by receptors interacting with activation fragments of the central component of the complement system C3, such as C3b, iC3b and C3d, which are covalently attached to antigens and immune complexes. This review summarizes the role of complement receptors interacting with these ligands, namely CR1 (CD35), CR2 (CD21), CR3 (CD11b/CD18) and CR4 (CD11c/CD18) expressed by B cells in health and disease. Although we focus on human B lymphocytes, we also aim to call the attention to important differences between human and mouse systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complement receptors CR3 (CD11b/CD18) and CR4 (CD11c/CD18) of myeloid cells are known for long to participate in actin linked functions like phagocytosis, adhesion, and migration. The expression and role of these two β2-integrins however, in human B lymphocytes have only scarcely been studied so far, although it has been shown recently that CD11c+ B cells are mainly memory cells. In our systematic study we investigated B cells isolated from tonsils and peripheral blood of healthy donors. We found, that while only 5% of resting tonsillar B cells expressed CD11c, their number increased up to 26% after 3 days of BCR stimulation. Lower, but still remarkable percentage of B lymphocytes were positive for CD11c after stimulation via TLR9 alone or via TLR9 and BCR simultaneously. At the same time, we detected no significant expression of CD11b on resting or activated tonsillar B cells. Blood B lymphocytes showed a similar expression pattern of both β2-integrins. We demonstrated that CD11c molecules appearing on the surface of B cells are newly synthesized, reaching the number of 9,500 per activated B cell. We found that CR4 expressing B cells belong to the memory pool and the increase of CD11c expression on tonsillar B cells upon BCR mediated activation occurs parallel with class switching. Analysis of the function of CD11c revealed, that this β2-integrin contributes to the adhesion and migration of activated B lymphocytes. We also demonstrated that the CR4 mediated adhesion promotes the proliferation of the BCR activated cells. Our studies are the first to demonstrate that CD11c expressed on BCR-activated human B cells are not only passive markers but functional drivers of memory B cell responses.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CR3 and CR4 belong to the family of β2-integrins and play an important role in phagocytosis, cellular adherence and migration. CR3 and CR4 are generally expected to mediate similar functions due to their structural homology, overlapping ligand specificity and parallel expression on human phagocytes. Although the different signalling pathways of these receptors suggest distinct functions, possible differences are just being revealed. Previously we proved that CR3 plays a key role in the uptake of iC3b-opsonized particles by human dendritic cells. Now, besides measuring the overall phagocytic capacity of cells including the assessment of surface bound as well as internalized particles, we extended our investigations and studied the digestion of the iC3b opsonized antigen by various human phagocytes. The participation of CR3 and CR4 was compared in the process of binding, internalization and digestion of iC3b opsonized Staphylococcus aureus by monocytes, monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs), monocyte derived dendritic cells (MDDCs), and neutrophils. Comparing the activity of the two β2-integrin type complement receptors we found that CR3 plays a dominant role in the phagocytosis of iC3b opsonized S. aureus by all of these cell types. Studying another important integrin-mediated function we demonstrated earlier that CR4 is dominant in the adhesion of monocytes, MDMs and MDDCs to fibrinogen. Here we studied the participation of CR3 and CR4 in podosome formation by human phagocytes, since these structures are known to play an essential role in cell migration. Our confocal microscopy analysis revealed that both CD11b and CD11c concentrate in the podosome adhesion ring. In summary our data highlight differences in the function of human CR3 and CR4 in the process of uptake and digestion of complement opsonized antigen, while in the process of podosome formation, connected to cellular motility, both receptors equally take part.





