COVID‐19 mortality

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Early studies during the COVID-19 pandemic suggested dental occupations were among the highest risk for exposure to SARs-CoV-2 because of multiple factors increasing exposure, including close proximity to unmasked patients and performance of aerosol-generating procedures. However, to date, few studies have investigated COVID-19 deaths in United States dental occupations, and compared COVID-19 deaths among healthcare occupations.
    METHODS: We analyzed 2020 mortality data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics\' National Vital Statistics System. Multivariable logistic regression was used to generate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals for COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death in relation to occupation in working-age decedents (≤65 years), after adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, and medical conditions associated with severe COVID-19.
    RESULTS: Dental occupations did not have significantly higher risk for COVID-19 death when compared to all other occupations combined. Among healthcare occupations with frequent, direct patient- or client interactions, LPNs and LVNs, and speech and language pathologists had significantly elevated adjusted ORs for COVID-19 death when compared to dentists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants. Similarly, nurse practitioners had significantly higher ORs for COVID-19 mortality than dentists or dental hygienists, and approached significance when compared to dental assistants. Conversely, massage therapists and other health diagnosing and treating practitioners had significantly lower adjusted ORs for COVID-19 death compared with dental occupations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights potential differences in work-related transmission of SARs-CoV-2 and subsequent COVID-19 deaths in healthcare occupations, and furthers a previously limited understanding of COVID-19 deaths in healthcare occupations in 2020, before COVID-19 vaccine availability. Our results indicate that dental occupations were not among the highest, nor lowest risk, healthcare occupations for COVID-19 deaths in 2020, despite their known risks of direct exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous research done in Bulgaria demonstrated a fivefold reduction in mortality from COVID-19 with increased doses of colchicine from two hospitals in the country. We report here a further 333 cases of COVID-19 inpatients, treated with different doses of colchicine and its effect on mortality.
    METHODS: A case-control comparison from two additional hospitals was conducted between increased doses of colchicine and added bromhexine to standard of care (SOC) versus current SOC. Risk and odds ratio, as well as subgroup analysis, was conducted with newly reported data, alongside aggregate data from all hospital centers to determine the extent of mortality reduction in COVID-19 inpatients.
    RESULTS: There was a clear reduction in the mortality of inpatients with increasing doses of colchicine-between twofold and sevenfold. Colchicine loading doses of 4 mg are more effective than those with 2 mg. Despite these doses being higher than the so-called \"standard doses,\" colchicine inpatients experienced lower mortality than SOC patients (5.7% vs. 19.53%). This mortality benefit was evident in different age subgroups, with a 4-mg loading dose of colchicine proving slightly superior to a 2-mg loading dose. Colchicine led to an overall relative risk reduction of 70.7%, with SOC patients having 3.91 higher odds of death. The safety of the doses was not different than the reported in the summary of product characteristics.
    CONCLUSIONS: Inpatients in Bulgaria with added colchicine and bromhexine to SOC achieved better clinical and mortality outcomes than those on SOC alone. These results question the World Health Organization-recommended strategy to inhibit viral replication. We posit that our treatment strategy to inhibit the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 entry into the cell with inhaled bromhexine and the hyperactivated NLRP3 inflammasome with higher doses of colchicine, prevents the development of cytokine storm. The timing of the initiation of treatment seems critical.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 mortality occurred unevenly across U.S. demographic subgroups, leaving some communities harder hit than others. Black and Hispanic/Latino older adults are among those disproportionately affected by COVID-19 mortality, and in turn, COVID-19 bereavement. Because disparities in COVID-19 mortality may extend to COVID-19 bereavement, it is important to understand the incidence of COVID-19 bereavement among older adults at various degrees of relational closeness (e.g., spouse vs. household member vs. friend).
    METHODS: We used the National Social Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) COVID Study to evaluate disparities in loss of a social network member to COVID-19 among U.S. older adults by race/ethnicity, language, and relational closeness. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the likelihood of experiencing a COVID-19 death in one\'s social network.
    RESULTS: None of the English-speaking, non-Hispanic White respondents reported the loss of a household member or spouse to COVID-19. English-speaking, non-Hispanic Black and English-speaking, Hispanic older adults were overrepresented in reporting a death at every degree of relational closeness. However, close COVID-19 bereavement was most prevalent among Spanish-speaking older adults of any race. Although Spanish speakers comprised only 4.8% of the sample, half of the respondents who lost a spouse to COVID-19 were Spanish speakers. Language and ethnoracial group disparities persisted after controlling for age, sex, marital status, and education.
    CONCLUSIONS: Known ethnoracial disparities in COVID-19 mortality extend to COVID-19 bereavement among older adults. Because bereavement impacts health, Black, Latino, and Spanish-speaking communities need greater protection and investment to prevent disparities in bereavement from exacerbating disparities in later-life mental and physical health.





