CNS malformations

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biggest challenge for clinicians and surgeons when it comes to radiological examinations is the ability to request the right modalities and to understand the strengths and limitations of each modality. This is particularly important in paediatric neurosciences where despite magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) being the main imaging modality, there are several protocols, technical limitations of specific scanners and issues related to sedation that need to be taken into account. In this chapter, we describe a simple approach for six common neurosurgical conditions to guide the paediatric neurosurgeons in requesting the right MR protocol and understanding the rationale of it.Paediatric neuro-oncology, epilepsy and neck/skull base protocols are discussed elsewhere in this book and therefore will not be a focus in this chapter (Bernasconi et al., Epilepsia 60:1054-68, 2019; D\'Arco et al., Neuroradiology 64:1081-100; 2022; Avula et al., Childs Nerv Syst 37:2497-508; 2021).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diprosopus is a rare malformation of still unclear aetiology. It describes a laterally double faced monocephalic and single-trunk individual and has to be distinguished from the variant Janus type diprosopus.
    We examined seven double-faced foetuses, five showing true diprosopus, and one each presenting as monocephalic Janiceps and parasitic conjoined twins. Four of the foetuses presented with (cranio)rachischisis, and two had secondary hydrocephaly. Three foetuses showed cerebral duplication with concordant holoprosencephaly, Dandy-Walker cyst and/or intracranial anterior encephalocele. In the Janiceps twins, cerebral duplication was accompanied by cerebral di-symmetry. In the parasitic twins the cyclopic facial aspects were suggestive of concordant holoprosencephaly. In one of the true diprosopus cases, pregnancy was achieved after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Whole-exome sequencing, perfomed in one case, did not reveal any possible causative variants.The comparison of our double-faced foetuses to corresponding artistic representations from the Tlatilco culture allowed retrospective assignment of hairstyles to brain malformations.
    Brain malformations in patients with diprosopus may not be regarded as an independent event but rather as a sequel closely related to the duplication of the notochord and neural plate and as a consequence of the cerebral and associated craniospinal structural instabilities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Coffin-Siris syndrome (CSS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by the haploinsufficiency of one of the various genes that are part of the Brahma/BRG1-associated factor (BAF) complex. The BAF complex is one of the chromatin remodeling complexes, involved in embryonic and neural development, and various gene mutations are associated with cognitive impairment. CSS has a highly variable genotype and phenotype expression, thus lacking standardized criteria for diagnosis. It is generally accepted to associate 5th digit/nail hypoplasia, intellectual disability (ID)/developmental delay and specific coarse facial features. CSS patients usually display miscellaneous cardiac, genitourinary and central nervous system (CNS) anomalies. Many patients also associate intrauterine growth restriction, failure to thrive and short stature, with several cases demonstrating growth hormone deficiency (GHD). We report the case of a 4-year-old girl with severe short stature (-3.2 standard deviations) due to pituitary hypoplasia and GHD that associated hypoplastic distal phalanx of the 5th digit in the hands and feet, severe ID, coarse facial features (bushy eyebrows, bulbous nose, flat nasal bridge, dental anomalies, thick lips, dental anomalies, bilateral epicanthal fold) and CNS anomalies (agenesis of the corpus callosum and bilateral hippocampal atrophy), thus meeting clinical criteria for the diagnosis of CSS. Karyotype was 46,XX. The patient was started on GH replacement therapy, with favorable outcomes. Current practical knowledge regarding CSS diagnosis and management from the endocrinological point of view is also reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the contemporary state of knowledge regarding processes that regulate normal development of the embryonic-fetal central nervous system (CNS). The processes are described according to the developmental timetable: dorsal induction, ventral induction, neurogenesis, neuronal migration, post-migration neuronal development, and cortical organization. We review the current literature on CNS malformations associated with these regulating processes. We specifically address neural tube defects, holoprosencephaly, malformations of cortical development (including microcephaly, megalencephaly, lissencephaly, cobblestone malformations, gray matter heterotopia, and polymicrogyria), disorders of the corpus callosum, and posterior fossa malformations. Fetal ventriculomegaly, which frequently accompanies these disorders, is also reviewed. Each malformation is described with reference to the etiology, genetic causes, prenatal sonographic imaging, associated anomalies, differential diagnosis, complimentary diagnostic studies, clinical interventions, neurodevelopmental outcome, and life quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is a pestivirus that affects both cattle and sheep, causing an array of clinical signs, which include abortions and malformations in the offspring. Manufacturing of modified live virus (MLV) vaccines often includes the use of bovine-derived products, which implies a risk of contamination with viable BVDV. Recently, the circulation of a specific strain of BVDV 2b among Spanish sheep flocks, associated with outbreaks of abortions and malformations, and whose origin was not determined, has been observed. On February 2018, a MLV orf vaccine was applied to a 1,600 highly prolific sheep flock in the Northeast of Spain that included 550 pregnant ewes. In May 2018, during the lambing season, an unusual high rate (72.7%) of abortions, stillbirths, congenital malformations and neurological signs in the offspring was observed. It was estimated that about 1,000 lambs were lost. Three 1- to 3-day-old affected lambs and a sealed vial of the applied vaccine were studied. Lambs showed variable degrees of central nervous system malformations and presence of pestiviral antigen in the brain. Molecular studies demonstrated the presence of exactly the same BVDV 2b in the tissues of the three lambs and in the orf vaccine, thus pointing to a pestivirus contamination in the applied vaccine as the cause of the outbreak. Interestingly, sequencing at the 5\'-untranslated region-(UTR) of the contaminating virus showed a complete match with the virus described in the previously reported outbreaks in Spain, thus indicating that the same contaminated vaccine could have also played a role in those cases. This communication provides a clear example of the effects of the application of this contaminated product in a sheep flock. The information presented here can be of interest in putative future cases of suspected circulation of this or other BVDV strains in ruminants.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central nervous system (CNS) malformations represent 1% of all births. For this reason, efforts are being made to increase detection of such anomalies prenatally. Consequently, a detailed assessment of the fetal nervous system in the first trimester of pregnancy is no longer a utopia as this kind of evaluation can detect severe malformation such as acrania, neural tube defects, holoprosencephaly or can draw attention regarding to anomalies currently detected in the second trimester due to certain markers of diagnosis.
    METHODS: The study included 1376 pregnant women with gestational ages between 11 and 14 weeks, who were referred to our unit for sonographic evaluation. We analyzed in all patients the fetal brain in axial and mid-sagittal views, assessing markers like intracranial translucency, brainstem/brainstem-occipital bone (BS/BSOB) ratio, choroid plexus (CP/HA) ratio, the octopus sign in order to detect as many anomalies in the first trimester of pregnancy.
    RESULTS: We detected 6 CNS anomalies during our search. All markers assessed were abnormal in all pathological cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: A detailed assessment of the fetal brain is recommended at 11-14 weeks because the earlier the diagnosis is confirmed, the lower the chances of obstetrical, psychological complications to supervene.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 9-year-old female presented to neurology outpatient department of our hospital with complaints of recurrent generalized tonic-clonic seizures since birth and was being treated with anticonvulsants for the same. Patient also had complaints of giddiness and episodes of momentary loss of consciousness. There was history of twitching of left hemiface and eyelid during infancy, often associated with deviation of eyes to the left and groaning. The birth history was unremarkable. Family history revealed no known consanguinity. General examination revealed no dysmorphic features. Neurological examination revealed no cognitive deficits/signs to suggest cerebellar pathology. An electroencephalogram was done in view of her recurrent seizures, which was normal. Initial laboratory work-up was normal. The patient then underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain, acquired with a 1.5-T unit (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). MRI brain revealed hemihypertrophy of left cerebellar hemisphere with disorganized architecture, fissural malorientation with individual folia running vertically rather than horizontally with disorganized foliation, abnormal arborization of white matter predominantly involving mid and dorsal surface of left cerebellar hemisphere and a few suspicious areas of abnormal T2-hyperintense signal in subcortical white matter. Right cerebellar hemisphere and cerebellar vermis were normal. Corpus callosum was normal. Cerebral parenchyma was normal in signal intensity pattern with normal gray-white matter differentiation. Ventricular system was normal (Figures 1 and 2). Cerebellar malformations are uncommon and are usually associated with Dandy-Walker continuum, Joubert syndrome, rhombencephalosynapsis, lissencephaly, Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy, Walker-Warburg syndrome, muscle-eye-brain disease, congenital cytomegalovirus infection to name a few.1,2 Isolated unilateral cerebellar hemispheric dysplasia is exceedingly rare with only a few cases previously described in English literature. Cerebellar malformations are less adequately understood entity partly because of the complex cerebellar embryology and limited histologic studies of these disorders. Genes expressed in migration and maintenance of the Purkinje cells and/or in the generation and migration of granular cells when mutated will disrupt cerebellar migration and foliation and thus cause cerebellar malformation.3-5 Cerebellum is known to be a centre for motor learning, coordination, and higher cognitive functions. Clinical presentation of cerebellar malformations is highly variable and depends on the degree of cerebellar involvement, presence of associated cerebral involvement and the underlying disorders such as muscular dystrophy if any. Patel and Barkovich suggested an imaging-based classification of cerebellar malformations and classified the malformations broadly into two types, malformations with cerebellar hypoplasia and the ones with cerebellar dysplasia. Each of these was further classified into focal and diffuse.1 Demaerel gave a classification of abnormalities of cerebellar foliation and fissuration.2 Our index case with disorganized architecture, fissural malorientation and disorganized foliation of left cerebellar hemisphere associated with normal cerebellar vermis, corpus callosum, and absence of cerebral malformation falls into Type 2 category as per the classification by Demaerel.2 Treatment depends upon the severity of symptoms and the underlying disorder in case of syndromic malformations. Generally, treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Understanding of the basics of cerebellar embryology, knowledge of the imaging features, and clinical presentation aids in the precise diagnosis of this disorder and its optimal management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gamma Knife (GK) radiosurgery for pediatric arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of the brain presents a non-invasive treatment option. We report our institutional experience with GK for pediatric AVMs.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of all pediatric patients treated with GK for cerebral AVMs at our institution from November 2003 up to and including September 2014. Patient demographics, AVM characteristics, treatment parameters and AVM responses were recorded.
    RESULTS: Nineteen patients were treated, with 4 lost to follow-up. The mean age was 14.2 years (range. 7-18 years), with 10 being males (52.6%). The mean AVM diameter and volume were 2.68 cm and 3.10 cm3 respectively. The mean Spetzler-Martin (SM) and Pollock grades of the treated AVMs were 2.4 and 0.99 respectively. The mean follow-up was 62 months. All AVMs treated demonstrated a response on follow-up imaging. Nine of 15 (60.0%) patients displayed obliteration of their AVMs. Nine of 11 patients with a minimum of 3 years follow-up (81.8%) displayed obliteration, with SM and Pollock grades correlating to the chance of obliteration in this group. Two patients developed post-GK edema requiring short course dexamethasone therapy. No other major complications occurred. No permanent complications occurred.
    CONCLUSIONS: GK radiosurgery for pediatric AVMs offers a safe and effective treatment option, with low permanent complication rates during early follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To apply fetal midbrain (MB) and hindbrain (HB) nomograms, developed using three-dimensional multiplanar sonographic reconstruction (3D-MPR) in the mid-sagittal cranial plane, to fetuses with known posterior fossa malformations.
    METHODS: In this retrospective study we examined sonographic volumes obtained by sagittal acquisition in 43 fetuses diagnosed with posterior fossa abnormalities and evaluated in the mid-sagittal cranial plane, using 3D-MPR, the following: MB parameters tectal length (TL) and anteroposterior midbrain diameter (APMD), and HB parameters anteroposterior pons diameter (APPD), superoinferior vermian diameter (SIVD) and anteroposterior vermian diameter (APVD). Fetuses were grouped, according to malformation, into eight categories: cobblestone malformation complex (CMC, n = 3), Chiari-II malformation (C-II, n = 7), pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH, n = 2), rhombencephalosynapsis (RES, n = 4), Dandy-Walker malformation (n = 8), vermian dysgenesis (VD, n = 7), persistent Blake\'s pouch cyst (n = 6) and megacisterna magna (n = 6). In each case and for each subgroup, the MB-HB biometric parameters and their z-scores were evaluated with reference to our new nomograms.
    RESULTS: The new MB-HB nomograms were able to identify the brainstem and vermian anomalies and differentiate fetuses with MB-HB malformations from those with isolated enlarged posterior fossa cerebrospinal fluid spaces. Use of the nomograms enabled detection of an elongated tectum in fetuses with CMC, C-II and RES, and a flattened pontine belly in cases of CMC, PCH and VD. In the fetuses with VD, the nomograms enabled division into three distinctive groups: (1) those with small SIVD and APVD, (2) those with normal SIVD but small APVD, and (3) those with small SIVD but normal APVD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Application of our new reference data, that for the first time include the MB, enables accurate diagnosis of brain malformations affecting the MB and HB and makes possible novel characterization of previously described features of posterior fossa anomalies.





