CNG channels

CNG 通道
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vertebrate retina harbors rod and cone photoreceptors. Human vision critically depends on cone photoreceptor function. In the phototransduction cascade, cGMP activates distinct rod and cone isoforms of the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel. Excessive cGMP levels initiate a pathophysiological rollercoaster, which starts with CNG channel over-activation, typically in rod photoreceptors. This triggers cell death of rods first, and then cones, and is the root cause of many blinding retinal diseases, including Retinitis pigmentosa. While targeting of CNG channels has been proposed for therapeutic purposes, thus far, it has not been possible to inhibit rod CNG channels without compromising cone function. Here, we present a novel strategy, based on cGMP analogues with opposing actions on CNG channels, which enables the selective modulation of either rod or cone photoreceptor activity. The combined treatment with the weak rod-selective CNG-channel inhibitor (Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS) and the cone-selective CNG-channel activator (8-pCPT-cGMP) essentially normalized rod CNG-channel function while preserving cone functionality at physiological and pathological cGMP levels. Hence, combinations of cGMP analogues with desired properties may elegantly address the isoform-specificity problem in future pharmacological therapies. Moreover, this strategy may allow for improvements in visual performance in certain light environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels play a central role in rod and cone photoreceptors of the vertebrate retina. In photoreceptors, light triggers a series of biochemical reactions that ultimately close CNG channels and evoke a brief voltage pulse, a signal that is later passed on to the brain. Malfunction of CNG channels can lead to loss of vision. Thus, understanding their function in atomic and mechanistic detail is important. Because of the complex subunit stoichiometry of these channels, elucidation of their structure has proved challenging. Recently, several cryoelectron microscopy (EM) structures of rod and cone CNG channels revealed unexpected structural features. We compare these structures side by side and highlight similarities and differences in key structural elements. We discuss the implications of the channels\' structure for questions about their gating, ion permeation, and modulation. These results inform new strategies to further characterize the structural basis of CNG channels functioning in rods and cones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are key to the signal transduction machinery of certain sensory modalities both in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. They translate a chemical change in cyclic nucleotide concentration into an electrical signal that can spread through sensory cells. Despite CNG and voltage-gated potassium channels sharing a remarkable amino acid sequence homology and basic architectural plan, their functional properties are dramatically different. While voltage-gated potassium channels are highly selective and require membrane depolarization to open, CNG channels have low ion selectivity and are not very sensitive to voltage. In the last few years, many high-resolution structures of intact CNG channels have been released. This wealth of new structural information has provided enormous progress toward the understanding of the molecular mechanisms and driving forces underpinning CNG channel activation. In this review, we report on the current understanding and controversies surrounding the gating mechanism in CNG channels, as well as the deep intertwining existing between gating, the ion permeation process, and its modulation by membrane voltage. While the existence of this powerful coupling was recognized many decades ago, its direct structural demonstration, and ties to the CNG channel inherent pore flexibility, is a recent achievement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory marker protein (OMP) labels the matured stage of olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) and has promoted the investigation on the physiology of olfaction. OMP regulates olfactory sensitivity and axonal projection of ORNs, both of which are under the control of the olfactory signaling mediator cAMP. Recently, it has been reported that OMP contains cAMP-binding sites. OMP directly captures the photo-uncaged cAMP in the cytosol and rapidly terminates the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels activity to sharpen the olfactory responses. Here, we investigate the contribution of OMP to cAMP acutely produced via activation of Gαs-protein coupled receptors (GPCR). We expressed OMP and non-desensitizing CNGA2 channels in HEK293T cells together with β1-adrenergic receptors (ADRB1) or photo-sensitive β2-adrenergic receptors (opto-β2). Continuous puff of adrenergic agonist isoproterenol to HEK29T cells with ADRB1 induced the lasting CNGA2 currents in the absence of OMP, while OMP rapidly deactivated the CNGA2 channel activity with residual currents. Photo-activation of opto-β2 in the absence of OMP induced the CNGA2 currents with a prolonged increase, while OMP swiftly deactivated the CNGA2 channels after the initial surge. Therefore, cytosolic OMP rapidly uncouples CNGA2 channels and cAMP-signaling produced via GPCRs in the submembrane compartment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the preceding article, we present a flexibility analysis of the voltage-gated ion channel (VGIC) superfamily. In this study, we describe in detail the flexibility profile of the voltage-sensor domain (VSD) and the pore domain (PD) concerning the evolution of 6TM ion channels. In particular, we highlight the role of flexibility in the emergence of CNG channels and describe a significant level of sequence similarity between the archetypical VSD and the TolQ proteins. A highly flexible S4-like segment exhibiting Lys instead Arg for these membrane proteins is reported. Sequence analysis indicates that, in addition to this S4-like segment, TolQ proteins also show similarity with specific motifs in S2 and S3 from typical V-sensors. Notably, S3 flexibility profiles from typical VSDs and S3-like in TolQ proteins are also similar. Interestingly, TolQ from early divergent prokaryotes are comparatively more flexible than those in modern counterparts or true V-sensors. Regarding the PD, we also found that 2TM K+-channels in early prokaryotes are considerably more flexible than the ones in modern microbes, and such flexibility is comparable to the one present in CNG channels. Voltage dependence is mainly exhibited in prokaryotic CNG channels whose VSD is rigid whereas the eukaryotic CNG channels are considerably more flexible and poorly V-dependent. The implication of the flexibility present in CNG channels, their sensitivity to cyclic nucleotides and the cation selectivity are discussed. Finally, we generated a structural model of the putative cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channel, which we coined here as AqK, from the thermophilic bacteria Aquifex aeolicus, one of the earliest diverging prokaryotes known. Overall, our analysis suggests that V-sensors in CNG-like channels were essentially rigid in early prokaryotes but raises the possibility that this module was probably part of a very flexible stator protein of the bacterial flagellum motor complex.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels, despite a significant homology with the highly selective K(+) channels, do not discriminate among monovalent alkali cations and are permeable also to several organic cations. We combined electrophysiology, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and X-ray crystallography to demonstrate that the pore of CNG channels is highly flexible. When a CNG mimic is crystallized in the presence of a variety of monovalent cations, including Na(+), Cs(+), and dimethylammonium (DMA(+)), the side chain of Glu66 in the selectivity filter shows multiple conformations and the diameter of the pore changes significantly. MD simulations indicate that Glu66 and the prolines in the outer vestibule undergo large fluctuations, which are modulated by the ionic species and the voltage. This flexibility underlies the coupling between gating and permeation and the poor ionic selectivity of CNG channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNGA1) channels, in the presence of symmetrical ionic conditions, current-voltage (I-V) relationship depends, in a complex way, on the radius of permeating ion. It has been suggested that both the pore and S4 helix contribute to the observed rectification. In the present manuscript, using tail and gating current measurements from homotetrameric CNGA1 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes, we clarify and quantify the role of the pore and of the S4 helix. We show that in symmetrical Rb(+) and Cs(+) single-channel current rectification dominates macroscopic currents while voltage-dependent gating becomes larger in symmetrical ethylammonium and dimethylammonium, where the open probability strongly depends on voltage. Isochronal tail currents analysis in dimethylammonium shows that at least two voltage-dependent transitions underlie the observed rectification. Only the first voltage-dependent transition is sensible to mutation of charge residues in the S4 helix. Moreover, analysis of tail and gating currents indicates that the number of elementary charges per channel moving across the membrane is less than 2, when they are about 12 in K(+) channels. These results indicate the existence of distinct mechanisms underlying rectification in CNG channels. A restricted motion of the S4 helix together with an inefficient coupling to the channel gate render CNGA1 channels poorly sensitive to voltage in the presence of physiological Na(+) and K(+).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In photoreceptors, the assembly of signaling molecules into macromolecular complexes is important for phototransduction and maintaining the structural integrity of rod outer segments (ROSs). However, the molecular composition and formation of these complexes are poorly understood. Using immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, 4.1G was identified as a new interacting partner for the cyclic-nucleotide gated (CNG) channels in ROSs. 4.1G is a widely expressed multifunctional protein that plays a role in the assembly and stability of membrane protein complexes. Multiple splice variants of 4.1G were cloned from bovine retina. A smaller splice variant of 4.1G selectively interacted with CNG channels not associated with peripherin-2-CNG channel complex. A combination of truncation studies and domain-binding assays demonstrated that CNG channels selectively interacted with 4.1G through their FERM and CTD domains. Using immunofluorescence, labeling of 4.1G was seen to be punctate and partially colocalized with CNG channels in the ROS. Our studies indicate that 4.1G interacts with a subset of CNG channels in the ROS and implicate this protein-protein interaction in organizing the spatial arrangement of CNG channels in the plasma membrane of outer segments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main olfactory system of mice contains a small subset of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that are stimulated by CO₂. The objective of this study was to record olfactory receptor responses to a range of CO₂ concentrations to further elucidate steps in the proposed CO₂ transduction pathway in mice. Electro-olfactograms (EOGs) were recorded before and after inhibiting specific steps in the CO₂ transduction pathway with topically applied inhibitors. Inhibition of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) did not significantly affect EOG responses to CO₂ but did decrease EOG responses to several control odorants. Inhibition of intracellular CA or cyclic nucleotide-gated channels attenuated EOG responses to CO₂, confirming the role of these components in CO₂ sensing in mice. We also show that, like canonical OSNs, CO₂-sensitive OSNs depend on Ca²⁺-activated Cl⁻ channels for depolarization of receptor neurons. Lastly, we found that guanylyl cyclase-D knockout mice were still able to respond to CO₂, indicating that other pathways may exist for the detection of low concentrations of nasal CO₂. We discuss these findings as they relate to previous studies on CO₂-sensitive OSNs in mice and other animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cilia are ubiquitous sensory organelles that concentrate transmembrane signaling proteins essential for sensing environmental cues. Mislocalization of crucial ciliary signaling proteins, such as the tetrameric cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels, can lead to cellular dysfunction and disease. Although several cis- and trans-acting factors required for ciliary protein trafficking and localization have been identified, whether these mechanisms act in a protein- and cell-specific manner is largely unknown. Here, we show that CNG channel subunits can be localized to discrete ciliary compartments in individual sensory neurons in C. elegans, suggesting that channel composition is heterogeneous across the cilium. We demonstrate that ciliary localization of CNG channel subunits is interdependent on different channel subunits in specific cells, and identify sequences required for efficient ciliary targeting and localization of the TAX-2 CNGB and TAX-4 CNGA subunits. Using a candidate gene approach, we show that Inversin, transition zone proteins, intraflagellar transport motors and a MYND-domain protein are required to traffic and/or localize CNG channel subunits in both a cell- and channel subunit-specific manner. We further find that TAX-2 and TAX-4 are relatively immobile in specific sensory cilia subcompartments, suggesting that these proteins undergo minimal turnover in these domains in mature cilia. Our results uncover unexpected diversity in the mechanisms that traffic and localize CNG channel subunits to cilia both within and across cell types, highlighting the essential contribution of this process to cellular functions.





