CMC, critical micelle concentration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immune checkpoint blockade has been proven to have great therapeutic potential and has revolutionized the treatment of tumors. However, various limitations remain, including the low response rate of exhausted T cells and mutual regulation of multiple immunosuppressive cell types that compromise the effect of single-target therapy. Nano-delivery systems can be used to regulate the tumor immune microenvironment in favor of immunotherapy. In this study, we constructed a polypeptide-based micellar system that encapsulates an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) inhibitor (CH223191) conjugated to T cell activator anti-CD28. The inhibition of AhR activation downregulates the fraction of immunosuppressive cells and effectively inhibits tumor cell metastasis. In addition, the combination with co-stimulatory antibodies improves T-cell activation and synergistically enhances the antitumor effect of AhR inhibitors. The micellar system developed in this study represents a novel and effective tumor immunotherapy approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We provide here a general view on the interactions of surfactants with viruses, with a particular emphasis on how such interactions can be controlled and employed for inhibiting the infectivity of enveloped viruses, including coronaviruses. The aim is to provide to interested scientists from different fields, including chemistry, physics, biochemistry, and medicine, an overview of the basic properties of surfactants and (corona)viruses, which are relevant to understanding the interactions between the two. Various types of interactions between surfactant and virus are important, and they act on different components of a virus such as the lipid envelope, membrane (envelope) proteins and nucleocapsid proteins. Accordingly, this cannot be a detailed account of all relevant aspects but instead a summary that bridges between the different disciplines. We describe concepts and cover a selection of the relevant literature as an incentive for diving deeper into the relevant material. Our focus is on more recent developments around the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, applications of surfactants against the virus, and on the potential future use of surfactants for pandemic relief. We also cover the most important aspects of the historical development of using surfactants in combatting virus infections. We conclude that surfactants are already playing very important roles in various directions of defence against viruses, either directly, as in disinfection, or as carrier components of drug delivery systems for prophylaxis or treatment. By designing tailor-made surfactants, and consequently, advanced formulations, one can expect more and more effective use of surfactants, either directly as antiviral compounds or as part of more complex formulations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globin-coupled sensors (GCS) usually consist of three domains: a sensor/globin, a linker, and a transmitter domain. The globin domain (GD), activated by ligand binding and/or redox change, induces an intramolecular signal transduction resulting in a response of the transmitter domain. Depending on the nature of the transmitter domain, GCSs can have different activities and functions, including adenylate and di-guanylate cyclase, histidine kinase activity, aerotaxis and/or oxygen sensing function. The gram-negative delta-proteobacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens expresses a protein with a GD covalently linked to a four transmembrane domain, classified, by sequence similarity, as GCS (GsGCS). While its GD is fully characterized, not so its transmembrane domain, which is rarely found in the globin superfamily. In the present work, GsGCS was characterized spectroscopically and by native ion mobility-mass spectrometry in combination with cryo-electron microscopy. Although lacking high resolution, the oligomeric state and the electron density map were valuable for further rational modeling of the full-length GsGCS structure. This model demonstrates that GsGCS forms a transmembrane domain-driven tetramer with minimal contact between the GDs and with the heme groups oriented outward. This organization makes an intramolecular signal transduction less likely. Our results, including the auto-oxidation rate and redox potential, suggest a potential role for GsGCS as redox sensor or in a membrane-bound e-/H+ transfer. As such, GsGCS might act as a player in connecting energy production to the oxidation of organic compounds and metal reduction. Database searches indicate that GDs linked to a four or seven helices transmembrane domain occur more frequently than expected.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial surfactants are amphipathic molecules that consist of hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, which allow partition of two fluid phases of varying degree of polarity. They are classified into two main groups: bioemulsifier and biosurfactant, depending on their molecular weight. Microbial surfactants occur in various categories according to their chemical nature and producing organisms. These biomolecules are produced by diverse groups of microorganisms including fungi, bacteria, and yeasts. Their production is significantly influenced by substrate type, fermentation technology and microbial strains. Owing to inherent multifunctional properties and assorted synthetic aptitude of the microbes, microbial surfactants are mostly preferred than their chemical counterparts for various industrial and biomedical applications including bioremediation, oil recovery; as supplements in laundry formulations and as emulsion-stabilizers in food and cosmetic industries as well as therapeutic agents in medicine. The present review discusses on production of microbial surfactants as promising and alternative broad-functional biomolecules for various biotechnological applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to explore the link between block copolymers\' interfacial properties and nanoscale carrier formation and found out the influence of length ratio on these characters to optimize drug delivery system. A library of diblock copolymers of PEG-PCL and triblock copolymers with additional PEI (PEG-PCL-PEI) were synthesized. Subsequently, a systematic isothermal investigation was performed to explore molecular arrangements of copolymers at air/water interface. Then, structural properties and drug encapsulation in self-assembly were investigated with DLS, SLS and TEM. We found the additional hydrogen bond in the PEG-PCL-PEI contributes to film stability upon the hydrophobic interaction compared with PEG-PCL. PEG-PCL-PEI assemble into smaller micelle-like (such as PEG-PCL4006-PEI) or particle-like structure (such as PEG-PCL8636-PEI) determined by their hydrophilic and hydrophobic block ratio. The distinct structural architectures of copolymer are consistent between interface and self-assembly. Despite the disparity of constituent ratio, we discovered the arrangement of both chains guarantees balanced hydrophilic-hydrophobic ratio in self-assembly to form stable construction. Meanwhile, the structural differences were found to have significant influence on model drugs incorporation including docetaxel and siRNA. Taken together, these findings indicate the correlation between molecular arrangement and self-assembly and inspire us to tune block compositions to achieve desired nanostructure and drug loading.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dbait is a small double-stranded DNA molecule that has been utilized as a radiosensitizer to enhance the sensitivity of glioma to radiotherapy (RT). However, there is no effective drug delivery system to effectively overcome the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The aim of this study was to develop a gene delivery system by using the BBB and glioma dual-targeting and microenvironment-responsive micelles (ch-Kn(s-s)R8-An) to deliver Dbait into glioma for RT. Angiopep-2 can target the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) that is overexpressed on brain capillary endothelial cells (BCECs) and glioma cells. In particular, due to upregulated matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) in the tumor microenvironment, we utilized MMP-2-responsive peptides as the enzymatically degradable linkers to conjugate angiopep-2. The results showed that ch-Kn(s-s)R8-An micelles maintained a reasonable size (80-160 nm) with a moderate distribution and a decreased mean diameter from the cross-linking as well as exhibited low critical micelle concentration (CMC) with positive surface charge, ranging from 15 to 40 mV. The ch-K5(s-s)R8-An/pEGFP showed high gene transfection efficiency in vitro, improved uptake in glioma cells and good biocompatibility in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the combination of ch-K5(s-s)R8-An/Dbait with RT significantly inhibited the growth of U251 cells in vitro. Thus, ch-K5(s-s)R8-An/Dbait may prove to be a promising gene delivery system to target glioma and enhance the efficacy of RT on U251 cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advancements in in silico techniques of lead molecule selection have resulted in the failure of around 70% of new chemical entities (NCEs). Some of these molecules are getting rejected at final developmental stage resulting in wastage of money and resources. Unfavourable physicochemical properties affect ADME profile of any efficacious and potent molecule, which may ultimately lead to killing of NCE at final stage. Numerous techniques are being explored including nanocrystals for solubility enhancement purposes. Nanocrystals are the most successful and the ones which had a shorter gap between invention and subsequent commercialization of the first marketed product. Several nanocrystal-based products are commercially available and there is a paradigm shift in using approach from simply being solubility enhancement technique to more novel and specific applications. Some other aspects in relation to parenteral nanosuspensions are concentrations of surfactant to be used, scalability and in vivo fate. At present, there exists a wide gap due to poor understanding of these critical factors, which we have tried to address in this review. This review will focus on parenteral nanosuspensions, covering varied aspects especially stabilizers used, GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status of stabilizers, scalability challenges, issues of physical and chemical stability, solidification techniques to combat stability problems and in vivo fate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are attracting increasing interest for potential biomedical applications. With tailored mesoporous structure, huge surface area and pore volume, selective surface functionality, as well as morphology control, MSNs exhibit high loading capacity for therapeutic agents and controlled release properties if modified with stimuli-responsive groups, polymers or proteins. In this review article, the applications of MSNs in pharmaceutics to improve drug bioavailability, reduce drug toxicity, and deliver with cellular targetability are summarized. Particularly, the exciting progress in the development of MSNs-based effective delivery systems for poorly soluble drugs, anticancer agents, and therapeutic genes are highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lack of mucoadhesive properties is the major drawback to poloxamer 407 (F127)-based in situ hydrogels for mucosal administration. The objective of the present study was to construct a novel mucoadhesive and thermosensitive in situ hydrogel drug delivery system based on an amino-functionalized poloxamer for vaginal administration. First, amino-functionalized poloxamer 407 (F127-NH2) was synthesized and characterized with respect to its micellization behavior and interaction with mucin. Then using acetate gossypol (AG) as model drug, AG-loaded F127-NH2-based in situ hydrogels (NFGs) were evaluated with respect to rheology, drug release, ex vivo vaginal mucosal adhesion, in vivo intravaginal retention and local irritation after vaginal administration to healthy female mice. The results show that F127-NH2 is capable of forming a thermosensitive in situ hydrogel with sustained drug release properties. An interaction between positively charged F127-NH2 and negatively charged mucin was revealed by changes in the particle size and zeta potential of mucin particles as well as an increase in the complex modulus of NFG caused by mucin. Ex vivo and in vivo fluorescence imaging and quantitative analysis of the amount of AG remaining in mouse vaginal lavage all demonstrated greater intravaginal retention of NFG than that of an unmodified F127-based in situ hydrogel. In conclusion, amino group functionalization confers valuable mucoadhesive properties on poloxamer 407.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The efficacy of chemotherapeutic drug in cancer treatment is often hampered by drug resistance of tumor cells, which is usually caused by abnormal gene expression. RNA interference mediated by siRNA and miRNA can selectively knock down the carcinogenic genes by targeting specific mRNAs. Therefore, combining chemotherapeutic drugs with gene agents could be a promising strategy for cancer therapy. Due to poor stability and solubility associated with gene agents and drugs, suitable protective carriers are needed and have been widely researched for the co-delivery. In this review, we summarize the most commonly used nanocarriers for co-delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs and gene agents, as well as the advances in co-delivery systems.





