CD40 ligand

CD40 配体
  • 文章类型: News
    Discovered 30 years ago, CD40L antagonists are proving to be powerful autoimmune drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alloreactive memory T cells have been implicated as central drivers of transplant rejection. Perplexingly, innate cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1β, and IL-12, are also associated with rejection of organ transplants. However, the pathways of innate immune activation in allogeneic transplantation are unclear. While the role of microbial and cell death products has been previously described, we identified alloreactive memory CD4 T cells as the primary triggers of innate inflammation. Memory CD4 T cells engaged MHC II-mismatched dendritic cells (DCs), leading to the production of innate inflammatory cytokines. This innate inflammation was independent of several pattern recognition receptors and was primarily driven by TNF superfamily ligands expressed by alloreactive memory CD4 T cells. Blocking of CD40L and TNFα resulted in dampened inflammation, and mice genetically deficient in these molecules exhibited prolonged survival of cardiac allografts. Furthermore, myeloid cell and CD8 T cell infiltration into cardiac transplants was compromised in both CD40L- and TNFα-deficient recipients. Strikingly, we found that priming of naive alloreactive CD8 T cells was dependent on licensing of DCs by memory CD4 T cells. This study unravels the key mechanisms by which alloreactive memory CD4 T cells contribute to destructive pathology and transplant rejection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is a malignancy with a variable incidence worldwide and a poor advanced-stage prognosis. Melanoma growth is closely associated with the immune system.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed on CM patients admitted at the Hospital de Cancer de Pernambuco (HCP) between 2015 and 2018. Fifty-one CM patients were included, and 30 healthy individuals. The study aimed to evaluate the association of platelet activation mechanisms and inflammatory response in patients with cutaneous melanoma.
    RESULTS: Elevated serum IL10 and low serum TNF levels in CM patients compared to controls (p < 0.05). High IL6 levels in patients with negative lymph nodes LN (-) compared to positive lymph nodes group (LN +, p = 0.0005). Low RANTES levels in patients compared to controls (p < 0.05). Elevated levels of platelet-lymphocyte (PLA), platelet-monocytes (PMA), and platelet-neutrophils (PNA) aggregates were observed in patients compared to controls (p < 0.05). CM patients with stage II had lower PMA levels than stages I and III (p < 0.05). High PMA levels were observed in patients with LN (+) compared to the LN (-) group (p < 0.0001). Patients with SSM had high levels of sCD40L and sCD62P compared to controls (p < 0.05)). High sCD40L levels in stage II compared to the stage III group, and sCD62P in stages I and II compared to the stage III group (p < 0.05). High sCD62P levels in patients with LN (-) compared to the group LN (+) (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: It was observed the immunosuppressive profile in CM may favor tumor progression. High levels of platelet-leukocyte aggregates, sCD40L, and sCD62P may be associated with the worst prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), the surgical procedure, particularly the manipulation of the major arteries of the heart, induces a significant inflammatory state that may compromise platelet function to the extent that platelet transfusion is required. Given stored platelets as a major source of biological mediators, this study investigates the effects of platelet transfusion on the major pro-aggregatory, pro-inflammatory and immunomodulatory markers of platelets. Platelets from 20 patients, 10 who received platelet transfusion and 10 without, were subjected to flow cytometery where P-selectin and CD40 ligand (CD40L) expressions and PAC-1 binding (activation-specific anti GPIIb/GPIIIa antibody) analysed at five-time points of 24 h before surgery, immediately, 2 h, 24 h and 1 week after surgery. Analysis of intra-platelet transforming growth factor-beta-1 (TGF-β1) was also conducted using western blotting. Patients with platelet transfusion showed increased levels of P-selectin, CD40L and intra-platelet TGF-β1 2-h after surgery compared to those without transfusion (p < 0.05). PAC-1 binding was increased 24 h after surgery in transfused patients (p < 0.05). Given the significant post-transfusion elevation of platelet TGF-β1, P-sel/CD40L reduction in transfused patients a week after was of much interest. This study showed for the first time the significant effects of platelet transfusion on the pro-inflammatory, pro-aggeregatory and immunomodulatory state of platelets in CABG patients, which manifested with immediate, midterm and delayed consequences. While the increased pro-inflammatory conditions manifested as an immediate effect of platelet transfusion, the pro-aggregatory circumstances emerged 24 h post-transfusion. A week after surgery, attenuations of pro-inflammatory markers of platelets in transfused patients were shown, which might be due to the immunomodulatory effects of TGF-β1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer remains a significant challenge in medicine due to its complexity and heterogeneity. Biomarkers have emerged as vital tools for cancer research and clinical practice, facilitating early detection, prognosis assessment, and treatment monitoring. Among these, CD40 ligand (CD40L) has gained attention for its role in immune response modulation. Soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) has shown promise as a potential biomarker in cancer diagnosis and progression, reflecting interactions between immune cells and the tumor microenvironment. This review explores the intricate relationship between sCD40L and cancer, highlighting its diagnostic and prognostic potential. It discusses biomarker discovery, emphasizing the need for reliable markers in oncology, and elucidates the roles of CD40L in inflammatory responses and interactions with tumor cells. Additionally, it examines sCD40L as a biomarker, detailing its significance across various cancer types and clinical applications. Moreover, the review focuses on therapeutic interventions targeting CD40L in malignancies, providing insights into cellular and gene therapy approaches and recombinant protein-based strategies. The clinical effectiveness of CD40L-targeted therapy is evaluated, underscoring the need for further research to unlock the full potential of this signaling pathway in cancer management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease driven by highly active autoantibody-producing B cells. Activation of B cells is maintained within ectopic germinal centres found in affected joints. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) present in inflamed joints support B-cell survival, activation, and differentiation. CD27+ memory B cells and naive B cells show very different responses to activation, particularly by CD40 ligand (CD40L). We show that FLS-dependent activation of human B cells is dependent on interleukin-6 (IL-6) and CD40L. FLS have been shown to activate both naive and memory B cells. Whether the activating potential of FLS is different for naive and memory B cells has not been investigated. Our results suggest that FLS-induced activation of B cells is dependent on IL-6 and CD40L. While FLS are able to induce plasma cell differentiation, isotype switching, and antibody production in memory B cells, the ability of FLS to activate naive B cells is significantly lower.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Memory B cells (mBCs) are characterized by their long-term stability, fast reactivation, and capability to rapidly differentiate into antibody-secreting cells (ASCs). However, the role of T cells in the differentiation of mBCs, in contrast to naive B cells, remains to be delineated. We study the role of T cells in mBC responses, using CD40L stimulation and autologous T-B co-cultures. Our results showed that increased CD40L levels led to a selective increased proliferation of IgM+ mBC, which did not class-switched, resulting in higher frequencies of IgM+ ASCs and a lower frequency of IgG+ ASCs. The IgG+/IgA+ mBCs were unaffected. We further compared the transcription of immune-related genes in IgM+ and IgG+ pre-plasmablasts cultured at high (500 ng/mL) and low (50 ng/mL) CD40L levels. In response to increased CD40L levels, both populations exhibited a core response to genes related to activation (TRAF1, AKT3, CD69, and CD80). However, they differed in genes related to cytokine/chemokine/homing interactions (CCL3/4/17, LTA, NKX2-3, BCL2 and IL21R) and cell-cell interactions (HLADR, CD40, and ICOSL), which were largely confined to IgG+ cells. Our findings revealed that in co-cultures with a high T-ratio, the response was similar to that found in cultures with high CD40L levels. These results suggest that IgG+ mBCs have a greater capacity for proliferation and T cell interaction, and weaker migration capabilities, leading to a preference for an IgG response over IgM in the short term. This adaptable response could fine-tune the memory repertoire with different functions of IgG versus IgM mBCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypertension causes platelet activation and adhesion in the brain resulting in glial activation and neuroinflammation. Further, activation of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2/Angiotensin (1-7)/Mas Receptor (ACE2/Ang (1-7)/MasR) axis of central Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS), is known to reduce glial activation and neuroinflammation, thereby exhibiting anti-hypertensive and anti-neuroinflammatory properties. Therefore, in the present study, the role of ACE2/Ang (1-7)/MasR axis was studied on platelet-induced glial activation and neuroinflammation using Diminazene Aceturate (DIZE), an ACE2 activator, in astrocytes and microglial cells as well as in rat model of hypertension. We found that the ACE2 activator DIZE, independently of its BP-lowering properties, efficiently prevented hypertension-induced glial activation, neuroinflammation, and platelet CD40-CD40L signaling via upregulation of ACE2/Ang (1-7)/MasR axis. Further, DIZE decreased platelet deposition in the brain by reducing the expression of adhesion molecules on the brain endothelium. Activation of ACE2 also reduced hypertension-induced endothelial dysfunction by increasing eNOS bioavailability. Interestingly, platelets isolated from hypertensive rats or activated with ADP had significantly increased sCD40L levels and induced significantly more glial activation than platelets from DIZE treated group. Therefore, injection of DIZE pre-treated ADP-activated platelets into normotensive rats strongly reduced glial activation compared to ADP-treated platelets. Moreover, CD40L-induced glial activation, CD40 expression, and NFкB-NLRP3 inflammatory signaling are reversed by DIZE. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of ACE2 activation, DIZE was found to be significantly blocked by MLN4760 (ACE2 inhibitor) as well as A779 (MasR antagonist) treatments. Hence, our study demonstrated that ACE2 activation reduced the platelet CD40-CD40L induced glial activation and neuroinflammation, hence imparted neuroprotection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several in vitro models have been developed to mimic chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) proliferation in immune niches; however, they typically do not induce robust proliferation. We prepared a novel model based on mimicking T-cell signals in vitro and in patient-derived xenografts (PDXs). Six supportive cell lines were prepared by engineering HS5 stromal cells with stable expression of human CD40L, IL4, IL21, and their combinations. Co-culture with HS5 expressing CD40L and IL4 in combination led to mild CLL cell proliferation (median 7% at day 7), while the HS5 expressing CD40L, IL4, and IL21 led to unprecedented proliferation rate (median 44%). The co-cultures mimicked the gene expression fingerprint of lymph node CLL cells (MYC, NFκB, and E2F signatures) and revealed novel vulnerabilities in CLL-T-cell-induced proliferation. Drug testing in co-cultures revealed for the first time that pan-RAF inhibitors fully block CLL proliferation. The co-culture model can be downscaled to five microliter volume for large drug screening purposes or upscaled to CLL PDXs by HS5-CD40L-IL4 ± IL21 co-transplantation. Co-transplanting NSG mice with purified CLL cells and HS5-CD40L-IL4 or HS5-CD40L-IL4-IL21 cells on collagen-based scaffold led to 47% or 82% engraftment efficacy, respectively, with ~20% of PDXs being clonally related to CLL, potentially overcoming the need to co-transplant autologous T-cells in PDXs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When the membrane protein CD40 ligand (CD40L) on activated T cells binds the receptor CD40 on B-cells, it provides a co-stimulatory signal for B cell activation. Dysregulation of the CD40L:CD40 axis is associated with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The presence of soluble CD40L (sCD40L) in plasma is implicated in several diseases, from cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases to different types of cancer, and sCD40L has been suggested as a valuable marker of disease. If sCD40L is to be used as a biomarker, being able to precisely measure and quantify the levels of sCD40L in human blood samples is of utmost importance. We demonstrate the development of a sandwich-type time-resolved immunofluorometric assay for quantification of sCD40L in plasma or serum samples. For this, we generate 29 monoclonal anti-CD40L antibodies, and from these, we select the optimal combination of capture antibody and detection antibody. A number of variables were tested: the influence of the type of sample (comparing 3 different blood collection tubes for serum sampling and 4 different types of tubes for plasma sampling), the influence of freeze-thaw cycles, the influence of sampling time during night and day, and the influence of centrifugation of the samples. We found a very similar level of sCD40L in paired EDTA plasma and serum samples. Out of 100 healthy blood donor samples 61 had a level of sCD40L below the detection level of the assay, whereas the remaining 39 samples had ranging levels of sCD40L from 1.14 to 33.14 ng/mL. In summary, we present a time-resolved immunofluorometric assay based on paired monoclonal antibodies, ensuring high specificity, sensitivity, and homogeneity. The Eu3+-based assay additionally provides consistent assay readouts due to the extended decay time not seen in standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The assay paves the way for specific and consistent quantification of sCD40L in human plasma and serum samples.





