• 文章类型: Journal Article
    A total of seven minimum energy geometries were obtained on exploring the conformational landscape of dithiothreitol (DTT) by varying the prominent dihedral angles in the molecule through a relaxed scan with a step size of 5° at B3LYP/cc-pVTZ with further geometry optimization at CCSD/cc-pVDZ level of theory. Single point energies were calculated for all the conformers at CCSD(T)/CBS limit with cc-pVNZ (N = T, Q) level of theory and revealed the similar energy pattern. The two conformers, namely G\'TG\'1 and G\'TT, were found iso-energic even though they differed in their structure significantly and were of the lowest energy compared to others. Energies corresponding to the cyclic as well as other configurational counterpart of the global minimum were found much higher in energy compared to the global minimum structure. Intramolecular sulfur centered hydrogen bond was seen to stabilize the global minimum structure of DTT as revealed by AIM, NBO, FMO and ESP charge analysis. Computed NMR of DTT matched well with the experimental data gleaned from the literature. Vibrational spectra (Raman and IR) were measured and compared with computed normal modes of DTT, which were found in good agreement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and its derivatives are very well known as electron donors with widespread use in the field of organic conductors and superconductors. Stacking interactions between two neutral TTF fragments were studied by analysing data from Cambridge Structural Database crystal structures and by quantum chemical calculations. Analysis of the contacts found in crystal structures shows high occurrence of parallel displaced orientations of TTF molecules. In the majority of the contacts, two TTF molecules are displaced along their longer C2 axis. The most frequent geometry has the strongest TTF-TTF stacking interaction, with CCSD(T)/CBS energy of -9.96 kcal mol-1. All the other frequent geometries in crystal structures are similar to geometries of the minima on the calculated potential energy surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and its tautomer hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) are relevant for extraterrestrial chemistry and possible relation to the origin of biomolecules. Several processes and reactions involving these molecules depend on their intermolecular interactions that can lead to aggregates and liquids especially due to the hydrogen bonds. It is thus important to comprehend, to describe, and to quantify their hydrogen bonds, mainly their nature and the cooperativity effects. A systematic study of all linear complexes up to pentamers of HCN and HNC is presented. CCSD(T)/CBS energy calculations, with and without basis set superposition error (BSSE) corrections for energies and geometries, provided a suitable set of benchmarks. Approximated methods based on the density functional theory (DFT) such as BP86, PBE, TPSS, B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP with and without dispersion corrections and long-range corrections, were assessed to describe the interaction energies and cooperativity effects. These assessments are relevant to select DFT functionals for liquid simulations. Energy decomposition analysis was performed at the PBE/STO-TZ2P level and provided insights into the nature of the hydrogen bonds, which are dominated by the electrostatic component. In addition, several linear relationships between the various energy components and the interaction energy were obtained. The cooperativity energy was also found to be practically linear with respect to the interaction energy, which may be relevant for designing and/or correcting empirical force fields. Graphical Abstract Hydrogen bonds in HCN/HNC oligomeric complexesᅟ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We revisit the singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔE(ST)) of silicon trimer and evaluate the gaps of its derivatives by attachment of a cation (H(+), Li(+), Na(+), and K(+)) using the wavefunction-based methods including the composite G4, coupled-cluster theory CCSD(T)/CBS, CCSDT and CCSDTQ, and CASSCF/CASPT2 (for Si3) computations. Both (1)A1 and (3)A2\' states of Si3 are determined to be degenerate. An intersystem crossing between both states appears to be possible at a point having an apex bond angle of around α = 68 ± 2° which is 16 ± 4 kJ/mol above the ground state. The proton, Li(+) and Na(+) cations tend to favor the low-spin state, whereas the K(+) cation favors the high-spin state. However, they do not modify significantly the ΔE(ST). The proton affinity of silicon trimer is determined as PA(Si3) = 830 ± 4 kJ/mol at 298 K. The metal cation affinities are also predicted to be LiCA(Si3) = 108 ± 8 kJ/mol, NaCA(Si3) = 79 ± 8 kJ/mol and KCA(Si3) = 44 ± 8 kJ/mol. The chemical bonding is probed using the electron localization function, and ring current analyses show that the singlet three-membered ring Si3 is, at most, nonaromatic. Attachment of the proton and Li(+) cation renders it anti-aromatic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CCSD(T)/CBS energies for stacking of nickel and copper chelates are calculated and used as benchmark data for evaluating the performance of dispersion-corrected density functionals for calculating the interaction energies. The best functionals for modeling the stacking of benzene with the nickel chelate are M06HF-D3 with the def2-TZVP basis set, and B3LYP-D3 with either def2-TZVP or aug-cc-pVDZ basis set, whereas for copper chelate the PBE0-D3 with def2-TZVP basis set yielded the best results. M06L-D3 with aug-cc-pVDZ gives satisfying results for both chelates. Most of the tested dispersion-corrected density functionals do not reproduce the benchmark data for stacking of benzene with both nickel (no unpaired electrons) and copper chelate (one unpaired electron), whereas a number of these functionals perform well for interactions of organic molecules.





