
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Documenting changes in the distribution and abundance of a given taxon requires historical data. In the absence of long-term monitoring data collected throughout the range of a taxon, conservation biologists often rely on preserved museum specimens to determine the past or present, putative geographic distribution. Distributional data for the Houston Toad (Anaxyrus houstonensis) has consistently been confounded by similarities with a sympatric congener, the Dwarf American Toad (A. americanus charlesmithi), both in monitoring data derived from chorusing surveys, and in historical data via museum specimens. In this case, misidentification can have unintended impacts on conservation efforts, where the Houston Toad is federally endangered, and the Dwarf American Toad is of least concern. Previously published reports have compared these two taxon on the basis of their male advertisement call and morphological appearance, often with the goal of using these characters to substantiate their taxonomic status prior to the advent of DNA sequencing technology. However, numerous studies report findings that contradict one another, and no consensus on the true differences or similarities can be drawn. Here, we use contemporary recordings of wild populations of each taxon to test for quantifiable differences in male advertisement call. Additionally, we quantitatively examine a subset of vouchered museum specimens representing each taxon to test previously reported differentiating morphometric characters used to distinguish among other Bufonids of East-Central Texas, USA. Finally, we assemble and qualitatively evaluate a database of photographs representing catalogued museum vouchers for each taxon to determine if their previously documented historic ranges may be larger than are currently accepted. Our findings reveal quantifiable differences between two allopatric congeners with respect to their male advertisement call, whereas we found similarities among their detailed morphology. Additionally, we report on the existence of additional, historically overlooked, museum records for the Houston Toad in the context of its putative historic range, and discuss errors associated with the curation of these specimens whose identity and nomenclature have not been consistent through time. These results bookend decades of disagreement regarding the morphology, voice, and historic distribution of these taxa, and alert practitioners of conservation efforts for the Houston Toad to previously unreported locations of occurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthesized chemical defenses have broadly evolved across countless taxa and are important in shaping evolutionary and ecological interactions within ecosystems. However, the underlying genomic mechanisms by which these organisms synthesize and utilize their toxins are relatively unknown. Herein, we use comparative transcriptomics to uncover potential toxin synthesizing genes and pathways, as well as interspecific patterns of toxin synthesizing genes across 10 species of North American true toads (Bufonidae). Upon assembly and annotation of the 10 transcriptomes, we explored patterns of relative gene expression and possible protein-protein interactions across the species to determine what genes and/or pathways may be responsible for toxin synthesis. We also tested our transcriptome dataset for signatures of positive selection to reveal how selection may be acting upon potential toxin producing genes. We assembled high-quality transcriptomes of the bufonid parotoid gland, a tissue not often investigated in other bufonid-related RNAseq studies. We found several genes involved in metabolic and biosynthetic pathways (e.g., steroid biosynthesis, terpenoid backbone biosynthesis, isoquinoline biosynthesis, and glucosinolate biosynthesis) that were functionally enriched and/or relatively expressed across the 10 focal species that may be involved in the synthesis of alkaloid and steroid toxins, as well as other small metabolic compounds that cause distastefulness in bufonids. We hope that our study lays a foundation for future studies to explore the genomic underpinnings and specific pathways of toxin synthesis in toads, as well as at the macroevolutionary scale across numerous taxa that produce their own defensive toxins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For amphibian species that display external fertilization in an aquatic environment, hypoosmotic shock to sperm cells can quickly result in damage to cellular structure and function. This study sought to determine how fertilization media osmolality, temperature, and time impact the stability of the mitochondrial vesicle\'s association with the sperm head and thus motility and quality of forward progression. The presence of the mitochondrial vesicle and its relationship with sperm motility and quality of forward progression were analyzed in sperm samples from the Fowler\'s toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) (n = 10) when held for six hours under two temperatures and four osmolalities. Results indicated that the presence of the mitochondrial vesicle is needed for sperm motility over time (p < 0.001), where higher osmolalities (p < 0.001) and lower temperatures (p < 0.001) correlated with maintaining the vesicle attachment to the spermatozoa. The higher osmolality of spermic urine was the most important factor for maintaining higher quality of forward progressive motility (p < 0.01) of spermatozoa. Sperm samples held at 4 °C and 40 mOsm/kg had the longest half-life for motility (540 min) and quality of forward progression (276 min), whereas sperm held at 22 °C and 2.5 mOsm/kg had the shortest half-life for motility (7 min) and quality of forward progression (18 min). Special attention should be given to the osmolality and temperature of fertilization solutions, or breeding tank water, when developing cold storage protocols for toad sperm or reproducing animals to ensure the retention of the mitochondrial vesicle for maximum fertilization capability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new bufonid amphibian, belonging to a new monotypic genus, is described from the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal, Republic of India, based on unique external morphological and skeletal characters which are compared with those of known Oriental and other relevant bufonid genera. Blythophryne gen. n. is distinguished from other bufonid genera by its small adult size (mean SVL 24.02 mm), the presence of six presacral vertebrae, an absence of coccygeal expansions, presence of an elongated pair of parotoid glands, expanded discs at digit tips and phytotelmonous tadpoles that lack oral denticles. The taxonomic and phylogenetic position of the new taxon (that we named as Blythophryne beryet gen. et sp. n.) was ascertained by comparing its 12S and 16S partial genes with those of Oriental and other relevant bufonid lineages. Resulting molecular phylogeny supports the erection of a novel monotypic genus for this lineage from the Andaman Islands of India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avoiding predation is critical to survival of animals; chemical defenses represent a common strategy among amphibians. In this study, we examined histologically the morphology of skin glands and types of secretions related to chemical skin defense during ontogeny of Rhinella arenarum. Prior to metamorphic climax the epidermis contains typical bufonid giant cells producing a mucous substance supposedly involved in triggering a flight reaction of the tadpole school. An apical layer of alcianophilic mucus covers the epidermis, which could produce the unpleasant taste of bufonid tadpoles. Giant cells disappear by onset of metamorphic climax, when multicellular glands start developing, but the apical mucous layer remains. By the end of climax, neither the granular glands of the dorsum nor the parotoid regions are completely developed. Conversely, by the end of metamorphosis the mucous glands are partially developed and secrete mucus. Adults have at least three types of granular glands, which we designate type A (acidophilic), type B (basophilic) and ventral (mucous). Polymorphic granular glands distribute differently in the body: dorsal granular glands between warts and in the periphery of parotoids contain protein; granular glands of big warts and in the central region of parotoids contain catecholamines, lipids, and glycoconjugates, whereas ventral granular glands produce acidic glycoconjugates. Mucous glands produce both mucus and proteins. Results suggest that in early juveniles the chemical skin defense mechanisms are not functional. Topographical differences in adult skin secretions suggest that granular glands from the big warts in the skin produce similar toxins to the parotoid glands.





