
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Warming global temperatures have consequences for biological rates. Feeding rates reflect the intake of energy that fuels survival, growth and reproduction. However, temperature can also affect food abundance and quality, as well as feeding behavior, which all affect feeding rate, making it challenging to understand the pathways by which temperature affects the intake of energy. Therefore, we experimentally assessed how clearance rate varied across a thermal gradient in a filter-feeding colonial marine invertebrate (the bryozoan Bugula neritina). We also assessed how temperature affects phytoplankton as a food source, and zooid states within a colony that affect energy budgets and feeding behavior. Clearance rate increased linearly from 18°C to 32°C, a temperature range that the population experiences most of the year. However, temperature increased algal cell size, and decreased the proportion of feeding zooids, suggesting indirect effects of temperature on clearance rates. Temperature increased polypide regression, possibly as a stress response because satiation occurred quicker, or because phytoplankton quality declined. Temperature had a greater effect on clearance rate per feeding zooid than it did per total zooids. Together, these results suggest that the effect of temperature on clearance rate at the colony level is not just the outcome of individual zooids feeding more in direct response to temperature but also emerges from temperature increasing polypide regression and the remaining zooids increasing their feeding rates in response. Our study highlights some of the challenges for understanding why temperature affects feeding rates, especially for understudied, yet ecologically important, marine colonial organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThe form of the cyphonautes larva of bryozoans changes little during development. The ciliated band that generates the feeding current increases nearly in proportion to body length, so that the maximum rate of clearing planktonic food from a volume of water becomes increasingly low relative to body protein. This development is unlike the other larvae that produce a feeding current with bands of simple cilia. The cyphonautes\' growth rate has therefore been predicted to be unusually low when food is scarce. As predicted, cyphonautes larvae of a species of Membranipora starved at concentrations of food that supported growth of pluteus larvae. Comparisons between the cyphonautes and plutei of a sand dollar were for growth from first feeding to metamorphosis, with a mix of two algal species. Another comparison was for growth of cyphonautes at an advanced stage and plutei of a regular sea urchin at an early stage, with food in seawater at a reduced concentration. The low maximum clearance rate did not prevent rapid growth and development of some cyphonautes from egg through metamorphosis when food was abundant. Twenty-nine days for development to metamorphosis in the laboratory with abundant food was close to Yoshioka\'s estimate of larval duration from the time lag between adult zooid density and larval abundance in a population in the Southern California Bight. Despite individual variation in growth rates and other physiological and environmental influences, simple measures of larval form predicted the differences in larval performance: scarce food extended larval duration for the cyphonautes more than for plutei.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Machine learning techniques that rely on textual features or sentiment lexicons can lead to erroneous sentiment analysis. These techniques are especially vulnerable to domain-related difficulties, especially when dealing in Big data. In addition, labeling is time-consuming and supervised machine learning algorithms often lack labeled data. Transfer learning can help save time and obtain high performance with fewer datasets in this field. To cope this, we used a transfer learning-based Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification (MDSC) technique. We are able to identify the sentiment polarity of text in a target domain that is unlabeled by looking at reviews in a labelled source domain. This research aims to evaluate the impact of domain adaptation and measure the extent to which transfer learning enhances sentiment analysis outcomes. We employed transfer learning models BERT, RoBERTa, ELECTRA, and ULMFiT to improve the performance in sentiment analysis. We analyzed sentiment through various transformer models and compared the performance of LSTM and CNN. The experiments are carried on five publicly available sentiment analysis datasets, namely Hotel Reviews (HR), Movie Reviews (MR), Sentiment140 Tweets (ST), Citation Sentiment Corpus (CSC), and Bioinformatics Citation Corpus (BCC), to adapt multi-target domains. The performance of numerous models employing transfer learning from diverse datasets demonstrating how various factors influence the outputs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brachiopods have the most complex lophophore in comparison with other lophophorates, i.e., phoronids and bryozoans. However, at early ontogenetic stages, brachiopods have a lophophore of simple morphology, which consists of the oral tentacles. Data on the ultrastructure of the oral tentacles is mostly missing. Nonetheless, it has recently been suggested that the structure of oral tentacles is ancestral for all lophophorates in general, and for brachiopods in particular. The fine structure of the oral tentacles in the brachiopod Hemithiris psittacea is studied using light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, cytochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The oral tentacles have a round shape in transverse section, and four ciliary zones, i.e., one frontal, two lateral, and one abfrontal. Latero-frontal sensory cells occur among the frontal epithelium. Four basiepithelial nerves in the ciliary epithelium are colocalized with ciliary zones. Lophophores of simple morphology in phoronids and brachiopods are characterized by non-specified round forms of tentacles. In phoronids and bryozoans, tentacles have additional latero-frontal ciliary zones that function as a sieve during filtration. In most brachiopods, lateral cilia are involved in the capture of food particles, whereas latero-frontal cells are retained in the frontal zone as sensory elements. The oral tentacles of H. psittacea contain a coelomic canal and have distinct frontal and abfrontal longitudinal muscles, which are separated from each other by peritoneal cells. A similar structure of tentacle muscles occurs in all bryozoans, whereas in phoronids, the frontal and abfrontal tentacle muscles are not separated by peritoneal cells. We suggest that the lophophorates\' ancestor had tentacles, which were similar to the tentacles of some phoronids with lophophore of simple morphology. We also assume that the structure of the oral tentacles is ancestral for all brachiopods and the specialization of brachiopod tentacles correlates with the appearance of the double row of tentacles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular biomonitoring programs increasingly use environmental DNA (eDNA) for detecting targeted species such as marine non-indigenous species (NIS) or endangered species. However, the current molecular detection workflow is cumbersome and time-demanding, and thereby can hinder management efforts and restrict the \"opportunity window\" for rapid management responses. Here, we describe a direct droplet digital PCR (direct-ddPCR) approach to detect species-specific free-floating extra-cellular eDNA (free-eDNA) signals, i.e., detection of species-specific eDNA without the need for filtration or DNA extraction, with seawater samples. This first proof-of-concept aquarium study was conducted with three distinct marine species: the Mediterranean fanworm Sabella spallanzanii, the ascidian clubbed tunicate Styela clava, and the brown bryozoan Bugula neritina to evaluate the detectability of free-eDNA in seawater. The detectability of targeted free-eDNA was assessed by directly analysing aquarium marine water samples using an optimized species-specific ddPCR assay. The results demonstrated the consistent detection of S. spallanzanii and B. neritina free-eDNA when these organisms were present in high abundance. Once organisms were removed, the free-eDNA signal exponentially declined, noting that free-eDNA persisted between 24-72 h. Results indicate that organism biomass, specimen characteristics (e.g., stress and viability), and species-specific biological differences may influence free-eDNA detectability. This study represents the first step in assessing the feasibility of direct-ddPCR technology for the detection of marine species. Our results provide information that could aid in the development of new technology, such as a field development of ddPCR systems, which could allow for automated continuous monitoring of targeted marine species, enabling point-of-need detection and rapid management responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ctenostome bryozoans are a small group of gymnolaemates comprising less than 400 recent species. They are paraphyletic and ctenostome-grade ancestors gave rise to Cheilostomata, the most dominant and speciose taxon of Bryozoa in the present day. Investigations into ctenostomes are important for reconstructing character evolution among Gymnolaemata. As a continuation of studies on a morphological series of ctenostome bryozoans, we herein investigate six species of hislopiids, a small clade of three genera occurring in freshwater habitats. The general morphology of all species is similar in having primarily uniserial chains of encrusting zooids, which are mostly oval to ellipsoid and have a flattened frontobasal axis. Hislopia prolixa and Echinella placoides often have more slender zooids with a higher frontobasal axis. Apertures of hislopiids are quadrangular, lined by a thickened cuticle. Apertural spines are present in various lengths in E. placoides, Hislopia lacustris and Hislopia corderoi. The remaining cuticle is rather thin except at lateral areas, close to the pore-plates which are prominent in hislopiids because of abundant special and limiting cells. All species except H. corderoi and Timwoodiellina natans have a prominent collar obstructing the vestibulum, whereas the latter two species instead have an \'external collar\' as cuticular, outer folds projecting over the aperture. Hislopiid lophophores carry eight, or more commonly 12-18 tentacles. The digestive tract is distinguished by an often highly elongated esophagus and/or cardia, with the latter always having a prominent bulbous part in the form of a proventriculus-or gizzard in E. placoides. The caecum is extensive in all species. In Hislopia the intestine is characteristically two-chambered with a proximal and distal part before entering an anal tube of various length. The latter is present in all species except T. natans and terminates in mid-lophophoral area. Oocytes in E. placoides are large and macrolecithal indicating brooding and the production of lecithotrophic larvae. Hislopia species produce small, oligolecithal ones, which suggests zygote spawning and planktotrophy. In general, the morphology is similar among the different hislopiids with characters of the gut aiding in delineating the genera Echinella and Timwoodiellina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bryozoan colonies consist of zooids, which can differ in structure and function. Most heteromorphic zooids are unable to feed and autozooids supply them with nutrients. The structure of the tissues providing nutrient transfer is poorly investigated. Here, I present a detailed description of the colonial system of integration (CSI) and communication pores in autozooids and avicularia of the cheilosome bryozoan Terminoflustra membranaceotruncata. The CSI is the nutrient transport and distribution system in the colony. In both autozooids and avicularia it consists of a single cell type, that is, elongated cells, and has a variable branching pattern, except for the presence of a peripheral cord. The general similarity in the CSI structure in avicularia and autozooids is probably due to the interzooidal type of the avicularium. Interzooidal avicularia are likely to consume only a part of the nutrients delivered to them by the CSI, and they transit the rest of the nutrients further. The variability and irregularity of branching pattern of the CSI may be explained by the presence of single communication pores and their varying number. The structure of communication pores is similar regardless of their location (in the transverse or lateral wall) and the type of zooid in contact. Rosette complexes include a cincture cell, a few special cells, and a few limiting cells. Along each zooidal wall, there are communication pores with both unidirectional and bidirectional polarity of special cells. However, the total number of nucleus-containing lobes of special cells is approximately the same on each side of any zooidal wall. Supposing the polarity of special cells reflects the direction of nutrient transport, the pattern of special cells polarity is probably related to the need for bidirectional transport through each zooidal wall. The possibility for such transport is important in large perennial colonies with wide zones of autozooids undergoing polypide degeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The type specimens of 42 cheilostome bryozoan species introduced by Lars Siln between 1938 and 1954 and housed at three different Swedish institutions (the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, the Biological Museum in Lund and the Museum of Evolution in Uppsala) are here revised using scanning electron microscopy, with two exceptions, for the first time. As a result of this revision, new morphological observations were made for some species, such as ooecia in Antropora erecta, a costal pseudopore in Jullienula hippocrepis, intracolonial variation in the number of intracostal windows in Costaticella gisleni, and oral spines in Triphyllozoon mauritzoni. Some other observations confirmed the presence of structures/polymorphs in type material that had previously only been noted in non-type specimens, such as spinose interzooidal kenozooids in Retevirgula triangulata and putative brooding zooids in Bugulina kiuschiuensis. Structures originally interpreted as hydroid tube openings on the dorsal side of Triphyllozoon microstigmatum were confirmed to be avicularia, while the supposed kenozooidal attachment rootlet of Fedora nodosa might be the polypide tube of a coronate scyphozoan. In addition, the original combination Heliodoma goesi is here reinstated after Lagaaij assigned the species to Setosellina in 1963. The following new combinations are also proposed: Labioporella aviculifera for Siphonoporella aviculifera; Mangana canui and Mangana incrustata for Callopora canui and Tegella incrustata, respectively; Sphaerulobryozoon ovum for Fedora ovum. Lectotypes were selected when appropriate. This work clarifies the exact identity of some species that have never been recorded after their first description, such as Stylopoma magnovicellata and three species of Triphyllozoon, and contributes to the current increasing effort to digitize historical key specimens in natural history museum collections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Today, the world is increasingly concerned about marine litter and its interaction with marine biodiversity. However, knowledge concerning the fouling organisms associated with marine litter is very limited in many of the world\'s marine environments. In this survey, we investigated biofouling on different types of marine litter washed up on all the coasts of the central Atlantic of Morocco. The findings revealed 21 fouling species belonging to 9 phyla (Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Annelida, Bryozoa, Porifera, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, and Ascomycota). More specifically, frequently observed fouling species include Mytilus galloprovincialis, Balanus laevis, Megabalanus coccopoma, and Pollicipes pollicipes species. Large marine litter items recorded the highest colonization of marine organisms in comparison to small ones. The frequency of occurrence (FO) of the species most commonly fouled on all coasts was Perforatus perforatus (FO = 48.60), followed by Mytilus galloprovincialis (FO = 45.80), Balanus trigonus (FO = 32.05), Balanus laevis (FO = 30.25), Megabalanus coccopoma (FO = 25.25), Bryozoa species (FO = 19.40), Spirobranchus triqueter (FO = 18.18), Lepas pectinata (FO = 14.45), and Pollicipes pollicipes (FO = 13.05). The majority of the species registered in this study are sessile. Substrate coverage by fouling taxa was significantly different between plastic substrate and other types of marine litter. Likewise, this study revealed that the proportion of fouling organisms is higher on rough surfaces. Overall, this research could be crucial to understanding the little-known subject of marine litter and its colonization by marine biota. Given that these marine litters can act as vectors and cause ecological, biogeographical, and conservation issues in the marine environment, minimizing the quantity of anthropogenic litter reaching the Moroccan Atlantic could significantly reduce its accumulation on the sea surface and seabed, thereby reducing the risk of invasion by non-indigenous species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acanthophoraspicifera, a red alga considered an alien species, was discovered for the first time on the Pacific coast of Mexico in 2006 from a locality inside La Paz Bay, Gulf of California. Since then, more records have shown its presence, 17 localities having been added up to 2015. A two-year field study (2020-2022) visiting 31 sites along the coast of La Paz Bay, complemented with data from literature and citizen science, resulted in a database of 709 entries that spans the data from 2004 to 2023. These data showed a distribution that goes from Punta Coyote, close to Boca Grande, the northern entrance to the Bay to Playa Tecolote in the south, more than 100 km of coastline, including Espiritu Santo Archipelago, an area considered a natural reserve since 2007. Anthropogenic activity and environmental variables did not present statistical differences that explain A.spicifera spreading. It represents a naturalised alien species without evidence of a negative impact. Still, it soon could acquire the status of invasive species together with its epibionts Bryozoa and Hydrozoa detected in this study.





