Brucella ovis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucella ovis is an etiologic agent of ovine epididymitis and brucellosis that causes global devastation in sheep, rams, goats, small ruminants and deer. There are no cost-effective methods for the worldwide eradication of ovine brucellosis. B. ovis and other protein targets from various Brucella species are currently in the pipeline for high-throughput structural analysis at the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID), with the aim of identifying new therapeutic targets. Furthermore, the wealth of structures generated are effective tools for teaching scientific communication, structural science and biochemistry. One of these structures, B. ovis leucine-, isoleucine-, valine-, threonine- and alanine-binding protein (BoLBP), is a putative periplasmic amino acid-binding protein. BoLBP shares less than 29% sequence identity with any other structure in the Protein Data Bank. The production, crystallization and high-resolution structures of BoLBP are reported. BoLBP is a prototypical bacterial periplasmic amino acid-binding protein with the characteristic Venus flytrap topology of two globular domains encapsulating a large central cavity containing the peptide-binding region. The central cavity contains small molecules usurped from the crystallization milieu. The reported structures reveal the conformational flexibility of the central cavity in the absence of bound peptides. The structural similarity to other LBPs can be exploited to accelerate drug repurposing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small ruminants affected by brucellosis, caused mainly by Brucella melitensis and B. ovis, suffer reproductive disorders, leading to significant economic losses worldwide. Vaccination is an essential tool to prevent the disease in ovine and caprine livestock, but the only vaccine recommended to date is B. melitensis Rev1, which in sheep is only safe for use in lambs aged 3-4 months. This restriction poses considerable practical challenges for the implementation of Rev1 in countries with endemic brucellosis and/or limited resources, where there is a need for mass vaccination with a safe vaccine to control the disease in both animals and humans. We recently developed a B. melitensis strain Rev1Δwzm showing superior vaccine properties in mice and safety in pregnant ewes. Here, we report that Rev1Δwzm (i) is safe in young and adult sheep, both male and female; (ii) induces a transient serological response in the Rose Bengal test in ≤50 % of sheep, confirmed to some extent by the complement fixation test, and a stronger, more persistent anti- rough-LPS response; and (iii) protects rams against a B. ovis challenge 25 weeks after vaccination. To resolve the problem of serological interference, the use of green fluorescent protein tagging strategy allowed us to identify vaccinated sheep with only a single inoculation. These results, together with the previously reported safety in pregnant ewes, position Rev1Δwzm as a firm vaccine candidate and a promising alternative to Rev1. Further experiments are warranted to assess its efficacy against B. melitensis in pregnant ewes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucella ovis causes non-zoonotic ovine brucellosis of worldwide distribution and is responsible for important economic losses mainly derived from male genital lesions and reproductive fails. Studies about the virulence mechanisms of this rough species (lacking lipopolysaccharide O-chains) are underrepresented when compared to the main zoonotic Brucella species that are smooth (with O-chains). Zinc intoxication constitutes a defense mechanism of the host against bacterial pathogens, which have developed efflux systems to counterbalance toxicity. In this study, we have characterized three potential B. ovis zinc exporters, including the ZntA ortholog previously studied in B. abortus. Despite an in-frame deletion removing 100 amino acids from B. ovis ZntA, the protein retained strong zinc efflux properties. Only indirect evidence suggested a higher exporter activity for B. abortus ZntA, which, together with differences in ZntR-mediated regulation of zntA expression between B. ovis and B. abortus, could contribute to explaining why the ΔzntR mutant of B. abortus is attenuated while that of B. ovis is virulent. Additionally, B. ovis ZntA was revealed as a powerful cadmium exporter contributing to cobalt, copper, and nickel detoxification, properties not previously described for the B. abortus ortholog. Deletion mutants for BOV_0501 and BOV_A1100, also identified as potential zinc exporters and pseudogenes in B. abortus, behaved as the B. ovis parental strain in all tests performed. However, their overexpression in the ΔzntA mutant allowed the detection of discrete zinc and cobalt efflux activity for BOV_0501 and BOV_A1100, respectively. Nevertheless, considering their low expression levels and the stronger activity of ZntA as a zinc and cobalt exporter, the biological role of BOV_0501 and BOV_A1100 is questionable. Results presented in this study evidence heterogeneity among pathogenic Brucellae regarding zinc export and, considering the virulence of B. ovis ΔzntA, suggest that host-mediated zinc intoxication is not a relevant mechanism to control B. ovis infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As intracellular pathogens, Brucella must contend with a variety of host-derived stressors when infecting a host cell. The inner membrane, cell wall, and outer membrane, i.e. the cell envelope, of Brucella provide a critical barrier to host assault. A conserved regulatory mechanism known as two-component signaling (TCS) commonly controls transcription of genes that determine the structure and biochemical composition of the cell envelope during stress. We report the identification of previously uncharacterized TCS genes that determine Brucella ovis fitness in the presence of cell envelope disruptors and within infected mammalian host cells. Our study reveals a new molecular mechanism of TCS-dependent gene regulation, and thereby advances fundamental understanding of transcriptional regulatory processes in bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unidentified abortion, of which leptospirosis, brucellosis, and ovine enzootic abortion are important factors, is the main cause of disease spread between animals and humans in all agricultural systems in most developing countries. Although there are well-defined risk factors for these diseases, these characteristics do not represent the prevalence of the disease in different regions. This study predicts the unidentified abortion burden from multi-microorganisms in ewes based on an artificial neural networks approach and the GLM.
    METHODS: A two-stage cluster survey design was conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of abortifacient microorganisms and to identify putative factors of infectious abortion.
    RESULTS: The overall seroprevalence of Brucella was 70.7%, while Leptospira spp. was 55.2%, C. abortus was 21.9%, and B. ovis was 7.4%. Serological detection with four abortion-causing microorganisms was determined only in 0.87% of sheep sampled. The best GLM is integrated via serological detection of serovar Hardjo and Brucella ovis in animals of the slopes with elevation between 2600 and 2800 meters above sea level from the municipality of Xalatlaco. Other covariates included in the GLM, such as the sheep pen built with materials of metal grids and untreated wood, dirt and concrete floors, bed of straw, and the well water supply were also remained independently associated with infectious abortion. Approximately 80% of those respondents did not wear gloves or masks to prevent the transmission of the abortifacient zoonotic microorganisms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sensitizing stakeholders on good agricultural practices could improve public health surveillance. Further studies on the effect of animal-human transmission in such a setting is worthwhile to further support the One Health initiative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diagnosis of brucellosis largely relies on tiger red plate agglutination test (RBPT). However, it is difficult to distinguish between natural infection antibody positive and vaccination antibody positive, nevertheless, the identification of specific Brucella species natural infection.
    Here, we analyzed the structure of main outer membrane proteins (OMPs), OMP25 and OMP31 from Brucella ovis (B. ovis) and Brucella melitensis (B. melitensis), which are the main pathogens of sheep brucellosis, and found the OMP25 and OMP31 could be used as the differential antigens for B. ovis and B. melitensis antibody. Then we expressed the OMP25 from B. ovis (OMP25o) and OMP31 from B. melitensis (OMP31m).
    They have equally efficiency in antibody detection of vaccinated sheep serum, consistent with the RBPT results. However, through epidemiological investigations, we found some RBPT positive samples were negative by the OMP31m based serum antibody detection, but these samples gave positive results by the OMP25o. We verified these OMP31m negative but OMP25o positive samples by B. ovis and B. melitensis specific primers based PCR detection, and all these samples were B. melitensis negative. However, four out of six samples are B. ovis positive. These results showed that we could use the OMP25o and OMP31m to diagnose sheep brucellosis antibody, especially to discriminate the infection of the B. ovis.
    Currently, China has not yet approved a vaccine based on B. ovis and B. ovis positive samples should be naturally infected. There should be some implicit transmission of B. ovis in Jilin province. Further epidemiological investigation should be conducted to monitor the B. ovis natural infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovine brucellosis is an infectious disease that causes alterations in the reproductive tract in ram and abortion in ewes. Their negative economic impact in ovine production warrants a thorough understanding the interactions between B. ovis and the host. Here, epididymis lesions of rams infected by B. ovis were histopathologically staged into early and advanced. Expression by immunohistochemistry of Brucella antigens, inflammatory cell markers (CD3, CD79αcy) and cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, TGF-β1) was assessed in both stages. Early lesions were characterized by epithelial changes, interstitial inflammation, and mild fibrosis; whereas advanced lesions displayed caseous granulomas containing numerous macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Expression of Brucella antigens were observed in both stages. The cellular response in B. ovis lesions were predominantly of T-cells (CD3+) whereas low numbers of B-cells and plasma cells (CD79αcy+) were present in both early and advanced lesions. IFN-γ was expressed by lymphocytes in early lesions suggesting that the adaptive immune response against B. ovis is initiated by Th1 cells, this response was also preserved in advanced stages. Expression of TNF-α was observed in neutrophils of epithelial microabscesses and intraepithelial T-cells of early lesions suggesting a promotion of neutrophil phagocytosis triggered by TNF-α. On the other hand, advanced lesions showed a reduction of TNF-α expression which may permit B. ovis persistence in granulomas. Lastly, TGF-β1 expression (fibroblast, macrophages and less in lymphocytes) were increased with time, suggesting that B. ovis promotes TGF-β1 secretion promoting chronicity of the lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovine brucellosis caused by Brucella ovis is a major cause of reproductive failure in sheep. This study aimed to evaluate transplacental infection and pathogenicity of B.ovis wild type strain ATCC 25,840 (WT B.ovis) and the candidate vaccine strain B.ovis ΔabcBA in pregnant mice. A total of 40 BALB/c mice were equally divided into 4 groups: (i) non immunized and uninfected control mice (3/10 mice became pregnant); (ii) non immunized and challenged with WT B.ovis (5/10 pregnant); (iii) inoculated only with B.ovis ΔabcBA (6/10 pregnant); (iv) immunized with B.ovis ΔabcBA and challenged with WT B.ovis (5/10 pregnant). Female mice bred, and five days after visualization of the vaginal plug, they were inoculated intraperitoneally (ip) with 100 µL of sterile PBS, 100 µL of 1 × 106 CFU of B.ovis ΔabcBA, or 100 µL of 1 × 106 CFU of B.ovis WT, according to each group. At the 17th day of gestation, samples of spleen, liver, uterus, placenta, fetus and mammary gland were obtained for bacteriology, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Non immunized mice challenged with B.ovis WT developed necrotizing placentitis as well as microgranulomas in the liver and spleen. These findings support the notion that B.ovis infection in pregnant mice induces lesions that are similar to those caused by B.abortus in the same animal model. B.ovis ΔabcBA was not recovered from any of the sampled organs, and it did not cause any gross or microscopic lesions, indicating that it is a safe and attenuated strain in this experimental model. In addition, B.ovis ΔabcBA was induced protective immunity as demonstrated by decreased numbers of B.ovis WT in the liver, uterus and fetuses of immunized mice after the challenge with B.ovis WT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucella melitensis and Brucella ovis are the primary etiological agents of brucellosis in small domestic ruminants. B. melitensis was first isolated in 1887 by David Bruce in Malta Island from spleens of four soldiers, while B. ovis was originally isolated in Australia and New Zealand in early 1950\'s from ovine abortion and rams epididymitis. Today, both agents are distributed worldwide: B. melitensis remains endemic and associated with an extensive negative impact on the productivity of flocks in -some regions, and B. ovis is still present in most sheep-raising regions in the world. Despite being species of the same bacterial genus, B. melitensis and B. ovis have extensive differences in their cultural and biochemical characteristics (smooth vs. rough colonial phases, serum and CO2 dependence for in vitro growth, carbohydrate metabolism), host preference (female goat and sheep vs. rams), the outcome of infection (abortion vs. epididymitis), and their zoonotic potential. Some of these differences can be explained at the bacterial genomic level, but the role of the host genome in promoting or preventing interaction with pathogens is largely unknown. Diagnostic techniques and measures to prevent and control brucellosis in small ruminants vary, with B. melitensis having more available tools for detection and prevention than B. ovis. This review summarizes and analyzes current available information on: (1) the similarities and differences between these two etiological agents of brucellosis in small ruminants, (2) the outcomes after their interaction with different preferred hosts and current diagnostic methodologies, (3) the prevention and control measures, and (4) alerting animal producers about the disease and raise awareness in the research community for future innovative activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abortions cause tremendous economic losses in food-producing animals and may lead to food insecurity.
    This study aimed to characterize Brucella spp. and other abortigenic pathogens from aborted tissues of cattle.
    For cattle, aborted tissues (n = 19) were cultured, and Brucella spp. were detected using the genus-specific 16S-23S ribosomal DNA interspacer region (ITS) assay and speciated using Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis, and Brucella suis (AMOS) and Bruce-ladder PCR assays. Brucella negative samples were screened using the eight abortigenic pathogens PCR panel. Samples from an abortion outbreak that occurred within a goat tribe were included in this investigation. Sera of females (n = 8) and males (n = 2) were analyzed using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (i-ELISA), while vaginal swabs (n = 3) and aborted tissues (n = 1) were cultured and characterized.
    The ITS-PCR detected Brucella DNA in cultures from two aborted tissues of cattle (10.5%, [2/19]), which were identified as B. melitensis (n = 1), and B. abortus (n = 1) using AMOS and Bruce-ladder PCR assays. Campylobacter fetus (n = 7) and Leptospira spp. (n = 4) including co-infections (n = 2) of C. fetus and Leptospira spp. were identified from the Brucella negative samples of cattle. Goats (100.0%, 10/10) were brucellosis seropositive on RBT and i-ELISA. Mixed infections caused by B. melitensis and B. abortus were isolated from the vaginal swabs (n = 3) and aborted tissues (n = 1).
    This is the first identification of abortion-associated pathogens in aborted cattle indicating the enormous financial losses and a threat to public health. It is therefore essential to include these identified pathogens in the surveillance scheme of veterinary and human services.





