Brain parcellation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Motor impairments and sensory processing abnormalities are prevalent in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), closely related to the core functions of the primary motor cortex (M1) and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Currently, there is limited knowledge about potential therapeutic targets in the subregions of M1 and S1 in ASD patients. This study aims to map clinically significant functional subregions of M1 and S1.
    METHODS: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data (NTD = 266) from Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) were used for subregion modeling. We proposed a distance-weighted sparse representation algorithm to construct brain functional networks. Functional subregions of M1 and S1 were identified through consensus clustering at the group level. Differences in the characteristics of functional subregions were analyzed, along with their correlation with clinical scores.
    RESULTS: We observed symmetrical and continuous subregion organization from dorsal to ventral aspects in M1 and S1, with M1 subregions conforming to the functional pattern of the motor homunculus. Significant intergroup differences and clinical correlations were found in the dorsal and ventral aspects of M1 (p < 0.05/3, Bonferroni correction) and the ventromedial BA3 of S1 (p < 0.05/5). These functional characteristics were positively correlated with autism severity. All subregions showed significant results in the ROI-to-ROI intergroup differential analysis (p < 0.05/80).
    CONCLUSIONS: The generalizability of the segmentation model requires further evaluation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the significance of M1 and S1 in ASD treatment and may provide new insights into brain parcellation and the identification of therapeutic targets for ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superior temporal sulcus (STS) has a functional topography that has been difficult to characterize through traditional approaches. Automated atlas parcellations may be one solution while also being beneficial for both dimensional reduction and standardizing regions of interest, but they yield very different boundary definitions along the STS. Here we evaluate how well machine learning classifiers can correctly identify six social cognitive tasks from STS activation patterns dimensionally reduced using four popular atlases (Glasser et al., 2016; Gordon et al., 2016; Power et al., 2011 as projected onto the surface by Arslan et al., 2018; Schaefer et al., 2018). Functional data was summarized within each STS parcel in one of four ways, then subjected to leave-one-subject-out cross-validation SVM classification. We found that the classifiers could readily label conditions when data was parcellated using any of the four atlases, evidence that dimensional reduction to parcels did not compromise functional fingerprints. Mean activation for the social conditions was the most effective metric for classification in the right STS, whereas all the metrics classified equally well in the left STS. Interestingly, even atlases constructed from random parcellation schemes (null atlases) classified the conditions with high accuracy. We therefore conclude that the complex activation maps on the STS are readily differentiated at a coarse granular level, despite a strict topography having not yet been identified. Further work is required to identify what features have greatest potential to improve the utility of atlases in replacing functional localizers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Olfaction is an early marker of neurodegenerative disease. Standard olfactory function is essential due to the importance of olfaction in human life. The psychophysical evaluation assesses the olfactory function commonly. It is patient-reported, and results rely on the patient\'s answers and collaboration. However, methodological difficulties attributed to the psychophysical evaluation of olfactory-related cerebral areas led to limited assessment of olfactory function in the human brain.
    METHODS: The current study utilized clustering approaches to assess olfactory function in fMRI data and used brain activity to parcellate the brain with homogeneous properties. Deep neural network architecture based on ResNet convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Model (LSTM) designed to classify healthy with olfactory disorders subjects.
    RESULTS: The fMRI result obtained by k-means unsupervised machine learning model was within the expected outcome and similar to those found with the conn toolbox in detecting active areas. There was no significant difference between the means of subjects and every subject. Proposing a CRNN deep learning model to classify fMRI data in two different healthy and with olfactory disorders groups leads to an accuracy score of 97 %.
    CONCLUSIONS: The K-means unsupervised algorithm can detect the active regions in the brain and analyze olfactory function. Classification results prove the CNN-LSTM architecture using ResNet provides the best accuracy score in olfactory fMRI data. It is the first attempt conducted on olfactory fMRI data in detail until now.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suicide is the third leading cause of death for individuals between 15 and 19 years of age. The high suicide mortality rate and limited prior success in identifying neuroimaging biomarkers indicate that it is crucial to improve the accuracy of clinical neural signatures underlying suicide risk. The current study implements machine-learning (ML) algorithms to examine structural brain alterations in adolescents that can discriminate individuals with suicide risk from typically developing (TD) adolescents at the individual level. Structural MRI data were collected from 79 adolescents who demonstrated clinical levels of suicide risk and 79 demographically matched TD adolescents. Region-specific cortical/subcortical volume (CV/SCV) was evaluated following whole-brain parcellation into 1000 cortical and 12 subcortical regions. CV/SCV parameters were used as inputs for feature selection and three ML algorithms (i.e., support vector machine [SVM], K-nearest neighbors, and ensemble) to classify adolescents at suicide risk from TD adolescents. The highest classification accuracy of 74.79% (with sensitivity = 75.90%, specificity = 74.07%, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 87.18%) was obtained for CV/SCV data using the SVM classifier. Identified bilateral regions that contributed to the classification mainly included reduced CV within the frontal and temporal cortices but increased volume within the cuneus/precuneus for adolescents at suicide risk relative to TD adolescents. The current data demonstrate an unbiased region-specific ML framework to effectively assess the structural biomarkers of suicide risk. Future studies with larger sample sizes and the inclusion of clinical controls and independent validation data sets are needed to confirm our findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder with serious symptoms including delusions, disorganized speech, and hallucinations that can have a long-term detrimental impact on different aspects of a patient\'s life. It is still unclear what the main cause of schizophrenia is, but a combination of altered brain connectivity and structure may play a role. Neuroimaging data has been useful in characterizing schizophrenia, but there has been very little work focused on voxel-wise changes in multiple brain networks over time, despite evidence that functional networks exhibit complex spatiotemporal changes over time within individual subjects. Recent studies have primarily focused on static (average) features of functional data or on temporal variations between fixed networks; however, such approaches are not able to capture multiple overlapping networks which change at the voxel level. In this work, we employ a deep residual convolutional neural network (CNN) model to extract 53 different spatiotemporal networks each of which captures dynamism within various domains including subcortical, cerebellar, visual, sensori-motor, auditory, cognitive control, and default mode. We apply this approach to study spatiotemporal brain dynamism at the voxel level within multiple functional networks extracted from a large functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) dataset of individuals with schizophrenia (N = 708) and controls (N = 510). Our analysis reveals widespread group level differences across multiple networks and spatiotemporal features including voxel-wise variability, magnitude, and temporal functional network connectivity in widespread regions expected to be impacted by the disorder. We compare with typical average spatial amplitude and show highly structured and neuroanatomically relevant results are missed if one does not consider the voxel-wise spatial dynamics. Importantly, our approach can summarize static, temporal dynamic, spatial dynamic, and spatiotemporal dynamics features, thus proving a powerful approach to unify and compare these various perspectives. In sum, we show the proposed approach highlights the importance of accounting for both temporal and spatial dynamism in whole brain neuroimaging data generally, shows a high-level of sensitivity to schizophrenia highlighting global but spatially unique dynamics showing group differences, and may be especially important in studies focused on the development of brain-based biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioma is a type of severe brain tumor, and its accurate segmentation is useful in surgery planning and progression evaluation. Based on different biological properties, the glioma can be divided into three partially-overlapping regions of interest, including whole tumor (WT), tumor core (TC), and enhancing tumor (ET). Recently, UNet has identified its effectiveness in automatically segmenting brain tumor from multi-modal magnetic resonance (MR) images. In this work, instead of network architecture, we focus on making use of prior knowledge (brain parcellation), training and testing strategy (joint 3D+2D), ensemble and post-processing to improve the brain tumor segmentation performance. We explore the accuracy of three UNets with different inputs, and then ensemble the corresponding three outputs, followed by post-processing to achieve the final segmentation. Similar to most existing works, the first UNet uses 3D patches of multi-modal MR images as the input. The second UNet uses brain parcellation as an additional input. And the third UNet is inputted by 2D slices of multi-modal MR images, brain parcellation, and probability maps of WT, TC, and ET obtained from the second UNet. Then, we sequentially unify the WT segmentation from the third UNet and the fused TC and ET segmentation from the first and the second UNets as the complete tumor segmentation. Finally, we adopt a post-processing strategy by labeling small ET as non-enhancing tumor to correct some false-positive ET segmentation. On one publicly-available challenge validation dataset (BraTS2018), the proposed segmentation pipeline yielded average Dice scores of 91.03/86.44/80.58% and average 95% Hausdorff distances of 3.76/6.73/2.51 mm for WT/TC/ET, exhibiting superior segmentation performance over other state-of-the-art methods. We then evaluated the proposed method on the BraTS2020 training data through five-fold cross validation, with similar performance having also been observed. The proposed method was finally evaluated on 10 in-house data, the effectiveness of which has been established qualitatively by professional radiologists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the structure of the brain and its relationships with human traits is largely determined by how we represent the structural connectome. Standard practice divides the brain into regions of interest (ROIs) and represents the connectome as an adjacency matrix having cells measuring connectivity between pairs of ROIs. Statistical analyses are then heavily driven by the (largely arbitrary) choice of ROIs. In this article, we propose a human trait prediction framework utilizing a tractography-based representation of the brain connectome, which clusters fiber endpoints to define a data-driven white matter parcellation targeted to explain variation among individuals and predict human traits. This leads to Principal Parcellation Analysis (PPA), representing individual brain connectomes by compositional vectors building on a basis system of fiber bundles that captures the connectivity at the population level. PPA eliminates the need to choose atlases and ROIs a priori, and provides a simpler, vector-valued representation that facilitates easier statistical analysis compared to the complex graph structures encountered in classical connectome analyses. We illustrate the proposed approach through applications to data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and show that PPA connectomes improve power in predicting human traits over state-of-the-art methods based on classical connectomes, while dramatically improving parsimony and maintaining interpretability. Our PPA package is publicly available on GitHub, and can be implemented routinely for diffusion image data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taekwondo, which is the most preferred sport among the martial arts, is known to improve individuals physically, spiritually and mentally. The aim of this study is to reveal the effect of teakwondo sport on the brain and brain structures. DESIGN;: 30 taekwondo athletes and 15 control groups were included in this study. Diffusion tensor MR images of each participant were taken. The information was obtained by the self-declaration of the athletes, whether they were sports years, amateur or elite.
    Total brain volume and volumes of white matter, gray matter, frontal lobe, precentral gyrus, corticospinal tract, basal nuclei, postcentral gyrus, hippocampus and amigdala and the ratio of these volumes to total brain volume were evaluated statistically between the groups using MriCloud software and ROIEditor program.
    An increase in total brain volume, gray matter, frontal lobe and precentral gyrus volume in athletes was associated with taekwondo training. When the ratio of brain parts to total brain volume was examined, it was determined that there was a difference in the ratio of gray matter, white matter volumes in amateur athletes, right frontal lobe, left corticospinal tract, right postcentral gyrus volumes in elite athletes, and left postcentral gyrus volumes of both athletes compared to sedentary individuals.
    The increase in the volume of gray matter, frontal lobe, postcentral gyrus and corticospinal tract together with the brain volume shows that taekwondo exercise contributes to physical, spiritual and mental development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain network analysis based on structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as an effective method for consciousness evaluation of hydrocephalus patients, which can also be applied to facilitate the ameliorative effect of lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drainage (LCFD). Automatic brain parcellation is a prerequisite for brain network construction. However, hydrocephalus images usually have large deformations and lesion erosions, which becomes challenging for ensuring effective brain parcellation works. In this paper, we develop a novel and robust method for segmenting brain regions of hydrocephalus images. Our main contribution is to design an innovative inpainting method that can amend the large deformations and lesion erosions in hydrocephalus images, and synthesize the normal brain version without injury. The synthesized images can effectively support brain parcellation tasks and lay the foundation for the subsequent brain network construction work. Specifically, the novelty of the inpainting method is that it can utilize the symmetric properties of the brain structure to ensure the quality of the synthesized results. Experiments show that the proposed brain abnormality inpainting method can effectively aid the brain network construction, and improve the CRS-R score estimation which represents the patient\'s consciousness states. Furthermore, the brain network analysis based on our enhanced brain parcellation method has demonstrated potential imaging biomarkers for better interpreting and understanding the recovery of consciousness in patients with secondary hydrocephalus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central goal in systems neuroscience is to parcellate the brain into discrete units that are neurobiologically coherent. Here, we propose a strategy for consistent whole-brain parcellation of white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) in individuals. We parcellate the brain into coherent parcels using non-negative matrix factorization based on voxel annotation using fiber clusters. Tractography is performed using an algorithm that mitigates gyral bias, allowing full gyral and sulcal coverage for reliable parcellation of the cortical ribbon. Experimental results indicate that parcellation using our approach is highly reproducible with 100% test-retest parcel identification rate and is highly consistent with significantly lower inter-subject variability than FreeSurfer parcellation. This implies that reproducible parcellation can be obtained for subject-specific investigation of brain structure and function.





