Bovine herpesvirus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpesviruses are significant pathogens of ruminants. In water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), however, herpesviruses have not been thoroughly studied. Although bubaline alphaherpesvirus 1 (BuAHV1) and bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoAHV1) have already been recovered from water buffaloes, to date, no reports on the occurrence of bovine alphaherpesvirus 5 (BoAHV5) in these animals have been published. Therefore, the aim of this study was to search for BuAHV1, BoAHV1, and BoAHV5 in palatine tonsils of apparently healthy water buffaloes from the Pará state, Northern Brazil. Tissue samples of tonsils (n = 293) were screened by a nested PCR (nPCR) targeting a region of UL44 (gC coding gene), followed by sequencing, to detect and differentiate between the viral types. Viral genome segments were detected in 18 out of 293 (6.1%) of the palatine tonsil samples. Two animals carried genomes of BoAHV1 only, eleven animals carried BoAHV5 genomes only, and four animals carried BuAHV1 only. Another animal had both BoAHV1 and BoAHV5 genomes in its tonsils. No infectious virus could be recovered from any of the samples. The BuAHV1 sequences identified here were more closely related to BuAHV1 genomes identified in India. Phylogenetic analyses suggested a closer relationship between the recovered BoAHV5 and BuAHV1 genomes. Therefore, evidence is provided here to confirm that not only BoAHV1 and BuAHV1, but also BoAHV5, can infect water buffaloes. This report highlights (i) the first detection of BoAHV5 in water buffaloes and (ii) the occurrence of coinfections with BoAHV1 and BoAHV5 in that species. Such findings and the similarity of BoAHV5 to Indian herpesvirus genomes suggest that the origin of type 5 may be linked to recombinations between bovine and bubaline herpesviruses within bubalines, since the scenario for generation of recombinants in buffaloes is potentially present.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The efficacy of an intranasal (IN) bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccine administered in the presence of passive immunity was assessed. Pooled colostrum was administered by intubation to 50 beef-dairy crossbred calves the day they were born. The calves were transported to a research facility and were blocked by age and sex, and randomly assigned into two groups: sham-vaccinated intranasally with a placebo (sterile water) or vaccinated with a trivalent (BRSV, bovine herpesvirus 1 and bovine parainfluenza 3) modified live viral (MLV) vaccine. The calves were 9 ± 2 days old when vaccinated (day 0). The calves were challenged by aerosolized BRSV on days 80 and 81 as a respiratory challenge. The study was terminated on day 88. Lung lesion scores (LLS) were significantly lower for calves vaccinated with trivalent MLV vaccine than those for calves that were sham-vaccinated. Serum neutralization (SN) antibody against BRSV in calves vaccinated with the trivalent MLV vaccine demonstrated an anamnestic response on day 88. After challenge, the calves sham-vaccinated with the placebo lost weight, while those vaccinated with the trivalent MLV vaccine gained weight. In this study, colostrum-derived antibodies did not interfere with the immune response or protection provided by one dose of the trivalent MLV vaccine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral infectious diseases are important causes of reproductive disorders, as abortion, fetal mummification, embryonic mortality, stillbirth, and congenital abnormalities in animals and in humans. In this chapter, we provide an overview of some virus, as important agents in teratology.We begin by describing the Zika virus, whose infection in humans had a very significant impact in recent years and has been associated with major health problems worldwide. This virus is a teratogenic agent in humans and has been classified as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).Then, some viruses associated with reproductive abnormalities on animals, which have a significant economic impact on livestock, are described, as bovine herpesvirus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, Schmallenberg virus, Akabane virus, and Aino virus.For all viruses mentioned in this chapter, the teratogenic effects and the congenital malformations associated with fetus and newborn are described, according to the most recent scientific publications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is sufficient evidence that both bovine herpesvirus (BoHV-1) and bubaline herpesvirus (BuHV-1) can overcome the species barrier represented by their respective hosts, cattle and buffalo. Although several studies have focused on the impact of BoHV-1 on buffalo, little is known about the impact of BuHV-1 on cattle. In this work, we evaluated the seroprevalence of BuHV-1 in the cattle population in an area where intensive buffalo farming is highly developed (Campania region, Italy). BuHV-1 seroprevalence of cattle sampled in this study was estimated to be 21.4% using a specific commercial ELISA for the detection of antibodies against glycoprotein E of the virus. Risk factor assessment by univariate analysis revealed a correlation between housing type and higher prevalence. Similarly, cattle housed with buffalo and adult animals had a higher likelihood of being seropositive. BoHV-1 vaccination did not prove to be a protective factor against BuHV-1 exposure. The role of age, grazing, and co-living with buffalo in influencing BuHV-1 exposure was also confirmed by multivariate analysis. All BuHV-1 positive animals were also tested with cross-serum neutralization aimed at evaluating the specific antibody titers against BoHV-1 and BuHV-1. We, therefore, assessed the potential cross-reaction between BoHV-1 and BuHV-1, the co-infection rate, and the agreement of the assays used. This study described the presence of BuHV-1 in the cattle population of the Campania region (Italy) and indicated the requirement to take BuHV-1 into consideration for any measures and control and/or eradication plans to be applied against BoHV-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is an important agricultural pathogen that infects cattle and other ruminants worldwide. Though it was first sequenced and annotated over twenty years ago, the Cooper strain, used in this study, was sequenced as recently as 2012 and is currently said to encode 72 unique proteins. However, tandem mass spectrometry has identified several peptides produced during active infection that align with the BoHV-1 genome in unannotated regions. One of these abundant peptides, \"ORF M\", aligned antisense to the DNA helicase/primase protein UL5. This study characterizes the novel transcript and its protein product and provides evidence to support the existence of homolog protein-coding genes in other Herpesviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is a multifactorial condition affecting cattle worldwide resulting in high rates of morbidity and mortality. The disease can be triggered by Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) infection, stress, and the subsequent proliferation and lung colonization by commensal bacteria such as Mannheimia haemolytica, ultimately inducing severe pneumonic inflammation. Due to its polymicrobial nature, the study of BRD microbes requires co-infection models. While several past studies have mostly focused on the effects of co-infection on host gene expression, we focused on the relationship between BRD pathogens during co-infection, specifically on M. haemolytica\'s effect on BoHV-1 replication. This study shows that M. haemolytica negatively impacts BoHV-1 replication in a dose-dependent manner in different in vitro models. The negative effect was observed at very low bacterial doses while increasing the viral dose counteracted this effect. Viral suppression was also dependent on the time at which each microbe was introduced to the cell culture. While acidification of the culture medium did not grossly affect cell viability, it significantly inhibited viral replication. We conclude that M. haemolytica and BoHV-1 interaction is dose and time-sensitive, wherein M. haemolytica proliferation induces significant viral suppression when the viral replication program is not fully established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is a multifactorial disease complex caused by opportunistic pathogens, classically those members of the genus Moraxella. However, IBK in some situations is associated with other potentially pathogenic agents, which include Mycoplasma bovoculi, Mycoplasma bovis, Ureaplasma diversum, bovine herpesviruses, and Chlamydia sp. Ocular infections that may resemble IBK are also caused by Listeria monocytogenes. These agents and their association with IBK are reviewed in this article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpesvirus entry and spread requires fusion of viral and host cell membranes, which is mediated by the conserved surface glycoprotein B (gB). Upon activation, gB undergoes a major conformational change and transits from a metastable prefusion to a stable postfusion conformation. Although gB is a structural homolog of low-pH-triggered class III fusogens, its fusion activity depends strictly on the presence of the conserved regulatory gH/gL complex and nonconserved receptor binding proteins, which ensure that fusion occurs at the right time and space. How gB maintains its prefusion conformation and how gB fusogenicity is controlled remain poorly understood. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of a naturally selected pseudorabies virus (PrV) gB able to mediate efficient gH/gL-independent virus-cell and cell-cell fusion. We found that the control exerted on gB by the accompanying viral proteins is mediated via its cytosolic domain (CTD). Whereas gB variants lacking the CTD are inactive, a single mutation of a conserved asparagine residue in an alpha-helical motif of the ectodomain recently shown to be at the core of the gB prefusion trimer compensated for CTD absence and uncoupled gB from regulatory viral proteins, resulting in a hyperfusion phenotype. This phenotype was transferred to gB homologs from different alphaherpesvirus genera. Overall, our data propose a model in which the central helix acts as a molecular switch for the gB pre-to-postfusion transition by conveying the structural status of the endo- to the ectodomain, thereby governing their cross talk for fusion activation, providing a new paradigm for herpesvirus fusion regulation.IMPORTANCE The class III fusion protein glycoprotein B (gB) drives membrane fusion during entry and spread of herpesviruses. To mediate fusion, gB requires activation by the conserved gH/gL complex by a poorly defined mechanism. A detailed molecular-level understanding of herpesvirus membrane fusion is of fundamental virological interest and has considerable potential for the development of new therapeutics blocking herpesvirus cell invasion and spread. Using in vitro evolution and targeted mutagenesis of three different animal alphaherpesviruses, we identified a single conserved amino acid in a regulatory helix in the center of the gB ectodomain that enables efficient gH/gL-independent entry and plays a crucial role in the pre-to-postfusion transition of gB. Our results propose that the central helix is a key regulatory element involved in the intrastructural signal transduction between the endo- and ectodomain for fusion activation. This study expands our understanding of herpesvirus membrane fusion and uncovers potential targets for therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biosecurity is a key measure to reduce and prevent the introduction of diseases to farms and minimise spread of diseases within a herd. The aim of the study was to characterise the current application of biosecurity measures on dairy cattle farms in Spain along with their bovine viral diarrhoea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis status.
    METHODS: Data on biosecurity measures for 124 dairy herds were collected using a questionnaire. The sanitary status of these farms for bovine viral diarrhoea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis was also assessed using antibody ELISA. Data were analysed using multiple correspondence analysis and a two-step cluster analysis.
    RESULTS: Three main clusters of farms were identified: clusters 1 and 2 included herds of small and intermediate sizes. These, particularly cluster 1, showed the most deficiencies in the control of vehicles and visitors. However, laboratory tests were always performed on purchased animals. Cluster 3 had the largest herd sizes, with somewhat better biosecurity control of vehicles and visitors. However, farms in this cluster also purchased the most animals, sometimes without testing, and hired external workers more often.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study indicated that, in the study population, there are serious shortcomings in the application of biosecurity measures on dairy farms, exposing them to disease transmission. This survey also highlights regional and herd size-related differences in the implementation of biosecurity. Collecting data is an important first step to identification of specific weaknesses in different farm typologies, and an adequate follow-up is needed to ensure that measures are implemented correctly on farms.






