Body mass

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To track body size and proportions, arm dimensions and grip strength in children, adolescents, and adults resident in an indigenous community in Oaxaca who were measured on two or three occasions across surveys in 1968, 1978, and 2000.
    METHODS: The three cross-sectional surveys included measures of height, weight, sitting height, arm circumference, triceps skinfold, and grip strength in surveys of schoolchildren in 1968 and of schoolchildren, adolescents and adults in 1978 and 2000. Cross-checks of surnames, forenames and ages/dates of birth of participants in the three surveys identified three samples of individuals measured on two occasions (1968-1978, two age groups in 1978-2000) and a subsample of individuals measured in the three surveys. Partial correlations controlling for age at each observation were calculated for each variable in the three sex-specific samples measured on two occasions, and for the subsamples of males and females measured on three occasions.
    RESULTS: Allowing for variation in age among subsamples, inter-age correlations were moderate to high for stature, moderate for sitting height and estimated leg length, and low to moderate for weight, BMI, arm and estimated arm muscle circumference, triceps skinfold, and grip strength.
    CONCLUSIONS: Allowing for the relatively broad chronological age intervals, the inter-age correlations for height, weight and BMI were at the low end, while those for grip strength and for strength per unit body weight for males (though not females) were generally in the range of correlations noted in studies of European samples. Likely associated with improved health, nutritional, and sanitation conditions, obesity and overweight were emerging among adults by 2000. Obesity and overweight in adults paralleled the introduction of mechanized agriculture that reduced routine physical work. Among children, the association of obesity and overweight is likely with increased nutritional availability, but poor choices in diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gastroliths are stones of uncertain purpose that are commonly found inside the rib cages of plesiosaur fossils worldwide. Gastroliths from four Alberta (Canada) plesiosaurs were studied to determine both their shapes and masses, and their mass fractions relative to body mass. One animal\'s set of gastroliths was 100% complete and fully visible, but the others showed varying degrees of loss, damage or obscuration, so estimations of their original states were needed.
    UNASSIGNED: The studied animals were: Albertonectes vanderveldei, Fluvionectes sloanae, Nichollssaura borealis and Wapuskanectes betsynichollsae. The animals come from three different palaeoenvironments: open marine, near shore marine, and fluvial. Gastrolith shapes were classified as either xiphoid, cylindrical, discoidal or spherical based on observed and/or estimated dimensions. Although not all methods could be applied in all cases, gastrolith shapes and masses were estimated four different ways: (1) direct measurement and weighing of a subset and predicting the properties of the remaining obscured and hidden stones; (2) measuring triaxial ellipsoid dimensions of free stones to calculate volumes and multiplying by the mass density of chert; (3) measuring two visible triaxial dimensions of embedded stones, estimating the hidden third dimension three different ways, and then determining volumes and masses by calculation; and (4) predicting the density and mass of a densely packed cluster of small gastroliths using geometrical arguments.
    UNASSIGNED: Total gastrolith mass never exceeded 0.2% of body mass in any plesiosaur, and is consistent with the idea that the amounts of gastroliths recovered with plesiosaurs would be ineffective as ballast. The largest plesiosaur in the sample had the largest single gastrolith and total gastrolith mass increases with body size. The shape characteristics of the gastroliths were different for different environments, but compositionally they are dominated by black cherts. A possible common source for the gastroliths was identified for the two geographically close and near-contemporanous Nichollssaura and Wapuskanectes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rising global temperatures have a wide range of effects at organismal, population, and ecosystem levels. Increased winter temperatures are expected to alter the energetics of species that are dormant during this time. Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) spend their first ∼8 months in shallow nests on land, where they putatively rely on residual yolk reserves to fuel energetic demands during this period of inactivity before they emerge in the spring. We performed a laboratory experiment to characterize changes in residual yolk quantity in hatchling C. picta and experimentally tested the effect of temperature on residual yolk, hatchling size, and survival over the winter brumation period. We manipulated winter nest temperature by simulating two natural thermal regimes (\"low\" vs \"high\" treatments) and one regime that approximates warmer temperatures expected by 2100 (\"future\" treatment). Because high temperature increases metabolism, we predicted that the future temperature treatment would decrease the amount of residual yolk remaining by the end of winter and reduce hatchling mass and survival. Residual yolk over winter did not differ from that before winter, and the temperature had no effect on the quantity of residual yolk or hatchling survival by the following spring. However, hatchlings that experienced future temperatures lost more mass over winter than those from the other treatments. These results correspond with previous work indicating that residual yolk does not fuel the energetic needs of hatchlings during winter. The effect of future warming temperatures on body mass may have negative consequences during energetically demanding activities during spring emergence and dispersal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Standard metabolic rates (SMR) of ectotherms reflect the energetic cost of self-maintenance and thus provide important information about life-history strategies of organisms. We examined variation in SMR among fifteen species of New Zealand orthopteran. These species represent a heterogeneous group with a wide geographic distribution, differing morphologies and life histories. Gathering original data on morphological and physiological traits of individual species is a first step towards understanding existing variability. Individual metabolic rates of ectotherms are one of the first traits to respond to climate change. Baseline SMR datasets are valuable for modeling current species distributions and their responses to a changing climate. At higher latitudes, the average environmental temperature decreases. The pattern that cold-adapted ectotherms display higher SMR at colder temperatures and greater thermal sensitivity to compensate for lower temperatures and the shorter growing and reproductive seasons is predicted from the metabolic cold adaptation (MCA) hypothesis. We predict higher SMR for the orthopteran species found at higher latitudes. We further compared the index of thermal sensitivity Q10 per species. We used closed-system respirometry to measure SMR, at two test temperatures (4 °C and 14 °C), for the fifteen species acclimated to the same conditions. As expected, we found significant differences in SMR among species. The rate of oxygen consumption was positively correlated with body mass. Our findings do not support the MCA hypothesis. In fact, we found evidence of co-gradient variation in SMR, whereby insects from higher elevations and latitudes presented lower SMR. We discuss our findings in relation to life histories and ecology of each species. The novel physiological data presented will aid in understanding potential responses of these unusual species to changing climatic conditions in Aotearoa/New Zealand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Torpor is an adaptive strategy allowing heterothermic animals to cope with energy limitations. In birds and mammals, intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as body mass and ambient temperature, are the main variables influencing torpor use. Speakman and Thomas (2003) proposed a theoretical model of the relationship between the metabolic rate during torpor and the ambient temperature. Nevertheless, no empirical attempts have been made to assess the model predictions under different climates. Using open-flow respirometry, we evaluated the ambient temperature at which bats entered torpor and when torpid metabolic rate reached its minimum, the reduction in metabolic rate below basal values, and minimum torpid metabolic rate in 11 bat species of the family Vespertilionidae with different body mass from warm and cold climates. We included data on the minimum torpid metabolic rate of five species we retrieved from the literature. We tested the effects using mixed-effect phylogenetic models. All models showed a significant interaction between body mass and climate. Smaller bats went into torpor and reached minimum torpid metabolic rates at warmer temperatures, showed a higher reduction in the metabolic rate below basal values, and presented lower torpid metabolic rates than larger ones. The slopes of the models were different for bats from different climates. These results are likely explained by differences in body mass and the metabolic rate of bats, which may favor larger bats expressing torpor in colder sites and smaller bats in the warmer ones. Further studies to assess torpor use in bats of different climates are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the recognized influence of body mass on combat techniques, the relationship between body segment mass (BSM) and combat moves remains unexplored. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the striking arm mass (SAM), kicking leg mass (KLM), and body mass (BM) and the dynamic forces of direct punch (DP), palm strike (PS), elbow strike (ES), front kick (FK), and countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. Sixteen male military cadets (22.3 ± 1.8 years, 181.4 ± 7.0 cm, 82.1 ± 8.5 kg) performed combat techniques, with their performance measured by using a force plate and their body segment mass assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Spearman\'s correlation analysis, the Wilcoxon test, and Cohen\'s d were applied. The results indicated the relationship between the KLM or BM and the FK impulse (r = 0.64, p = 0.01; r = 0.52, p = 0.04, respectively) and CMJ impact force (r = 0.80, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.70, p ≤ 0.01, respectively). The FK peak and impact forces were moderately correlated with the CMJ jump height (r = 0.74, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.77, p ≤ 0.01). Moreover, the FK peak force was significantly higher than that for DP, PS, and ES (p ≤ 0.01, d = 3.32; p ≤ 0.01, d = 1.6; and p = 0.013, d = 1.3, respectively). The highest relationship was found between the KLM and the FK impulse; however, the difference in variability explained by the KLM versus the body mass was only 12%. This suggests that knowledge of the BSM did not provide a significantly better estimate of the dynamic forces of the punches and FKs than the knowledge of the BM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For small non-hibernating mammals, a high thermogenic capacity is important to increase activity levels in the cold. It has been previously reported that lactating females decrease their thermogenic activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT), whereas their capacity to cope with extreme cold remains uncertain. In this study we examined food intake, body temperature and locomotor behavior, resting metabolic rate, non-shivering thermogenesis, and cytochrome c oxidase activity, and the rate of state 4 respiration of liver, skeletal muscle, and BAT in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) at peak lactation and non- breeding hamsters (controls). The lactating hamsters and non- breeding controls were acutely exposed to -15°C, and several markers indicative of thermogenic capacity were examined. In comparison to non-breeding females, lactating hamsters significantly increased food intake and body temperature, but decreased locomotor behavior, and the BAT mass, indicative of decreased BAT thermogenesis at peak lactation. Unexpectedly, lactating hamsters showed similar body temperature, resting metabolic rate, non-shivering thermogenesis with non-breeding females after acute exposure to -15°C. Furthermore, cytochrome c oxidase activity of liver, skeletal muscle and BAT, and serum thyroid hormone concentration, and BAT uncoupling protein 1 expression, in lactating hamsters were similar with that in non-breeding hamsters after acute extreme cold exposure. This suggests that lactating females have the same thermogenic capacity to survive cold temperatures compared to non-breeding animals. This is particularly important for females in the field to cope with cold environments during the period of reproduction. Our findings indicate that the females during lactation, one of the highest energy requirement periods, do not impair their thermogenic capacity in response to acute cold exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent discovery of an association between ribosomal DNA (rDNA) copy number and body mass index (BMI) by Law et al. sheds light on a possible role of 45S rDNA in body-weight regulation. This finding opens new avenues for further investigations into the effect of rDNA on various human phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among extant species, the ability to sample the extremes of body size-one of the most useful predictors of an individual\'s ecology-is highly unlikely. This improbability is further exaggerated when sampling the already incomplete fossil record. We quantify the likelihood of sampling the uppermost limits of body size in the fossil record using Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn, 1905 as a model, selected for its comparatively well-understood life history parameters. We computationally generate a population of 140 million T. rex (based on prior estimates), modelling variation about the growth curve both with and without sexual dimorphism (the former modelled after Alligator mississippiensis), and building in sampling limitations related to species survivorship and taphonomic bias, derived from fossil data. The 99th percentile of body mass in T. rex has likely already been sampled, but it will probably be millennia before much larger giants (99.99th percentile) are sampled at present collecting rates. Biomechanical and ecological limitations notwithstanding, we estimate that the absolute largest T. rex may have been 70% more massive than the currently largest known specimen (~15,000 vs. ~8800 kg). Body size comparisons of fossil species should be based on ontogenetically controlled statistical parameters, rather than simply comparing the largest known individuals whose recovery is highly subject to sampling intensity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The relationship between an organism\'s mechanical environment and its bone strength has been long established by experimental research. Multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including body mass, muscle strength, genetic background, and nutritional and/or hormonal status, are likely to influence bone deposition and resorption throughout the lifespan, complicating this relationship. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is uniquely positioned to parse this complex set of influences.
    METHODS: Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, including sex, total body mass, lean body mass, exercise frequency, peak body mass, and age, were analyzed using SEM to determine how they affect bone strength both individually and combined.
    RESULTS: Body mass is typically the driver of cross-sectional area, but body mass and lean mass have similar effects on the polar moment of area (J). Peak body mass had a strong direct effect on J, despite decreasing strongly with increases in lean mass. Exercise also did not confer a large direct effect on cross-sectional area or J but did modify body mass and lean mass. In females, intentional weight loss was associated with decreased exercise levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: SEM is a useful tool for parsing complex systems in bone functional morphology and has the potential to uncover causal links in the study of skeletal remodeling, including factors like weight loss or exercise that may have secondary effects.





