
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drivers must respond promptly to a wide range of possible road hazards, from trucks veering into their lane to pedestrians stepping onto the road. While drivers\' vision is tested at the point of licensure, visual function can degrade, and drivers may not notice how these changes impact their ability to notice and respond to events in the world in a timely fashion. To safely examine the potential consequences of visual degradation on hazard detection, we performed two experiments examining the impact of simulated optical blur on participants\' viewing duration thresholds in a hazard detection task, as a proxy for eyes-on-road duration behind the wheel. Examining this question with older and younger participants, across two experiments, we found an overall increase in viewing duration thresholds under blurred conditions, such that younger and older adults were similarly impacted by blur. Critically, in both groups, we found that the increment in thresholds produced by blur was larger for non-vehicular road hazards (pedestrians, cyclists and animals) compared to vehicular road hazards (cars, trucks and buses). This work suggests that blur poses a particular problem for drivers detecting non-vehicular road users, a population considerably more vulnerable in a collision than vehicular road users. These results also highlight the importance of taking into account the type of hazard when considering the impacts of blur on road hazard detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy causes changes in all body systems, including the eye. The eye can undergo physiological and pathological changes in pregnancy. Some changes exacerbate pre-existing eye conditions while other conditions manifest for the first-time during pregnancy. Early recognition and management are essential to prevent sight threatening complications. In addition, some obstetric complications can be associated with ophthalmic signs. Prompt recognition of these eye findings may be life saving for both the mother and the foetus. The aim of this article is to present potential ocular complications in pregnancy and outline the appropriate management to preserve sight and maintain maternal and foetal safety. The safety of the use of common ophthalmological medications will also be discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) tomography is a serial sectioning technique where an FIB mills off slices from the material sample that is being analysed. After every slicing, an SEM image is taken showing the newly exposed layer of the sample. By combining all slices in a stack, a 3D image of the material is generated. However, specific artefacts caused by the imaging technique distort the images, hampering the morphological analysis of the structure. Typical quality problems in microscopy imaging are noise and lack of contrast or focus. Moreover, specific artefacts are caused by the FIB milling, namely, curtaining and charging artefacts. We propose quality indices for the evaluation of the quality of FIB-SEM data sets. The indices are validated on real and experimental data of different structures and materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stereopsis depends on the smallest stereo threshold (lower limit) and the upper fusion limit. While studies have shown that the lower limit worsens with reduced contrast and blur, more strongly in monocular than in binocular conditions, the effect on the upper limit remains uncertain. Here, we assess the impact of contrast and blur on the range of the disparity sensitivity function (DSF) in a stereo letter recognition task. Subjects had to identify the stereo letters embedded in a random dot stereogram, and adaptive staircases were used to estimate the two limits. Five subjects performed the experiment at baseline contrast (100%), with different contrast (32% and 10%) and blur (+0.75DS and +1.25DS) in monocular and binocular degradation. We proposed three possible outcomes: 1) the range collapses in both directions 2) the lower limit threshold reduces, but the upper limit is not affected 3) the threshold for both limits increases and the range remains the same. We found that the curve for both limits was lowpass in shape, resulting in a smaller range at higher SFs. The results were similar to the first prediction, where the threshold for the lower limit increased while the upper limit was reduced at lower contrast and higher blur. The shrinkage of DSF is significant in monocular conditions. However, with blur, there was inter-subject variability. A simple cross-correlation stereo-matching algorithm was used to quantify the effect of contrast and blur. The results were consistent with the behavioral result that the range of DSF decreases with image degradation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cataracts affect the optics of the eye in terms of absorption, blur, and scattering. When cataracts are unilateral, they cause differences between the eyes that can produce visual discomfort and harm binocular vision. These interocular differences can also induce differences in the processing speed of the eyes that may cause a spontaneous Pulfrich effect, a visual illusion provoking important depth misperceptions. Interocular differences in light level, like those present in unilateral cataracts, can cause the Classic Pulfrich effect, and interocular differences in blur, like those present in monovision, a common correction for presbyopia, can cause the Reverse Pulfrich effect. The visual system may be able to adapt, or not, to the new optical condition, depending on the degree of the cataract and the magnitude of the monovision correction.
    METHODS: Here, we report a unique case of a 45-year-old patient that underwent unilateral cataract surgery resulting in a monovision correction of 2.5 diopters (D): left eye emmetropic after the surgery compensated with a monofocal intraocular lens and right eye myopic with a spherical equivalent of -2.50 D. This patient suffered severe symptoms in binocular vision, which can be explained by a spontaneous Pulfrich effect (a delay measured of 4.82 ms, that could be eliminated with a 0.19 optical density filter). After removing the monovision with clear lens extraction in the second eye, symptoms disappeared. We demonstrate that, at least in this patient, both Classic and Reverse Pulfrich effects coexist after unilateral cataract surgery and that can be readapted by reverting the interocular differences. Besides, we report that the adaptation/readaptation process to the Reverse Pulfrich effect happens in a timeframe of weeks, as opposed to the Classic Pulfrich effect, known to have timeframes of days. Additionally, we used the illusion measured in the laboratory to quantify the relevance of the spontaneous Pulfrich effect in different visual scenarios and tasks, using geometrical models and optic flow algorithms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Measuring the different versions of the Pulfrich effect might help to understand the visual discomfort reported by many patients after cataract surgery or with monovision and could guide compensation or intervention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate and compare the degradation of visual acuity (VA) in myopic presbyopes due to lens-induced astigmatism at near and at far distance.
    UNASSIGNED: Fourteen corrected myopic presbyopes were recruited. VA (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution) was measured binocularly for different conditions of lens-induced astigmatism: cylindrical powers of -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.50, and -2.00 diopters (and positive spherical power of half the cylindrical power) with two axis orientations (with-the-rule WTR and against-the-rule ATR) were added to their optical correction. Measurements were carried out at far and near distance both in photopic and mesopic conditions, and for high and low contrast (HC/LC) stimuli. The paired Wilcoxon signed-rank statistics test was used to evaluate difference between conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: The measured VA as a function of the lens-induced astigmatism was described by regression lines in all investigated experimental conditions. The angular coefficients (slopes) of these lines represent the VA degradation, ie, the variation in logMAR corresponding to the addition of 1.00 diopters of cylindrical power. In photopic HC conditions, the VA degradation is significantly more pronounced at far distance than at near distance (0.22±0.06 diopters-1 vs 0.15±0.05 diopters-1, p = 0.0061 in WTR conditions; 0.18±0.06 diopters-1 vs 0.12±0.05 diopters-1, p = 0.0017 in ATR conditions), although VAs at near and at far with zero cylinder were similar (-0.14±0.10 vs -0.14±0.08, p = 0.824).
    UNASSIGNED: The better tolerance to lens-induced astigmatism blur at near than at far distance in photopic conditions with HC stimuli is tentatively attributed to a possible experience-mediated neural compensation associated to the tendency of the eye toward an inherent astigmatism at near.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major biofilm pathway in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium involves specific growth conditions that induce the csgA gene whose product forms surface curli fibers that mediate biofilm formation. We have found that the previously uncharacterized STM1266 gene in S. Typhimurium plays a role in regulating biofilm formation via the curli pathway. S. Typhimurium ΔSTM1266 strains display a biofilm defect, and overexpression of STM1266 results in enhanced biofilm formation. STM1266 deletion resulted in lowered csgA expression using promoter-reporter β-galactosidase assays, and csgA and csgD deletions abrogate the effects of STM1266 overexpression on biofilm formation while deletion of bcsA (encoding an essential enzyme for cellulose formation) has no effect. In a mouse infection model, the ΔSTM1266 strain displayed results similar to those seen for previously reported ΔcsgA strains. The STM1266 gene is predicted to encode a DNA-binding transcriptional regulator of the MerR family and is homologous to the Escherichia coli BluR regulator protein. We respectfully propose to ascribe the name brfS (biofilm regulator for Salmonella Typhimurium) to the STM1266 gene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been reported that behavior of experts and novices in various sporting tasks is impervious to the introduction of blur. However, studies have used diverse methods of blurring the visual stimulus (i.e., dioptric blur and Gaussian blur), and tasks that did not always preserve the normal perception-action coupling. In the current study, we developed a novel experimental protocol to examine the effect of different levels of Gaussian blur on interception performance and eye gaze data using an immersive VR task. Importantly, this provided a realistic simulation of a real-world boxing scenario (e.g., the presence of a feint prior to the onset of different combinations of punches) in which expert combat athletes (n = 18) experienced a first-person, adaptive viewpoint of the visual environment, which could be blurred according to their gaze location (central blur, peripheral blur, no blur). We found that participants exhibited similar interception performance in the presence of central blur or peripheral blur compared to a control condition with no blur. However, interception performance was significantly better with a central blur compared to peripheral blur. Eye gaze data indicated that although participants fixated at similar areas of interest irrespective of the presence of blur, fixation duration was significantly longer with a strong level of blur in the peripheral viewing condition than all levels of central blur and the control condition. These findings can be explained by relocating attention to different areas of the environment, which thereby influenced the perception of salient information. Participants also performed better on the first punch of a sequence preceded by a foot feint compared to arm feint or no feint. Still, irrespective of feint type, performance was significantly better on the second and third punch compared to the first punch. These findings are consistent with participants using additional information from the opponent\'s body movements and situational probabilities to increase performance as the sequence of punches developed. Overall, these are the first evidence for the use of VR as a means to examine gaze-contingent manipulations of the environment, and hence highlight the potential for facilitating learning and transfer to a real sporting situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This article proposes a simple model that describes the quantitative relationship between visual acuity and defocus (as in defocus curves) in the presence of higher-order aberrations (HOA).
    METHODS: The basis model for describing the relationship between visual acuity and blur was taken from Blendowske as a starting point to develop an extended model applicable to defocus curves. The basis of Blendowskes\'s data is extended by incorporating effects induced by HOA. Aberrometric refractive errors are transformed into a single blur quantity b, also termed dioptric distance, which serves as an input in both models. The possible influence of the axes of asymmetric aberrations and the pupil size is not included.
    RESULTS: The extended model has been used to generate reference data for a bi-aspheric multifocal correction profile for presbyopia. It provides reference data similar to what has been reported in the literature for that particular profile.
    CONCLUSIONS: The model proposed in this article can be used to determine depth-of-focus effects associated with the presence of HOA. The extended model seems to provide a valid description for defocus curves. Actual uncertainties in experimental data on unaided visual acuity, especially the frequent lack of information on pupil diameter, prevent meaningful numerical comparison and the refinement of both models. However, theoretical arguments are provided in support of the extended model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual patterns can evoke marked, even beautiful motion illusions even if they are static; eye movements in all likelihood serve as temporal modulators. This paper concentrates on Ouchi-type \"relative\" or \"sliding\" motion illusions. It outlines an eye-motion-evoked motion-blur hypothesis, which does not correctly predict the shift direction of maximal illusion. This failure led to a nearly new particularly simple stimulus: an arrangement of dashed lines that strongly evokes a relative motion illusion, the \"orthogonal dotted lines sway.\" The latter is well explained by motion integration.





