Blood rheology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The increasing popularity of hypoxic training as a training method to improve physical performance indicates the need to study the effects of this type of intervention on blood morphological and rheological indices, since the adaptive changes that follow such training mainly affect blood indices. In this study, the effects of a 4 weeks of intermittent hypoxic training on blood morphological and rheological indicators in physically active men were assessed.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty-eight young, physically active men, participated in the study. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: two training groups and a control group without intervention (CTRL). Each group consisted of 16 participants. Training groups performed interval training (three times per week, 4 weeks, 12 workouts) under different conditions: in hypoxia (IHT; fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) = 14.4%) or in normoxia (NT; FiO2 = 20.9%). The control group performed only two workouts 4 weeks apart. Blood was taken during the first and last training session at rest, and 3 minutes after training.
    UNASSIGNED: After the last training session, there was a significant increase in mean corpuscular volume and a decrease in mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration measured at rest only in the IHT group. There was also a significant decrease in resting aggregation amplitude for the IHT and CTRL groups. There was no difference in change of post-exercise plasma volume between first and last training session.
    UNASSIGNED: The applied intermittent interval training in conditions of normoxia and hypoxia had no significant impact on resting aggregation parameters. This suggest that training under hypoxic conditions does not cause adverse rheological changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cold water immersion (CWI) involves rapid cooling of the body, which, in healthy individuals, triggers a defence response to an extreme stimulus, to which the body reacts with stress. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of CWI on hemorheological blood indicators. The study group consisted of 13 young males. Blood samples were collected before and after CWI. The assessed parameters included the complete blood count, fibrinogen, hs-C-reactive protein (CRP), proteinogram, and blood rheology factors, such as erythrocyte elongation index (EI), half-time of total aggregation, and aggregation index. Additionally, the effect of reduced temperature on primary human vascular endothelium was investigated in vitro. CWI resulted in the decrease of body temperature to 31.55 ± 2.87 °C. After CWI, neutrophil count and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were significantly increased in the study group, while lymphocyte count was significantly decreased. Significantly higher levels of total blood protein and albumin concentration were detected after the immersion. Among hemorheological characteristics, erythrocyte EIs at shear stress values ranging from 2.19 to 60.30 Pa were significantly lower after CWI. No significant changes in other rheological, morphological or biochemical parameters were observed. In vitro, human umbilical vein endothelial cells responded to 3 h of temperature decrease to 25 °C with unchanged viability, but increased recruitment of THP-1 monocytic cells and changes in cell morphology were observed. This was the first study to evaluate the effect of single CWI on rheological properties of blood in healthy young men. The results indicate that a single CWI may increase blood protein concentrations and worsen erythrocyte deformability parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leukocytes and platelets must adhere to the wall of blood vessels to carry out their protective functions in inflammation and haemostasis. Recruitment is critically dependent on rheological variables (wall shear rate and stress, red cell aggregation and haematocrit) which affect delivery to the vessel wall as well as velocities and forces experienced there. Leukocyte recruitment is efficient only up to wall shear rates of about 300 s-1 and usually restricted to low-shear post-capillary venules in inflammation. Being smaller, platelets experience lower velocities and shear forces adjacent to the wall and can adhere at much higher shear rates for haemostasis in arteries. In addition, we found quite different effects of variations in haematocrit or red cell aggregation on attachment of neutrophils or platelets, which also assist their separate recruitment in venules or arteries. However, it has become increasingly evident that inflammatory and thrombotic responses may occur together, with platelets promoting the adhesion and activation of neutrophils and monocytes. Indeed, it is 30 years since we demonstrated that platelets could cause neutrophils to aggregate in suspension and, when attached to a surface, could support selectin-mediated rolling of all leukocytes. Thrombin-activated platelets could further induce neutrophil activation and immobilisation. In some conditions, platelets could bind to intact endothelial monolayers and capture neutrophils or monocytes. Subsequently, we found that extracellular vesicles released by activated platelets (PEV) fulfilled similar functions when deposited on surfaces or bound to endothelial cells. In murine models, platelets or PEV could act as bridges for monocytes in inflamed vessels. Thus, leukocytes and platelets are rheologically adapted for their separate functions, while novel thrombo-inflammatory pathways using platelets or PEV may underlie pathogenic leukocyte recruitment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple myeloma (MM) is considered to be one of the hematological malignancies formed by excessive and abnormal proliferation of plasmocytes. Among other parameters, several blood tests are used to diagnose multiple myeloma. The hemorheological profile in multiple myeloma is not widely studied. Hemorheology includes the study of measuring the deformability and aggregation of erythrocytes, blood viscosity, and sedimentation rate. The degree of deformability of blood cells is necessary to maintain proper vital functions. Proper deformability of red blood cells ensures proper blood circulation, tissue oxidation and carbon dioxide uptake. The aim of the study was to compare morphology and blood rheology parameters in patients with MM and healthy individuals. The study included 33 patients with MM, and 33 healthy subjects of the same age. The hematological blood parameters were evaluated using ABX MICROS 60 hematology analyzer. The LORCA Analyzer to study erythrocyte aggregation and deformability. Patients with MM had lower red blood cells count (RBC) (9.11%) (p < 0.001) and half time of total aggregation (T1/2) (94.29%) (p < 0.001) values and higher mean corpuscular volume (MCV) (5.50%) (p < 0.001), aggregation index (AI) (68.60%) (p < 0.001), total extent of aggregation (AMP) (87.92%) (p < 0.001) values than the healthy control group. Aggregation in patients with MM is different compared to healthy individuals. It was observed that the percentage of cell aggregation is almost 50% higher than in the control group. The study of morphology, aggregation and deformability of erythrocytes in patients with suspected MM may be helpful in making clinical decisions.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that affects hemoglobin leading to the production of an abnormal hemoglobin, called HbS. HbS has the property to polymerize under deoxygenated conditions, causing a mechanical distortion of red blood cells; a phenomenon called sickling. These sickle red blood cells are more fragile and rigid, leading to chronic hemolytic anemia and painful vaso-occlusive crises, as well as chronic vascular complications that can affect many organs. The abnormal functional properties of these sickle red blood cells are responsible for a wide range of clinical expression of the disease. HbS polymerization can be influenced by many factors, such as the hydration state of the red blood cells or the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. Moreover, the rheological characteristics of red blood cells, including their deformability and aggregation properties, are associated with specific clinical phenotypes. The pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant state, as well as the repeated polymerization of HbS, accelerate the senescence of sickle red blood cells, promoting the release of microparticles and contributing to vascular dysfunction. Patients\' red blood cells also have molecular characteristics that promote their adhesion to the endothelium and other circulating cells, contributing to the onset of vascular complications. Massive intravascular hemolysis, due to increased erythrocyte fragility, is also responsible for chronic vascular complications. These different alterations are privileged therapeutic targets, leading to the emergence of new specific treatments. © 2023 Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an hereditary disorder characterized by the production of an abnormal hemoglobin called hemoglobin S (HbS). HbS may polymerize in deoxygenated conditions, which leads to red blood cell (RBC) sickling. Sickled RBCs are more rigid and fragile, and prone to lysis. SCD patients exhibit various acute and/or chronic complications, which may affect several organs. The clinical presentation of SCD is highly variable from one patient to another and cannot be only explained by RBC sickling. Increased blood viscosity, caused by the presence of RBCs with abnormal deformability and aggregation, may increase vascular resistance and increase the risk of acute and chronic vascular complications. Chronic hemolysis results in decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability which may compromise vasodilation and participate to the development of chronic vasculopathy. Furthermore, chronic hemolysis is responsible for increased inflammation and oxidative stress, which affect the vascular system and may promote the adhesion of circulating cells to endothelial cells. Extracellular vesicles and especially RBC microparticles (massively released in the context of SCD) are also at the origin of vascular damages and increased white blood cells adhesion to the endothelium, which may trigger vaso-occlusive crisis and other vascular-related complications. This review highlights the fact that SCD should not only be considered as a hematological disorder but also as a vascular disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several studies have indicated that COVID-19 can lead to alterations in blood rheology, including an increase in red blood cell aggregation. The precise mechanisms behind this phenomenon are not yet fully comprehended. The latest findings suggest that erythrocyte aggregation significantly influences microcirculation, causes the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and even damages the endothelial glycocalyx, leading to endothelial dysfunction. The focus of this research lies in investigating the cellular factors influencing these changes in aggregation and discussing potential causes and implications in the context of COVID-19 pathophysiology. For this purpose, the aggregation of erythrocytes in a group of 52 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia was examined in a 70 kDa Dextran solution, which eliminates the influence of plasma factors. Using image analysis, the velocities and sizes of the formed aggregates were investigated, determining their porosity. This study showed that the process of erythrocyte aggregation in COVID-19 patients, independent of plasma factors, leads to the formation of more compact, denser, three-dimensional aggregates. These aggregates may be less likely to disperse under circulatory shear stress, increasing the risk of thrombotic events. This study also suggests that cellular aggregation factors can be responsible for the thrombotic disorders observed long after infection, even when plasma factors have normalized. The results and subsequent broad discussion presented in this study can contribute to a better understanding of the potential complications associated with increased erythrocyte aggregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many of the intriguing properties of blood originate from its cellular nature. Bulk effects, such as viscosity, depend on the local shear rates and on the size of the vessels. While empirical descriptions of bulk rheology are available for decades, their validity is limited to the experimental conditions they were observed under. These are typically artificial scenarios (e.g., perfectly straight glass tube or in pure shear with no gradients). Such conditions make experimental measurements simpler; however, they do not exist in real systems (i.e., in a real human circulatory system). Therefore, as we strive to increase our understanding on the cardiovascular system and improve the accuracy of our computational predictions, we need to incorporate a more comprehensive description of the cellular nature of blood. This, however, presents several computational challenges that can only be addressed by high performance computing. In this chapter, we describe HemoCell ( ), an open-source high-performance cellular blood flow simulation, which implements validated mechanical models for red blood cells and is capable of reproducing the emergent transport characteristics of such a complex cellular system. We discuss the accuracy and the range of validity, and demonstrate applications on a series of human diseases.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the change in the level of concentration of the antibacterial drug Vancomycin registered in the purulent focus area (facial vein) and in the peripheral blood flow (cubital vein) in patients with phlegmon of the maxillofacial region (MFR).
    METHODS: The clinical material of the study was 12 patients with phlegmon of MFR who were being treated in the maxillofacial department of the N.I. Pirogov State Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow Medical Center. The drainage of phlegmons was performed on the day of admission of the patient 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. The phlegmons involved two or more spaces of the MFR. As an antimicrobial drug, 500 mg of Vancomycin in 400 ml of saline solution was used intravenously. Quantitative registration of Vancomycin was carried out 2 hours after intravenous infusion. Blood sampling was carried out from the cubital and facial veins in an amount of 7-8 ml intraoperatively at the opening of the phlegmon, under endotracheal anesthesia. The concentration of the antibiotic was determined by high-performance liquid crystal chromatography.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study found that the concentration of Vancomycin in the facial vein exceeds similar indicators obtained from the cubital vein. The difference in the percentage ratio averaged 19.2±7.3%. In 10 patients with phlegmons of various localization, it was found that the penetration of the antibacterial drug into the tissues of the inflammatory focus is higher compared to the periphery. However, in a number of patients, the concentration of the drug did not exceed the minimum suppressive concentration recommended for obtaining a therapeutic effect (for Vancomycin, it is at least 2 mcg / ml).
    CONCLUSIONS: To achieve the therapeutic effect of phlegmon treatment, it is necessary to select an individual dose of the drug for each patient.
    UNASSIGNED: Оценить изменение уровня концентрации антибактериального препарата ванкомицин в области гнойного очага (лицевая вена) и в периферическом кровотоке (кубитальная вена) у пациентов с флегмонами челюстно-лицевой области (ЧЛО).
    UNASSIGNED: Клиническим материалом исследования были 12 больных с флегмонами ЧЛО, находившиеся на лечении в челюстно-лицевом отделении ГКБ №1 им. Н.И. Пирогова ДЗ Москвы. Вскрытие флегмоны проводили в день поступления пациента на 2—3-и сутки от начала заболевания. Флегмоны распространялись на два и более пространств ЧЛО. В качестве антимикробного препарата использовали ванкомицин 500 мг в 400 мл физиологического раствора внутривенно. Количественную регистрацию антибактериального препарата проводили спустя 2 ч после внутривенной инфузии. Забор крови осуществляли из кубитальной и лицевой вен в количестве 7—8 мл интраоперационно при вскрытии флегмоны, под эндотрахеальным наркозом. Концентрацию антибиотика определяли методом высокоэффективной жидкокристаллической хроматографии.
    UNASSIGNED: В ходе исследования установлено, что концентрация антибактериального препарата ванкомицин в лицевой вене превышает аналогичные показатели, полученные из кубитальной вены. Разница в процентном соотношении в среднем составила 19,2±7,3%. У 10 пациентов с флегмонами ЧЛО различной локализации выявлено, что проникновение ванкомицина в ткани воспалительного очага выше по сравнению с периферией. Однако у ряда пациентов концентрация препарата не превышала минимальной подавляющей концентрации, рекомендованной для получения терапевтического эффекта (для ванкомицина она составляет не менее 2 мкг/мл).
    UNASSIGNED: Для достижения терапевтического эффекта лечения флегмон ЧЛО необходим подбор дозы препарата ванкомицин для каждого пациента.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemodynamics play a vital role for the risk of thrombosis in the left atrial appendage (LAA) and left atrium (LA) for patients with atrial fibrillation. Accurate prediction of hemodynamics in the LA can provide important guidance for assessing the risk of thrombosis in the LAA. Patient specificity is a crucial factor in representing the true hemodynamic fields. In this study, we investigated the effects of blood rheology (as a function of hematocrit and shear rate), as well as patient-specific mitral valve (MV) boundary conditions (MV area and velocity profiles measured by ultrasound) on the hemodynamics and thrombosis potential of the LAA. Four scenarios were setup with different degrees of patient specificity. Though using a constant blood viscosity can classify the thrombus and non-thrombus patients for all the hemodynamic indicators, the risk of thrombosis was underestimated for all patients compared with patient-specific viscosities. The results with least patient specificities showed that patients prone to thrombosis predicted by three hemodynamic indicators were inconsistent with clinical observations. Moreover, though patients had the same MV inlet flow rate, different MV models lead to different trends in the risk of thrombosis in different patients. We also found that endothelial cell activation potential and relative residence time can effectively distinguish thrombus and non-thrombus patients for all the scenarios, relatively insensitive to patient specificities. Overall, the findings of this study provide useful insights on patients-specific hemodynamic simulations of the LA.





