
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insect order Blattodea (cockroaches and termites) has drawn substantial research attention for their dietary habits and lifestyle of living with or around humans. In the present study, we focused on the discovery of RNA viruses hidden in Blattodea insects using the publicly available RNA sequencing datasets. Overall, 136 distinctive RNA viruses were identified from 36 Blattodea species, of which more than 70 % were most closely related to the invertebrate-associated viral groups within Picornavirales, Sobelivirales, Bunyaviricetes, Jingchuvirales, Durnavirales, Lispiviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Permutotetraviridae, Flaviviridae and Muvirales. Several viruses were associated with pathogens of vertebrates (Paramyxoviridae), plants (Tymovirales), protozoa (Totiviridae), fungi (Narnaviridae) and bacteria (Norzivirales). Collectively, 93 complete or near-complete viral genomes were retrieved from the datasets, and several viruses appeared to have remarkable temporal and spatial distributions. Interestingly, the newly identified Periplaneta americana dicistrovirus displayed a remarkable distinct bicistronic genome arrangement from the well-recognized dicistroviruses with the translocated structural and non-structural polyprotein encoding open reading frames over the genome. These results significantly enhance our knowledge of RNA virosphere in Blattodea insects, and the novel genome architectures in dicistroviruses and other RNA viruses may break our stereotypes in the understanding of the genomic evolution and the emergence of potential novel viral species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic changes that enabled the evolution of eusociality have long captivated biologists. More recently, attention has focussed on the consequences of eusociality on genome evolution. Studies have reported higher molecular evolutionary rates in eusocial hymenopteran insects compared with their solitary relatives. To investigate the genomic consequences of eusociality in termites, we analysed nine genomes, including newly sequenced genomes from three non-eusocial cockroaches. Using a phylogenomic approach, we found that termite genomes have experienced lower rates of synonymous substitutions than those of cockroaches, possibly as a result of longer generation times. We identified higher rates of non-synonymous substitutions in termite genomes than in cockroach genomes, and identified pervasive relaxed selection in the former (24-31% of the genes analysed) compared with the latter (2-4%). We infer that this is due to reductions in effective population size, rather than gene-specific effects (e.g. indirect selection of caste-biased genes). We found no obvious signature of increased genetic load in termites, and postulate efficient purging of deleterious alleles at the colony level. Additionally, we identified genomic adaptations that may underpin caste differentiation, such as genes involved in post-translational modifications. Our results provide insights into the evolution of termites and the genomic consequences of eusociality more broadly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The white-bellied pangolin Phataginus tricuspis (Rafinesque 1821) is a semiarboreal species occurring in tropical sub-Saharan Africa. It is the world\'s most trafficked African pangolin species based on volumes recorded in seizures. Reintroduction of confiscated live pangolins and ex-situ rearing are being explored worldwide as a conservation action. However, the husbandry of seized animals is challenging as the diet of the white-bellied pangolin is poorly known and little studied. We analyzed the stomach contents of dead white-bellied pangolins from two forest-savanna protected areas. Stomach content samples from 13 white-bellied pangolin specimens contained ~165,000 Arthropoda, mostly Hymenoptera (60.34%) and Blattodea (39.66%). Overall, we identified 39 termite and 105 ant species consumed as prey by pangolins. Individual pangolins examined had fed on a maximum of 31 ant species and 13 termite species. The termite and ant species richness varied significantly across the pangolins\' last consumed meal. We recorded 24 ant genera dominated by Crematogaster (relative importance [RI] = 17.28). Out of 18 termite genera recorded, the genus Pseudacanthotermes (RI = 17.21) was the most important prey. Ten ant species were preferentially eaten by white-bellied pangolin, with Crematogaster acis being the most common prey species. Four species of termite were most frequently eaten with Pseudacanthotermes militaris being the most abundant. The mean abundance of ants and termites varied among pangolin individuals. The season did not influence the mean abundance of termites eaten by pangolin individuals. However, ant abundance in stomach contents was significantly higher in the dry season. An improved understanding of pangolin feeding behavior and prey selection may help inform conservation husbandry efforts. For example, nutritional analysis of the food eaten by wild pangolins can guide the development of nutritional diets for captive pangolins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Termites are dominant animals of tropical terrestrial ecosystems. Their success is due to their eusocial organization as well as their ability to digest dead plant tissues. While being extremely abundant, the termite diet is poor in crucial nutrients, such as fatty acids. Linoleic acid (LA) is a precursor for many vital biomolecules, and most animals depend on its dietary supply. Termites count among the exceptions known to produce LA de novo, presumably via the action of an unknown Δ12 fatty acyl desaturase (FAD) introducing the second double bond into monounsaturated oleic acid. Here, we search for the evolutionary origin of LA biosynthesis in termites. To this end, we compile the repertoire of FAD homologs from 57 species of termites and their closest relatives, the cockroaches, analyze FAD phylogeny, and identify a potential Δ12 FAD branch, which arose through duplication of a likely Δ9 FAD. We functionally characterize both paralogs and identify the Δ9 activity in the ancestral FAD-A1a and the Δ12 activity responsible for LA biosynthesis in FAD-A1b. Through the combination of homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we pinpoint structural features possibly contributing to the distinct functions, regiospecificities, and substrate preferences of the two enzymes. We confirm the presence of both paralogs in all 36 studied species of the Blattoidea lineage (Blattidae, Lamproblattidae, Cryptocercidae, and termites) and conclude that we identified an evolutionary event important for the ecological success of termites, which took place in their cockroach ancestors roughly 160 My and remained conserved throughout termite diversification into 3,000 extant species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many insects harbor bacterial endosymbionts that supply essential nutrients and enable their hosts to thrive on a nutritionally unbalanced diet. Comparisons of the genomes of endosymbionts and their insect hosts have revealed multiple cases of mutually-dependent metabolic pathways that require enzymes encoded in 2 genomes. Complementation of metabolic reactions at the pathway level has been described for hosts feeding on unbalanced diets, such as plant sap. However, the level of collaboration between symbionts and hosts that feed on more variable diets is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated amino acid and vitamin/cofactor biosynthetic pathways in Blattodea, which comprises cockroaches and termites, and their obligate endosymbiont Blattabacterium cuenoti (hereafter Blattabacterium). In contrast to other obligate symbiotic systems, we found no clear evidence of \"collaborative pathways\" for amino acid biosynthesis in the genomes of these taxa, with the exception of collaborative arginine biosynthesis in 2 taxa, Cryptocercus punctulatus and Mastotermes darwiniensis. Nevertheless, we found that several gaps specific to Blattabacterium in the folate biosynthetic pathway are likely to be complemented by their host. Comparisons with other insects revealed that, with the exception of the arginine biosynthetic pathway, collaborative pathways for essential amino acids are only observed in phloem-sap feeders. These results suggest that the host diet is an important driving factor of metabolic pathway evolution in obligate symbiotic systems. IMPORTANCE The long-term coevolution between insects and their obligate endosymbionts is accompanied by increasing levels of genome integration, sometimes to the point that metabolic pathways require enzymes encoded in two genomes, which we refer to as \"collaborative pathways\". To date, collaborative pathways have only been reported from sap-feeding insects. Here, we examined metabolic interactions between cockroaches, a group of detritivorous insects, and their obligate endosymbiont, Blattabacterium, and only found evidence of collaborative pathways for arginine biosynthesis. The rarity of collaborative pathways in cockroaches and Blattabacterium contrasts with their prevalence in insect hosts feeding on phloem-sap. Our results suggest that host diet is a factor affecting metabolic integration in obligate symbiotic systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Manipulator modificaputis Vršanský and Bechly, 2015 (Manipulatoridae, Corydioidea) is a purported predatory cockroach from Cretaceous Myanmar amber, based on a single male. It is distinctive by the nimble head, elongate pronotum and legs, and particularly by the extraordinarily long maxillary palpi. In the present study, we redescribe Manipulator modificaputis based on six new fossils including males and females, and comment on the original description. The closely related Manipulatoides obscura gen. & sp. nov. is proposed on the basis of five fossils, including males and females. It differs from Manipulator in weaker spination of the legs, including the type-C forefemoral spination instead of the type-A of Manipulator. Some undetermined adults and nymphs are also described. We discuss the ethology of Manipulatoridae and speculate that they might feed on flowers. They are unlikely to be specialized predators since they lack necessary weaponry for capturing prey; in contrast, their unique morphotype appears to be suitable for efficient foraging and locomotion amid flowering twigs. The possibility of being kleptoparasites of the spider-web is also discussed. In addition, regenerated four-segmented tarsi are found from the new species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although 3105 termite species have been documented worldwide, little information is available on those in Thailand. In this review, the Google Scholar search platform and the Scopus and Science Direct databases were used to obtain information on termite species and for georeferencing. The QGIS software was used to create point localities that were overlaid on the Thailand administrative level 1 (province) to map the distribution of termite species in the country based on the World Geodetic System 1984. From the 19 reviewed sources, 44 defined coordinates were identified in 14 provinces across Thailand. Among these 44 coordinates, we found 75 termite species and 83 unknown species of termites; in total, 36 termite species were from the North (6 locations), 33 species were from the Northeast (10 locations), 34 species were from the West (4 locations), 29 species were from the Central region (3 locations), 44 species were from the East (8 locations), and 54 species were from the South (13 locations). The most predominant species in all regions were Globitermes sulphureus, Macrotermes gilvus, Microcerotermes crassus, and Microtermes obesi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most diverse and abundant family of termites, the Termitidae, evolved in African tropical forests. They have since colonised grassy biomes such as savannas. These open environments have more extreme conditions than tropical forests, notably wider extremes of temperature and lower precipitation levels and greater temporal fluctuations (of both annual and diurnal variation). These conditions are challenging for soft-bodied ectotherms, such as termites, to survive in, let alone become as ecologically dominant as termites have. Here, we quantified termite thermal limits to test the hypothesis that these physiological limits are wider in savanna termite species to facilitate their existence in savanna environments. We sampled termites directly from mound structures, across an environmental gradient in Ghana, ranging from wet tropical forest through to savanna. At each location, we quantified both the Critical Thermal Maxima (CTmax ) and the Critical Thermal Minima (CTmin ) of all the most abundant mound-building Termitidae species in the study areas. We modelled the thermal limits in two separate mixed-effects models against canopy cover at the mound, temperature and rainfall, as fixed effects, with sampling location as a random intercept. For both CTmax and CTmin , savanna species had significantly more extreme thermal limits than forest species. Between and within environments, areas with higher amounts of canopy cover were significantly associated with lower CTmax values of the termite colonies. CTmin was significantly positively correlated with rainfall. Temperature was retained in both models; however, it did not have a significant relationship in either. Sampling location explained a large proportion of the residual variation, suggesting there are other environmental factors that could influence termite thermal limits. Our results suggest that savanna termite species have wider thermal limits than forest species. These physiological differences, in conjunction with other behavioural adaptations, are likely to have enabled termites to cope with the more extreme environmental conditions found in savanna environments and facilitated their expansion into open tropical environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of our knowledge on insect cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) stems from analytical techniques based on gas-chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). However, this method has its limits under standard conditions, particularly in detecting compounds beyond a chain length of around C40. Here, we compare the CHC chain length range detectable by GC-MS with the range assessed by silver-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (Ag-LDI-MS), a novel and rarely applied technique on insect CHCs, in seven species of the order Blattodea. For all tested species, we unveiled a considerable range of very long-chain CHCs up to C58, which are not detectable by standard GC-MS technology. This indicates that general studies on insect CHCs may frequently miss compounds in this range, and we encourage future studies to implement analytical techniques extending the conventionally accessed chain length range. Furthermore, we incorporate 3D scanned insect body surface areas as an additional factor for the comparative quantification of extracted CHC amounts between our study species. CHC quantity distributions differed considerably when adjusted for body surface areas as opposed to directly assessing extracted CHC amounts, suggesting that a more accurate evaluation of relative CHC quantities can be achieved by taking body surface areas into account.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study shows an updated synoptic list of the 30 known Isoptera of the Arabian Peninsula which are classified under four families and nine genera. Twenty-seven species are hitherto known from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The present inventory of the termites of Riyadh Province (KSA) indicated three species, Anacanthotermes ochraceous (Burmeister 1839), Psammotermes hypostoma Desneux, 1902 and a rare species, Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann 1902). We present an illustrated key to species based on the soldier caste. Anacanthotermes ochraceous, and P. hypostoma are widely distributed Palearctic species whereas C. heimi seems rare and is a new record for KSA. Distribution maps for the three species are provided based on recently collected material and literature records and remarks on species habitat preference are given.






