
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recent experiment on zebrafish blastoderm morphogenesis showed that the viscosity (η) of a non-confluent embryonic tissue grows sharply until a critical cell packing fraction (ϕS). The increase in η up to ϕS is similar to the behavior observed in several glass-forming materials, which suggests that the cell dynamics is sluggish or glass-like. Surprisingly, η is a constant above ϕS. To determine the mechanism of this unusual dependence of η on ϕ, we performed extensive simulations using an agent-based model of a dense non-confluent two-dimensional tissue. We show that polydispersity in the cell size, and the propensity of the cells to deform, results in the saturation of the available free area per cell beyond a critical packing fraction. Saturation in the free space not only explains the viscosity plateau above ϕS but also provides a relationship between equilibrium geometrical packing to the dramatic increase in the relaxation dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the impact of the age of breeder hens and egg storage on egg quality, embryonic development, hatching events and chick quality in FUNAAB-alpha chickens. The study involved the use of 500 hatching eggs each collected from 32-wk and 60-wk-old of FUNAAB-alpha broiler breeder hens at the Animal Breeding and Genetic Unit of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria and subjected to 5 storage periods (0, 3, 7, 11, and 15 d). The quality traits of the eggs were recorded and incubated using the conventional protocol. Data were collected on the internal and external egg characteristics, embryonic development, hatching events, and chick quality. The data collected were laid out in 2 by 5 factorial design. The results showed that eggs from 32-wk-old breeder hens had higher albumen height and Haugh unit (HU) value than those from 60-wk-old breeders. The albumen height and HU decreased progressively with storage length in the 2 age groups. Extended storage duration linearly increased (P < 0.01) egg weight loss and decreased (P < 0.01) yolk height. The eggs from both breeder ages had increasing blastodermal diameters at oviposition up until d 11 of storage but decreased on d 15 of storage in eggs from 32 wk breeders. Eggs of 32-wk-old FUNAAB-alpha breeder hens had larger diameters at oviposition compared with 60-wk-old breeders. The chicks from 60-wk breeder had late internal pipping (469.06 h), early external pipping (474.46 h) and a shorter time lag between both pips (9.00 h) compared to chicks from 32 wk breeder. The highest fertility was recorded in eggs stored for 3 d (80.7% and 79.6%), while the lowest fertility was in eggs stored for 15 d (53.4% and 47.7%) in both 32-wk and 60-wk-old breeders, respectively. Chicks from young breeder hens stored for 3 d had better quality scores (100%) compared to 0, 7, 11, and 15-d storage duration and in 60-wk-old breeders across all storage duration. It was concluded that both egg storage duration and age of breeder affected egg quality, hatching events and hatchling quality of FUNAAB-alpha chickens and the interaction effects of both factors was recorded for some of these traits. However, extended storage beyond 7 d had a larger negative impact on egg quality and hatchability of eggs from an old breeder (60 wk) than on eggs of a young breeder (32 wk).






  • 文章类型: Review
    Drosophila development begins as a syncytium. The large size of the one-cell embryo makes it ideal for studying the structure, regulation, and effects of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. We review four main steps of early development that depend on the actin cortex. At each step, dynamic remodelling of the cortex has specific effects on nuclei within the syncytium. During axial expansion, a cortical actomyosin network assembles and disassembles with the cell cycle, generating cytoplasmic flows that evenly distribute nuclei along the ovoid cell. When nuclei move to the cell periphery, they seed Arp2/3-based actin caps which grow into an array of dome-like compartments that house the nuclei as they divide at the cell cortex. To separate germline nuclei from the soma, posterior germ plasm induces full cleavage of mono-nucleated primordial germ cells from the syncytium. Finally, zygotic gene expression triggers formation of the blastoderm epithelium via cellularization and simultaneous division of ~6000 mono-nucleated cells from a single internal yolk cell. During these steps, the cortex is regulated in space and time, gains domain and sub-domain structure, and undergoes mesoscale interactions that lay a structural foundation of animal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The regulation of gene expression in precise, rapidly changing spatial patterns is essential for embryonic development. Multiple enhancers have been identified for the evolving expression patterns of the cascade of Drosophila segmentation genes that establish the basic body plan of the fly. Classic reporter transgene experiments identified multiple cis-regulatory elements (CREs) that are sufficient to direct various aspects of the evolving expression pattern of the pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz). These include enhancers that coordinately activate expression in all seven stripes and stripe-specific elements that activate expression in one or more ftz stripes. Of the two 7-stripe enhancers, analysis of reporter transgenes demonstrated that the upstream element (UPS) is autoregulatory, requiring direct binding of Ftz protein to direct striped expression. Here, we asked about the endogenous role of the UPS by precisely deleting this 7-stripe enhancer. In ftzΔUPS7S homozygotes, ftz stripes appear in the same order as wildtype, and all but stripe 4 are expressed at wildtype levels by the end of the cellular blastoderm stage. This suggests that the zebra element and UPS harbor information to direct stripe 4 expression, although previous deletion analyses failed to identify a stripe-specific CRE within these two 7-stripe enhancers. However, the UPS is necessary for late ftz stripe expression, with all 7 stripes decaying earlier than wildtype in ftzΔUPS7S homozygotes. Despite this premature loss of ftz expression, downstream target gene regulation proceeds as in wildtype, and segmentation is unperturbed in the overwhelming majority of animals. We propose that this late-acting enhancer provides a buffer against perturbations in gene expression but is not required for establishment of Ftz cell fates. Overall, our results demonstrate that multiple enhancers, each directing distinct aspects of an overall gene expression pattern, contribute to fine-tuning the complex patterns necessary for embryonic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing tissues are patterned in space and time; this enables them to differentiate their cell types and form complex structures to support different body plans. Although space and time are two independent entities, there are many examples of spatial patterns that originate from temporal ones. The most prominent example is the expression of the genes hunchback, Krüppel, pdm, and castor, which are expressed temporally in the neural stem cells of the Drosophila ventral nerve cord and spatially along the anteroposterior axis of the blastoderm stage embryo. In this Viewpoint, we investigate the relationship between space and time in specific examples of spatial and temporal patterns with the aim of gaining insight into the evolutionary history of patterning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial cells contain polarity complexes on the lateral membrane and are organized in a hexagon-dominated polygonal array. The mechanisms regulating the organization of polygonal architecture in metazoan embryogenesis are not completely understood. Drosophila embryogenesis enables mechanistic analysis of epithelial polarity formation and its impact on polygonal organization. The plasma membrane (PM) of syncytial Drosophila blastoderm embryos is organized as a polygonal array with pseudocleavage furrow formation during the almost synchronous cortical division cycles. We find that polygonal (PM) organization arises in the metaphase (MP) of division cycle 11, and hexagon dominance occurs with an increase in furrow length in the metaphase of cycle 12. There is a decrease in cell shape index in metaphase from cycles 11 to 13. This coincides with Drosophila E-cad (DE-cadherin) and Bazooka enrichment at the edges and the septin, Peanut at the vertices of the furrow. We further assess the role of polarity and adhesion proteins in pseudocleavage furrow formation and its organization as a polygonal array. We find that DE-cadherin depletion leads to decreased furrow length, loss of hexagon dominance, and increased cell shape index. Bazooka and Peanut depletion lead to decreased furrow length, delay in onset of hexagon dominance from cycle 12 to 13, and increased cell shape index. Hexagon dominance occurs with an increase in furrow length in cycle 13 and increased DE-cadherin, possibly due to the inhibition of endocytosis. We conclude that polarity protein recruitment and regulation of endocytic pathways enable pseudocleavage furrow stability and the formation of a hexagon-dominated polygon array.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The implementation of in vitro approaches using undifferentiated embryonic cells from annual killifish to complement existing in vivo developmental studies has been hindered by a lack of efficient isolation techniques. Here, we present a protocol to isolate annual killifish blastoderm cells, at the epiboly and early dispersion phase, from embryos. We describe steps for hair removal, embryo cleaning, dechorionation, and cell purification. This protocol may also be used to develop strategies to isolate cells from embryos presenting similar challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryonic tissues undergoing shape change draw mechanical input from extraembryonic substrates. In avian eggs, the early blastoderm disk is under the tension of the vitelline membrane (VM). Here we report that the chicken VM characteristically downregulates tension and stiffness to facilitate stage-specific embryo morphogenesis. Experimental relaxation of the VM early in development impairs blastoderm expansion, while maintaining VM tension in later stages resists the convergence of the posterior body causing stalled elongation, failure of neural tube closure, and axis rupture. Biochemical and structural analysis shows that VM weakening is associated with the reduction of outer-layer glycoprotein fibers, which is caused by an increasing albumen pH due to CO2 release from the egg. Our results identify a previously unrecognized potential cause of body axis defects through mis-regulation of extraembryonic tissue tension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro fertilization has been widely used to produce offspring in several mammalian species. We previously successfully produced Japanese quail chicks using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), whereas in vitro insemination was not successful. This may be due to the difficulties associated with mimicking the sperm-egg fusion process and subsequent events in physiological polyspermic fertilization in vitro. In the present study, we observed egg development after in vitro insemination and investigated the inactivation of metaphase-promoting factor (MPF) and cytostatic factor (CSF), which are downstream of the Ca2+ signaling pathway in the egg, due to fertilizing sperm. We found a sperm number-dependent increase in hole formation caused by sperm penetration of the perivitelline membrane, the extracellular coat surrounding the egg. Egg development was observed following in vitro insemination; however, the developmental rate and stages after 24-h culture were inferior to those of ICSI eggs, even when insemination was performed with a high number of sperm (2 × 104). We also noted the downregulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-1, ryanodine receptor-3, cyclin B1, and c-MOS, which are important regulatory components of MPF and CSF in the egg, which was dependent on the number of sperm used for insemination. However, the decreases observed in these components did not reach the levels observed in the ICSI eggs. Collectively, the present results suggest that a sperm number higher than 2 × 104 is required for the progression of the Ca2+ signaling pathway, which initiates subsequent egg development in Japanese quail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2014, methods have been described to hatch chick embryos from shell-less culture after egg contents are first incubated within shells for 55-70 h. The present report describes for the first time a shell-less culture system for chick embryos from the blastoderm stage to hatching. For the first 69-70 h, egg contents suspended in polymethylpentene kitchen wrap (F.O.R. Wrap, Riken Fabro, Tokyo, Japan) supported in 6.35 or 6.67 cm inside diameter tripods and covered with a disc of immobilized Milli-Wrap, were rotated back and forth through 90° at 16 or 22 cycles per minute (CPM). Subsequently, the Milli-Wrap disc was removed and culture tripods were transferred to environmental chambers, which were rocked ±20° through incubation day 8.5 (E8.5). From E9, environmental chambers were maintained in the horizontal position through to hatching with controlled O2 and CO2 . To provide supplemental calcium, an aqueous solution containing 100 mg/mL of calcium l-lactate hydrate was injected through the plastic wrap into the albumen at E9 (2.5 mL) and at E13 (1.0 mL) or E15 (1.0 mL). After incubation for 69-70 h at 16 or 22 CPM, 80%-83% of previously unincubated egg contents yielded apparently normal embryos. Hatch rate of normal embryos resulting from turntable incubation at 16 or 22 CPM was approximately 43%. Of note, egg contents remained in the same culture tripod from blastoderm stage to hatching. This technique may find use as an educational tool and in basic investigations of early embryogenesis, teratogenesis, and gene transfer experiments.





