Biological invasions

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Along with transportation development, climate change and socio-economic changes, invasive alien species (IAS) are causing a significant decline in biodiversity around the world. Internationally, policies for pre-invasion management of IAS are being emphasised to minimise damage from biological invasions. In South Korea, through the 2nd Alien Species Management Plan (2019-2023), IAS that are not yet present in the country but are likely to be introduced are designated as Alert Alien Species (AAS). In this study, the overall process of AAS designation is summarised and improvements to the current system are presented. To select AAS, an invasive alien species database (IASD) of 8,456 species was built by integrating the IAS lists from many countries. Amongst them, 1,534 species, included in IASD at genus, family and order level, were excluded and 3,298 species confirmed to have been introduced to South Korea were excluded from the AAS candidate species. After the creation and review of species profiles by experts, 150 species were finally designated as AAS in 2023. The AAS discovery process needs to reflect international trends of IAS and be continuously supplemented through policy research of other countries. In addition, the IAS management system in South Korea, in which various ministries play their own roles with sufficient data sharing, should be systematically linked from introduction to control of IAS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human transport of species across oceans disrupts natural dispersal barriers and facilitates hybridization between previously allopatric species. The recent introduction of the North Pacific sea squirt, Ciona robusta, into the native range of the North Atlantic sea squirt, Ciona intestinalis, is a good example of this outcome. Recent studies have revealed an adaptive introgression in a single chromosomal region from the introduced into the native species. Here, we monitored this adaptive introgression over time, examining both the frequency of adaptive alleles at the core and the hitchhiking footprint in the shoulders of the introgression island by studying a thousand Ciona spp. individuals collected in 22 ports of the contact zone, 14 of which were sampled 20 generations apart. For that purpose, we developed a KASP multiplex genotyping approach, which proved effective in identifying native, nonindigenous and hybrid individuals and in detecting introgressed haplotypes. We found no early generation hybrids in the entire sample, and field observations suggest a decline in the introduced species. At the core region of the introgression sweep, where the frequency of C. robusta alleles is the highest and local adaptation genes must be, we observed stable frequencies of adaptive alien alleles in both space and time. In contrast, we observed erosion of C. robusta ancestry tracts in flanking chromosomal shoulders on the edges of the core, consistent with the second phase of a local sweep and a purge of hitchhiked incompatible mutations. We hypothesize that adaptive introgression may have modified the competition relationships between the native and invasive species in human-altered environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biological invasions pose risks to the normal functioning of ecosystems by altering the structure and composition of several communities. Molluscs stand out as an extensively studied group given their long history of introduction by either natural or anthropogenic dispersal events. An alien population of the lymnaeid species Orientogalba viridis was first sighted in 2009 in southern Spain. In its native range (Australasian), this species is one of the main intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica, a major worldwide trematode parasite largely affecting humans, domestic animals and wildlife.
    METHODS: We collected field populations of O. viridis from its native (Malaysia) and invaded (Spain) ranges. We performed detailed morphoanatomical drawings of the species and screened for natural infection of parasites. Individuals were molecularly characterized using ITS2 for comparison with existing sequences in a fine phylogeography study. We founded experimental populations at two different conditions (tropical, 26 °C and temperate, 21 °C) to study the life-history traits of exposed and non-exposed individuals to different F. hepatica isolates.
    RESULTS: We found a 9% natural prevalence of trematode infection (98% similarity with a sequence of Hypoderaeum conoideum [Echinostomatidae]) in the Spanish field population. The haplotypes of O. viridis found in our study from Spain clustered with Australian haplotypes. Experimental infection with F. hepatica was successful in both experimental conditions but higher in tropical (87% prevalence) than in temperate (73%). Overall lifespan, however, was higher in temperate conditions (mean 32.5 ± 7.4 weeks versus 23.3 ± 6.5) and survivorship remained above 70% during the first 20 weeks. In parasite-exposed populations, life expectancy dropped from an overall 37.75 weeks to 11.35 weeks but still doubled the time for initial cercariae shedding. Cercariae shedding started at day 23 post-exposure and peaked between days 53 and 67 with an average of 106 metacercariae per snail.
    CONCLUSIONS: Whether O. viridis will succeed in Europe is unknown, but the odds are for a scenario in which a major snail host of F. hepatica occupy all available habitats of potential transmission foci, ravelling the epidemiology of fasciolosis. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of O. viridis biology, interactions with parasites and potential implications for disease transmission dynamics, offering valuable insights for further research and surveillance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global trade of non-native pet birds has increased in recent decades, and this has accelerated the introduction of invasive birds in the wild. This study employed ensemble species distribution modelling (eSDM) to assess potential habitat suitability and environmental predictor variables influencing the potential distribution of non-native pet bird species reported lost and sighted in South Africa. We used data and information on lost and found pet birds from previous studies to establish and describe scenarios of how pet birds may transition from captivity to the wild. Our study revealed that models fitted and performed well in predicting the suitability for African grey (Psittacus erithacus), Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), Green-cheeked conure (Pyrrhura molinae), Monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), and Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri), with the mean weighted AUC and TSS values greater than 0.765. The predicted habitat suitability differed among species, with the suitability threshold indicating that between 61% and 87% of areas were predicted as suitable. Species with greater suitability included the African grey, Cockatiel, and Rose-ringed parakeet, which demonstrated significant overlap between their habitat suitability and reported lost cases. Human footprint, bioclimatic variables, and vegetation indices largely influenced predictive habitat suitability. The pathway scenario showed the key mechanisms driving the transition of pet birds from captivity to the wild, including the role of pet owners, animal rescues, adoption practices, and environmental suitability. Our study found that urban landscapes, which are heavily populated, are at high risk of potential invasion by pet birds. Thus, implementing a thorough surveillance survey is crucial for monitoring and evaluating the establishment potential of pet species not yet reported in the wild.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether introduced into a completely novel habitat or slowly expanding their current range, the degree to which animals can efficiently explore and navigate new environments can be key to survival, ultimately determining population establishment and colonization success. We tested whether spatial orientation and exploratory behavior are associated with non-native spread in free-living bank voles (Myodes glareolus, N = 43) from a population accidentally introduced to Ireland a century ago. We measured spatial orientation and navigation in a radial arm maze, and behaviors associated to exploratory tendencies and risk-taking in repeated open-field tests, at the expansion edge and in the source population. Bank voles at the expansion edge re-visited unrewarded arms of the maze more, waited longer before leaving it, took longer to start exploring both the radial arm maze and the open field, and were more risk-averse compared to conspecifics in the source population. Taken together, results suggest that for this small mammal under heavy predation pressure, a careful and thorough exploration strategy might be favored when expanding into novel environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emerging alien cactus Cylindropuntia pallida (Rose) F.M. Knuth originates from northern Mexico and introduced into South Africa in 1940s as an ornamental plant.  Multiple populations of C. pallida have been detected in various areas of South Africa. C. pallida has effective propagule dispersal and rapid recruitment making it a likely key future invader, and thus, is a target for eradication in South Africa. To eradicate C. pallida populations, a foliar spray (i.e. using a 2% concentration of herbicide with fluroxypyr and triclopyr) has been applied to plants in nine populations, with population sizes ranging between 535 and 2701 plants and populations covering areas of 100 -1000 ha. The aims of the study were to investigate the efficacy of the foliar spray method used to eradicate C. pallida; to investigate the impacts of C. pallida invasions on native vegetation integrity; to apply species distribution models (SDMs) to identify suitable climates for C. pallida in South Africa; and to document the biomes vulnerable to the negative impact of C. pallida in South Africa. Results show that foliar spray killed many C. pallida plants (mean percentage of dead plants ± SE, 83.3 ± 6.4; n = 9; range, 70-96%), with adult plants taking about 2 months to die completely. The efficacy of the herbicide was not affected by plant size or the concentration of the herbicide used. The invaded site had significantly greater vegetation cover which persisted across winter compared to the uninvaded site, but the latter site\'s vegetation cover significantly dropped in winter. Also, the invaded site had lower plant species diversity than the uninvaded site and was dominated by species in the Poaceae and Asteraceae plant families. Additionally, a normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) analysis shows that the uninvaded site has higher vegetation cover and health than the invaded site wherein a notable decline in vegetation health was observed between 2019 and 2022. A large area (> 15 million hectares) was predicted to be suitable for invasion by C. pallida in provinces with arid and warm temperate climates - the fynbos and grassland biomes are the most vulnerable. Because of the observed negative impacts, high environmental compatibility, and high cost of clearing large infestations, we advocate for considering the biocontrol method for effectively managing C. pallida invasion in South Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A branch of island biogeography has emerged to explain alien species diversity in the light of the biogeographic and anthropogenic context, yet overlooking the functional and phylogenetic facets. Evaluating alien and native birds of 407 oceanic islands worldwide, we built structural equation models to assess the direct and indirect influence of biotic, geographic, and anthropogenic contexts on alien functional diversity (FD) and phylogenetic diversity (PD). We found that alien taxonomic richness was the main predictor of both diversities. Anthropogenic factors, including colonization pressure, associated with classic biogeographical variables also strongly influenced alien FD and PD. Specifically, habitat modification and human connectivity markedly drove alien FD, especially when controlled by taxonomic richness, whereas the human population size, gross domestic product, and native PD were crucial at explaining alien PD. Our findings suggest that humans not only shape taxonomic richness but also other facets of alien diversity in a complex way.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predicting the risk of establishment and spread of populations outside their native range represents a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Various methods have recently been developed to estimate population (mal)adaptation to a new environment with genomic data via so-called Genomic Offset (GO) statistics. These approaches are particularly promising for studying invasive species but have still rarely been used in this context. Here, we evaluated the relationship between GO and the establishment probability of a population in a new environment using both in silico and empirical data. First, we designed invasion simulations to evaluate the ability to predict establishment probability of two GO computation methods (Geometric GO and Gradient Forest) under several conditions. Additionally, we aimed to evaluate the interpretability of absolute Geometric GO values, which theoretically represent the adaptive genetic distance between populations from distinct environments. Second, utilizing public empirical data from the crop pest species Bactrocera tryoni, a fruit fly native from Northern Australia, we computed GO between \"source\" populations and a diverse range of locations within invaded areas. This practical application of GO within the context of a biological invasion underscores its potential in providing insights and guiding recommendations for future invasion risk assessment. Overall, our results suggest that GO statistics represent good predictors of the establishment probability and may thus inform invasion risk, although the influence of several factors on prediction performance (e.g., propagule pressure or admixture) will need further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Freshwater ecosystems are susceptible to invasion by alien macrophytes due to their connectivity and various plant dispersal vectors. These ecosystems often experience anthropogenic nutrient enrichment, favouring invasive species that efficiently exploit these resources. Propagule pressure (reflecting the quantity of introduced individuals) and habitat invasibility are key determinants of invasion success. Moreover, the enemy release hypothesis predicts that escape from natural enemies, such as herbivores, allows alien species to invest more resources to growth and reproduction rather than defense, enhancing their invasive potential. Yet, the combined impact of propagule pressure, herbivory, and nutrient enrichment on the competitive dynamics between invasive alien macrophytes and native macrophyte communities is not well understood due to a paucity of studies.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a full factorial mesocosm experiment to explore the individual and combined effects of herbivory, nutrient levels, propagule pressure, and competition on the invasion success of the alien macrophyte Myriophyllum aquaticum into a native macrophyte community comprising Vallisneria natans, Hydrilla verticillata, and Myriophyllum spicatum. This setup included varying M. aquaticum densities (low vs. high, simulating low and high propagule pressures), two levels of herbivory by the native snail Lymnaea stagnalis (herbivory vs no-herbivory), and two nutrient conditions (low vs. high). Myriophyllum aquaticum was also grown separately at both densities without competition from native macrophytes.
    UNASSIGNED: The invasive alien macrophyte M. aquaticum produced the highest shoot and total biomass when simultaneously subjected to conditions of high-density intraspecific competition, no herbivory, and low-nutrient availability treatments. Moreover, a high propagule pressure of M. aquaticum significantly reduced the growth of the native macrophyte community in nutrient-rich conditions, but this effect was not observed in nutrient-poor conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings indicate that M. aquaticum has adaptive traits enabling it to flourish in the absence of herbivory (supporting the enemy release hypothesis) and in challenging environments such as intense intraspecific competition and low nutrient availability. Additionally, the findings demonstrate that when present in large numbers, M. aquaticum can significantly inhibit the growth of native macrophyte communities, particularly in nutrient-rich environments. Consequently, reducing the propagule pressure of M. aquaticum could help control its spread and mitigate its ecological impact. Overall, these findings emphasize that the growth and impacts of invasive alien plants can vary across different habitat conditions and is shaped by the interplay of biotic and abiotic factors.





