Biological Phenomena

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EH domain-containing protein 2 (EHD2) is a member of the EHD protein family and is mainly located in the plasma membrane, but can also be found in the cytoplasm and endosomes. EHD2 is also a nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttle protein. After entering the cell nuclear, EHD2 acts as a corepressor of transcription to inhibit gene transcription. EHD2 regulates a series of biological processes. As a key regulator of endocytic transport, EHD2 is involved in the formation and maintenance of endosomal tubules and vesicles, which are critical for the intracellular transport of proteins and other substances. The N-terminal of EHD2 is attached to the cell membrane, while its C-terminal binds to the actin-binding protein. After binding, EHD2 connects with the actin cytoskeleton, forming the curvature of the membrane and promoting cell endocytosis. EHD2 is also associated with membrane protein trafficking and receptor signaling, as well as in glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism. In this review, we highlight the recent advances in the function of EHD2 in various cellular processes and its potential implications in human diseases such as cancer and metabolic disease. We also discussed the prospects for the future of EHD2. EHD2 has a broad prospect as a therapeutic target for a variety of diseases. Further research is needed to explore its mechanism, which could pave the way for the development of targeted treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postsynaptic proteins play crucial roles in synaptic function and plasticity. During brain development, alterations in synaptic number, shape, and stability occur, known as synapse maturation. However, the postsynaptic protein composition changes during development are not fully understood. Here, we show the trajectory of the postsynaptic proteome in developing male mice and common marmosets. Proteomic analysis of mice at 2, 3, 6, and 12 weeks of age shows that proteins involved in synaptogenesis are differentially expressed during this period. Analysis of published transcriptome datasets shows that the changes in postsynaptic protein composition in the mouse brain after 2 weeks of age correlate with gene expression changes. Proteomic analysis of marmosets at 0, 2, 3, 6, and 24 months of age show that the changes in the marmoset brain can be categorized into two parts: the first 2 months and after that. The changes observed in the first 2 months are similar to those in the mouse brain between 2 and 12 weeks of age. The changes observed in marmoset after 2 months old include differential expression of synaptogenesis-related molecules, which hardly overlap with that in mice. Our results provide a comprehensive proteomic resource that underlies developmental synapse maturation in rodents and primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a critical systemic complication caused by Bothrops envenoming, a neglected health problem in the Brazilian Amazon. Understanding the underlying mechanisms leading to AKI is crucial for effectively mitigating the burden of this complication. This study aimed to characterize the urinary protein profile of Bothrops atrox snakebite victims who developed AKI. We analyzed three groups of samples collected on admission: healthy subjects (controls, n = 10), snakebite victims who developed AKI (AKI, n = 10), and those who did not evolve to AKI (No-AKI, n = 10). Using liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, we identified and quantified (label-free) 1190 proteins. A panel of 65 proteins was identified exclusively in the urine of snakebite victims, with 32 exclusives to the AKI condition. Proteins more abundant or exclusive in AKI\'s urine were associated with acute phase response, endopeptidase inhibition, complement cascade, and inflammation. Notable proteins include serotransferrin, SERPINA-1, alpha-1B-glycoprotein, and NHL repeat-containing protein 3. Furthermore, evaluating previously reported biomarkers candidates for AKI and renal injury, we found retinol-binding protein, beta-2-microglobulin, cystatin-C, and hepcidin to be significant in cases of AKI induced by Bothrops envenoming. This work sheds light on physiological disturbances caused by Bothrops envenoming, highlighting potential biological processes contributing to AKI. Such insights may aid in better understanding and managing this life-threatening complication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) serocomplex includes several medically important flavivirus members endemic to Europe, Asia, and North America, which can induce severe neuroinvasive or viscerotropic diseases with unclear mechanisms of pathogenesis. Langat virus (LGTV) shares a high sequence identity with TBEV but exhibits lower pathogenic potential in humans and serves as a model for virus-host interactions. In this study, we demonstrated that LGTV infection inhibits the activation of gp130/JAK/STAT (Janus kinases (JAK) and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)) signaling, which plays a pivotal role in numerous biological processes. Our data show that the LGTV-infected cells had significantly lower phosphorylated STAT3 (pSTAT3) protein upon oncostatin M (OSM) stimulation than the mock-infected control. LGTV infection blocked the nuclear translocation of STAT3 without a significant effect on total STAT3 protein level. LGTV inhibited JAK1 activation and reduced gp130 protein expression in infected cells, with the viral NS5 protein mediating this effect. TBEV infection also reduces gp130 level. On the other hand, pretreatment of Vero cells with OSM significantly reduces LGTV replication, and STAT1/STAT2 knockdown had little effect on OSM-mediated antiviral effect, which suggests it is independent of STAT1/STAT2 and, instead, it is potentially mediated by STAT3 signlaing. These findings shed light on the LGTV and TBEV-cell interactions, offering insights for the future development of antiviral therapeutics and improved vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the continuous development of nuclear technology, the radiation exposure caused by radiation therapy is a serious health hazard. It is of great significance to further develop effective radiation countermeasures. B cells easily succumb to irradiation exposure along with immunosuppressive response. The approach to ameliorate radiation-induced B cell damage is rarely studied, implying that the underlying mechanisms of B cell damage after exposure are eager to be revealed. Recent studies suggest that Notch signaling plays an important role in B cell-mediated immune response. Notch signaling is a critical regulator for B cells to maintain immune function. Although accumulating studies reported that Notch signaling contributes to the functionality of hematopoietic stem cells and T cells, its role in B cells is scarcely appreciated. Presently, we discussed the regulation of Notch signaling on B cells under radiation exposure to provide a scientific basis to prevent radiation-induced B cell damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the most widely recognized biostimulators of plant development; is oligoalginate, which regulates the biological processes of plants and was used in horticultural fields as a plant growth regulator. The plan of the current research was to study, however, the foliar application of un-irradiated and irradiated Na-alginate (UISA and ISA) to improve the growth, physiological activity, and other active components of the Egyptian iceberg lettuce plant. Degraded Na-alginate is equipped with exposure of sodium alginate in its solid state to gamma-rays at different dose levels (0.0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 kGy). The characterization of the oligo-alginates achieved by γ-radiation deprivation at different dose levels was performed by FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM, and TEM. Different concentrations of irradiated sodium alginate at dose levels of 100 kGy (200, 400, 600, and 800 ppm, as well as deionized water used as a control) were sprayed with a hand sprayer every week after transplanting the iceberg lettuce seedlings in the field until the harvest stage. Morphological traits were evaluated, as well as pigments, ascorbic acid, phenols, flavonoids, soluble proteins, and antioxidant activity.
    RESULTS: Irradiated Na-alginate resulted in the depolymerization of Na-alginate into small molecular-weight oligosaccharides, and the best dose to use was 100 kGy. Certain chemical modifications in the general structure were observed by FTIR analysis. Two absorbed bands at 3329 cm-1 and 1599 cm-1, were recognized that are assigned to O-H and C-O stretching, respectively, and peaks achieved at 1411 cm-1 represent the COO-stretching group connected to the sodium ion. The peak obtained at 1028 cm-1 was owing to the stretching vibration of C-O. The results of TGA provided that the minimum weight reminder was in the ISA at 100 kGy (28.12%) compared to the UISA (43.39%). The images of TEM pointed out that the Na-alginate was globular in shape, with the particle distribution between 12.8 and 21.7 nm in ISA at 100 kGy. Irradiated sodium alginate caused a noteworthy enhancement in the vegetative growth traits (leaf area, stem length, head weight, and leaf number). By spraying 400 ppm, ISA showed a maximum increase in total pigments (2.209 mg/g FW), ascorbic acid (3.13 mg/g fresh weight), phenols (1.399 mg/g FW), flavonoids (0.775 mg/g FW), and antioxidant activities (82.14. %). Also, there were correlation coefficients (R values) between leaf area, stem length, head weight, and leaf number values with total pigment content, antioxidant activity, total soluble proteins, and ascorbic acid.
    CONCLUSIONS: The outcomes of the recent investigation demonstrated that the application of spraying irradiated Na-alginate (100 kGy) resulted in an improvement of the considered characters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is a highly conserved pathway that plays a crucial role in the endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins in eukaryotic cells. The pathway is initiated when the adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2) and TPLATE complex (TPC) work together to recognize cargo proteins and recruit clathrin. This review provides a concise overview of the functions of each subunit of AP2 and TPC, and highlights the involvement of CME in various biological processes, such as pollen development, root development, nutrient transport, extracellular signal transduction, auxin polar transport, hyperosmotic stress, salinity stress, high ammonium stress, and disease resistance. Additionally, the review explores the regulation of CME by phytohormones, clathrin-mediated exocytosis (CMX), and AP2M phosphorylation. It also suggests potential future research directions for CME.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    L1 elements can cause DNA damage and genomic variation via retrotransposition and the generation of endonuclease-dependent DNA breaks. These processes require L1 ORF2p protein that contains an endonuclease domain, which cuts genomic DNA, and a reverse transcriptase domain, which synthesizes cDNA. The complete impact of L1 enzymatic activities on genome stability and cellular function remains understudied, and the spectrum of L1-induced mutations, other than L1 insertions, is mostly unknown. Using an inducible system, we demonstrate that an ORF2p containing functional reverse transcriptase is sufficient to elicit DNA damage response even in the absence of the functional endonuclease. Using a TK/Neo reporter system that captures misrepaired DNA breaks, we demonstrate that L1 expression results in large genomic deletions that lack any signatures of L1 involvement. Using an in vitro cleavage assay, we demonstrate that L1 endonuclease efficiently cuts telomeric repeat sequences. These findings support that L1 could be an unrecognized source of disease-promoting genomic deletions, telomere dysfunction, and an underappreciated source of chronic RT-mediated DNA damage response in mammalian cells. Our findings expand the spectrum of biological processes that can be triggered by functional and nonfunctional L1s, which have impactful evolutionary- and health-relevant consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein translation is a tightly regulated cellular process that is essential for gene expression and protein synthesis. The deregulation of this process is increasingly recognized as a critical factor in the pathogenesis of various human diseases. In this review, we discuss how deregulated translation can lead to aberrant protein synthesis, altered cellular functions, and disease progression. We explore the key mechanisms contributing to the deregulation of protein translation, including functional alterations in translation factors, tRNA, mRNA, and ribosome function. Deregulated translation leads to abnormal protein expression, disrupted cellular signaling, and perturbed cellular functions- all of which contribute to disease pathogenesis. The development of ribosome profiling techniques along with mass spectrometry-based proteomics, mRNA sequencing and single-cell approaches have opened new avenues for detecting diseases related to translation errors. Importantly, we highlight recent advances in therapies targeting translation-related disorders and their potential applications in neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, infectious diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the growing interest lies in targeted therapies aimed at restoring precise control over translation in diseased cells is discussed. In conclusion, this comprehensive review underscores the critical role of protein translation in disease and its potential as a therapeutic target. Advancements in understanding the molecular mechanisms of protein translation deregulation, coupled with the development of targeted therapies, offer promising avenues for improving disease outcomes in various human diseases. Additionally, it will unlock doors to the possibility of precision medicine by offering personalized therapies and a deeper understanding of the molecular underpinnings of diseases in the future.





