
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding spatial variation in species distribution and community structure is at the core of community ecology. Nevertheless, the effect of distance on metacommunity structure remains little studied. We examine how plant-pollinator community structure changes across geographical distances at a regional scale and disentangle its underlying local and regional processes. We use a multilayer network to represent linked plant-pollinator communities as a metacommunity in the Canary Islands. We used modularity (i.e. the extent to which the community is partitioned into groups of densely interacting species) to quantify distance decay in structure across space. In multilayer modularity, the same species can belong to different modules in different communities, and modules can span communities. This enabled quantifying how similarity in module composition varied with distance between islands. We developed three null models, each controlling for a separate component of the multilayer network, to disentangle the role of species turnover, interaction rewiring and local factors in driving distance decay in structure. We found a pattern of distance decay in structure, indicating that islands tended to share fewer modules with increasing distance. Species turnover (but not interaction rewiring) was the primary regional process triggering distance decay in structure. Local interaction structure also played an essential role in determining the structure similarity of communities at a regional scale. Therefore, local factors that determine species interactions occurring at a local scale drive distance decay in structure at a regional scale. Our work highlights the interplay between local and regional processes underlying community structure. The methodology, and specifically the null models, we developed provides a general framework for linking communities in space and testing different hypotheses regarding the factors generating spatial structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coprinellus disseminatus and other morphologically similar species are widely dispersed worldwide and are commonly referred to as \"fairy inkcap\". Based on the molecular phylogenetic study and morphological observation, a thorough investigation was carried out utilising 74 collections of related species that were gathered from seventeen provinces and five Chinese fungaria between 1998 and 2023 and revealed 11 lineages of \"fairy inkcap\", nine of which were found in China, and which belonged to the two genera Coprinellus and Tulosesus. In sect. Disseminati, genetic diversities (π), and fixation index (Fst) amongst lineages were computed, and a haplotype-based network was established to ascertain the relationships amongst each clade. A new section of Coprinellus, sect. Aureodisseminati, were discovered. In addition, four new species (C. aureodisseminatus, C. austrodisseminatus, C. parcus, and C. velutipes), a new subspecies of C. disseminatus, a new combination (Tulosesus pseudodisseminatus), the first discovery of epigamous type of C. magnoliae and a new record to China (T. subdisseminatus) were also identified and thoroughly described with accompanying illustrations. Their differences in macro- and micro-features, as well as their character sequence, were discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphidoma languida, a marine thecate dinoflagellate that produces the lipophilic toxin azaspiracids (AZAs), is primarily found in the Atlantic. Although this species has not been recorded in the Asian Pacific, environmental DNAs related to Am. languida have been widely detected in the region by metabarcoding analysis. Their morphology and AZA production remain unclear. In this study, the morphology, ultrastructure, phylogeny, and AZA production of nine Amphidoma strains isolated from Japan, Malaysia, and Philippines were investigated. Phylogenetic trees inferred from rDNAs (SSU, ITS, and LSU rDNA) showed monophyly of the nine Pacific strains and were sister to the Am. languida clade, including the toxigenic strains from the Atlantic. Cells were ellipsoid, 8.7-16.7 µm in length and 7.4-14.0 µm in width, with a conspicuous apical pore complex. A large nucleus in the hyposome, parietal chloroplast with a spherical pyrenoid in the episome, and refractile bodies were observed. Thecal tabulation was typical of Amphidoma, Po, cp, X, 6\', 6\'\', 6C, 5S, 6\'\'\', 2\'\'\'\'. A ventral pore was located on the anterior of 1\' plate, beside the suture to 6\' plate. The presence of a ventral depression, on the anterior of anterior sulcal plate, was different from Am. languida. A large antapical pore, containing approximately 10 small pores, was observed. Cells were apparently smaller than Am. trioculata, a species possessing three pores (ventral pore, ventral depression, and antapical pore). TEM showed the presence of crystalline structures, resembling guanine crystals, and cytoplasmic invaginations into the pyrenoid matrix. Flagellar apparatus lacking the striated root connective is similar to peridinioids and related dinoflagellates. AZAs were not detected from the Pacific strains by LC-MS/MS. This non-toxigenic Amphidoma species, here we propose as Amphidoma fulgens sp. nov., is widely distributed in the Asian Pacific. Moreover, molecular comparison also suggested that most of the environmental DNA sequences previously reported as Am. languida or related sequences from the Asian Pacific were attributable to Am. fulgens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An ongoing challenge in evolutionary and ecological research focuses on testing biogeographic hypotheses for the understanding of both species\' distributional patterns and of the factors influencing range limits. In this study, we described the climatic niches of Neotropical humid montane forest birds through the analysis of factors driving their evolution at inter- and intraspecific levels; and tested for differences among allopatric lineages within Aulacorhynchus, Chlorospingus, Cardellina, and Eupherusa. We employed ecological niche models (ENMs) along with an ordination approach with kernel smoothing to perform niche overlap analyses and test hypotheses of niche equivalence/similarity among lineages. In addition, we described the potential distributions of each lineage during the Late Pleistocene climate fluctuations, identifying historical range expansions, connectivity, and stability. Overall, we observed differences in environmental variables influencing climatic requirements and distributional patterns for our selected species. We detected the highest values of niche overlap mainly between Eupherusa and some Chlorospingus lineages. At both interspecific and intraspecific levels, sister lineages showed non-identical environmental niches. Our results offer weak support to a moist forest model, in which populations followed the expansion and contraction cycles of montane forests, leading to a lack of niche conservatism among lineages (they tend to occupy not identical climatic environments) throughout Mesoamerica. Therefore, historical climatic conditions may act as ecological barriers determining the distributional ranges of these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We evaluated the inclusion of a cryptic species in a Japanese Amanita caesareoides population. We sampled A. caesareoides specimens under various vegetation and climate conditions, and then conducted phylogenetic analyses on sequences from seven loci. The A. caesareoides specimens showed two distinct groups, except when the ITS phylogeny was considered. These two phylogroups showed different distributions: subalpine-cool temperate and temperate-subtropical areas. Although these two phylogroups overlapped in terms of basidiospore size, the latter tended to exhibit smaller basidiospores. In addition, only the former showed mycelial growth on nutrient agar. Based on these phylo-morpho-ecophysiological characteristics, we separated the specimens labeled with the name A. caesareoides into two species. As the lectotype of A. caesareoides showed similarity to the former by DNA analysis, the latter was described as a new species, namely A. satotamagotake. Based on the geographic patterns of the two species, A. satotamagotake may have invaded the natural habit of A. caesareoides because of global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poleward and uphill range shifts are a common-but variable-response to climate change. We lack understanding regarding this interspecific variation; for example, functional traits show weak or mixed ability to predict range shifts. Characteristics of species\' ranges may enhance prediction of range shifts. However, the explanatory power of many range characteristics-especially within-range abundance patterns-remains untested. Here, we introduce a hypothesis framework for predicting range-limit population trends and range shifts from the internal structure of the geographic range, specifically range edge hardness, defined as abundance within range edges relative to the whole range. The inertia hypothesis predicts that high edge abundance facilitates expansions along the leading range edge but creates inertia (either more individuals must disperse or perish) at the trailing range edge such that the trailing edge recedes slowly. In contrast, the limitation hypothesis suggests that hard range edges are the signature of strong limits (e.g. biotic interactions) that force faster contraction of the trailing edge but block expansions at the leading edge of the range. Using a long-term avian monitoring dataset from northern Minnesota, USA, we estimated population trends for 35 trailing-edge species and 18 leading-edge species and modelled their population trends as a function of range edge hardness derived from eBird data. We found limited evidence of associations between range edge hardness and range-limit population trends. Trailing-edge species with harder range edges were slightly more likely to be declining, demonstrating weak support for the limitation hypothesis. In contrast, leading-edge species with harder range edges were slightly more likely to be increasing, demonstrating weak support for the inertia hypothesis. These opposing results for the leading and trailing range edges might suggest that different mechanisms underpin range expansions and contractions, respectively. As data and state-of-the-art modelling efforts continue to proliferate, we will be ever better equipped to map abundance patterns within species\' ranges, offering opportunities to anticipate range shifts through the lens of the geographic range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Higher efficiency in large-scale and long-term biodiversity monitoring can be obtained through the use of Essential Biodiversity Variables, among which species population sizes provide key data for conservation programs. Relevant estimations and assessment of actual population sizes are critical for species conservation, especially in the current context of global biodiversity erosion. However, knowledge on population size varies greatly, depending on species conservation status and ranges. While the most threatened or restricted-range species generally benefit from exhaustive counts and surveys, monitoring common and widespread species population size tends to be neglected or is simply more challenging to achieve. In such a context, citizen science (CS) is a powerful tool for the long-term monitoring of common species through the engagement of various volunteers, permitting data acquisition on the long term and over large spatial scales. Despite this substantially increased sampling effort, detectability issues imply that even common species may remain unnoticed at suitable sites. The use of structured CS schemes, including repeated visits, enables to model the detection process, permitting reliable inferences of population size estimates. Here, we relied on a large French structured CS scheme (EPOC-ODF) comprising 27,156 complete checklists over 3,873 sites collected during the 2021-2023 breeding seasons to estimate the population size of 63 common bird species using hierarchical distance sampling (HDS). These population size estimates were compared to the previous expert-based French breeding bird atlas estimations, which did not account for detectability issues. We found that population size estimates from the former French breeding bird atlas were lower than those estimated using HDS for 65% of species. Such a prevalence of lower estimations is likely due to more conservative estimates inferred from semi-quantitative expert-based assessments used for the previous atlas. We also found that species with long-range songs such as the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) or the Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula) had, in contrast, higher estimated population sizes in the previous atlas than in our HDS models. Our study highlights the need to rely on sound statistical methodology to ensure reliable ecological inferences with adequate uncertainty estimation and advocates for a higher reliance on structured CS in support of long-term biodiversity monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The microbiota in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and incoming wastewater is critical for the treatment process, the preservation of natural ecosystems and human health, and for the recovery of resources and achievement of sustainability goals. Both core species and conditionally rare and abundant taxa (CRAT) are considered process-critical but little is known about identity as well as true functional and ecological importance. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation of the microbiota of 84 municipal activated sludge (AS) plants with nutrient removal treating ~ 70% of all wastewater within a confined geographical area, Denmark (43,000 km2). With the use of an ecosystem-specific database (MiDAS 5.2), species-level classification allowed us to investigate the core and CRAT species, whether they were active, and important factors determining their presence.
    RESULTS: We established a comprehensive catalog of species with names or placeholder names showing each plant contained approx. 2,500 different species. Core and CRAT represented in total 258 species, constituting around 50% of all reads in every plant. However, not all core and CRAT could be regarded as process-critical as growth rate calculations revealed that 43% did not grow in the AS plants and were present only because of continuous immigration from the influent. Analyses of regional microbiota differences and distance decay patterns revealed a stronger effect for species than genera, demonstrating that geography had a clear effect on the AS microbiota, even across a limited geographical area such as Denmark (43,000 km2).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study is the first comprehensive investigation of WWTPs in a confined geographical area providing new insights in our understanding of activated sludge microbiology by introducing a concept of combining immigration and growth calculation with identifying core and CRAT to reveal the true ecosystem-critical organisms. Additionally, the clear biogeographical pattern on this scale highlights the need for more region-level studies to find regional process-critical taxa (core and CRAT), especially at species and amplicon sequence variant (ASV) level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera) is a relict dragonfly family, having diverged from its sister family in the Jurassic, of eleven species that are notable among odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) for their exclusive use of fen and bog habitats, their burrowing behavior as nymphs, large body size as adults, and extended lifespans. To date, several nodes within this family remain unresolved, limiting the study of the evolution of this peculiar family. Using an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset of over 900 loci we reconstructed the species tree of Petaluridae. To estimate the temporal origin of the genera within this family, we used a set of well-vetted fossils and a relaxed molecular clock model in a divergence time estimation analysis. We estimate that Petaluridae originated in the early Cretaceous and confirm the existence of monophyletic Gondwanan and Laurasian clades within the family. Our relaxed molecular clock analysis estimated that these clades diverged from their MRCA approximately 160 mya. Extant lineages within this family were identified to have persisted from 6 (Uropetala) to 120 million years (Phenes). Our biogeographical analyses focusing on a set of key regions suggest that divergence within Petaluridae is largely correlated with continental drift, the exposure of land bridges, and the development of mountain ranges. Our results support the hypothesis that species within Petaluridae have persisted for tens of millions of years, with little fossil evidence to suggest widespread extinction in the family, despite optimal conditions for the fossilization of nymphs. Petaluridae appear to be a rare example of habitat specialists that have persisted for tens of millions of years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of myxomycete biogeography has a long-standing history and has consistently drawn scholarly interest. Nevertheless, studies focusing specifically on the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of myxomycete diversity are relatively limited, with even fewer investigating the mechanisms driving the generation and maintenance of myxomycete diversity. Therefore, this study selected two geographically distant sampling sites within northern Chinese forests to investigate myxomycete species composition, community structure, environmental drivers, and assembly patterns under geographic barriers. We established plots in the Altai Mountains (ALE) and the Greater Khingan Mountains (GKM), gathered bark and litter, and conducted 80-day moist chamber cultures of myxomycetes. Additionally, myxomycete specimens were collected in the field simultaneously to supplement the data set. This study collected 541 myxomycete specimens belonging to 73 species from 28 genera, spanning 12 families and eight orders. The ALE and the GKM had 20 identical species, accounting for 27% of the total species. Myxomycetes from both regions exhibited abundant occurrence 18 days after cultivation, with the quantity on bark substrates notably higher than on litter. Arcyria pomiformis and Comatricha elegans were the most common species in moist chamber cultures. Mantel test outcomes revealed that environmental factors had no significant impact on myxomycete community similarity between the two areas, aligning with findings from the neutral community model analysis, indicating a predominant influence of stochastic processes on myxomycete community structure in moist chamber cultures. This study represents the first application of a quantitative framework to analyze myxomycete community assembly cultivated in moist chambers.





