
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Both the functions and equipment of dermatologists have increased over the past few years, some examples being cosmetic dermatology, artificial intelligence, tele-dermatology, and social media, which added to the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetic selling has become a source of bioethical conflicts. The objective of this narrative review is to identify the bioethical conflicts of everyday dermatology practice and highlight the proposed solutions. Therefore, we conducted searches across PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. Also, the main Spanish and American deontological codes of physicians and dermatologists have been revised. The authors recommend declaring all conflicts of interest while respecting the patients\' autonomy, confidentiality, and privacy. Cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic selling, artificial intelligence, tele-dermatology, and social media are feasible as long as the same standards of conventional dermatology are applied. Nonetheless, the deontological codes associated with these innovations need to be refurbished.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Both the functions and equipment of dermatologists have increased over the past few years, some examples being cosmetic dermatology, artificial intelligence, tele-dermatology, and social media, which added to the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetic selling has become a source of bioethical conflicts. The objective of this narrative review is to identify the bioethical conflicts of everyday dermatology practice and highlight the proposed solutions. Therefore, we conducted searches across PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. Also, the main Spanish and American deontological codes of physicians and dermatologists have been revised. The authors recommend declaring all conflicts of interest while respecting the patients\' autonomy, confidentiality, and privacy. Cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic selling, artificial intelligence, tele-dermatology, and social media are feasible as long as the same standards of conventional dermatology are applied. Nonetheless, the deontological codes associated with these innovations need to be refurbished.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The entry into force of the Organic Law on the Regulation of Euthanasia in June 2021 obliges clinicians to reconsider their professional work, in the face of a new service that expands the limits of what was considered correct until then. This new service affects the entire healthcare system, but especially primary care professionals. Beyond the procedural and moral aspects, it is necessary to rethink the assessment of the patient who expresses a wish to die. In this review, we start with the relatively recent definition of the wish to hasten death (WTHD), its causes, epidemiology and differential diagnosis. Then, we examine the different mental frameworks found in the process of dying and the concept of a «good death». Finally, we analyse the paths that can lead to the provision of aid in dying within the framework of current legislation. The WTHD is specific to requests in case of «serious and advanced illness», not in other cases contemplated by the Law. When faced with a request to activate the Aid in Dying Prestation in the context of WTHD (that is, in the proximity of death), it becomes necessary to increase the patient\'s sense of control and begin to work on grief. Besides, in the face of an administrative process that will necessarily be long, adapting the therapeutic efforts and sedation should be considered as possible options. We understand that it is essential not to create false expectations for patients/families and not to overload healthcare professionals with administrative tasks that will be futile. It is difficult to balance these in the face of a request for a right to which the patient should always have access.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The medical history underscores the significance of ethics in each advancement, with bioethics playing a pivotal role in addressing emerging ethical challenges in digital health (DH). This article examines the ethical dilemmas of innovations in DH, focusing on the healthcare system, professionals, and patients. Artificial Intelligence (AI) raises concerns such as confidentiality and algorithmic biases. Mobile applications (Apps) empower but pose challenges of access and digital literacy. Telemedicine (TM) democratizes and reduces healthcare costs but requires addressing the digital divide and interconsultation dilemmas; it necessitates high-quality standards with patient information protection and attention to equity in access. Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) transform healthcare but face ethical challenges like privacy and equity. 21st-century bioethics must be adaptable as DH tools demand constant review and consensus, necessitating health science faculties\' preparedness for the forthcoming changes.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    BACKGROUND: The experience on informed consent form (ICF) readability at the Research Ethics Committee of the National Institute of Cancerology of Mexico (INCan) is described.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the readability of a randomly-selected sample of ICFs submitted for review between March 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. The number of pages, the time the reader takes to read the text and the level of education necessary to understand it were determined.
    RESULTS: More than half the ICFs from internal investigations were shown to be somewhat or very difficult to read; the level of education required to understand them was up to 9.9 years, and the reading time was short. The ICF texts from international multicenter investigations were aimed at an average education level of 5.5 years and had normal readability. Most ICFs from external trials require a reading time of more than 60 minutes per ICF.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to have tools that provide objectivity to the evaluation of ICFs under investigation by ethics committees, which should be indicators of their comprehension, such as readability of the documents.
    BACKGROUND: Se describe la experiencia sobre la legibilidad de los formatos de consentimiento informado (FCI) del Comité de Ética en Investigación del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de México.
    OBJECTIVE: Evaluar la legibilidad de una muestra seleccionada aleatoriamente de FCI sometidos para revisión entre el 1 de marzo de 2022 y el 31 de marzo de 2023. Se determinó el número de páginas, el tiempo que el lector invierte para leer el texto y el grado de escolaridad necesario para comprenderlo.
    RESULTS: Más de la mitad de FCI de investigaciones internas mostraron ser algo o muy difíciles de leer, la escolaridad necesaria para comprenderlos fue hasta de 9.9 años y el tiempo de lectura fue corto. Los textos de los FCI de investigaciones internacionales multicéntricas estuvieron dirigidos a un nivel escolar promedio de 5.5 años y tuvieron una legibilidad normal. La mayor parte de los ensayos externos requiere un tiempo de lectura superior a los 60 minutos por FCI.
    UNASSIGNED: Es necesario disponer de herramientas que den objetividad a la evaluación de los FCI en investigación por parte de los comités de ética y sean indicadores de su comprensión, tales como la legibilidad de los documentos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Termination of pregnancy in patients with rheumatic diseases is controversial and a bioethical analysis is rarely performed. In this study we analysed the case of a pregnant patient with lupus nephritis unresponsive to treatment, for whom termination of pregnancy is considered.
    METHODS: The integrative model was applied combining different normative ethical theories.
    RESULTS: From a utilitarian perspective, termination of pregnancy is justifiable, seeking the greatest benefit for the greatest number of stakeholders. Deontology justifies both terminating and continuing the pregnancy, focusing on the action itself and on autonomy. In virtue ethics the importance of decisions rests with the person who performs the action seeking flourishing; termination of pregnancy would be justifiable.
    CONCLUSIONS: Interruption of pregnancy is a justifiable solution following the integrative model. Bioethical analysis of paradigmatic cases is essential to ensure the best possible action and as a precedent for future similar situations in rheumatology.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To know the knowledge, implementation and opinion on informed consent of generalist nurses, specialists and primary care residents.
    Descriptive cross-sectional study using an online self-administered \'ad hoc\' questionnaire.
    Primary care nurses in Madrid, from November 2020 to March 2021.
    Sample of 114 nurses: 91 generalist, 20 specialists and 3 residents.
    Sociodemographics, knowledge, implementation and opinion.
    The response rate was 27.7%. As a general rule, 48.2% indicated that informed consent was collected verbally, as established by law, with differences being found between categories, this percentage being higher in specialists and residents (P=0.004), and within specialists in those who had obtained their speciality by internal resident nurse (IRN) (P<0.0001). In addition, specialists and residents were those who most identified the legal norm regulating informed consent (P<0.0001). In terms of implementation and opinion, all groups obtained similar results.
    There are no previous studies that have analysed these aspects of informed consent comparing the different categories. Studies from other healthcare and geographical areas show that nurses have greater knowledge, although the demand for specific training in bioethics and biolaw is greater in the nurses participating in this study.
    Nurses have adequate knowledge about informed consent, use it in clinical practice and have an appropriate conception of it, being higher in some items in specialist nurses IRN and in residents.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Clinical ethics consultation services (CEC) are useful model for ethical counselling, albeit with scarce implementation in European countries. This article shares the experience of one of the first ethics consultation services in Spain.
    METHODS: This work is a retrospective, observational study of all consultations received by the CEC service at La Princesa University Hospital (Madrid, Spain) from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021. The demographic, logistic, and ethical variables of the cases were analyzed.
    RESULTS: A total of 63 cases were analyzed in which a total of 124 ethical conflicts were identified. Forty-one percent of the cases (n = 26) were emergency consultations and 38% (n = 24) were preferential inquiries. An initial evaluation was performed with 24 h in 50 cases (79%). The department that consulted most often was the Intensive Care Unit (9; 14%). The preferred contact methods were via pager (36; 57%), the electronic medical record system (13; 21%), or direct conversations with consulting team (7; 11%). The most common ethical conflicts were those related to the adequacy of treatment measures (24; 19%), refusal of treatment (19; 15%), communication with the patient or his/her family (29; 23%), or the patient\'s capacity (13; 11%).
    CONCLUSIONS: CEC services provide quick, efficient assistance for resolving ethical problems in daily practice. Their implementation in Spain is feasible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anorexia nervosa poses an important bioethical dilemma, since patients often refuse treatment despite the danger that this poses to their health, and it is not clear that their decision is autonomous. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions/performance of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists regarding the capacity and involuntary hospitalisation of patients with anorexia nervosa.
    METHODS: Seven psychiatrists, four clinical psychologists, and one third-year resident psychologist were interviewed. A qualitative research approach based on grounded theory was used.
    RESULTS: The data analysis showed that these professionals articulate patient care around one main category - hospitalisation as a last resort and the search for voluntariness, which implies a change in the usual healthcare dynamics. Around this central category, some important concepts emerge: role stress, informal coercion, weight, family and chronicity.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the difficulty of reconciling professional demands can undermine the quality of care and job satisfaction itself, which highlights the need for reflection and research into the foundations of the responsibilities assumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bioethics, as a reference framework for collective decision-making in plural societies, represents a valuable tool for the development, implementation and evaluation of public policies in order to address structural deficiencies and contexts of vulnerability that disproportionately affect certain sectors of the population.
    OBJECTIVE: To provide guidelines for the strengthening of actions, programs and public policies aimed at addressing the ethical dilemmas and challenges faced by health personnel.
    METHODS: A documentary research process was carried out on the moral context faced by health personnel at the federal level.
    RESULTS: Health budget programs show important gaps in their design, implementation or evaluation, which give rise to various ethical and human rights problems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Given the difficulty for reaching agreements or generating common understanding with regard to public health problems, bioethics contributes to a systematic approach to the challenges of the National Health System, for the safeguarding of the human rights of users, as well as of the integrity of its institutions.
    UNASSIGNED: La bioética como marco referencial para la toma de decisiones colectivas en sociedades plurales representa una valiosa herramienta para el desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de las políticas públicas a fin de abordar deficiencias estructurales y contextos de vulnerabilidad que afectan desproporcionalmente a ciertos sectores de la población.
    OBJECTIVE: Brindar pautas para el fortalecimiento de las acciones, programas y políticas públicas orientadas al abordaje de los dilemas y desafíos éticos que enfrenta el personal de salud.
    UNASSIGNED: Se llevó a cabo un proceso de investigación documental sobre el contexto moral que enfrenta el personal de salud a nivel federal.
    RESULTS: Los programas presupuestarios en salud presentan lagunas importantes en su diseño, implementación o evaluación, que dan lugar a diversos problemas éticos y de derechos humanos.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ante la dificultad de alcanzar acuerdos o generar entendimiento común en relación con problemas públicos en salud, la bioética contribuye al abordamiento sistemático de los desafíos del Sistema Nacional de Salud, para la salvaguarda de los derechos humanos de los usuarios, como también de la integridad de sus instituciones.





