Big cats

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this work was to study the normal anatomy of the nasal cavity of the three species of big cats (leopard, lion, and cheetah) compared to the domestic cat through the use of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and rhinoscopy. Computed tomography allowed us to clearly visualize the entire bony and cartilaginous framework that supports the nasal cavity. Magnetic resonance imaging permitted better visualization of the soft tissues of this cavity. On the other hand, rhinoscopy enabled the direct visualization of the mucosa of the vestibule and nasal cavity, which is very useful in the diagnosis of masses or foreign bodies. Furthermore, with this technique, it has been possible to observe several small orifices from the nasolacrimal duct, the pharyngeal auditory tube, and the lateral nasal gland. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and rhinoscopy are useful tools in analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the nasal cavity in these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Felids have evolved a specialized suite of morphological adaptations for obligate carnivory. Although the musculoskeletal anatomy of the Felidae has been studied extensively, the comparative neuroanatomy of felids is relatively unexplored. Little is known about how variation in the cerebral anatomy of felids relates to species-specific differences in sociality, hunting strategy, or activity patterns.
    METHODS: We quantitatively analyzed neuropil variation in the prefrontal, primary motor, and primary visual cortices of six species of Felidae (Panthera leo, Panthera uncia, Panthera tigris, Panthera leopardus, Acinonyx jubatus, Felis sylvestris domesticus) to investigate relationships with brain size, neuronal cell parameters, and select behavioral and ecological factors. Neuropil is the dense, intricate network of axons, dendrites, and synapses in the brain, playing a critical role in information processing and communication between neurons.
    RESULTS: There were significant species and regional differences in neuropil proportions, with African lion, cheetah, and tiger having more neuropil in all three cortical regions in comparison to the other species. Based on regression analyses, we find that the increased neuropil fraction in the prefrontal cortex supports social and behavioral flexibility, while in the primary motor cortex, this facilitates the neural activity needed for hunting movements. Greater neuropil fraction in the primary visual cortex may contribute to visual requirements associated with diel activity patterns.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a cross-species comparison of neuropil fraction variation in the Felidae, particularly the understudied Panthera, and provide evidence for convergence of the neuroanatomy of Panthera and cheetahs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Considering animals as individuals and not as species is becoming increasingly essential to animal welfare management in captive settings. Recent studies on big cat personalities and coping strategies suggest personality can help big cats cope in their surroundings. Yet a large portion of the published literature focuses on understanding either the personality or stress physiology of big cats. Our research shows how integrating an improved understanding of the personality of big cats with stress physiology may enhance welfare, especially for endangered species like African lions. By using a wild cat personality checklist, this study compared the key personality dimensions of 22 African lions with its faecal glucocorticoids and assessed factors influencing their personality and stress physiology.
    RESULTS: We found two reliable personality dimensions for African lions (dominance and agreeableness) and identified key factors (sex, age and location) that may influence their personality. Further, on testing if these factors influenced the stress physiology through variations in glucocorticoid levels, there was no significant difference. However, there was a strong negative association between agreeableness and glucocorticoid levels. These results suggest that the behavioural traits loading positively and higher for agreeableness are associated with lower glucocorticoid stress levels, which may assist a lion to cope with stressors in its surroundings.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight this integrated approach of linking personality and stress physiology of big cats can be beneficial for caretakers. For example, during stressful veterinary procedures or in reintroduction programs, recognizing the personality of lions can help in designing or providing them with resources that will alleviate stress. Thus, there is a need for more interdisciplinary approaches that will contribute towards enhancing the individual and overall welfare of big cats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The documented increase in the occurrence of dental diseases in captive big cats over the past decades has necessitated the need to target dental medical research accordingly. The aim of this study was the systematic evaluation of dental and oral pathologies of lions and tigers which included intraoral dental radiography. Thirty-six animals of both sexes, ranging in age from nine months to 18 years, predominantly in circus husbandry, served as the basis of the present study, and their dental health status was investigated. The preliminary report and history, adspection of the awake animal, and examination under anesthesia provided important information. Eight animals were specifically presented for oral examination because of known dental disease. The remaining 28 animals were anesthetized for other medically necessary procedures, and each animal\'s oral and dental health status was also evaluated while under anesthesia. In the 28 animals that underwent routine oral cavity examination, pathological changes that had not previously been noticed were found in two-thirds of the animals (19/28). One-quarter of all the animals (9/36) had no abnormal oral cavity findings. Dentoalveolar trauma such as tooth fractures and abrasion (24/36) were diagnosed most frequently. The results highlight the importance of regular oral examinations in big cats. Furthermore, the results suggest that there is a relationship between husbandry conditions and the incidence of dentoalveolar trauma in captive big cats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The big cats (genus Panthera) represent some of the most popular and charismatic species on the planet. Although some reference genomes are available for this clade, few are at the chromosome level, inhibiting high-resolution genomic studies. We assembled genomes from 3 members of the genus, the tiger (Panthera tigris), the snow leopard (Panthera uncia), and the African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus), at chromosome or near-chromosome level. We used a combination of short- and long-read technologies, as well as proximity ligation data from Hi-C technology, to achieve high continuity and contiguity for each individual. We hope that these genomes will aid in further evolutionary and conservation research of this iconic group of mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, dentistry has steadily gained more prominence in veterinary medicine, including exotic and wild animal medicine. It is known that dental diseases are among the most common diseases in captured big cats. However, so far, there is no standardized method for dental radiography in these animals. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a standardized procedure for the systematic radiographic examination of the teeth in big cats. In total, 34 big cats, including 21 lions and 13 tigers, of different ages were examined. Animals that needed treatment for known dental diseases and those that had to be anesthetized for other medically necessary procedures and dental health status examinations were included. Intraoral dental radiographs were captured with digital imaging plates designed for intraoral dental radiography in horses. Based on the intraoral dental radiography procedures used in domestic cats, both the bisecting angle technique and parallel technique were used. A hemisphere model originally developed for horses was used to describe the path and position of the x-ray beam as accurately as possible. The results demonstrated that it was possible to completely image all the teeth of big cat dentition on seven radiographs using the described method. This method can be used to acquire high-quality intraoral dental radiographs in big cats, aiding in the quick and reliable diagnosis of dental diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The good intentions of zoos to introduce enrichment practices that stimulate animals mentally and physically are not always achievable. Changes to the policies and procedures in organisations are difficult to fulfil for a range of reasons frequently investigated in change management literature. The implementation of these changes can be the source of ineffective attempts to generate positive interventions in organisations. In this study, we investigate whether interventions to improve animal management in zoos through enrichment are subject to implementation impediments. Qualitative data gathered from interviews with 23 keepers working with big cats across 12 zoos globally provided valuable insights into the barriers and enablers to the implementation of enrichment. Keepers participated voluntarily and worked in accredited zoos across Australia, New Zealand, Europe, south-east Asia, South Africa, and the United States of America. Thematic analysis of the data revealed five key themes that described some of the challenges zoos and keepers experience when implementing enrichment for big cats, in their words: \"let\'s just be cautious\", \"purely surviving\", \"struggle to understand the goal\", \"can\'t always provide what you should\", and \"judge the effectiveness\". These themes provide additional insights into potential areas for improvement, including greater attention to the benefits of enrichment for animal mental health and increased transparency around enrichment objectives in zoos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological resource banks represent valuable tools for the conservation of species vulnerable to extinction, such as the jaguar. Cryobanks of skins have the potential to safeguard rare genotypes, allowing the potential exploitation of biological samples in animal multiplication technologies and the study of genetic variability. Determination of the most suitable skin regions for tissue conservation can help increase the efficiency of cryobanks and the storage of biological samples. To this end, we evaluated the effects of vitrification of skin tissues from the ear, caudal, and femoral regions of a post-mortem jaguar belonging to a zoo in Brazil. Non-vitrified and vitrified samples were evaluated and compared using quantitative methods, focusing on skin thickness, cell quantification, number of perinuclear halos, collagen and elastic density, and proliferative activity. No differences were observed in skin thickness, number of perinuclear halos, elastic density, and proliferative activity between non-vitrified and vitrified tissues in skin from any region. However, vitrified tissues derived from femoral skin showed a reduction in the number of fibroblasts, epidermal cells and collagen density compared to non-vitrified tissues. In summary, the ear and caudal regions provided the best conservation of somatic tissues derived from jaguars, and skin samples from these regions are therefore the most suitable for the formation of cryobanks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The zoos manage small populations of endangered big cat species like tiger, lion, and leopard for display, research, and conservation breeding. Genetic management of these populations is essential to ensure long term survival and conservation utility. Here we propose a simple and cost effective microsatellite based protocol for the genetic management of captive big cats. We sampled 36 big cat individuals from Seoul Grand Park Zoo (Republic of Korea) and amplified 33 published microsatellite loci. Overall, allelic richness and gene diversity was found highest for leopards, followed by lions and tigers. Twelve of the thirty-three markers showed a high degree of polymorphism across all target species. These microsatellites provide a high degree of discrimination for tiger (1.45 × 10-8), lion (1.54 × 10-10), and leopard (1.88 × 10-12) and thus can be adopted for the genetic characterization of big cats in accredited zoos globally. During captive breeding, zoo authorities rely on pedigree records maintained in studbooks to ensure mating of genetically fit unrelated individuals. Several studies have reported errors in studbook records of big cat species. Microsatellites are simple and cost effective tool for DNA fingerprinting, estimation of genetic diversity, and paternity assessment. Our unified microsatellite panel (12-plex) for big cats is efficient and can easily be adopted by zoo authorities for regular population management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Majority of metagenomic studies in the last decade have focused on revealing the gut microbiomes of humans, rodents, and ruminants; however, the gut microbiome and genic information (gene catalog) of large felids such as Panthera species are largely unknown to date. In this study, the gut bacterial, fungal, and viral metagenomic composition was assessed from three Panthera species (lion, leopard, and tiger) of Indian origin, which were consuming the same diet and belonged to the same geographical location. A non-redundant bacterial gene catalog of the Panthera gut consisting of 1,507,035 putative genes was constructed from 27 Panthera individuals, which revealed a higher abundance of purine metabolism genes correlating with their purine-rich dietary intake. Analysis with Carbohydrate Active enZyme (CAZy) and MEROPS databases identified enrichment of glycoside hydrolases (GHs), glycoside-transferases, and collagenases in the gut, which are important for nutrient acquisition from animal biomass. The bacterial, fungal, and viral community analysis provided the first comprehensive insights into the Panthera-specific microbial community. The Panthera gene catalog and the largest comparative study of the gut bacterial composition of 68 individuals of Carnivora species from different geographical locations and diet underscore the role of diet and geography in shaping the Panthera gut microbiome, which is significant for the health and conservation management of these highly endangered species.






