Berger’s space

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Swept-source anterior segment optical coherence tomography (SS-AS-OCT) is a suitable examination for the vitreolenticular interface. Methods: In a prospective study using Anterion (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany), 102 eyes of 102 patients were examined in pupil dilation, preoperatively and 6 times over 1-year follow-up. Preoperatively anterior hyaloid membrane (AHM) visibility was determined with Imaging App with high reliability. Postoperatively capsular bag-AHM distance was measured on six points by using Metrics App. Results: The AHM was visible in 18.6% preoperatively and postoperatively as well (Group 1), 49% of the preoperatively adherent AHMs became visible (Group 2A), 32.4% remained attached (Group 2B). Group 1: the average deepest point on the first day was 782.5 ± 324.1 microns, and it significantly differed from the later follow-up values. Group 2A: the average deepest value was 184.1 ± 220.1 microns, and there was no statistically significant difference between the postoperative visit values. The difference between the groups was statistically significant at every location and at each time point. Conclusions: AS-SS-OCT can be used to check BS both preoperatively (with limitations) and postoperatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: This study investigates the incidence and risk factors for the development of Berger’s space (BS) after uneventful phacoemulsification based on swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Methods: Cataractous eyes captured using qualified SS-OCT images before and after uneventful phacoemulsification cataract surgery were included. Six high-resolution cross-sectional anterior segment SS-OCT images at 30° intervals were used for BS data measurements. BS width was measured at three points on each scanned meridian line: the central point line aligned with the cornea vertex and two point lines at the pupil’s margins. Results: A total of 223 eyes that underwent uneventful cataract surgery were evaluated. Preoperatively, only two eyes (2/223, 0.9%) were observed to have consistent BS in all six scanning directions. BS was observed postoperatively in 44 eyes (44/223, 19.7%). A total of 13 eyes (13/223, 5.8%) with insufficient image quality, pupil dilation, or lack of preoperative image data were excluded from the study. A total of 31 postoperative eyes with BS and 31 matched eyes without BS were included in the final data analysis. The smallest postoperative BS width was in the upper quadrant of the vertical meridian line (90°), with a mean value of 280 μm. The largest BS width was observed in the opposite area of the main clear corneal incision, with a mean value >500 μm. Conclusions: Uneven-width BS is observable after uneventful phacoemulsification. Locations with a much wider BS (indirect manifestation of Wieger zonular detachment) are predominantly located in the opposite direction to the main corneal incisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The visibility of anterior hyaloid membrane (AHM) and Berger’s space in phakic eyes was investigated. In 624 eyes of 624 patients, the retrolental space was scanned with the deep-range anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT, CASIA2, Tomey). Subgroup analysis was conducted in 223 eyes undergoing cataract surgery. The logistic regression analysis using the backward-elimination method was performed to evaluate the influence of various factors on the visibility of AHM (dependent variable). Explanatory variables included age, gender, axial length, corneal power, corneal cylinder, and the Co III gradings. Intrarater repeatability for AHM visibility was excellent with the prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (κ coefficient) of 0.90. AHM was observed in 43 eyes (6.9%). The patients with visible AHM (68.1 ± 8.8 years) were significantly older than those without visible AHM (52.6 ± 25.6 years) (p < 0.001). The logistic regression analysis in the cataract surgery subgroup revealed that axial length (p = 0.030) and corneal power (p = 0.043) were significantly associated with AHM visibility. The mean absolute refractive error from target was significantly larger in eyes with visible AHM (0.670 ± 0.384 D) than with invisible AHM (0.494 ± 0.412 D) (p = 0.037). The postoperative refractive prediction was less accurate in eyes with visible AHM, but no significant tendency existed in terms of myopic or hyperopic shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the vitreo-lenticular interface and anterior vitreous using high-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT).
    This prospective single-center pilot study included 34 patients (68 eyes) - 6 males and 28 females with a mean age of 58.4±12.0 years (age range 24-81 years). OCT scanning was performed on the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) device SOLIX (OPTOVUE, USA) in the Full Range AC mode with the following scan parameters: from 14 to 18 mm in horizontal length and 6.25 mm in the axial dimension. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio and increase image clarity of the final scan, averaging of eight simultaneous scans was performed.
    In all healthy volunteers, hyporeflective retrolental cavities-lacunae were observed in both eyes during visualization of the retrolental space in the horizontal and vertical planes. The median distance from the posterior pole of the lens to the lacuna was 697 µm. The median width of the lacuna was 157 µm.
    To the best of our knowledge, we consider this to be one of the first in vivo visualizations of a previously undescribed structure - hyporeflective retrolental lacuna - using SOLIX high-resolution OCT device. The retrolental lacuna may play the role of a buffer system, or belong to the lymphatic system of the vitreous body and the eye.
    С помощью оптической когерентной томографии высокого разрешения исследовать витреолентикулярный интерфейс и передние отделы стекловидного тела (СТ).
    В проспективное одноцентровое пилотное исследование были включены 34 пациента (68 глаз): 6 мужчин и 28 женщин; возрастной диапазон — 24—81 год (средний возраст — 58,4±12,0 года). Сканирование выполняли с помощью спектрального оптического когерентного томографа SOLIX (Optovue, США) в режиме «FullRange AC» с параметрами скана: от 14 до 18 мм — горизонтальный размер и 6,25 мм — в аксиальном направлении. С целью улучшения соотношения сигнал/шум и повышения четкости изображения итогового скана применялось усреднение восьми выполняемых одномоментно сканов.
    У всех здоровых добровольцев на обоих глазах при визуализации ретролентального пространства в горизонтальном и вертикальном меридианах были выявлены гипорефлективные полости — лакуны. Медианное расстояние от заднего полюса хрусталика до лакуны составило 697 мкм, медианная ширина лакуны — 157 мкм.
    Нам удалось одними из первых in vivo визуализировать ранее не описанную структуру — гипорефлективную ретролентальную лакуну, используя спектральный оптический когерентный томограф высокого разрешения SOLIX. Ретролентальная лакуна может выполнять роль буферной системы или иметь принадлежность к лимфатической системе СТ и глаза в целом.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The posterior neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser capsulotomy is an established and simple method with a low complication rate for the treatment of secondary cataracts; however, the risk of intraocular pressure elevation, pit marks of the intraocular lens (IOL), anterior hyaloid damage, cystoid macular edema and retinal detachment may increase with high pulse number, pulse energy, and total energy.
    OBJECTIVE: The optimization potential of the method through a rational choice of the laser pattern and the strategy, taking into account the mechanical properties of the posterior capsule and the anatomical features of the retrolental region, is shown.
    METHODS: The article provides a literature review with own clinical observations and a geometric representation.
    RESULTS: The efficiency of a laser pattern is examined with a constant capsulotomy length: The largest opening can be reached with the U‑pattern, which is followed by the +, T, H, V, O and spiral patterns in decreasing order. When estimating the size of the opening, its incircle is of particular functional importance. If the ability of the posterior capsule to tear spontaneously, which is predetermined by its anatomical and mechanical properties, is taken into account when choosing the application pattern and the laser strategy, the efficiency of the method increases.
    CONCLUSIONS: An efficient technique is not only determined by an adapted defocusing and a minimum possible individual pulse energy setting but also characterized by the lowest possible total energy consumption if the necessary opening size is achieved by the smallest number of pulses. Taking into account the individual retrolental anatomical conditions and the mechanical properties of the NS membrane can contribute to the gentle implementation of a YAG capsulotomy.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die hintere Neodym-Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat-Laser-Kapsulotomie gilt als eine etablierte, einfache und komplikationsarme Methode für die Behandlung der Cataracta secundaria. Übrigens steigt die Häufigkeit der Komplikationen wie Schädigung der HKL-Optik und der vorderen Glaskörpergrenzmembran, zystoides Makulaödem, Netzhautablösung und Augendruckanstieg mit hoher Pulszahl, Einzelpuls- und Gesamtlaserenergie.
    UNASSIGNED: Es wird das Optimierungspotenzial des Verfahrens durch eine rationale Wahl des Applikationsmusters und der Laserstrategie unter Berücksichtigung der mechanischen Eigenschaften der hinteren Kapsel und der anatomischen Besonderheiten der retrolentalen Region gezeigt.
    UNASSIGNED: Der Beitrag bietet eine Literaturübersicht mit eigenen klinischen Beobachtungen und einer geometrischen Darstellung.
    UNASSIGNED: Der Nutzeffekt eines Applikationsmusters wird bei einer konstanten Länge des YAG-Laser-Schnittes untersucht: Die größte Lücke wird beim U‑Muster erreicht, dem die +‑, T‑, H‑, V‑, O‑ und Spiralmuster abnehmend folgen. Bei der Abschätzung der Lückengröße ist ihr Inkreis von besonderer funktioneller Bedeutung. Wird die durch die anatomischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften vorbestimmte Fähigkeit der NS-Membran zum spontanen Einreißen bei der Wahl des Applikationsmusters und der Laserstrategie berücksichtigt, steigert sich die Effizienz der Methode.
    UNASSIGNED: Eine effiziente Technik ist nicht nur durch ein angepasstes Defokussieren und eine minimal mögliche Einzelpulsenergieeinstellung bestimmt, sondern auch durch einen möglichst geringen Gesamtenergieverbrauch gekennzeichnet, wenn die nötige Lückengröße durch die kleinste Impulszahl erreicht wird. Die Berücksichtigung der individuellen retrolentalen anatomischen Verhältnisse und der mechanischen Eigenschaften der NS-Membran kann zur schonenden Durchführung einer YAG-KT beitragen.





