Baylisascaris procyonis

Baylisscaris procyonis
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human infection by Baylisascaris procyonis can result in larva migrans syndromes, which can cause severe neurological sequelae and fatal cases. The raccoon serves as the definitive host of the nematode, harboring adult worms in its intestine and excreting millions of eggs into the environment via its feces. Transmission to paratenic hosts (such as rodents, birds and rabbits) or to humans occurs by accidental ingestion of eggs. The occurrence of B. procyonis in wild raccoons has been reported in several Western European countries. In France, raccoons have currently established three separate and expanding populations as a result of at least three independent introductions. Until now the presence of B. procyonis in these French raccoon populations has not been investigated. Between 2011 and 2021, 300 raccoons were collected from both the south-western and north-eastern populations. The core parts of the south-western and north-eastern French raccoon populations were free of B. procyonis. However, three worms (molecularly confirmed) were detected in a young raccoon found at the edge of the north-eastern French raccoon population, close to the Belgian and Luxemburg borders. Population genetic structure analysis, genetic exclusion tests and factorial correspondence analysis all confirmed that the infected raccoon originated from the local genetic population, while the same three approaches showed that the worms were genetically distinct from the two nearest known populations in Germany and the Netherlands. The detection of an infected raccoon sampled east of the northeastern population raises strong questions about the routes of introduction of the roundworms. Further studies are required to test wild raccoons for the presence of B. procyonis in the area of the index case and further east towards the border with Germany.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As hosts of numerous zoonotic pathogens, the role of raccoons needs to be considered in the One Health context. Raccoons progressively expand their range as invasive alien species in Europe. This study aimed to investigate the intestinal helminth fauna of raccoons in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, as no such screening had ever been conducted there. In total, we obtained 102 animals from hunters in 2019 and 2020. Intestinal helminths were retrieved using the SSCT (segmented sedimentation and counting technique) and identified morphologically and by PCR-based Sanger sequencing. Fecal samples were assessed using the ELISA PetChekTM IP assay (IDEXX, Germany) and flotation technique. The artificial digestion method was employed for analyzing muscle tissue. We detected species of four nematode genera (Baylisascaris procyonis, Toxocara canis, Capillaria spp., and Trichuris spp.), three cestode genera (Atriotaenia cf. incisa/procyonis, Taenia martis, and Mesocestoides spp.), and three trematode genera (Isthmiophora hortensis/melis, Plagiorchis muris, and Brachylaima spp.). Echinococcus spp. and Trichinella spp. were not found. The invasive behavior and synanthropic habits of raccoons may increase the infection risk with these helminths in wildlife, domestic and zoo animals, and humans by serving as a connecting link. Therefore, it is crucial to initiate additional studies assessing these risks.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We describe a case of Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm infection in a child in Washington, USA, with autism spectrum disorder. Environmental assessment confirmed nearby raccoon habitation and B. procyonis eggs. B. procyonis infections should be considered a potential cause of human eosinophilic meningitis, particularly among young children and persons with developmental delays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a carnivore native to North and Central America, gradually introduced into Asia and Europe, including Italy. It is an important carrier of multiple endoparasites, both Protozoa and Helminths, some of them being zoonotic. The aim of this study was to investigate the endoparasites of the non-native raccoon population of Central Italy. Sixty-two raccoons were collected by local competent authorities (sixty trapped and euthanized, two found dead) and subjected to necroscopic examination. Carcasses underwent a broad parasitological investigation, including coprological techniques (macroscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, trachea, and heart, Flotac®, Baermann test, and immunofluorescence for Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp.), research on respiratory/urinary capillariosis and artificial digestion for Trichinella spp. larvae, and a histopathological examination of the ileum. Ascarid parasites were further identified at the species level using a next-generation sequencing-based amplicon sequencing approach. The results showed the presence of different Protozoa and Nematodes: Baylisascaris procyonis (26/62; 41.9%), Pearsonema sp. (6/62; 9.6%), Capillariidae (6/62; 9.6%), Eimeria sp. (2/62; 3.2%), Cryptosporidium sp. (2/62; 3.2%), and Ancylostomatidae (2/62; 3.2%). B. procyonis is an emerging helminthic zoonotic agent considered a serious concern for public and animal health, given the possibility of its transmission to paratenic hosts, including humans and pets. The demonstrated role of the raccoon as a multi-parasite carrier should be an incentive to continuing the eradication/control of this alien species, and supports the need to implement related disease surveillance programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Important information on movement pathways and introduction routes of invasive parasites can be obtained by comparing the genetic makeup of an invader with its spatial genetic structure in other distribution areas. Sometimes, the population genetic structure of the host might be more informative than that of the parasite itself, and it is important to collect tissue samples of both host and parasite. However, host tissue samples are frequently not available for analysis. We aimed to test whether it is possible to generate reliable microsatellite profiles of host individuals by amplifying DNA extracted from a nematode parasite, using the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a test case.
    METHODS: Between 2020 and 2021, we collected tissue as well as a single roundworm each from 12 raccoons from central Germany. Both the raccoon and the roundworm DNA extracts were genotyped using 17 raccoon-specific microsatellite loci. For each roundworm DNA extract, we performed at least eight amplification reactions per microsatellite locus.
    RESULTS: We extracted amplifiable raccoon DNA from all 12 roundworms. We obtained at least two amplification products for 186 of the 204 possible genotypes. Altogether 1077 of the 1106 genotypes (97.4%) matched the host-DNA derived reference genotypes and thus did not contain genotyping errors. Nine of the 12 roundworm-derived genetic profiles matched the reference profiles from the raccoon hosts, with one additional genetic profile containing genotyping errors at a single locus. The remaining two genetic profiles were deemed unsuitable for downstream analysis because of genotyping errors and/or a high proportion of missing data.
    CONCLUSIONS: We showed that reliable microsatellite-based genetic profiles of host individuals can be obtained by amplifying DNA extracted from a parasitic nematode. Specifically, the approach can be applied to reconstruct invasion pathways of roundworms when samples of the raccoon hosts are lacking. Further research should assess whether this method can be replicated in smaller species of parasitic nematodes and other phyla of parasites more generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The invasive raccoon (Procyon lotor) is an abundant carnivore and considered as an important potential vector of infectious diseases and parasites in Europe. Raccoons show a broad, opportunistic, omnivorous food spectrum. Food supply and habitat quality in urban areas are very attractive for the generalist raccoon. This inevitably leads to increased interaction with humans, domestic animals and livestock, making the raccoon a potentially suitable zoonosis vector. In its autochthonous range, especially in the Eastern and Midwestern United States, the raccoon has been studied very intensively since the beginning of the 20th century. Whereas, basic field biology and parasitology studies in Germany and Europe are lacking and have only been conducted sporadically, regionally and on small sample sizes. In the presented study 234 raccoons from central Germany were comprehensively examined for their metazoan parasite fauna. The present study shows for the first time an extremely diverse parasite fauna in raccoons outside their native range and proves their essential role as intermediate hosts and hosts for ecto- and endoparasites. A total of 23 different parasite species were identified, five of which are human pathogens, 14 of which are new for the parasite fauna of raccoons in Europe. The human pathogenic raccoon roundworm Baylisascaris procyonis is the most common parasite species in this study, with a prevalence of up to 95%. The digenetic trematode Plagiorchis muris, another human pathogenic parasite species, was detected for the first time in raccoons. The ongoing spread of invasive carnivores and the associated spread and transmission of their parasites and other pathogens increases the potential health risk of wild and farmed animals as well as humans. An increase in parasitic diseases in humans (e.g. raccoon roundworm) is to be expected, especially in urban areas, where raccoons are becoming more and more abundant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wildlife species are host to a variety of gastrointestinal parasites (GIPs). Artificially concentrating animals may increase the risk of disease spread due to increased GIP load and associated environmental load. Supplemental feeding of deer is common among hunters and known to concentrate animals, but there is limited knowledge of how it affects GIP environmental load. GIP load was compared between ecologically-equivalent pairs of sites in Mississippi with and without year-round supplemental feeding (average distance between pairs = 147 m). During May-August in 2019 and 2020, feces from white-tailed deer and raccoons were collected and examined for the presence of nematodes, coccidia, Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp., and Baylisascaris procyonis. On average, fed sites had 8 more deer (241% increase) and 2 more raccoon fecal piles (540% increase) than unfed sites. Average parasite loads for individual fecal samples did not differ between fed and unfed sites, but the greater number of deer and raccoon fecal piles at fed sites (p < 0.0001) produced 231% and 308% greater environmental loads of nematodes and coccidia, respectively. Spin feeders, the only feeder type that distributed feed on the ground, had 326% more coccidia in feces on average compared to other feeder types (p < 0.03). These results show that supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer, especially with spin feeders, increases environmental loads of GIP and the potential for transmission of parasitic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Eosinophilic meningitis can be caused by various etiologies and is reported mostly in tropical climates. The diagnosis is rare in the continental US, presenting challenges for management. Following a case of pediatric eosinophilic meningitis, we reviewed our 11-year experience with this diagnosis at a large US children\'s hospital.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Baylisascaris procyonis is a nematode parasite of the raccoon (Procyon lotor), and it can be responsible for a severe form of larva migrans in humans. This parasite has been reported from many countries all over the world, after translocation of its natural host outside its native geographic range, North America. In the period between January and August 2021, 21 raccoons were cage-trapped and euthanized in Tuscany (Central Italy), in the context of a plan aimed at eradicating a reproductive population of this non-native species. All the animals were submitted for necroscopic examination. Adult ascariids were found in the small intestine of seven raccoons (prevalence 33.3%). Parasites have been identified as B. procyonis based on both morphometric and molecular approaches. The aim of the present article is to report the first finding of this zoonotic parasite from Italy, highlighting the sanitary risks linked to the introduction of alien vertebrate species in new areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The geographic range of the zoonotic raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) is expanding together with the range of its host, the raccoon (Procyon lotor). This creates a new public health risk in parts of Europe where this parasite was previously absent. In the Netherlands, a raccoon population is becoming established and incidental findings of B. procyonis have been reported. To assess the risk to public health, the prevalence of B. procyonis was determined in the province of Limburg, where currently the largest Dutch raccoon population is present, as well as in the adjoining region of southern Belgium. Furthermore, genetic methods were employed to assess invasion pathways of both the raccoon and B. procyonis to aid in the development of control measures. Macroscopic analysis of intestinal content and testing of faecal samples were performed to detect B. procyonis adults and eggs. The population genetics of both B. procyonis and its raccoon host were analysed using samples from central and northwestern Europe. B. procyonis was found in 14/23 (61%, 95% CI: 41%-78%) raccoons from Limburg, but was not detected in 50 Belgian raccoons. Genetic analyses showed that the majority of the Dutch raccoons and their roundworms were introduced through ex-captive individuals. As long as free-living raccoon populations originate from captivity, population control methods may be pursued. However, natural dispersal from the border regions will complicate prolonged population control. To reduce the public health risk posed by B. procyonis, public education to increase awareness and adapt behaviour towards raccoons is key.





