Bacteriophage mu

噬菌体 mu
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MuB is a non-specific DNA-binding protein and AAA+ ATPase that significantly influences the DNA transposition process of bacteriophage Mu, especially in target DNA selection for transposition. While studies have established the ATP-dependent formation of MuB filament as pivotal to this process, the high-resolution structure of a full-length MuB protomer and the underlying molecular mechanisms governing its oligomerization remain elusive. Here, we use cryo-EM to obtain a 3.4-Å resolution structure of the ATP(+)-DNA(+)-MuB helical filament, which encapsulates the DNA substrate within its axial channel. The structure categorizes MuB within the initiator clade of the AAA+ protein family and precisely locates the ATP and DNA binding sites. Further investigation into the oligomeric states of MuB show the existence of various forms of the filament. These findings lead to a mechanistic model where MuB forms opposite helical filaments along the DNA, exposing potential target sites on the bare DNA and then recruiting MuA, which stimulates MuB\'s ATPase activity and disrupts the previously formed helical structure. When this happens, MuB generates larger ring structures and dissociates from the DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many approaches for measuring three-dimensional chromosomal conformations rely upon formaldehyde crosslinking followed by subsequent proximity ligation, a family of methods exemplified by 3C, Hi-C, etc. Here we provide an alternative crosslinking-free procedure for high-throughput identification of long-range contacts in the chromosomes of enterobacteria, making use of contact-dependent transposition of phage Mu to identify distant loci in close contact. The procedure described here will suffice to provide a comprehensive map of transposition frequencies between tens of thousands of loci in a bacterial genome, with the resolution limited by the diversity of the insertion site library used and the sequencing depth applied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophage Mu is a temperate phage known to infect various species of Enterobacteria, playing a role in bacterial mutation induction and horizontal gene transfer. The phage possesses two types of tail fibers important for host recognition, which enable it to expand its range of hosts. The alternate tail fibers are formed through the action of genes 49-50 or 52-51, allowing the Mu phage to recognize different surfaces of host cells. In a previous study, we presented the X-ray crystal structure of the C-terminal lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding domain of gene product (gp) 49, one of the subunits comprising the Mu tail fiber. In this study, we have determined the structure of the alternative tail fiber subunit, gp52, and compared it with other tail fibers. The results revealed that Mu phage employs different structural motifs for two individual tail fibers for recognizing different hosts.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    For 20 years, the intricacies in bacteriophage Mu replication and its regulation were elucidated in collaboration between Ariane Toussaint and her co-workers in the Laboratory of Genetics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and the groups of Martin Pato and N. Patrick Higgins in the US. Here, to honor Martin Pato\'s scientific passion and rigor, we tell the history of this long-term sharing of results, ideas and experiments between the three groups, and Martin\'s final discovery of a very unexpected step in the initiation of Mu replication, the joining of Mu DNA ends separated by 38 kB with the assistance of the host DNA gyrase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophage Mu is a paradigm coliphage studied mainly because of its use of transposition for genome replication. However, in extensive nonsense mutant screens, only one lysis gene has been identified, the endolysin gp22. This is surprising because in Gram-negative hosts, lysis by Caudovirales phages has been shown to require proteins which disrupt all three layers of the cell envelope. Usually this involves a holin, an endolysin, and a spanin targeting the cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan (PG), and outer membrane (OM), respectively, with the holin determining the timing of lysis initiation. Here, we demonstrate that gp22 is a signal-anchor-release (SAR) endolysin and identify gp23 and gp23.1 as two-component spanin subunits. However, we find that Mu lacks a holin and instead encodes a membrane-tethered cytoplasmic protein, gp25, which is required for the release of the SAR endolysin. Mutational analysis showed that this dependence on gp25 is conferred by lysine residues at positions 6 and 7 of the short cytoplasmic domain of gp22. gp25, which we designate as a releasin, also facilitates the release of SAR endolysins from other phages. Moreover, the entire length of gp25, including its N-terminal transmembrane domain, belongs to a protein family, DUF2730, found in many Mu-like phages, including those with cytoplasmic endolysins. These results are discussed in terms of models for the evolution and mechanism of releasin function and a rationale for Mu lysis without holin control. IMPORTANCE Host cell lysis is the terminal event of the bacteriophage infection cycle. In Gram-negative hosts, lysis requires proteins that disrupt each of the three cell envelope components, only one of which has been identified in Mu: the endolysin gp22. We show that gp22 can be characterized as a SAR endolysin, a muralytic enzyme that activates upon release from the membrane to degrade the cell wall. Furthermore, we identify genes 23 and 23.1 as spanin subunits used for outer membrane disruption. Significantly, we demonstrate that Mu is the first known Caudovirales phage to lack a holin, a protein that disrupts the inner membrane and is traditionally known to release endolysins. In its stead, we report the discovery of a lysis protein, termed the releasin, which Mu uses for SAR endolysin release. This is an example of a system where the dynamic membrane localization of one protein is controlled by a secondary protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The broad host range bacteriophage Mu employs a novel \'methylcarbamoyl\' modification to protect its DNA from diverse restriction systems of its hosts. The DNA modification is catalyzed by a phage-encoded protein Mom, whose mechanism of action is a mystery. Here, we characterized the co-factor and metal-binding properties of Mom and provide a molecular mechanism to explain \'methylcarbamoyl\'ation of DNA by Mom. Computational analyses revealed a conserved GNAT (GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase) fold in Mom. We demonstrate that Mom binds to acetyl CoA and identify the active site. We discovered that Mom is an iron-binding protein, with loss of Fe2+/3+-binding associated with loss of DNA modification activity. The importance of Fe2+/3+ is highlighted by the colocalization of Fe2+/3+ with acetyl CoA within the Mom active site. Puzzlingly, acid-base mechanisms employed by >309,000 GNAT members identified so far, fail to support methylcarbamoylation of adenine using acetyl CoA. In contrast, free-radical chemistry catalyzed by transition metals like Fe2+/3+ can explain the seemingly challenging reaction, accomplished by collaboration between acetyl CoA and Fe2+/3+. Thus, binding to Fe2+/3+, a small but unprecedented step in the evolution of Mom, allows a giant chemical leap from ordinary acetylation to a novel methylcarbamoylation function, while conserving the overall protein architecture.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The three-dimensional structures of chromosomes are increasingly being recognized as playing a major role in cellular regulatory states. The efficiency and promiscuity of phage Mu transposition was exploited to directly measure in vivo interactions between genomic loci in E. coli. Two global organizing principles have emerged: first, the chromosome is well-mixed and uncompartmentalized, with transpositions occurring freely between all measured loci; second, several gene families/regions show \"clustering\": strong three-dimensional co-localization regardless of linear genomic distance. The activities of the SMC/condensin protein MukB and nucleoid-compacting protein subunit HU-α are essential for the well-mixed state; HU-α is also needed for clustering of 6/7 ribosomal RNA-encoding loci. The data are explained by a model in which the chromosomal structure is driven by dynamic competition between DNA replication and chromosomal relaxation, providing a foundation for determining how region-specific properties contribute to both chromosomal structure and gene regulation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the history of viral research, one of the important biological features of bacteriophage Mu is the ability to expand its host range. For extending the host range, the Mu phage encodes two alternate tail fibre genes. Classical amber mutation experiments and genome sequence analysis of Mu phage suggested that gene products (gp) of geneS (gpS = gp49) and gene S\' (gpS\' = gp52) are tail fibres and that gene products of geneU (gpU = gp50) and geneU\' (gpU\' = gp51) work for tail fibre assembly or tail fibre chaperones. Depending on the gene orientation, a pair of genes 49-50 or 52-51 is expressed for producing different tail fibres that enable Mu phage to recognize different host cell surface. Since several fibrous proteins including some phage tail fibres employ their specific chaperone to facilitate folding and prevent aggregation, we expected that gp50 or gp51 would be a specific chaperone for gp49 and gp52, respectively. However, heterologous overexpression results for gp49 or gp52 (tail fibre subunit) together with gp51 and gp50, respectively, were also effective in producing soluble Mu tail fibres. Moreover, we successfully purified non-native gp49-gp51 and gp52-gp50 complexes. These facts showed that gp50 and gp51 were fungible and functional for both gp49 and gp52 each other.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacteriophage Mu Com is a small zinc finger protein that binds to its cognate mom mRNA and activates its translation. The Mom protein, in turn, elicits a chemical modification (momification) of the bacteriophage genome, rendering the DNA resistant to cleavage by bacterial restriction endonucleases, and thereby protecting it from defense mechanisms of the host. We examined the basis of specificity in Com-RNA interactions by in vitro selection and probing of RNA structure. We demonstrated that Com recognizes a sequence motif within a hairpin-loop structure of its target RNA. Our data support the model of Com interaction with mom mRNA, in which Com binds to the short hairpin structure proximal to the so-called translation inhibition structure. We also observed that Com binds its target motif weakly if it is within an RNA duplex. These results suggest that the RNA structure, in addition to its sequence, is crucial for Com to recognize its target and that RNA conformational changes may constitute another level of Mom regulation. We determined a crystal structure of a Com binding site variant designed to form an RNA duplex preferentially. Our crystal model forms a 19-mer self-complementary double helix composed of the canonical and non-canonical base pairs. The helical parameters of crystalized RNA indicate why Com may bind it more weakly than a monomeric hairpin form.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Gam protein of transposable phage Mu is an ortholog of eukaryotic and bacterial Ku proteins, which carry out nonhomologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) with the help of dedicated ATP-dependent ligases. Many bacteria carry Gam homologs associated with either complete or defective Mu-like prophages, but the role of Gam in the life cycle of Mu or in bacteria is unknown. Here, we show that MuGam is part of a two-component bacterial NHEJ DNA repair system. Ensemble and single-molecule experiments reveal that MuGam binds to DNA ends, slows the progress of RecBCD exonuclease, promotes binding of NAD+-dependent Escherichia coli ligase A, and stimulates ligation. In vivo, Gam equally promotes both precise and imprecise joining of restriction enzyme-digested linear plasmid DNA, as well as of a double-strand break (DSB) at an engineered I-SceI site in the chromosome. Cell survival after the induced DSB is specific to the stationary phase. In long-term growth competition experiments, particularly upon treatment with a clastogen, the presence of gam in a Mu lysogen confers a distinct fitness advantage. We also show that the role of Gam in the life of phage Mu is related not to transposition but to protection of genomic Mu copies from RecBCD when viral DNA packaging begins. Taken together, our data show that MuGam provides bacteria with an NHEJ system and suggest that the resulting fitness advantage is a reason that bacteria continue to retain the gam gene in the absence of an intact prophage.






