Bacterial cell wall

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial cell walls are gigadalton-large cross-linked polymers with a wide range of motional amplitudes, including rather rigid as well as highly flexible parts. Magic-angle spinning NMR is a powerful method to obtain atomic-level information about intact cell walls. Here we investigate sensitivity and information content of different homonuclear 13C13C and heteronuclear 1H15N, 1H13C and 15N13C correlation experiments. We demonstrate that a CPMAS CryoProbe yields ca. 8-fold increased signal-to-noise over a room-temperature probe, or a ca. 3-4-fold larger per-mass sensitivity. The increased sensitivity allowed to obtain high-resolution spectra even on intact bacteria. Moreover, we compare resolution and sensitivity of 1H MAS experiments obtained at 100 kHz vs. 55 kHz. Our study provides useful hints for choosing experiments to extract atomic-level details on cell-wall samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The A. sendaiensis PA2 is a polyextremophile bacterium. In this study, we analyze the A. sendaiensis PA2 genome. The genome was assembled and annotated. The A. sendaiensis PA2 genome structure consists of a 2,956,928 bp long chromosome and 62.77% of G + C content. 3056 CDSs were predicted, and 2921 genes were assigned to a putative function. The ANIm and ANIb value resulted in 97.17% and 96.65%, the DDH value was 75.5%, and the value of TETRA (Z-score) was 0.98. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that three systems are enriched in A. sendaiensis PA2. This strain has phenotypic changes in cell wall during batch culture at 65 °C, pH 5.0 and without carbon and nitrogen source. The presence of unique genes of cell wall and sporulation subsystem could be related to the adaptation of A. sendaiensis PA2 to hostile conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibiotic resistance due to bacterial biofilm formation is a major global health concern that makes the search for new therapeutic approaches an urgent need. In this context,, trans-resveratrol (RSV), a polyphenolic natural substance, seems to be a good candidate for preventing and eradicating biofilm-associated infections but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. In addition, RSV suffers from low bioavailability and chemical instability in the biological media that make its encapsulation in delivery systems necessary. In this work, the anti-biofilm activity of free RSV was investigated on Staphylococcus aureus and, to highlight the possible mechanism of action, we studied the anti-adherence activity and also the cell wall damage on a MRSA strain. Free RSV activity was compared to that of RSV loaded in liposomes, specifically neutral liposomes (L = DOPC/Cholesterol) and cationic liposomes (LG = DOPC/Chol/GLT1) characterized by a galactosylated amphiphile (GLT1) that promotes the interaction with bacteria. The results indicate that RSV loaded in LG has anti-adherence and anti-biofilm activity higher than free RSV. On the other side, free RSV has a higher bacterial-growth-inhibiting effect than encapsulated RSV and it can damage cell walls by creating pores; however, this effect can not prevent bacteria from growing again. This RSV ability may underlie its bacteriostatic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During bacterial cell division, hydrolysis of septal peptidoglycan (sPG) is crucial for cell separation. This sPG hydrolysis is performed by the enzyme amidases whose activity is regulated by the integral membrane protein complex FtsEX-EnvC. FtsEX is an ATP-binding cassette transporter, and EnvC is a long coiled-coil protein that interacts with and activates the amidases. The molecular mechanism by which the FtsEX-EnvC complex activates amidases remains largely unclear. We present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the FtsEX-EnvC complex from the pathogenic bacteria V. cholerae (FtsEX-EnvCVC). FtsEX-EnvCVC in the presence of ADP adopts a distinct conformation where EnvC is \"horizontally extended\" rather than \"vertically extended\". Subsequent structural studies suggest that EnvC can swing between these conformations in space in a nucleotide-dependent manner. Our structural analysis and functional studies suggest that FtsEX-EnvCVC employs spatial control of EnvC for amidase activation, providing mechanistic insights into the FtsEX-EnvC regulation on septal peptidoglycan hydrolysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) has evolved the ability to persist after uptake into host immune cells. This intracellular niche enables S. aureus to potentially escape host immune responses and survive the lethal actions of antibiotics. While the elevated tolerance of S. aureus to small-molecule antibiotics is likely to be multifactorial, we pose that there may be contributions related to permeation of antibiotics into phagocytic vacuoles, which would require translocation across two mammalian bilayers. To empirically test this, we adapted our recently developed permeability assay to determine the accumulation of FDA-approved antibiotics into phagocytic vacuoles of live macrophages. Bioorthogonal reactive handles were metabolically anchored within the surface of S. aureus, and complementary tags were chemically added to antibiotics. Following phagocytosis of tagged S. aureus cells, we were able to specifically analyze the arrival of antibiotics within the phagosomes of infected macrophages. Our findings enabled the determination of permeability differences between extra- and intracellular S. aureus, thus providing a roadmap to dissect the contribution of antibiotic permeability to intracellular pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the critical role of bacterial cell walls in maintaining cell shapes, certain environmental stressors can induce the transition of many bacterial species into a wall-deficient state called L-form. Long-term induced Escherichia coli L-forms lose their rod shape and usually hold significant mutations that affect cell division and growth. Besides this, the genetic background of L-form bacteria is still poorly understood. In the present study, the genomes of two stable L-form strains of E. coli (NC-7 and LWF+) were sequenced and their gene mutation status was determined and compared with their parental strains. Comparative genomic analysis between two L-forms reveals both unique adaptions and common mutated genes, many of which belong to essential gene categories not involved in cell wall biosynthesis, indicating that L-form genetic adaptation impacts crucial metabolic pathways. Missense variants from L-forms and Lenski\'s long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) were analyzed in parallel using an optimized DeepSequence pipeline to investigate predicted mutation effects (α) on protein functions. We report that the two L-form strains analyzed display a frequency of 6-10% (0% for LTEE) in mutated essential genes where the missense variants have substantial impact on protein functions (α<0.5). This indicates the emergence of different survival strategies in L-forms through changes in essential genes during adaptions to cell wall deficiency. Collectively, our results shed light on the detailed genetic background of two E. coli L-forms and pave the way for further investigations of the gene functions in L-form bacterial models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial and fungal adhesins mediate microbial aggregation, biofilm formation, and adhesion to host. We divide these proteins into two major classes: professional adhesins and moonlighting adhesins that have a non-adhesive activity that is evolutionarily conserved. A fundamental difference between the two classes is the dissociation rate. Whereas moonlighters, including cytoplasmic enzymes and chaperones, can bind with high affinity, they usually dissociate quickly. Professional adhesins often have unusually long dissociation rates: minutes or hours. Each adhesin has at least three activities: cell surface association, binding to a ligand or adhesive partner protein, and as a microbial surface pattern for host recognition. We briefly discuss Bacillus subtilis TasA, pilin adhesins, gram positive MSCRAMMs, and yeast mating adhesins, lectins and flocculins, and Candida Awp and Als families. For these professional adhesins, multiple activities include binding to diverse ligands and binding partners, assembly into molecular complexes, maintenance of cell wall integrity, signaling for cellular differentiation in biofilms and in mating, surface amyloid formation, and anchorage of moonlighting adhesins. We summarize the structural features that lead to these diverse activities. We conclude that adhesins resemble other proteins with multiple activities, but they have unique structural features to facilitate multifunctionality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moenomycins, such as moenomycin A, are phosphoglycolipid specialized metabolites produced by a number of actinobacterial species. They are among the most potent antibacterial compounds known to date, which drew numerous studies directed at various aspects of the chemistry and biology of moenomycins. In this review, we outline the advances in moenomycin research over the last decade. We focus on biological aspects, highlighting the contribution of the novel methods of genomics and molecular biology to the deciphering of the biosynthesis and activity of moenomycins. Specifically, we describe the structural diversity of moenomycins as well as the underlying genomic variations in moenomycin biosynthetic gene clusters. We also describe the most recent data on the mechanism of action and assembly of complicated phosphoglycolipid scaffold. We conclude with the description of the genetic control of moenomycin production by Streptomyces bacteria and a brief outlook on future developments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell wall deficient \"L- form\" bacteria are of growing medical interest as a possible source of recurrent or persistent infection, largely because of their complete resistance to cell wall active antibiotics such as β-lactams. Antibiotics that specifically kill L-forms would be of potential interest as therapeutics, but also as reagents with which to explore the role of L-forms in models of recurrent infection. To look for specific anti-L-form antibiotics, we screened a library of several hundred FDA-approved drugs and identified compounds highly selective for L-form killing. Among the compounds identified were representatives of two different classes of calcium channel blockers: dihydropyridines, e.g., manidipine; and diphenylmethylpiperazine, e.g., flunarizine. Mode of action studies suggested that both classes of compound work by decreasing membrane fluidity. This leads to a previously recognized phenotype of L-forms in which the cells can continue to enlarge but fail to divide. We identified a considerable degree of variation in the activity of different representatives of the two classes of compounds, suggesting that it may be possible to modify them for use as drugs for L-form-dependent infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytoplasmatic biosynthesis of the stem peptide from the peptidoglycan in bacteria involves six steps, which have the role of three ATP-dependent Mur ligases that incorporate three consecutive amino acids to a substrate precursor. MurE is the last Mur ligase to incorporate a free amino acid. Although the structure of MurE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbMurE) was determined at 3.0 Å, the binding mode of meso-Diaminopimelate (m-DAP) and the effect of substrate absence is unknown. Herein, we show the structure of MurE from M. thermoresistibile (MthMurE) in complex with ADP and m-DAP at 1.4 Å resolution. The analysis of the structure indicates key conformational changes that the substrate UDP-MurNAc-L-Ala-D-Glu (UAG) and the free amino acid m-DAP cause on the MthMurE conformation. We observed several movements of domains or loop regions that displace their position in order to perform enzymatic catalysis. Since MthMurE has a high similarity to MtbMurE, this enzyme could also guide strategies for structure-based antimicrobial discovery to fight against tuberculosis or other mycobacterial infections.





