
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease and related dementias (ADRD) are a spectrum of disorders characterized by cognitive decline, which pose significant challenges for both affected individuals and their caregivers. Previous literature has focused on patient family surveys which do not always capture the breadth of authentic experiences of the caregiver. Online social media platforms provide a space for individuals to share their experiences and obtain advice toward caring for those with ADRD. This study leverages Reddit, a platform frequented by caregivers seeking advice for caring for a family member with advice for ADRD. To identify the topics of discussion or advice that most caregivers seek and sought after, we employed structured topic modeling techniques such as BERTopic to analyze the content of these posts and use an intertopic distance map to discern the variation in themes across different Reddit categories. In addition, we analyze the sentiment of the Reddit postings using Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner to deduce the degree of negative, positive, and neutral sentiment of the discussion posts. Our findings reveal that the topics that caregivers most frequently discuss and seek advice for were related to caregiver stories, community support, and concerns ADRD. Specifically, we aimed to reproduce an organic Reddit search of caregiving of abuse on family member, financial struggles, symptoms of hallucinations, and repetition in ADRD family members. These results underscore the importance of online communities for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted experiences and challenges faced by ADRD caregivers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper explores the prevalent themes across multiple threads on the popular Swedish discussion forum Flashback. Among its diverse array of topics, the forum actively engages users in addressing and debating questions pertaining to COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination. Through distinguishing between positive and negative perspectives within posts across 14 relevant thread discussions, we employ BERTopic, a modular topic modeling framework, which utilizes pre-trained language models and applies clustering techniques to identify prevailing topics. This enables us to conduct a nuanced exploration of overarching themes, offering valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of the discussions regarding COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in Sweden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The definition of service has evolved from a focus on material value in manufacturing before the 2000s to a customer-centric value based on the significant growth of the service industry. Digital transformation has become essential for companies in the service industry due to the incorporation of digital technology through the Fourth Industrial Revolution and COVID-19. This study utilised Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT) to analyse 3029 international patents related to the customer service industry and digital transformation registered between 2000 and 2022. Through topic modelling, this study identified 10 major topics in the customer service industry and analysed their yearly trends. Our findings show that as of 2022, the trend with the highest frequency is user-centric network service design, while cloud computing has experienced the steepest increase in the last five years. User-centric network services have been steadily developing since the inception of the Internet. Cloud computing is one of the key technologies being developed intensively in 2023 for the digital transformation of customer service. This study identifies time series trends of customer service industry patents and suggests the effectiveness of using BERTopic to predict future trends in technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The mpox outbreak resulted in 32,063 cases and 58 deaths in the United States and 95,912 cases worldwide from May 2022 to March 2024 according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Like other disease outbreaks (eg, HIV) with perceived community associations, mpox can create the risk of stigma, exacerbate homophobia, and potentially hinder health care access and social equity. However, the existing literature on mpox has limited representation of the perspective of sexual minority men and gender-diverse (SMMGD) individuals.
    OBJECTIVE: To fill this gap, this study aimed to synthesize themes of discussions among SMMGD individuals and listen to SMMGD voices for identifying problems in current public health communication surrounding mpox to improve inclusivity, equity, and justice.
    METHODS: We analyzed mpox-related posts (N=8688) posted between October 2020 and September 2022 by 2326 users who self-identified on Twitter/X as SMMGD and were geolocated in the United States. We applied BERTopic (a topic-modeling technique) on the tweets, validated the machine-generated topics through human labeling and annotations, and conducted content analysis of the tweets in each topic. Geographic analysis was performed on the size of the most prominent topic across US states in relation to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) social climate index.
    RESULTS: BERTopic identified 11 topics, which annotators labeled as mpox health activism (n=2590, 29.81%), mpox vaccination (n=2242, 25.81%), and adverse events (n=85, 0.98%); sarcasm, jokes, and emotional expressions (n=1220, 14.04%); COVID-19 and mpox (n=636, 7.32%); government or public health response (n=532, 6.12%); mpox symptoms (n=238, 2.74%); case reports (n=192, 2.21%); puns on the naming of the virus (ie, mpox; n=75, 0.86%); media publicity (n=59, 0.68%); and mpox in children (n=58, 0.67%). Spearman rank correlation indicated significant negative correlation (ρ=-0.322, P=.03) between the topic size of health activism and the UCLA LGB social climate index at the US state level.
    CONCLUSIONS: Discussions among SMMGD individuals on mpox encompass both utilitarian (eg, vaccine access, case reports, and mpox symptoms) and emotionally charged (ie, promoting awareness, advocating against homophobia, misinformation/disinformation, and health stigma) themes. Mpox health activism is more prevalent in US states with lower LGB social acceptance, suggesting a resilient communicative pattern among SMMGD individuals in the face of public health oppression. Our method for social listening could facilitate future public health efforts, providing a cost-effective way to capture the perspective of impacted populations. This study illuminates SMMGD engagement with the mpox discourse, underscoring the need for more inclusive public health programming. Findings also highlight the social impact of mpox: health stigma. Our findings could inform interventions to optimize the delivery of informational and tangible health resources leveraging computational mixed-method analyses (eg, BERTopic) and big data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time, and understanding public perception and awareness of the topic is crucial for developing effective policies to mitigate its effects. While traditional survey methods have been used to gauge public opinion, advances in natural language processing (NLP) and data visualization techniques offer new opportunities to analyze user-generated content from social media and blog posts. In this study, a new dataset of climate change-related texts was collected from social media sources and various blogs. The dataset was analyzed using BERTopic and LDA to identify and visualize the most important topics related to climate change. The study also used sentence similarity to determine the similarities in the comments written and which topic categories they belonged to. The performance of different techniques for keyword extraction and text representation, including OpenAI, Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR), and KeyBERT, was compared for topic modeling with BERTopic. It was seen that the best coherence score and topic diversity metric were obtained with OpenAI-based BERTopic. The results provide insights into the public\'s attitudes and perceptions towards climate change, which can inform policy development and contribute to efforts to reduce activities that cause climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze Chinese medicine (CM) prescriptions for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), we model topics on GERD-related classical CM literature, providing insights into the potential treatment.
    METHODS: Clinical guidelines were used to identify symptom terms for GERD, and CM literature from the database \"Imedbooks\" was retrieved for related prescriptions and their corresponding sources, indications, and other information. BERTopic was applied to identify the main topics and visualize the data.
    RESULTS: A total of 36,207 entries are queried and 1,938 valid entries were acquired after manually filtering. Eight topics were identified by BERTopic, including digestion function abate, stomach flu, respiratory-related symptoms, gastric dysfunction, regurgitation and gastrointestinal dysfunction in pediatric patients, vomiting, stroke and alcohol accumulation are associated with the risk of GERD, vomiting and its causes, regurgitation, epigastric pain, and symptoms of heartburn.
    CONCLUSIONS: Topic modeling provides an unbiased analysis of classical CM literature on GERD in a time-efficient and scale-efficient manner. Based on this analysis, we present a range of treatment options for relieving symptoms, including herbal remedies and non-pharmacological interventions such as acupuncture and dietary therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intensive care research has predominantly relied on conventional methods like randomized controlled trials. However, the increasing popularity of open-access, free databases in the past decade has opened new avenues for research, offering fresh insights. Leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques enables the analysis of trends in a vast number of studies.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis using ML to compare trends and research topics in traditional intensive care unit (ICU) studies and those done with open-access databases (OADs).
    METHODS: We used ML for the analysis of publications in the Web of Science database in this study. Articles were categorized into \"OAD\" and \"traditional intensive care\" (TIC) studies. OAD studies were included in the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC), eICU Collaborative Research Database (eICU-CRD), Amsterdam University Medical Centers Database (AmsterdamUMCdb), High Time Resolution ICU Dataset (HiRID), and Pediatric Intensive Care database. TIC studies included all other intensive care studies. Uniform manifold approximation and projection was used to visualize the corpus distribution. The BERTopic technique was used to generate 30 topic-unique identification numbers and to categorize topics into 22 topic families.
    RESULTS: A total of 227,893 records were extracted. After exclusions, 145,426 articles were identified as TIC and 1301 articles as OAD studies. TIC studies experienced exponential growth over the last 2 decades, culminating in a peak of 16,378 articles in 2021, while OAD studies demonstrated a consistent upsurge since 2018. Sepsis, ventilation-related research, and pediatric intensive care were the most frequently discussed topics. TIC studies exhibited broader coverage than OAD studies, suggesting a more extensive research scope.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study analyzed ICU research, providing valuable insights from a large number of publications. OAD studies complement TIC studies, focusing on predictive modeling, while TIC studies capture essential qualitative information. Integrating both approaches in a complementary manner is the future direction for ICU research. Additionally, natural language processing techniques offer a transformative alternative for literature review and bibliometric analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyze public perceptions of active aging in China on mainstream social media platforms to determine whether the \"14th Five Year Plan for the Development of the Aging Career and Older Adult Care System\" issued by the CPC in 2022 has fully addressed public needs.
    The original tweets posted on Weibo between January 1, 2020, and June 30, 2022, containing the words \"aging\" or \"old age\" were extracted. A bidirectional encoder representation from transformers (BERT)-based model was used to generate themes related to this perception. A qualitative thematic analysis and an independent review of the theme labels were conducted by the researchers.
    The findings indicate that public perceptions revolved around four themes: (1) health prevention and protection, (2) convenient living environments, (3) cognitive health and social integration, and (4) protecting the rights and interests of the older adult.
    Our study found that although the Plan aligns with most of these themes, it lacks clear planning for financial security and marital life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research gaps refer to unanswered questions in the existing body of knowledge, either due to a lack of studies or inconclusive results. Research gaps are essential starting points and motivation in scientific research. Traditional methods for identifying research gaps, such as literature reviews and expert opinions, can be time consuming, labor intensive, and prone to bias. They may also fall short when dealing with rapidly evolving or time-sensitive subjects. Thus, innovative scalable approaches are needed to identify research gaps, systematically assess the literature, and prioritize areas for further study in the topic of interest.
    OBJECTIVE: In this paper, we propose a machine learning-based approach for identifying research gaps through the analysis of scientific literature. We used the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study.
    METHODS: We conducted an analysis to identify research gaps in COVID-19 literature using the COVID-19 Open Research (CORD-19) data set, which comprises 1,121,433 papers related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our approach is based on the BERTopic topic modeling technique, which leverages transformers and class-based term frequency-inverse document frequency to create dense clusters allowing for easily interpretable topics. Our BERTopic-based approach involves 3 stages: embedding documents, clustering documents (dimension reduction and clustering), and representing topics (generating candidates and maximizing candidate relevance).
    RESULTS: After applying the study selection criteria, we included 33,206 abstracts in the analysis of this study. The final list of research gaps identified 21 different areas, which were grouped into 6 principal topics. These topics were: \"virus of COVID-19,\" \"risk factors of COVID-19,\" \"prevention of COVID-19,\" \"treatment of COVID-19,\" \"health care delivery during COVID-19,\" \"and impact of COVID-19.\" The most prominent topic, observed in over half of the analyzed studies, was \"the impact of COVID-19.\"
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed machine learning-based approach has the potential to identify research gaps in scientific literature. This study is not intended to replace individual literature research within a selected topic. Instead, it can serve as a guide to formulate precise literature search queries in specific areas associated with research questions that previous publications have earmarked for future exploration. Future research should leverage an up-to-date list of studies that are retrieved from the most common databases in the target area. When feasible, full texts or, at minimum, discussion sections should be analyzed rather than limiting their analysis to abstracts. Furthermore, future studies could evaluate more efficient modeling algorithms, especially those combining topic modeling with statistical uncertainty quantification, such as conformal prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to demonstrate the capacity of natural language processing and topic modeling to manage and interpret the vast quantities of scholarly publications in the landscape of stroke research. These tools can expedite the literature review process, reveal hidden themes, and track rising research areas.
    METHODS: Our study involved reviewing and analyzing articles published in five prestigious stroke journals, namely Stroke, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Journal, Translational Stroke Research, and Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. The team extracted document titles, abstracts, publication years, and citation counts from the Scopus database. BERTopic was chosen as the topic modeling technique. Using linear regression models, current stroke research trends were identified. Python 3.1 was used to analyze and visualize data.
    RESULTS: Out of the 35,779 documents collected, 26,732 were classified into 30 categories and used for analysis. \"Animal Models,\" \"Rehabilitation,\" and \"Reperfusion Therapy\" were identified as the three most prevalent topics. Linear regression models identified \"Emboli,\" \"Medullary and Cerebellar Infarcts,\" and \"Glucose Metabolism\" as trending topics, whereas \"Cerebral Venous Thrombosis,\" \"Statins,\" and \"Intracerebral Hemorrhage\" demonstrated a weaker trend.
    CONCLUSIONS: The methodology can assist researchers, funders, and publishers by documenting the evolution and specialization of topics. The findings illustrate the significance of animal models, the expansion of rehabilitation research, and the centrality of reperfusion therapy. Limitations include a five-journal cap and a reliance on high-quality metadata.





