Bárány society

B á r á ny Society
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) stands as the commonest cause for vertigo. It accounts for 20% of all cases of vertigo, even with its high prevalence rate it often goes underdiagnosed and undertreated. Development of the consensus document by the Bárány society\'s International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD)significantly facilitates the diagnosis of BPPV and its variants. This study assesses the utilisation of ICVD criteria for managing BPPV.
    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Northern India spanning from November 1, 2022, to November 30, 2023. A total of 110 participants diagnosed with BPPV were enrolled consecutively. All participants underwent Dix-Hallpike and supine log roll positional maneuvers. Diagnosis was made based on the history and type of nystagmus seen, and classified as per the ICVD criteria.
    RESULTS: Posterior semicircular canalolithiasis (pc-BPPV) accounted for 25.45% of cases and horizontal canal canalolithiasis (hc-BPPV) accounted for 20.91% of cases. Probable BPPV, spontaneously resolved (pBPPVsr) was diagnosed in 16.36% of participants and possible BPPV(pBPPV) was diagnosed in 18.18% of participants. Multiple canal BPPV (mc-BPPV) accounted for 17.27% of cases. One participant was diagnosed with horizontal canal cupulolithiasis and anterior canal canalolithiasis respectively. No participant was diagnosed with posterior canal cupulolithiasis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The most common type of BPPV was pc-BPPV followed by hc-BPPV. The affected canal in possible BPPV, can be identified, and appropriate repositioning maneuvers are effective in treating them as well as aids in confirming the diagnosis. The diagnostic clarity provided by ICVD, aids in effective management of BPPV. More studies with larger sample size are required to further validate its clinical utility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnostic criteria of vestibular migraine (VM) by the Bárány classification consists of complex combinations of characteristics of dizziness: episodes, intensity, duration, migraine according to International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD), and migraine features accompanying vertigo. The prevalence according to strictly applied Bárány criteria may be much lower than preliminary clincal diagnosis.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of VM according to strictly applied Bárány criteria among dizzy patients who visited the otolaryngology department.
    The medical records of patients with dizziness from December 2018 to November 2020 were retrospectively searched using a clinical big data system. The patients completed a questionnaire designed to identify VM according to Bárány classification. Microsoft Excel function formulas were used to identify cases that met the criteria.
    During the study period, 955 new patients visited the otolaryngology department complaining of dizziness, of which 11.6% were assessed as preliminary clinical diagnosis of VM in outpatient clinic. However, VM according to strictly applied Bárány criteria accounted for only 2.9% of dizzy patients.
    The prevalence of VM according to strictly applied Bárány criteria could be significantly lower than that of preliminary clinical diagnosis in outpatient clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy (AUVP), a synonym for vestibular neuritis, as defined by the Committee for the Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society. AUVP manifests as an acute vestibular syndrome due to an acute unilateral loss of peripheral vestibular function without evidence for acute central or acute audiological symptoms or signs. This implies that the diagnosis of AUVP is based on the patient history, bedside examination, and, if necessary, laboratory evaluation. The leading symptom is an acute or rarely subacute onset of spinning or non-spinning vertigo with unsteadiness, nausea/vomiting and/or oscillopsia. A leading clinical sign is a spontaneous peripheral vestibular nystagmus, which is direction-fixed and enhanced by removal of visual fixation with a trajectory appropriate to the semicircular canal afferents involved (generally horizontal-torsional). The diagnostic criteria were classified by the committee for four categories: 1. \"Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy\", 2. \"Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy in Evolution\", 3. \"Probable Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy\" and 4. \"History of Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy\". The specific diagnostic criteria for these are as follows:\"Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy\": A) Acute or subacute onset of sustained spinning or non-spinning vertigo (i.e., an acute vestibular syndrome) of moderate to severe intensity with symptoms lasting for at least 24 hours. B) Spontaneous peripheral vestibular nystagmus with a trajectory appropriate to the semicircular canal afferents involved, generally horizontal-torsional, direction-fixed, and enhanced by removal of visual fixation. C) Unambiguous evidence of reduced VOR function on the side opposite the direction of the fast phase of the spontaneous nystagmus. D) No evidence for acute central neurological, otological or audiological symptoms. E) No acute central neurological signs, namely no central ocular motor or central vestibular signs, in particular no pronounced skew deviation, no gaze-evoked nystagmus, and no acute audiologic or otological signs. F) Not better accounted for by another disease or disorder.\"Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy in Evolution\": A) Acute or subacute onset of sustained spinning or non-spinning vertigo with continuous symptoms for more than 3 hours, but not yet lasting for at least 24 h hours, when patient is seen; B) - F) as above. This category is useful for diagnostic reasons to differentiate from acute central vestibular syndromes, to initiate specific treatments, and for research to include patients in clinical studies.\"Probable Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy\": Identical to AUVP except that the unilateral VOR deficit is not clearly observed or documented.\"History of acute unilateral vestibulopathy\": A) History of acute or subacute onset of vertigo lasting at least 24 hours and slowly decreasing in intensity. B) No history of simultaneous acute audiological or central neurological symptoms. C) Unambiguous evidence of unilaterally reduced VOR function. D) No history of simultaneous acute central neurological signs, namely no central ocular motor or central vestibular signs and no acute audiological or otological signs. E) Not better accounted for by another disease or disorder. This category allows a diagnosis in patients presenting with a unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit and a history of an acute vestibular syndrome who are examined well after the acute phase.It is important to note that there is no definite test for AUVP. Therefore, its diagnosis requires the exclusion of central lesions as well as a variety of other peripheral vestibular disorders. Finally, this consensus paper will discuss other aspects of AUVP such as etiology, pathophysiology and laboratory examinations if they are directly relevant to the classification criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine, jointly formulated by the Committee for Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society and the Migraine Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society (IHS). It contains a literature update while the original criteria from 2012 were left unchanged. The classification defines vestibular migraine and probable vestibular migraine. Vestibular migraine was included in the appendix of the third edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3, 2013 and 2018) as a first step for new entities, in accordance with the usual IHS procedures. Probable vestibular migraine may be included in a later version of the ICHD, when further evidence has accumulated. The diagnosis of vestibular migraine is based on recurrent vestibular symptoms, a history of migraine, a temporal association between vestibular symptoms and migraine symptoms and exclusion of other causes of vestibular symptoms. Symptoms that qualify for a diagnosis of vestibular migraine include various types of vertigo as well as head motion-induced dizziness with nausea. Symptoms must be of moderate or severe intensity. Duration of acute episodes is limited to a window of between 5 minutes and 72 hours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for \"Vestibular Migraine of Childhood\", \"probable Vestibular Migraine of Childhood\" and \"Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood\" as put forth by the Committee for the Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society (ICVD) and the Migraine Classification subgroup of the International Headache Society. Migraine plays an important role in some subgroups of children with recurrent vertigo. In this classification paper a spectrum of three disorders is described in which the migraine component varies from definite to possibly absent. These three disorders are: Vestibular Migraine of Childhood, probable Vestibular Migraine of Childhood and Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood. The criteria for Vestibular Migraine of Childhood (VMC) include (A) at least five episodes with vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe intensity, lasting between five minutes and 72 hours, (B) a current or past history of migraine with or without aura, and (C) at least half of episodes are associated with at least one migraine feature. Probable Vestibular Migraine of Childhood (probable VMC) is considered when at least three episodes with vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe intensity, lasting between five minutes and 72 hours, are accompanied by at least criterion B or C from the VMC criteria. Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood (RVC) is diagnosed in case of at least three episodes with vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe intensity, lasting between 1 minute and 72 hours, and none of the criteria B and C for VMC are applicable. For all disorders, the age of the individual needs to be below 18 years old. It is recommended that future research should particularly focus on RVC, in order to investigate and identify possible subtypes and its links or its absence thereof with migraine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives: To analyze the clinical characteristics of patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) diagnosed based on the diagnostic criteria of Bárány Society, verify the clinical application value of the diagnostic criteria, and further explore the clinical problems associated with the diagnosis of possible BPPV. Methods: A total of 481 patients with BPPV who were admitted from March 2016 to February 2019 were included. All patients were diagnosed by the Dix-Hallpike, straight head hanging and supine roll tests, the nystagmus was recorded using videonystagmography. For patients with possible BPPV (uncertain diagnosis), particle repositioning therapy and follow-up diagnosis were used to further clarify diagnosis. Results: Based on Bárány Society\'s diagnostic criteria for BPPV, the distribution characteristics of different BPPV types were as follows: 159 (33.1%) patients had posterior canal BPPV-canalolithiasis (PC-BPPV-ca), 70 (14.6%) patients had horizontal canal BPPV-ca (HC-BPPV-ca), 55 (11.4%) patients had spontaneously resolved-probable-BPPV (Pro-BPPV), and 53 (11.0%) patients had HC-BPPV-cupulolithiasis (HC-BPPV-cu). In emerging and controversial BPPV, 51 (10.6%) patients had multiple canal BPPV (MC-BPPV), 30 (6.2%) patients had PC-BPPV-cu, and 19 (4.0%) patients had anterior canal BPPV-ca (AC-BPPV-ca), 44 (9.1%) patients had possible-BPPV (Pos-BPPV). Among the 44 patients with Pos-BPPV, 23 patients showed dizziness/vertigo without nystagmus during the initial positional test, five patients were possible MC-BPPV, four patients had persistent geotropic positional nystagmus lasting > 1 min when lying on both sides, and were considered to have Pos-HC-BPPV, four patients showed apogeotropic nystagmus when lying on one side, and were considered to have possible short-arm HC-BPPV, four patients showed geotropic nystagmus when lying on one side, and were considered to have Pos-HC-BPPV, three patients had down-beating nystagmus, lasing > 1 min, were considered to have Pos-AC-BPPV-cu. One patient showed transient apogeotropic positional nystagmus on both sides during the supine roll test, and was diagnosed with possible anterior arm HC-BPPV. Conclusions: PC-BPPV-ca is the most common among patients with BPPV, followed by HC-BPPV-ca. In emerging and controversial BPPV, MC-BPPV, and Pos-BPPV were more common. For the diagnosis of Pos-BPPV, a combination of the history of typical BPPV, particle repositioning therapy and follow-up outcome is helpful to clarify the diagnosis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) by the Classification Committee of the Bárány Society. The diagnosis of BVP is based on the patient history, bedside examination and laboratory evaluation. Bilateral vestibulopathy is a chronic vestibular syndrome which is characterized by unsteadiness when walking or standing, which worsen in darkness and/or on uneven ground, or during head motion. Additionally, patients may describe head or body movement-induced blurred vision or oscillopsia. There are typically no symptoms while sitting or lying down under static conditions.The diagnosis of BVP requires bilaterally significantly impaired or absent function of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). This can be diagnosed for the high frequency range of the angular VOR by the head impulse test (HIT), the video-HIT (vHIT) and the scleral coil technique and for the low frequency range by caloric testing. The moderate range can be examined by the sinusoidal or step profile rotational chair test.For the diagnosis of BVP, the horizontal angular VOR gain on both sides should be <0.6 (angular velocity 150-300°/s) and/or the sum of the maximal peak velocities of the slow phase caloric-induced nystagmus for stimulation with warm and cold water on each side <6°/s and/or the horizontal angular VOR gain <0.1 upon sinusoidal stimulation on a rotatory chair (0.1 Hz, Vmax = 50°/sec) and/or a phase lead >68 degrees (time constant of <5 seconds). For the diagnosis of probable BVP the above mentioned symptoms and a bilaterally pathological bedside HIT are required.Complementary tests that may be used but are currently not included in the definition are: a) dynamic visual acuity (a decrease of ≥0.2 logMAR is considered pathological); b) Romberg (indicating a sensory deficit of the vestibular or somatosensory system and therefore not specific); and c) abnormal cervical and ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials for otolith function.At present the scientific basis for further subdivisions into subtypes of BVP is not sufficient to put forward reliable or clinically meaningful definitions. Depending on the affected anatomical structure and frequency range, different subtypes may be better identified in the future: impaired canal function in the low- or high-frequency VOR range only and/or impaired otolith function only; the latter is evidently very rare.Bilateral vestibulopathy is a clinical syndrome and, if known, the etiology (e.g., due to ototoxicity, bilateral Menière\'s disease, bilateral vestibular schwannoma) should be added to the diagnosis. Synonyms include bilateral vestibular failure, deficiency, areflexia, hypofunction and loss.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) to be included in the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD). The term PPPD is new, but the disorder is not. Its diagnostic criteria were derived by expert consensus from an exhaustive review of 30 years of research on phobic postural vertigo, space-motion discomfort, visual vertigo, and chronic subjective dizziness. PPPD manifests with one or more symptoms of dizziness, unsteadiness, or non-spinning vertigo that are present on most days for three months or more and are exacerbated by upright posture, active or passive movement, and exposure to moving or complex visual stimuli. PPPD may be precipitated by conditions that disrupt balance or cause vertigo, unsteadiness, or dizziness, including peripheral or central vestibular disorders, other medical illnesses, or psychological distress. PPPD may be present alone or co-exist with other conditions. Possible subtypes await future identification and validation. The pathophysiologic processes underlying PPPD are not fully known. Emerging research suggests that it may arise from functional changes in postural control mechanisms, multi-sensory information processing, or cortical integration of spatial orientation and threat assessment. Thus, PPPD is classified as a chronic functional vestibular disorder. It is not a structural or psychiatric condition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vestibular migraine (VM) is the most common cause of episodic vertigo in adults as well as in children. The diagnostic criteria of the consensus document of the International Bárány Society for Neuro-Otology and the International Headache Society (2012) combine the typical signs and symptoms of migraine with the vestibular symptoms lasting 5 min to 72 h and exclusion criteria. Although VM accounts for 7% of patients seen in dizziness clinics and 9% of patients seen in headache clinics it is still underdiagnosed. This review provides an actual overview on the pathophysiology, the clinical characteristics to establish the diagnosis, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment of VM.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classifications and definitions are essential to facilitate communication; promote accurate diagnostic criteria; develop, test, and use effective therapies; and specify knowledge gaps. This article describes the development of the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD) initiative. It describes its history, scope, and goals. The Bárány Society has played a central role in organizing the ICVD by establishing internal development processes and outreach to other scientific societies. The ICVD is organized in four layers. The current focus is on disorders with a high epidemiologic importance, such as Menière disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular migraine, and behavioral aspects of vestibular disorders.





