Axial mesoderm

  • 文章类型: Review
    For almost a century, developmental biologists have appreciated that the ability of the embryonic organizer to induce and pattern the body plan is intertwined with its differentiation into axial mesoderm. Despite this, we still have a relatively poor understanding of the contribution of axial mesoderm to induction and patterning of different body regions, and the manner in which axial mesoderm-derived information is interpreted in tissues of changing competence. Here, with a particular focus on the nervous system, we review the evidence that axial mesoderm notochord and prechordal mesoderm/mesendoderm act as organizers, discuss how their influence extends through the different axes of the developing organism, and describe how the ability of axial mesoderm to direct morphogenesis impacts on its role as a local organizer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesenchymal-epithelial transitions are fundamental drivers of development and disease, but how these behaviors generate epithelial structure is not well understood. Here, we show that mesenchymal-epithelial transitions promote epithelial organization in the mouse node and notochordal plate through the assembly and radial intercalation of three-dimensional rosettes. Axial mesoderm rosettes acquire junctional and apical polarity, develop a central lumen, and dynamically expand, coalesce, and radially intercalate into the surface epithelium, converting mesenchymal-epithelial transitions into higher-order tissue structure. In mouse Par3 mutants, axial mesoderm rosettes establish central tight junction polarity but fail to form an expanded apical domain and lumen. These defects are associated with altered rosette dynamics, delayed radial intercalation, and formation of a small, fragmented surface epithelial structure. These results demonstrate that three-dimensional rosette behaviors translate mesenchymal-epithelial transitions into collective radial intercalation and epithelial formation, providing a strategy for building epithelial sheets from individual self-organizing units in the mammalian embryo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphogenesis, wound healing, and some cancer metastases depend upon the migration of cell collectives that need to be guided to their destination as well as coordinated with other cell movements. During zebrafish gastrulation, the extension of the embryonic axis is led by the mesendodermal polster that migrates toward the animal pole, followed by the axial mesoderm that undergoes convergence and extension. Here, we investigate how polster cells are guided toward the animal pole. Using a combination of precise laser ablations, advanced transplants, and functional as well as in silico approaches, we establish that each polster cell is oriented by its immediate follower cells. Each cell perceives the migration of followers, through E-cadherin/α-catenin mechanotransduction, and aligns with them. Therefore, directional information propagates from cell to cell over the whole tissue. Such guidance of migrating cells by followers ensures long-range coordination of movements and developmental robustness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The notochord is a structure common to all chordates, and the feature that the phylum Chordata has been named after. It is a rod-like mesodermal structure that runs the anterior-posterior length of the embryo, adjacent to the ventral neural tube. The notochord plays a critical role in embryonic tissue patterning, for example the dorsal-ventral patterning of the neural tube. The cells that will come to form the notochord are specified at gastrulation. Axial mesodermal cells arising at the anterior primitive streak migrate anteriorly as the precursors of the notochord and populate the notochordal plate. Yet, even though a lot of interest has centered on investigating the functional and structural roles of the notochord, we still have a very rudimentary understanding of notochord morphogenesis. The events driving the formation of the notochord are rapid, taking place over the period of approximately a day in mice. In this commentary, we provide an overview of our current understanding of mouse notochord morphogenesis, from the initial specification of axial mesendodermal cells at the primitive streak, the emergence of these cells at the midline on the surface of the embryo, to their submergence and organization of the stereotypically positioned notochord. We will also discuss some key open questions. Developmental Dynamics 245:547-557, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.





