
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of atherosclerosis (aortic and coronary lesions) in Senegalese people, to determine main risks factors and morphological patterns.
    METHODS: A prospective autopsy study was conducted in the pathology department of Aristide Le Dantec Hospital (Dakar-Senegal) where 116 specimens aged over 5 years old were studied.
    RESULTS: Autopsy study of 116 Senegalese specimens for atherosclerotic lesions revealed aortic lesions in 100 cases (86%), aortic and coronary lesions both in 48 cases. There were 88 men versus 12 women. The median age was 37.1 years comprised 5 to 77 years old. Hypertensive, smoking and abdominal obesity were detected respectively in 5 cases, 37 cases and 33 cases. In aortic vessel, the main lesions detected were severe fibrous plaques detected in 40 cases. In coronary arteries, fibrous plaques were detected in 18 cases, severe fibrous plaques in 17 cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study in Senegalese population showed existence of atherosclerotic lesions. These lesions were more responsible for complications as myocardial infarction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Carotid atherosclerosis is a powerful predictive factor of vascular risk at the individual patient level. Ultrasonography is a reference technique for the evaluation of this condition. However, its use in common practice remains difficult due to a lack of standardization and inter-operator variability. We present a new and simple technique for the assessment of carotid atherosclerosis; and evaluate the ability of vascular neurologists to obtain results consistent with those of an expert in vascular ultrasound.
    METHODS: The TIMMA scale is an acronym for the five classes of carotid atherosclerosis in French, VIMMA in English: very important, important, moderate, minimal and absent. Combined, the first two classes make up the group \"significant atheroma\" and the last three classes make up the group \"no significant atheroma\". This scale was evaluated in 38 patients (76 carotid arteries) suffering from ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack by five operators who are competent in carotid echocardiography: one TIMMA-trained (40 hours of training) vascular neurologist physician (VNP), three VNPs informed on the measurement method (1 hour of information) and one specialized vascular physician (SVP) who was considered to be the reference examiner. We evaluated the concordance between the VNPs and the SVP in classifying patients, firstly into the significant or not atheroma group and, secondly, into the five TIMMA classes.
    RESULTS: The evaluation of the two-group clustering scale found a concordance between the informed VNPs and the SVP on 76 carotid arteries of 86% (kappa=0.7) and between the trained VNP and the SVP on 58 carotid arteries of 90% (kappa=0.8). The positive and negative predictive values for significant atheroma diagnosis were 100% and 81%, respectively, for the informed VNPs, and 100% and 80% for the trained VNP. The evaluation of the Five-Class Scale showed a concordance between the informed VNPs and the SVP of 46% (kappa=0.3), and between the trained VNP and the SVP of 74% (kappa=0.7).
    CONCLUSIONS: TIMMA allows VNPs who are competent in carotid ultrasonography to reproducibly identify subjects with significant carotid atheroma. The contribution of this scale to the determination of cardiovascular risk should be evaluated.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Retinal artery occlusion (RAO) is a medical emergency associated with a high risk of cerebral vascular accident and other cardiovascular events. Among patients with non-arteritic RAO, a retinal embolus is observed in approximately 40% of cases. Fundus examination and retinography are not reliable to predict the nature of the emboli.
    METHODS: We report three consecutive cases of central and branch RAO that were investigated with fundus autofluorescence, fluorescein angiography and color retinal photographs. All patients underwent complete neurological and cardiovascular workups, with brain imaging, cardiac Doppler ultrasound, carotid Dopplers and Holter ECG\'s, to determine the underlying mechanism of retinal embolism. In the three cases, aged 77.7±4 years (2 women and 1 man), fundus autofluorescence demonstrated hyperautofluorescent emboli. In two cases, it allowed visualization of emboli that were not detected with fundus examination or retinography. The cardiovascular work-up demonstrated atheromatous carotid or aortic plaques in all patients. In one case, it permitted the diagnosis of RAO. Two of the three cases were considered to be of atherosclerotic origin and one of undefined origin.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fundus autofluorescence may help to detect and characterize retinal emboli. Since lipofuscin, which is present in large quantity in atherosclerotic plaques, is the main fluorophore detected with fundus autofluorescence, this non-invasive and simple examination may give information about the underlying mechanism of retinal embolism, and thus impact the etiologic assessment of RAO. Additional studies are necessary to confirm this potential role of autofluorescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Trophic disorders of the extremities are a common complication of systemic sclerosis (SSc), mainly related to microvascular damage. However, SSc seems to be a risk factor for premature athero-thrombotic disease that can affect the peripheral arteries, participate in the occurrence of trophic disorders and promote the occurrence of infectious complications. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of arterial disease of the limbs in SSc patients.
    METHODS: Consecutive inclusions in the context of a multidisciplinary consultation centered on disability of the hand with collection of clinical data [cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), history of trophic disorders of ischemic origin, peripheral pulse palpation, Allen maneuver the upper (UL) and lower limbs (LL)], and hemodynamic data (flow recorded by Doppler in radial, ulnar, anterior and posterior tibial arteries, and measurement of systolic indices ankles).
    RESULTS: Fourteen patients were included (11 right-handers, 2 left-handers, 1 ambidextrous). The sex-ratio male/female was 0.27 and the average age of 58.1±10.4 years. The main CVRF were age and smoking. In the UL, 42.8% of patients had a history of trophic disorders, Allen maneuver was abnormal for 35.7% of the superficial palmar arch, 42.9% of ulnar pulse were not perceived and there was no recordable flow in 25% of ulnar artery. In the LL, 14.3% of patients had already presented trophic disorders toes, Allen maneuver was abnormal for 15.4% of the posterior tibial artery, 25.6% of posterior tibial pulse were not perceived and flow of 15.4% of posterior tibial arteries was pathological.
    CONCLUSIONS: The distal macrovascular disease preferentially affecting the ulnar and posterior tibial arteries with a high frequency to the UL and two times less at LL. The pathophysiology is unclear but it could be a proper manifestation of SSc. It seems necessary that SSc patients have a strict balance of their CVRF and a screening of macrovascular arterial lesions. There is also the question of the place of an anti-atherosclerotic therapy in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Several recent epidemiological studies have shown an increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with psoriasis; such increase is greater in the event of severe and early psoriasis.
    METHODS: We report the case of a 42-year-old patient with severe skin psoriasis ongoing since childhood and presenting with porcelain aorta, a little-known sign of atherosclerosis. This is the first publication reporting this association.
    CONCLUSIONS: Porcelain aorta results from atherosclerotic calcification of the aortic arch. For long asymptomatic, it can manifest itself in various complications. This observation highlights the importance of cardiovascular risk assessment and of screening for complications thereof in patients presenting psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Acute ischemia of the upper limbs is rare in comparison with ischemia of the lower limbs. The origins of this condition are varied.
    OBJECTIVE: We retrospectively analyzed cases of acute finger ischemia (Raynaud\'s phenomena was excluded) in a dermatology department between 2008 and 2013 in order to evaluate the etiology and management of this phenomenon.
    RESULTS: Thirteen cases of finger ischemia were reported. The mean age was 54 years. Active smoking was noted in 11 cases. Ischemia was acute in 9 cases and subacute in 4 cases. The location was unilateral in 10 cases and bilateral in 2. Etiologies were: dysplasia of the palmar arch, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, frostbite, distal arteritis linked to smoking, paraneoplastic arteritis, Buerger\'s disease, polyarteritis nodosa, stenosis of the subclavian artery, and 3 cases of embolic origin (ulnar, cardiac, and paraneoplastic aneurysm). In the acute phase, antiplatelets were given in 6 cases, anticoagulants in 10 cases and ilomedin in 6 cases. Sympathectomy was performed in 1 case and amputation in 2 cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study illustrates the diversity of etiologies of finger ischemia. The etiological test battery should be broad and include immunological and thrombophilia tests, arterial and cardiac investigations, cervical radiography and CT scan (screening for cancer). Close collaboration between dermatologists, hematologists, vascular surgeons and radiologists is essential for the management of these patients.





