Asexual stage

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a public health issue mostly seen in tropical countries. Until now, there is no effective malaria vaccine against antigens specific to the blood-stage of P. falciparum infection. Because the pathogenesis of malarial disease results from blood-stage infection, it is essential to identify the most promising blood-stage vaccine candidate antigens under natural exposure to malaria infection.
    METHODS: A cohort of 400 pregnant women and their infants was implemented in South Benin. An active and passive protocol of malaria surveillance was established during pregnancy and infancy to precisely ascertain malaria infections during the follow-up. Twenty-eight antibody (Ab) responses specific to seven malaria candidate vaccine antigens were repeatedly quantified during pregnancy (3 time points) and infancy (6 time points) in order to study the Ab kinetics and their protective role. Abs were quantified by ELISA and logistic, linear and cox-proportional hazard model were performed to analyse the associations between Ab responses and protection against malaria in mothers and infants, taking into account socio-economic factors and for infants an environmental risk of exposure.
    RESULTS: The levels of IgM against MSP1, MSP2 and MSP3 showed an early protective response against the onset of symptomatic malaria infections starting from the 18th month of life, whereas no association was found for IgG responses during infancy. In women, some IgG responses tend to be associated with a protection against malaria risk along pregnancy and at delivery, among them IgG3 against GLURP-R0 and IgG2 against MSP1.
    CONCLUSIONS: The main finding suggests that IgM should be considered in vaccine designs during infanthood. Investigation of the functional role played by IgM in malaria protection needs further attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mollisioid fungi, represented by Mollisia (Fr.) P. Karst., are characterized by soft, sessile apothecia with globose, dark-celled excipula, hyaline ascospores, and worldwide distribution in temperate regions. Their generic and species delimitation is difficult due to the lack of distinct features, and studies based on DNA sequences are urgently required. Two genera of mollisioid fungi, Belonopsis and Trichobelonium, comprise relatively few species and are recognized by (0-)1-3-septate ascospores, medullary excipulum composed of loosely interwoven hyphae, and calcium oxalate crystals in the excipulum. Specimens of undescribed species that are morphologically assignable to Belonopsis or Trichobelonium were collected from various sites in Japan and their assignment to the proper genera was attempted. According to a molecular phylogenetic analysis involving members of Mollisiaceae based on concatenated sequences of ITS, LSU, and RPB1, eight taxonomic entities were placed in a strongly supported single clade with Mollisiadiesbachiana, separated from the type species of Belonopsis, B.excelsior. A new genus Neobelonopsis was thus proposed to accommodate the undescribed species. In this study, eight new species of Neobelonopsis and two new species of Trichobelonium were described. A new combination was also proposed for M.diesbachiana. The generic distinction of Neobelonopsis and Trichobelonium was supported by molecular analysis. Some additional characteristics to delimit Trichobelonium were identified, such as the presence of anchoring hyphae between the base of the apothecium and subiculum, and the production of abundant crystals and soluble pigments on the colonies. Derivative species of Neobelonopsis were found to have multi-septa in ascospores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Babesia gibsoni, the causative agent of canine babesiosis, belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa. The development of in vitro culture technology has driven research progress in various kinds of omics studies, including transcriptomic analysis of Plasmodium spp. between in vitro and in vivo environments, which has prompted the observation of diagnostic antigens and vaccine development. Nevertheless, no information on Babesia spp. could be obtained in this respect, which greatly hinders the further understanding of parasite growth and development in the blood stage.
    METHODS: In this study, considerable changes in the morphology and infectivity of continuous in vitro cultured B. gibsoni (Wuhan isolate) were observed compared to in vivo parasites. Based on these changes, B. gibsoni (Wuhan isolate) was collected from both in vivo and in vitro cultures, followed by total RNA extraction and Illumina transcriptome sequencing. The acquired differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were validated using qRT-PCR, and then functionally annotated through several databases. The gene with the greatest upregulation after in vitro culture was cloned from the genome of B. gibsoni (Wuhan isolate) and characterized by western blotting and indirect immunofluorescence assay for detecting the native form and cellular localization.
    RESULTS: Through laboratory cultivation, multiple forms of parasites were observed, and the infectivity of in vitro cultured parasites in dogs was found to be lower. Based on these changes, Illumina transcriptome sequencing was conducted, showing that 377 unigenes were upregulated and 334 unigenes were downregulated. Notably, an AP2 transcription factor family, essential for all developmental stages of parasites, was screened, and the transcriptional changes in these family members were tested. Thus, the novel AP2 transcription factor gene (BgAP2-M) with the highest upregulated expression after in vitro adaptation was selected. This gene comprises an open reading frame (ORF) of 1989 base pairs encoding a full-length protein of 662 amino acids. BgAP2-M contains one AP2 domain and one ACDC conserved domain, which may be involved in the nuclear biology of parasites. The prepared polyclonal antibodies against the BgAP2-M peptides further detected a native size of ~ 73 kDa and were localized to the nuclei of B. gibsoni.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study presents a thorough transcriptome analysis of B. gibsoni in vivo and in vitro for the first time, contributing to a detailed understanding of the effects of environmental changes on the growth and development of parasites in the blood stage. Moreover, it also provides a deeper investigation for the different members of the ApiAP2 transcription factor family as various life stage regulators in Babesia spp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria parasite, is restricted to reticulocytes, limiting its asexual proliferation. In recent years, cases of severe and high-level P. vivax parasitemia have been reported, challenging the assumption that all isolates are equally restricted. In this article, we analyze the reticulocyte preference of a large number of Indian P. vivax isolates. Our results show that P. vivax isolates significantly vary in their level of reticulocyte preference. In addition, by carefully staging the parasites, we find that P. vivax schizonts are largely missing in peripheral blood, with the presence of schizonts in circulation correlating with a high reticulocyte preference.





