Archaeoglobus fulgidus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing membrane protein stability is among the major challenges in protein science due to their inherent complexity, which complicates the application of conventional biophysical tools. In this work, sodium dodecyl sulfate-induced denaturation of AfCopA, a Cu(I)-transport ATPase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, was explored using a combined model-free spectral phasor analysis and a model-dependent thermodynamic analysis. Decrease in tryptophan and 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate fluorescence intensity, displacements in the spectral phasor space, and the loss of ATPase activity were reversibly induced by this detergent. Refolding from the SDS-induced denatured state yields an active enzyme that is functionally and spectroscopically indistinguishable from the native state of the protein. Phasor analysis of Trp spectra allowed us to identify two intermediate states in the SDS-induced denaturation of AfCopA, a result further supported by principal component analysis. In contrast, traditional thermodynamic analysis detected only one intermediate state, and including the second one led to overparameterization. Additionally, ANS fluorescence spectral analysis detected one more intermediate and a gradual change at the level of the hydrophobic transmembrane surface of the protein. Based on this evidence, a model for acquiring the native structure of AfCopA in a membrane-like environment is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Argonaute (Ago) proteins are present in all three domains of life (bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes). They use small (15-30 nucleotides) oligonucleotide guides to bind complementary nucleic acid targets and are responsible for gene expression regulation, mobile genome element silencing, and defence against viruses or plasmids. According to their domain organization, Agos are divided into long and short Agos. Long Agos found in prokaryotes (long-A and long-B pAgos) and eukaryotes (eAgos) comprise four major functional domains (N, PAZ, MID and PIWI) and two structural linker domains L1 and L2. The majority (∼60%) of pAgos are short pAgos, containing only the MID and inactive PIWI domains. Here we focus on the prokaryotic Argonaute AfAgo from Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM4304. Although phylogenetically classified as a long-B pAgo, AfAgo contains only MID and catalytically inactive PIWI domains, akin to short pAgos. We show that AfAgo forms a heterodimeric complex with a protein encoded upstream in the same operon, which is a structural equivalent of the N-L1-L2 domains of long pAgos. This complex, structurally equivalent to a long PAZ-less pAgo, outperforms standalone AfAgo in guide RNA-mediated target DNA binding. Our findings provide a missing piece to one of the first and the most studied pAgos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is a well-known protein denaturing agent. A less known property of this detergent is that it can activate or inactivate some enzymes at sub-denaturing concentrations. In this work we explore the effect of SDS on the ATPase activity of a hyper-thermophilic and a mesophilic Cu(I) ATPases reconstituted in mixed micelles of phospholipids and a non-denaturing detergent. An iterative procedure was used to evaluate the partition of SDS between the aqueous and the micellar phases, allowing to determine the composition of micelles prepared from phospholipid/detergent mixtures. The incubation of enzymes with SDS in the presence of different amounts of phospholipids reveals that higher SDS concentrations are required to obtain the same degree of inactivation when the initial concentration of phospholipids is increased. Remarkably, we found that, if represented as a function of the mole fraction of SDS in the micelle, the degree of inactivation obtained at different amounts of amphiphiles converges to a single inactivation curve. To interpret this result, we propose a simple model involving active and inactive enzyme molecules in equilibrium. This model allowed us to estimate the Gibbs free energy change for the inactivation process and its derivative with respect to the mole fraction of SDS in the micellar phase, the latter being a measure of the susceptibility of the enzyme to SDS. Our results showed that the inactivation free energy changes are similar for both proteins. Conversely, susceptibility to SDS is significantly lower for the hyperthermophilic ATPase, suggesting an inverse relation between thermophilicity and susceptibility to SDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Argonaute (Ago) proteins are found in all three domains of life. The best-characterized group is eukaryotic Argonautes (eAgos). Being the structural core of RNA interference machinery, they use guide RNA molecules for RNA targeting. Prokaryotic Argonautes (pAgos) are more diverse, both in terms of structure (there are eAgo-like \'long\' and truncated \'short\' pAgos) and mechanism, as many pAgos are specific for DNA, not RNA guide and/or target strands. Some long pAgos act as antiviral defence systems. Their defensive role was recently demonstrated for short pAgo-encoding systems SPARTA and GsSir2/Ago, but the function and action mechanisms of all other short pAgos remain unknown. In this work, we focus on the guide and target strand preferences of AfAgo, a truncated long-B Argonaute protein encoded by an archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. We demonstrate that AfAgo associates with small RNA molecules carrying 5\'-terminal AUU nucleotides in vivo, and characterize its affinity to various RNA and DNA guide/target strands in vitro. We also present X-ray structures of AfAgo bound to oligoduplex DNAs that provide atomic details for base-specific AfAgo interactions with both guide and target strands. Our findings broaden the range of currently known Argonaute-nucleic acid recognition mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 3\'-phosphoadenosine-5\'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) molecule is essential during enzyme-catalyzed sulfation reactions as a sulfate donor and is an intermediate in the reduction of sulfate to sulfite in the sulfur assimilation pathway. PAPS is produced through a two-step reaction involving ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5\'-phosphosulfate (APS) kinase enzymes/domains. However, archaeal APS kinases have not yet been characterized and their mechanism of action remains unclear. Here, we first structurally characterized APS kinase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus, (AfAPSK). We demonstrated the PAPS production activity of AfAPSK at the optimal growth temperature (83 °C). Furthermore, we determined the two crystal structures of AfAPSK: ADP complex and ATP analog adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP)/Mg2+/APS complex. Structural and complementary mutational analyses revealed the catalytic and substrate recognition mechanisms of AfAPSK. This study also hints at the molecular basis behind the thermal stability of AfAPSK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extent to which the full diversity of the subsurface microbiome can be captured via cultivation is likely hindered by the inevitable loss of cellular viability from decompression during sampling, enrichment, and isolation. Furthermore, the pressure tolerance of previously isolated strains that span surface and subsurface ecosystems can shed light into microbial activity and pressure adaptation in these transition zones. However, assessments of the effects of elevated pressure on the physiology of piezotolerant and piezosensitive species may be biased by high-pressure enrichment techniques. Here, we compared two high-pressure cultivation techniques-one that requires decompression of the whole cultures during sampling and one that employs the previously described isobaric PUSH devices-to explore the effects of repeated decompression during incubations performed to characterize isolates from deep environments. Two model sulfate-reducing prokaryotes were used to test the effects of decompression/repressurization cycles on growth rates, cell yields, and pressure tolerance. The mesophilic bacterium Desulfovibrio salexigens was cultivated from 0.1 to 50 MPa, and the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus was tested from 0.1 to 98 MPa. For both cultivation methods, D. salexigens showed exponential growth up to 20 MPa, but faster growth rates were observed for isobaric cultivation. Furthermore, at 30 MPa minor growth was observed in D. salexigens cultures only for isobaric conditions. Isobaric conditions also extended exponential growth of A. fulgidus to 60 MPa, compared to 50 MPa when cultures were decompressed during subsampling. For both strains, growth rates and cell yields decreased with increasing pressures, and the most pronounced effects of decompression were observed at the higher end of the pressure ranges. These results highlight that repeated decompression can have a significant negative impact on cell viability, suggesting that decompression tolerance may depend on habitat depth. Furthermore, sampling, enrichment, and cultivation in isobaric devices is critical not only to explore the portion of the deep biosphere that is sensitive to decompression, but also to better characterize the pressure limits and growth characteristics of piezotolerant and piezosensitive species that span surface and subsurface ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    cis-Prenyltransferases (cPTs) form linear polyprenyl pyrophosphates, the precursors of polyprenyl or dolichyl phosphates that are essential for cell function in all living organisms. Polyprenyl phosphate serves as a sugar carrier for peptidoglycan cell wall synthesis in bacteria, a role that dolichyl phosphate performs analogously for protein glycosylation in eukaryotes and archaea. Bacterial cPTs are characterized by their homodimeric structure, while cPTs from eukaryotes usually require two distantly homologous subunits for enzymatic activity. This study identifies the subunits of heteromeric cPT, Af1219 and Af0707, from a thermophilic sulphur-reducing archaeon, Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Both subunits are indispensable for cPT activity, and their protein-protein interactions were demonstrated by a pulldown assay. Gel filtration chromatography and chemical cross-linking experiments suggest that Af1219 and Af0707 likely form a heterotetramer complex. Although this expected subunit composition agrees with a reported heterotetrameric structure of human hCIT/NgBR cPT complex, the similarity of the quaternary structures is likely a result of convergent evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) catalyzes oligosaccharide transfer to the Asn residue in the N-glycosylation sequon, Asn-X-Ser/Thr, where Pro is strictly excluded at position X. Considering the unique structural properties of proline, this exclusion may not be surprising, but the structural basis for the rejection of Pro residues should be explained explicitly. Here we determined the crystal structure of an archaeal OST in a complex with a sequon-containing peptide and dolichol-phosphate to a 2.7 Å resolution. The sequon part in the peptide forms two inter-chain hydrogen bonds with a conserved amino acid motif, TIXE. We confirmed the essential role of the TIXE motif and the adjacent regions by extensive alanine-scanning of the external loop 5. A Ramachandran plot revealed that the ring structure of the Pro side chain is incompatible with the ϕ backbone dihedral angle around -150° in the rigid sequon-TIXE structure. The present structure clearly provides the structural basis for the exclusion of Pro residues from the N-glycosylation sequon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autodisplay of a multimeric protein complex on a cell surface is limited by intrinsic factors such as the types and orientations of anchor modules. Moreover, improper folding of proteins to be displayed often hinders functional cell surface display. While overcoming these drawbacks, we ultimately extended the applicability of the autodisplay platform to the display of a protein complex. We designed and constructed a cell surface attachment (CSA) system that uses a noncovalent protein-protein interaction. We employed the high-affinity interaction mediated by an orthogonal cohesin-dockerin (Coh-Doc) pair from Archaeoglobus fulgidus to build the CSA system. Then, we validated the orthogonal Coh-Doc binding by attaching a monomeric red fluorescent protein to the cell surface. In addition, we evaluated the functional anchoring of proteins fused with the Doc module to the autodisplayed Coh module on the surface of Escherichia coli. The designed CSA system was applied to create a functional attachment of dimeric α-neoagarobiose hydrolase to the surface of E. coli cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent years, the use of ferritins as nano-vehicles for drug delivery is taking center stage. Compared to other similar nanocarriers, Archaeoglobus fulgidus ferritin is particularly interesting due to its unique ability to assemble-disassemble under very mild conditions. Recently this ferritin was engineered to get a chimeric protein targeted to human CD71 receptor, typically overexpressed in cancer cells.
    RESULTS: Archaeoglobus fulgidus chimeric ferritin was used to generate a self-assembling hybrid nanoparticle hosting an aminic dendrimer together with a small nucleic acid. The positively charged dendrimer can indeed establish electrostatic interactions with the chimeric ferritin internal surface, allowing the formation of a protein-dendrimer binary system. The 4 large triangular openings on the ferritin shell represent a gate for negatively charged small RNAs, which access the internal cavity attracted by the dense positive charge of the dendrimer. This ternary protein-dendrimer-RNA system is efficiently uptaken by acute myeloid leukemia cells, typically difficult to transfect. As a proof of concept, we used a microRNA whose cellular delivery and induced phenotypic effects can be easily detected. In this article we have demonstrated that this hybrid nanoparticle successfully delivers a pre-miRNA to leukemia cells. Once delivered, the nucleic acid is released into the cytosol and processed to mature miRNA, thus eliciting phenotypic effects and morphological changes similar to the initial stages of granulocyte differentiation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results here presented pave the way for the design of a new family of protein-based transfecting agents that can specifically target a wide range of diseased cells.






