
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As the intermediate nucleus in the brainstem receiving information from the tongue and transmitting information upstream, the rostral portion of the nucleus tractus solitarius (rNTS) is most often described as a \"taste relay\". Although recent evidence implicates the caudal NTS in a broad neural circuit involved in regulating ingestion, there is little information about how cells in the rNTS respond when an animal is eating solid food.
    UNASSIGNED: Single cells in the rNTS were recorded in awake, unrestrained rats as they explored and ate solid foods (Eating paradigm) chosen to correspond to the basic taste qualities: milk chocolate for sweet, salted peanuts for salty, Granny Smith apples for sour and broccoli for bitter. A subset of cells was also recorded as the animal licked exemplars of the five basic taste qualities: sucrose, NaCl, citric acid, quinine and MSG (Lick paradigm).
    UNASSIGNED: Most cells were excited by exploration of a food-filled well, sometimes responding prior to contact with the food. In contrast, cells that were excited by food well exploration became significantly less active while the animal was eating the food. Most cells were broadly tuned across foods, and those cells that were recorded in both the Lick and Eating paradigms showed little correspondence in their tuning across paradigms.
    UNASSIGNED: The preponderance of robust responses to the appetitive versus the consummatory phase of ingestion suggests that multimodal convergence onto cells in the rNTS may be used in decision making about ingestion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nicotine dependence is highly comorbid with opioid use disorders (OUDs). The use of nicotine-containing products increases the propensity to misuse prescription opioids and addressing both nicotine and opioid use simultaneously is more efficacious for treatment of OUDs than treating opioid use alone.
    OBJECTIVE: Given this extreme comorbidity, further elucidation of the effects of nicotine as a factor in promoting vulnerability to development of OUDs is needed. Here, we sought to further explore the effects of nicotine administration on operant self-administration of remifentanil (RMF), a fast-acting synthetic µ-opioid receptor agonist, using a heterogenous seeking-taking chain schedule of reinforcement in unpunished and punished conditions.
    METHODS: Male and female rats received nicotine (0.4 mg/kg) or saline prior to operant self-administration sessions. These sessions consisted of pressing a \'seeking\' lever to gain access to a \'taking\' lever that could be pressed for delivery of 3.2 µg/kg RMF. After acquisition, continued drug seeking/taking was punished through contingent delivery of foot-shock.
    RESULTS: Nicotine, relative to saline, increased RMF consumption. Furthermore, nicotine treatment resulted in significantly higher seeking responses and cycles completed, and this effect became more pronounced during punished sessions as nicotine-treated rats suppressed RMF seeking significantly less than controls. Nicotine treatment functionally reduced the efficacy of foot-shock punishment as a deterrent of opioid-seeking.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nicotine administration enhanced both appetitive and consummatory responding for RMF and engendered a punishment-insensitive phenotype for RMF that was less impacted by contingent administration of foot-shock punishment. These findings provide further support for the hypothesis that nicotine augments vulnerability for addiction-like behaviors for opioids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine (DA) is a key regulator of associative learning and memory in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and it is widely believed that DA plays a key role in aversive conditioning in invertebrates. However, the idea that DA is involved only in aversive conditioning has been challenged in recent studies on the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), ants and crabs, suggesting diverse functions of DA modulation on associative plasticity. Here, we present the results of DA modulation in aversive olfactory conditioning with DEET punishment and appetitive olfactory conditioning with sucrose reward in the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. Injection of DA receptor antagonist fluphenazine or chlorpromazine into these flies led to impaired aversive learning, but had no effect on the appetitive learning. DA receptor antagonists impaired both aversive and appetitive long-term memory retention. Interestingly, the impairment on appetitive memory was rescued not only by DA but also by octopamine (OA). Blocking the OA receptors also impaired the appetitive memory retention, but this impairment could only be rescued by OA, not by DA. Thus, we conclude that in B. dorsalis, OA and DA pathways mediate independently the appetitive and aversive learning, respectively. These two pathways, however, are organized in series in mediating appetitive memory retrieval with DA pathway being at upstream. Thus, OA and DA play dual roles in associative learning and memory retrieval, but their pathways are organized differently in these two cognitive processes - parallel organization for learning acquisition and serial organization for memory retrieval.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Addiction involves key impairments in reward sensitivity (RS). The current study explored impaired RS to natural reward as a predisposing factor to addictive-like behavior. Alcohol preferring (P) rats are selectively bred based on significantly greater ethanol consumption and preference and offer the ability to inspect differences in subjects with a positive family history of addictive-like behavior. P rat\'s RS was compared to RS in the well-used Sprague-Dawley (SD) strain. To assess RS in a novel manner, instrumental incentive contrast, discrimination and consumption of sucrose solution were examined. Animals performed in a free operant situation for different sucrose concentration solutions using a block of \'mixed\' trials with alternating outcome concentrations (e.g., 5 and 10 % sucrose) to change outcome value in a predictable manner. Animals also performed for reward in blocks of single outcome trials (5 or 10 or 20 or 40 % sucrose daily exposure) surrounding the mixed block. RS (e.g., reward discrimination and contrast effects between and within-sessions) was measured by changes in trials completed, instrumental response latency and consumption. P rats expressed an altered profile of RS with a greater tendency toward equivalent responding to different outcomes within the same session and an absence of incentive contrast from diverse reward comparisons. In contrast, SD animals expressed within-session reward discrimination and a subset of incentive contrast effects. These effects were moderated by food deprivation more consistently in SD compared to P rats. P rat alterations in processing natural rewards could predispose them to addictive-like behaviors including greater alcohol consumption and preference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food deprivation drives eating through multiple signals and circuits. Decreased glucose availability (i.e., cytoglucopenia) drives eating and also increases the value of sucrose. Ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neurons (DANs) contribute to the evaluation of taste stimuli, but their role in integrating glucoprivic signals remains unknown. We monitored VTA DAN activity via Cre-dependent expression of a calcium indicator with in vivo fibre photometry. In ad libitum fed rats, intraoral sucrose evoked a phasic increase in DAN activity. To manipulate glucose availability, we administered (intraperitoneal, lateral or fourth ventricular) the antiglycolytic agent 5-thio-D-glucose (5TG), which significantly augmented the phasic DAN activity to sucrose. 5TG failed to alter DAN activity to water or saccharin, suggesting the response was selective for caloric stimuli. 5TG enhancement of sucrose-evoked DAN activity was stronger after fourth ventricular administration, suggesting a critical node of action within the hindbrain. As 5TG also increases blood glucose, in a separate study, we used peripheral insulin, which stimulates eating, to decrease blood glucose-which was associated with increased DAN activity to intraoral sucrose. DAN activity developed to a cue predictive of intraoral sucrose. While 5TG augmented cue-evoked DAN activity, its action was most potent when delivered to the lateral ventricle. Together, the studies point to central glucose availability as a key modulator of phasic DAN activity to food and food-cues. As glucose sensing neurons are known to populate the hypothalamus and brainstem, results suggest differential modulation of cue-evoked and sucrose-evoked DAN activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vulnerability is emphasized in a number of theoretical models of intimacy (e.g., Intimacy Process Model), including from behavioral and contextual behavioral perspectives. Vulnerability is generally defined as susceptibility to harm and involves behaviors that have been historically met with aversive social consequences. From these perspectives, intimacy is fostered when vulnerable behavior is met with reinforcement. For example, interventions have trained intimacy by building skills in emotional expression and responsiveness with promising results. Vulnerability has divergent functions, however, depending on the interpersonal context in which it occurs. Functional intimacy is explored through the lens of functional relations, which play a key role in interpersonal processes of power, privilege, and consent. This conceptualization suggests that vulnerability must be under appetitive functional relations, consensual, and empowered for safe intimacy to emerge. The responsibility to promote appetitive learning of consensual, empowered vulnerability to foster intimacy falls to the person with more power in a particular interaction and relationship. Recommendations are offered for guiding this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Renewal is a behavioral phenomenon wherein extinction learning fails to generalize between different contextual environments, thereby representing a significant challenge to extinction-based rehabilitative therapies. Previously, we have shown that renewal of extinguished appetitive behavior differs across the estrous cycle of the female rat. In this experiment that effect is replicated and extended upon to understand how the estrous cycle may modulate contextual representation at the neuronal population level to drive renewal.
    UNASSIGNED: Estrous cycle stage [i.e., proestrus (P, high hormone) or metestrus/diestrus (M/D, low hormone)] was considered during two important learning and behavioral expression windows: at extinction training and during long-term memory (LTM)/renewal testing. Cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity using fluorescence in situ hybridization (catFISH) for Arc mRNA was conducted after the distinct context-stimulus exposures.
    UNASSIGNED: Rats in P during context-dependent extinction training but in a different stage of the estrous cycle during LTM and renewal testing (P-different) were shown to exhibit more renewal of conditioned foodcup (but not conditioned orienting) behavior compared to rats in other estrous cycle groups. Importantly, we discovered this depends on the order of tests. P-different rats showed differential Arc mRNA expression in regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), amygdala, and hippocampus (HPC). For each case P-different rats had more co-expression (i.e., expression of both nuclear and cytoplasmic) of Arc mRNA compared to other groups; specific to the dorsal HPC, P-different rats also had a more robust Arc mRNA response to the extinction context exposure.
    UNASSIGNED: These data suggest female rats show estrous cycle state-dependent renewal of appetitive behavior, and differences in context and conditioned stimulus representation at the neuronal level may drive this effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Learned behavior can be suppressed by the extinction procedure. Such extinguished memory often returns spontaneously over time, making it difficult to treat diseases such as addiction. However, the biological mechanisms underlying such spontaneous recovery remain unclear. Here, we report that the extinguished reward memory in Drosophila recovers spontaneously because extinction training forms an aversive memory that can be actively forgotten via the Rac1/Dia pathway. Manipulating Rac1 activity does not affect sugar-reward memory and its immediate extinction effect but bidirectionally regulates spontaneous recovery-the decay process of extinction. Experiments using thermogenetic inhibition and functional imaging support that such extinction appears to be coded as an aversive experience. Genetic and pharmacological inhibition of formin Dia, a downstream effector of Rac1, specifically prevents spontaneous recovery after extinction in both behavioral performance and corresponding physiological traces. Together, our data suggest that spontaneous recovery is caused by active forgetting of the opposing extinction memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive behavior depends on the delicate and dynamic balance between acquisition and extinction memories. Disruption of this balance, particularly when the extinction of memory loses control over behavior, is the root of treatment failure of maladaptive behaviors such as substance abuse or anxiety disorders. Understanding this balance requires a better understanding of the underlying neurobiology and its contribution to behavioral regulation.
    We microinjected Daun02 in Fos-lacZ transgenic rats following a single extinction training episode to delete extinction-recruited neuronal ensembles in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and central nucleus of the amygdala (CN) and examined their contribution to behavior in an appetitive Pavlovian task. In addition, we used immunohistochemistry and neuronal staining methods to identify the molecular markers of activated neurons in the BLA and CN during extinction learning or retrieval.
    CN neurons were preferentially engaged following extinction, and deletion of these extinction-activated ensembles in the CN but not the BLA impaired the retrieval of extinction despite additional extinction training and promoted greater levels of behavioral restoration in spontaneous recovery and reinstatement. Disrupting extinction processing in the CN in turn increased activity in the BLA. Our results also show a specific role for CN PKCδ+ neurons in behavioral inhibition but not during initial extinction learning.
    We showed that the initial extinction-recruited CN ensemble is critical to the acquisition-extinction balance and that greater behavioral restoration does not mean weaker extinction contribution. These findings provide a novel avenue for thinking about the neural mechanisms of extinction and for developing treatments for cue-triggered appetitive behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Administration of cholecystokinin (CCK) or the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist Exendin-4 (Ex-4) reduces food intake. Findings in the literature suggest CCK reduces intake primarily as a satiety signal whereas GLP-1 may play a role in both satiety and reward-related feeding signals. Compounds that humans describe as âsweetâ and âfattyâ are palatable yet are signaled via separate transduction pathways. Here, unconditioned lick responses to sucrose and intralipid were measured in a brief-access lick procedure in food-restricted male rats in response to i.p. administration of Ex-4 (3 h before test), CCK (30 min before test), or a combination of both. The current experimental design measures lick responses to water and varying concentrations of both sucrose (0.03, 0.1, and 0.5 M) and intralipid (0.2%, 2%, and 20%) during 10-s trials across a 30-min single test session. This design minimized postingestive influences. Compared with saline-injected controls, CCK (1.0, 3.0, or 6.0 µg/kg) did not change lick responses to sucrose or intralipid. Number of trials initiated and lick responses to both sucrose and intralipid were reduced in rats injected with 3.0 µg/kg, but not 1.0 µg/kg Ex-4. The supplement of CCK did not alter lick responses or trials initiated compared with Ex-4 administration alone. These findings support a role for GLP-1 but not CCK in the oral responsiveness to palatable stimuli. Furthermore, Ex-4-induced reductions were observed for both sucrose and intralipid, compounds representing âsweetâ and âfat,â respectively.





